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So guys fairy tail got cancelled cause Aya hirano the voice actress of Lucy heartfilia had some gangbang with her Band in her personal life and instead on getting rates for something like that like the pamelan anderson paris hilton and kadarsian tapes in Japan is the opposite and they BANNED her from voice acting .
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>no sauce
Misinformed and old news: The post: The newfag: The namefag: The thread
Being a bassist is suffering.
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i wonder how the mangaka feels?
>tfw you'll never be part of a gangbang with Aya Hirano
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>No more Haruhi
Being KyoAni is suffering. 3DPD ruins everything yet again.
>Taking news from three years ago and applying it now
This troll can't even be considered half-assed.
Old news. I can't believe anyone is still using this as an excuse for whatever.

>Aya quit cause of the sex scandal
>No Haruhi S3 cause Aya
>No Lucky Star S2 cause Aya
>No Fairy Tale cause Aya
>No Kizu cause of Aya
>No S&W S3 cause of Aya
why is it that one piece and fairy tail are some of the longest lasting animes ever
Fairy Tail (the anime) has only been going on for 2 years, dude
woop, I mean 4.
It's not that hard anon, I'm sure you can do it.
>implying they can replace VAs
What the fuck do you think they do if someone dies?
If she was banned from voice acting, why was she in Gintama recently?
>>82569824 (OP)
Not really.
She's in Girls Und Panzer too.
She's also in Nurahiyon, Jewelpet, Hunter X Hunter 2011, Gintama, and Zettai Karen Unlimited.
All of which aired after the scandal.
Real truth is, no one gives a fuck of whether or not she's a slut, because she's an A grade Seiyuu.
And Fairy Tail isn't over. Just on a long hiatus till the manga has enough source material for 50-60+ episodes more.
>Escalating tensions between North and South Korea cause Aya
>No Kizu cause of Aya
Fucking bitch.

>Goverment officials in Seoul are outraged by the provocative slanders of the North Korean regime against Aya Hirano. In an official statement released this morning they emphasized the rights of a woman to use her own body however she wished, and reminded their people of the important role of Aya Hirano played in repairing Japan-Korea relations by being the only women in Japan slutty enough to ever sleep with a Korean.

>Pyongyang in an escalating response, have declared the bassist an honorary Korean, and held a parade in his honour. Kim Jong Un in a show of solidarity, has decided to start playing the bass and officials are spreading rumors, that he may have already been nominated for a grammy. In a speech today, Un described the South Korean regime's support of Aya as indicative of the decay of capitalist culture.

> The South Korean government have not released an official statement in response, but President Park has supposedly accused Un of being a "virgin neckbeard faggot, It was your kind who ruined Haruhi and Kannagi." Meanwhile troops are amassing on the border of the demilitarized zone.
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Not if you play bass.
what the fuck?
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> implying that Aya Hirano's sex scandal is still relevant
> implying she's actually leaving the industry when she keeps getting new roles
> implying she caused the shit-tastic TV ratings of Fairy Tail
> implying she caused the anime to catch up to the manga
> implying that Fairy Tail is EVEN OVER when it ended with TO BE CONTINUED and the mangaka had loudly hinted that they'd make more in the future.
If this isn't a copypasta yet, it will be now
>>82569824 (OP)
So they aren't releasing the sex tapes? Fuck, and to think I used to like Japan. This is the end of the road.
Except that that happened a long time ago already

>No Zettai karen children cause Aya
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And yet, there's still no Aya_hirano_sex_video.mp4 anywhere
Oh /a/, how you tickle me.
So are Daiz and Aya the same person in reality trying to bring down the entire industry and spark a nuclear war in the far east?
>A grade Seiyuu
OP said Aya Hirano.

Don't you just love japan?
Gangbang=/= sex
This is a the place where an author can get deaththreats just for making a pairing in a harem
It's pretty great if you're not a woman.
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Honestly though, I really don't understand why they wouldn't want to even see the vid. They must like to fap, right? And she's already demoralized, so why not just take advantage of it.
I just really can't wrap my head around it.
She didn't have an actual gangbang. She just had sex with all them at some point or another.
Can you go back to whatever shit hole you came from?

