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Oriemo General
>Manami is best
>Kirino is best
>Ruri is best
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407 KB GIF
>Manami is best
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>mfw Ayase was included in OP's post despite being the winner.
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27 KB
Better version of her
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Ayase is cuter.
Yuno is a shit tier character.

And I don't even like Ayase.
Expectations of S2?
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246 KB JPG
Ayase wins.
Kuroneko = Saori > Manami > Fujoshi girl > Ayase > Any other character I'm forgetting > Kirino

Master taste.
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88 KB
What the fuck are you doing, OP?
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74 KB
You have refined taste and I commend you for it.
Man-Am-I's evil plan:

- Make Kirino feel like a freak for loving her brother, causing her to push Kyousuke away as a defense mechanism.

- Destroy Kyousuke's liveliness and ambition, changing his personality so Kirino no longer admires him and so he fits Manami's normalfag ideals better.

- Swoop in for the kill once the above events take their toll on the siblings' relationship, obtain dickings from Kyousuke.

Unfortunately for Man-Am-I, she didn't anticipate Kyousuke finding Kirino's eroge.

Man-Am-I is a manipulative cunt who nearly permanently destroyed two siblings' relationships just to get dickings from Kyousuke.

"I see. But you know, Kirino-chan.
I think liking onii-chan in that way is strange. I think it's not normal. I think it's weird. I think a lot of people will be disgusted at it.
Obviously, siblings won't be able to marry, both of your parents will certainly object to that.
The more serious Kirino-chan's feelings are, the more older you'll get without changing, the more unhappy someone will become.
It can't be helped, someone certainly will, for example, Kyou-chan, nothing you can do about it.
Not only the present Kyou-chan, but the one you liked in the past too.
Because you see, Kirino-chan, that "cool onii-chan" that you admired didn't even exist.
That's why, Kirino-chan.
You must not tell anyone about those feelings.
Hurry up and forget them, give it up, reconcile with your real onii-chan
and become normal siblings!"

Manami a shit.
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208 KB PNG
He's being a retard
Kuroneko >= Saori > Kirino > Fujoshi > Ayase > the rest > Manami
> >=
What does this mean
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39 KB
Manami a shit. God I love my darling little Kirino.
...assuming you're being serious

>my darling Kirino
What the fuck are you saying?
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1.07 MB JPG
I can't help my feelings anon. She's the one.
>Not using ≥
Also how can Kuro be ≥ than Saori? She's not an unknown value. She's either Less than, greater than, or equal to.
Well she was mine first.
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67 KB
Stop. You are supposed to compliment him for his good taste.
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32 KB
You have fantastic tastes, my man.
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244 KB PNG
I'm sorry

I still saw her first
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920 KB GIF
>I still saw her first
Since I can't prove shit, I'm alright with that. Might as well make this thread a Kirino thread anyway.
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671 KB JPG
Every Oreimo thread is a Kirino thread.
>pink wedding dress
Impure slut
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1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
True enough.
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44 KB
She was adorable at the end of the PV
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Good one, faggot.
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812 KB JPG
She's adorable all the time, but I gotta admit that I almost had a heart attack during that.
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111 KB JPG
>any of the big 3
>the best

maximum lel
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Kirino is wonderful.
>Manami is best
Not gonna happen-
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I want to buy something for her as an offering but I'm not sure what. Something like those silver earrings in I think episode 7? Damn, what should I get?
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Imouto eroge.
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65 KB
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I don't understand. What would you do with what you get?
I torrent my eroge though. Besides, it's too impersonal. I'd end up playing it anyway rather than letting it be a sacrifice.
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He should burn it as an offering.
>implying kirino wouldn't want you to play it
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212 KB JPG
Take your daki and read it together.
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235 KB JPG
Put it on my Kirino shrine, faggot.

True enough. I'm now seriously considering that.
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Just go to a midnight release and have an audience give you a round of applause for your courage.
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222 KB JPG
You could buy a Meruru figure. I think they are coming out with one.
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48 KB
This is a good thread. Lots of pictures I didn't know existed.
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The nendo, right?
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41 KB
So what did you do with Kirino during Valentine's Day, gents?
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99 KB
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Nothing. I gave her white chocolate during White Day.
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Nothing, why would I give her anything? She isn't mai waifu, Sora is.
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Mind the watermark.

That's real fucking cute.
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85 KB
>Manami is best
What the fuck are you doing OP?
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Nothing, I don't believe in holidays. Slave to the corporations.
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83 KB
Which Sora?
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I know, that's my way of thinking too. But the fact of the matter is, I would still want to give her something on such an important day, even if she didn't believe in it either. And I guess in the same breath, I contributed to the increase in consumption and did the economy good, if only slightly.
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There is only one Sora worth loving.
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Has anyone seen a full size version of this?
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Glad to see we have such tasteful imoutobros in the thread today. Also, how about that new Happy End game huh? I've been wanting to learn Japanese so it comes out nicely for me. What's everyone else going to do?
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Sounds like a reasonable girl.

Incest is gross, freak.
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Goddammit, where are her hairpins.
You don't belong on /a/
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448 KB PNG
>Incest is gross
What are you doing on this board?
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Don't fall for the bait you idiot.
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428 KB GIF
get out
Why did you flip this?
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The amazing part about Season 2 is that it will conclude the story.

It would suck if they had to wait for the final novel to be released.
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>The amazing part about Season 2 is that it will conclude the story.
Is this real or are you pulling my leg?
I posted this in a different thread but I think I should post it again.

運行開始時間 2013年3月30日(土)千葉11:03発 千城台行き
運行予定期間 2013年6月30日(日)まで(車両の定期検査のため、運行しない日もございます。)


The monorail promotion they are doing is only running for three months.
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1.66 MB JPG
I don't even remember. I flipped it some time while editing it and forgot to flip it back. People started reposting the flipped version so I just went with it.
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The final novel is coming out during the final weeks of the airing, AFAIK.
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196 KB JPG
I feel like I've been left out on an in-joke because I've been coming on /a/ less and less in the last few months.
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Would you a fat kuroneko?
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Well you'd think if it was two cour, they promotion would run for longer than that.
Tits too big...
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I wouldn't a skinny kuroneko.
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No kidding. A lot of kirino fanart shows her body rather disproportionately. Shame too considering how cute that little body is.
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Those are just pads.
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Agreed, I prefer petite. She'd still be my favorite if she was a moo cow, though.
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Kirino is best oreimo
>implying you wouldnt want a cute horny imouto that plays eroges all day erryday
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I always liked that picture, even the pregnant one.
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>this thread
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>Incest is gross
What a funny joke, too bad I'm not laughing.
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that fucking hat
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Need translation...
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>tfw no one translates the PSP VN
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I think it's interesting that Kirino's hair is actually dyed, unlike other anime where Japanese are inexplicably blonde.
And the PS3 game
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Youtube translation ongoing.
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Those never get translated.
It's much harder to get at the code to edit them.
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It's part of the modeling thing. She's supposed to be fashionable.
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Is there a single minute in this show where someone isn't fucking blushing?
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