Is it illegal? She can do whatever the fuck she wants.
That doesn't get them banned from their job
If the video was on the internet, we would;ve seen it by now
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You guys are still talking about this?
How slow can you be?
Hirano wasn't banned. She still got roles just not major ones.
It's got nothing to do with her that there is no Haruhi S3.
It's got nothing to do with her that Fairy Tail is selling poorly.
Stop getting butthurt about it and move on. Play a different instrument, bassists.
>you must accept as normal all the inane shit I want to do as long as it's legal!
Shitting in someone mouth and smearing it all over that person in a porn scene isn't illegal either.
>If the video was on the internet, we would;ve seen it by now

Well yeah, I realize that, but, unless I'm misinterpreting it, I'm getting the impression that her Japanese fans are so disgusted by her impurity that they couldn't stand to watch it the shamefur dispray.
I want whores to leave
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I find it more amusing that the people who become outraged by this kind of stuff are the ones who are the most sexually deprived and perverted. They spent years constantly sexualizing her but then freak out when it turns out she's sexual?

I'll never understand.
when did an alleged 'gangbang' became the most socking and perverted sex act ever done by anyone on earth?
Let's just say Aya Hirano is responsible for everything wrong in the world.
It's a waifu thing. Sometimes even /a/ goes full retard about it. It's kida sad really
>I'm getting the impression that her Japanese fans are so disgusted by her impurity that they couldn't stand to watch it the shamefur dispray.
More like it's no longer possible for them to imagine taking her virginity.
Because they actually are stupid enough to believe that she was saving her vagina for them, I guess.
What's so hard to understand? They got mad because even though she fucks almost everyone she came across, they will never be one of those people.
>gangbangs are totally normal guys

why is this thread so full of new
Not that guy, but it's not exactly normal. I've never been involved in a gang bang. Actually a girl offered once, but it made everyone there awkward and no one wanted to do it. Hence, why I say it's not really normal, I guess.
How else would you explain why they get so mad? Nothing else makes more sense than that.
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The bitch can't act.
I'm still waiting for her sex video
research on idols in japan
Aya made the mistake of faking her character as fuck, then calling out bullshit on her fans and "fans" and then shit went down hard
Most porn stars can't really act.
post of the day
aya hirino did 9/11
So, the fat otaku in Japan are only happy when other people are sad lonely virgins along with them? Is that what I should take from all this?
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So Hirano is actually Chris in disguise? It all makes sense now.
I never said it was normal. But the reaction should've been "oh wow, so she's into some kinky shit. Huh, that's interesting..." and not go all ape shit about it, destroying her carrier, her fandom and her visage.

japan has decades if not centuries to go when it comes to female sexuality
No, it just means that no one in this thread understands.
>Aya made the mistake of faking her character as fuck

Because that's the show they have to put on to appease neet neckbeards. If waifutards weren't such idiot virgins in the first place, it wouldn't ever be a problem.
What is interesting about gangbangs?
So now it's her fans fault she's a slut that participates in orgies?
The fact that she did it is interesting, not the gangbang iteself
Nothing. Multiple dicks and one female. It's completely opposite of "awesome"
There is nothing interesting about a female consenting to being penetrated by multiple cocks at once.
so awesome would be a single dick in a multiple females?
What does it say about the fanbase, though, when they are outraged by the sexual activities of a musician? It obviously shows that the fans weren't interested in the music.
I don't know, I think getting caught in a gang bang scandal would probably damage just about any famous woman's career just about anywhere in the world. It would definitely raise eyebrows and probably cause controversy if, say, Beyonce got caught doing that shit or something.
Whether or not it would ruin her career, or whether there really is no such thing as bad press int he US, I can't really say for sure, but really I don't think people would just be like 'huh, okay that's cool if that's what she likes' at any rate.
That's not possible.


you don't want 2 or 3 girls all sucking/licking/fucking you at once?
No, it's their fault for being dumb enough to believe she was a virgin saving herself for all of them.
Nah man, come on, don't let your homophobia ruin your fun.
But why do you care what a woman does in private? Why didn't fans care about the band members who, by default, were also part of the alleged gangbang. Why are they sympathizing with the bassist?
they dont have to put on a show
for example, Tanaka Rie
she married a voice actor thats like 10 years older than her or something like that and her fans congratulated her
no hate or anything whatsoever and she is still in the business
for you, everything is about fucking isn't it?
Mentality like this is the sole reason why I don't classify myself as an otaku.
>>82569824 (OP)
nope that shit was years äao. Waht are you smoking anyway?
Public image is important for her profession.
>I don't classify myself as an otaku.
Good. Only hardcore weebs do that.
That's what I should be asking you.

I don't care what a woman does in private. I'm just not a fan multiple dicks on one woman, that's all. I don't think a sex scandal should ruin anyone's career, nor should they even be scandals in the first place.
Well it shouldn't be.
I'm not disagreeing, but it's hard to take the people in this thread seriously who are trying to argue that the reaction to Aya Hirano's scandal isn't the result of otaku who are just as bad or worse than her.
>posts in this thread

/a/ is dead isn't it?
>otaku who are just as bad or worse than her.
how do you even know that?
Blame Aya Hirano for this.
> get into an industry that requires you to keep a certain image

No one forced her to get into this business.
let's add to that list
>No Kimi ni Todoke anime sequel because of Aya
>Nana manga cancelled because of Aya
>No more Dragonball... oh wait
>No more Recorder and ... ups

fuck you OP, now I need to watch DB:Evolution
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My sides
Since when does being a musician require you to be celebate? She was never a true idol and that image was placed on her solely by her fanbase. Plenty of other musicians do not get treated like this.
Is this a serious question? Were you never around for any Aya Hirano threads in the past?
Hirano went on to be an "idol"
research on Aya and idols first, then post since you reek of bullshit and faggotry
so anyone gonna link the video
>Is this a serious question? Were you never around for any Aya Hirano threads in the past?
No I wasn't because I didn't care.
I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. Aya and her manager initially built up an idol type personality for her. It's only now that she's wanted to become a general type celeb.

And people weren't mad because she had sex. It was because of rumors of a fucking orgy.
I'm also saying the culture surrounding idol fanaticism and the pressure of the supposed "purity" being forced on them is disgusting and should stop.

Do you understand now?
AKB48 is an actual idol group with contracts that the girls are required to sign saying they will be celebate. There's a big difference between them and someone like Aya Hirano who simply got popular because of an anime they were in. There were never any real expectations from her other than the ones created by her own fanbase.
they don't have to if they aquired their popularity through their work.
those that used their appearance to boost popularity are held up to another standard.
Nothing is forced on them you idiot. They don't like the industry? They can always quit. They're not held like slaves.
I wouldn't fug Aya because she is 3D but if she was 2D then maybe I would fug her.
shit prints money, the girls that decide to be idols(Hirano was one of them) know what it means to be an idol and the shit behind it
and you seem to not know what an "idol" is
And the president of the United States having sex isn't illegal either. What's your point?
>Aya and her manager initially built up an idol type personality for her
Where is this ever stated, because she was always pretty open about her personal life in interviews. It actually caused tension between her and her fanbase before the scandal ever happened.
I still don't understand the problem here, so she had sex with some guys in a band?
yes and? what's the problem here? where they committing adultery or something? some video of them leaked or what?
>And people weren't mad because she had sex. It was because of rumors of a fucking orgy.
What's the difference?

Japanese culture is different from ours.

Otaku don't like sluts. They only like pure virgin women.
That was exactly around the time that she decided to move away from just being an anime related idol
Most people on this board weren't even alive when Clinton was president, man.
I've heard many rumours about crazy AKB48 fans
Some people have standards and expect women to not act like sluts but hey MUH FEMINISM right?
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There goes Haruhi s3
I still don't understand the difference.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. She's an idiot and she got what she deserved. Otaku neckbeards and unrealistic fantasies of their idols' purity aside, she should be well aware that they're the ones paying her bills. You don't go and piss off the people who are directly responsible for your paycheque and livelihood and not expect consequences. If she doesn't even know her target audience and better than to bite the hand that feeds, she deserves to lose her job.
Who cares? She's not even that good a VA. Most of the time she overreacts on her roles anyway.She had like 2 good times as far as I'm concerned so nothing I'd value was lost.

You have to understand Japanese culture to understand it

People die if they are killed
>Who cares?

But some people wouldn't die even if you killed them.
Then you're probably a slut. What is hard to understand between having sex with one guy as opposed to being a promiscuous slut who fucks like 5 guys at the same time.

>Most of the time she overreacts

No such thing.
Didn't Rie's fan club shut down for "unexplained reasons" after she got married?

Just saying, the Japanese idol culture is pretty messed up.
>implying she isn't.
If you're not in a relationship with them, it shouldn't matter to you.
>Some people have standards and expect women to not act like sluts
But masturbating to orgies of women in your basement is A-ok? Why doesn't a man in the industry receive the same scrutiny? Do you hold everyone to same standard or just your perceived female "idols"? I don't really care about Aya Hirano's image nor do I approve her actions, but people freaking out about this while ignoring others who do the same thing simply because of a difference in sex is pathetic.
It's only her music that got banned, not anime..
Meant to say over-acts or whatever the term for that is. Like her role in White Album. It was horrendously bad.
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She wasn't in a gangbang, guys.
She just had sex in 3 different instances with the members of the band or whatever.
Jesus fuck, freud was right.
>But masturbating to orgies of women in your basement is A-ok?
that is not a-ok.
Are you seriously comparing /a/ to those people, idol/Senyuu obsessionists are really creepy fuckers.
When incident concerning Aya happened, there were loads of images of fans of hers tearing everything up that had her face on it, stabbing knives into it, hoping she would die, etc.

Also at hand-shaking events for idols/senyuu/any female hand-shaking event, they cum on their hands and the girls will unknowingly shake a cummed on hand.

/a/ is not that retarded and fucked up.

>She just had sex in 3 different instances with the members of the band or whatever.

Then she's not a virgin, and thus, otaku no longer like her.
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but doesn't change the fact that otaku are pathetic and disgusting to begin with.
Maybe she didn't give a fuck about her career and was fed up with it and so she intentionally did it to fuck with them. If that's the case, then you could actually argue that they indirectly made her a slut.
When did I say it was okay for man?

Fuck off femnazi. Being a promiscuous slut has nothing to do with gender.
I actually completely agree with you here. I'm not arguing for HER actions, I'm arguing against the fanbase's reaction to her actions. She was stupid if she intended on keeping her job, but that doesn't change the fact that she should never have had to mask her personality in the first place.
did you even read through what was linked here? >>82580760 sure its AKB as a "spotlight" but you have the whole idol thing "explained" and if you need more, you can google that shit
i guess easter brought newfags to /a/
soon Summer will begin
Take it up with the idol fans, you will find none here.
Holy shit you're retarded.

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off the reply topic, but i fucking loved fairy tail
Why would anyone give a fuck whether she goes around fucking multiple guys or not? As long as she keeps voicing, it's okay.

Goddamit Japan.
I bet the jews did this
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>women have sex

Gotta put a stop to that shit
Welp, this changes everything.
Are you comparing having physical sex with multiple people at the same time with masturbating to some drawings on a computer?
don't worry, it'll come back soon
srs pls go
>Why would anyone give a fuck whether she goes around fucking multiple guys or not?

have to be honest, i that is disgusting and i dont wanna think that the person voicing my anime girls si something like that
Why the fuck would anyone care about her sex life? It's her decision if she wants to be a slut. I don't give a shit about her private life. Why ban her from voice acting? Do sluts perform worse? If that's not the case, what's the deal? Great news, 3DPD being 3DPD, totally unexpected.
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>158 posts and 21 image replies omitted

why the fuck do I come to this board?
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I'm not saying I don't understand the idiotic japanese idol fanbase. They have nothing to do with my rant. I was complaining about the newfags in this thread who apparently after all these years never read the news and immediately assume she was in a gangbang.
That's why I said Freud was right, because these people just hear what they want to hear.
Otaku wanted to fuck her.

Now that it's known that she's not a virgin, she's no longer desirable to them.

We aren't Japanese, so we don't understand this, but it's just how Japanese culture is.
yes, why do you.
Please leave.
Plenty of people get jobs, like them okay at first, and then later on realize what kind of shit they've gotten themselves into and decide to tell their bosses/customers/etc. . . to go fuck themselves.
You act like people can easily know and predict the future of their careers and goals in life. You are somewhat simpleminded if you truly believe that to be the case.
Don't try to comprehend powers beyond your understanding, fool.
>Otaku wanted to fuck her.
How do you know this?

Whether or not she was supposed to be just an artist or and idol may or may not be up for debate, I don't care about Aya Hirano's whorish adventures so I'm no expert... But regardless of how she aimed to construct her career in the beginning, the fact of the matter was she became an idol and her fame along with half the work she got was a direct result of it. If she wanted to keep working in the industry, she's stuck. She and her image are now a merchandise and she's expected to mask her personality. That's just how it goes. There's no should. That's just the reality of things. Call them pathetic and disgusting if you want but Otaku's are gonna Otaku. They like what they like and they have a right to that and those who are on their payroll will just have to live with it.
What is wrong with Japan. Do they honestly not realise how the rest of the world views them by now?
Not him, but I wouldn't make that comparison. Having sex with multiple partner is alpha as fuck, whereas fapping to cartoons is lelbeta sad.
No comparison to be had, really.
>Otaku wanted to fuck her.
Nah, they're just obsessed with purity for whatever reason. I really can't understand.

It's common knowledge.
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Alas, you have strayed from the path.

Pray you do not act in kind regarding the blinds.
>Now that it's known that she's not a virgin, she's no longer desirable to them
I doubt anybody believed she was a virgin in the first place, that doesn't make any sense.
you mean common projecting

>Do they honestly not realise how the rest of the world views them by now?

They don't care.
That would be would be good example if not for the fact that anime has a negative stigma attached with it to begin with. So lets not act like she didn't know what she was getting into.
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>Also at hand-shaking events for idols/senyuu/any female hand-shaking event, they cum on their hands and the girls will unknowingly shake a cummed on hand.
>Otaku wanted to fuck her.
Never got that impression. Even when shit was hitting the dan, most of the posts I saw on 2chan and 2ch were just talking about how trashy she was acting more than anything else.

Personally, I don't care what she does, but I truly would like to know why she thought it was a good idea to discuss her sex life on TV.
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I don't even watch anime in languages I don't understand, so I don't give a shit about this bitch.

/sp/ is that a way buddy.
He, like other misinformed people, are thinking everyone who disapproved of Aya's specific actions are all purity-obsessed otaku.
You don't belong here.
How can they be doing it unknowingly when it seems to be common knowledge.

Can't shame those who needs not validate themselves to you.
>lelbeta sad
/a/ just keeps getting worse day by day.
So a whole show's future is dependent on 1 actress? Even if she is the main character that is a pretty stupid reason to cancel a show. Though I doubt that is the reason, I thought they were putting it on hiatus because they caught up to the manga and didn't want to do a bunch of filler.
normie pls
>negative stigma attached with it to begin with
oh boy
something like that happend on one hand-shaking even(akb if i remember) and one of the fat turbonerds was shaking the hand of an idol and told her that he just fapped
diffrent one bought a dozen of albums of a certain idol group and told them that they suck directly into their face, disposing of the albums the next day
no show was cancelled, just not continued.

OP was just having fun
>this guy
Not everyone, but the people who are responsible for the majority of the outrage. You can't tell me poster burning, death threats and CD breaking were caused by simple disapproval.
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Why don't you paint a big white N on your chest for normalfag.
>I can't really understand
You haven't been on /a/ for a long time, have you?
Even people on /a/ are obsessed with purity.
Japanese people have this fixation on keeping the same voice actor for a character no matter what. Which is why so many people complain about Goku's Japanese voice.
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An idol magazine editor has this to say:
“Seiyuu fans hate seiyuu love scandals even more than normal fans would. After she lost her prim and proper black-haired image, fans soon started to call her a ‘bitch.’ Perhaps deceiving her own fans by acting in accordance with this image was difficult for her.
If these leaked pictures are genuine, it’s hard to call her conduct anything but rash and irresponsible. Nobody cares if she has a boyfriend, but taking pictures of herself in bed with him is outrageous and won’t wash with fans or sponsors. Perhaps she lost sight of the fact that her image is her precious ‘product’?”
A source close to Hirano says the photograph is genuine, and that the man pictured was her 2008 touring guitarist. And not only that – from 2008-2010 she had intimate relations with 3 of her 4 band members. And at the end of 2010 her agency replaced all her band members…
“In May last year she stopped all musical activity, saying she wanted to pursue her career as artist but couldn’t. In fact, it would seem her agency may have been punishing her for her activities with her band.”
Performers aren’t forbidden for pursuing romantic liaisons. But excessively rampant private lives will have an impact on their careers. Even if Hirano thinks “love is the fertile soil from which art springs,” this leak is only going to further quicken the alienation of her fans.
I god, i have to see these pictures you speak of.
I'm sure most of us are just speaking jokingly.
Sure is shitkaku in here.
>she had intimate relations with 3 of her 4 band members

that poor dude
I like how you think you are a representative of /a/ and everything you do is the standard here.
>You can't tell me poster burning, death threats and CD breaking were caused by simple disapproval.

And I won't. However, the people who actually do that are a small, small number of people. The minority of crazies always get the spotlight, and people who don't know the context assume the minority is the majority.
>most of us
Anyway, I doubt it.
I bet you think that waifu and all that other stupid shit is a joke, too?
>disapprove of a young girl having an active sex life
>not purity obsessed

How does that make sense, exactly?
>that poor dude

Why? You're assuming he wasn't grossed out.
So, basically, it's okay to be a slut, just don't let everybody know that you are one.


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