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I was expecting this episode to go down like this, except for that robot at the end. Sibyl is more fucked up than I thought.
Heal beam too strong for Kagari?
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Told you he would die first.
But it was set to stun
Urobuchi rule: - Best character dies first.
>implying the smile in the following frames isn't because his EMP grenade went off
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True men always die smiling.
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>Enforcement mode is Non-Lethal Paralyzer
Why would you think hes dead?
>Aim calmly... and bring... the... DESTRUCTION UPON MANKIND
B-But valentines is almost here... I... Who am I supposed to make handmade cookies for now?
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It's like you didn't even watch what happened next.
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I didn't noticed.
she used destroy decomposer which is basically a self destruct mode so no trace of them would be found
I thought the light in the end could be from him using the grenade, not her shooting.
She clearly shot at 21:12.
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I didn't listen.

10/10 would rage again

Wouldn't it damage the Sibyl core though?
Probably not happening, now we should have an entire episode of Shogo convincing Kougami to ally with him inside the car.
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how it should happened

Kagari still would've died though
Best episode or best episode?
Countdown till akane goes beserk?

The core and the chief.
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ara ara
Her eyes are red now. Shit's going down
>"crime coefficient OVAH 300"
>we terminator nao
Probably episode 23-24.
Next few episodes will be shogo + kougami pairing and trying to destroy the nona tower.
Why didn't we stop it?
With this development it starts reminding me of The Matrix.
I knew he was going to die first by episode 3, is Urobutcher even trying?
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>camel toe
Kagari will die, but his soul will go back to the time when he was most happy, thus becoming Akane's mom.
Ur mum lel 8D
Akane confirmed for badass, btw.
It's Soylent Green
Most probably some humans inside of juice tanks.
it is that first antiPP guy they catched. We are minority report nao.
A beowolf cluster of brains.

An array of asymptomatic criminals like Touma with big black wires coming out from their heads.

You know it to be true.
>Let's catch this guy who's is immune to our PP detection system so we can invent a PP detection system
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>>79726991 (OP)

Humans attached to those machine wires. Obviously.
Most likely? A bunch of human-computer hybrids all interlocked, think Deus-Ex type shit.
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Masterpiece they said.
We Solid State Society nao.
A bit too late, my bet was on him since the first one.
I can just advise anyone who wants to watch this show, just skip to episode 11 and then to 16. There... 2 episodes out of 24 done.
Back to Evangelion threads, you
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So futurama got it right ?
fuck me.
He used the EMP grenade, I'm sure of it. Whether he lived or died after that is a different story though, but my bet is he's still alive. First to die will be either Yayoi or Masaoka
>Skipping the episodes where the helmets are introduced
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>not Darker Thank Black S2 threads

Wouldn't that also harm the android/cyborg?
What, that's terrible advice. 11-16 is the most exciting the show's ever been.
Ep 17 Preview:


Following the arrest of Makishima Shougo, the chaos in the city dies down. The Public Safety Bureau has been ordered to search for the missing Enforcer, Shuusei Kagari; they have concluded that he is a deserter.
However, Kougami Shinya and the others are hindered by the organization's overwhelming logic...
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>not even his hairclips remain
Yes, and? She could've shot just as the grenade went off.
We renegades now!
So, what was it that Choe fired before being pizza'd?

Sure as hell wasn't a nailgun.
Some acid gas thing.
Some kind of acid?
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>The true nature of Sybil

There could be more than one chief.
Human brains in pools of piss.
A cluster of Raspberry Pis.
So Sybil is the core from Battle Angel Alita?
And Cyborg is Trinidad?
So are Akane and Shinya gonna kill each other?
>that single white dot
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Imagine a system almost same as the Sibyl.

Made out of 4chan user brains.

(Excluding /b/ of course)
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So Sybil is human brains huh? I wonder what kind of brain could read other's minds...
But that would mean he broke the rule.
Kogami is za best.

Also, I knew it. That bitch is part of Sybil. The first time they showed her, she was suspicious as hell.

And I love how Akane stayed true to her self even when she could have killed him.
To jail normalfags?
I get to become one with you guys?

I would not want anything else.
More or less.

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It would eliminate women on sight
she looks distressed .
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I thought I was the only one STRESSED by this, thank you.
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I'm fucking calling it
Akane will side with sybil and shinya and shogo will bro it up
Akane kills shogo and shinya is forced to kill Akane

The butchering has just begun
What if
It was actually a base.
>Kotoura-san is actually a Psycho-Pass prequel
A random number generator
Psycho Pass is Shin Sekai Yori sequel
>Darker than Black S2 threads
>not the video game the concept originated from
So Akane seems to represent rule of law. She could have killed Shogo, and she very much wanted to, but she stopped herself.

But unlike Gino, she didn't capture Shogo alive because there was a fat promotion waiting for her, it's more of a moral thing for her.

She's pretty much the epitome of Lawful Good.
Same effect?
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Take your ritalin and sit down, kiddo.
Actually every brain can read an other brain but that requires using more of your brain.
I cant recall all of it but its all about the wavelength of your brain.
If you and someone else has a similar wavelength you both can think what other is thinking.
Something like saying something just before the person you are talking will say
>SHogo and Shinya bro it up

Shinya made it perfectly clear that he hates him. Nothing is going to change that.
Don't forget the two of them are intellectual and cultural equivalents too. They could be good friends if Shogo wasn't a murderous sociopath (this was mentioned in an interview too), but he's not, and so no friendship for them.
>She's pretty much the epitome of Lawful Good.

Well, yeah, she's a Kana Hanazawa character.
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How didn't they die of bleeding so much to cover the whole floor?
Kill yourself.
Mami's head

Literally just her head

A base that's strong enough to eat away at flesh instantly is almost always in powder form. And it would take some time as well because your epithelium is more resistant to bases.
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What if they have no choice but to work together?
trying too hard
Requesting gif
Ha, I knew you were gonna say that.
You seem frustrated, may i ask why?
Are we citing Sheldrake now?
Gino isn't doing it out of promotion though, he's been let into super sekrit information and operates as direct subordinate of Kasei since a long time.

The true nature of sybil will likely force them into an unsteady alliance. Just because they work together towards a common goal, doesn't mean they like each other.

When I refer to instantly, I'm saying it begins to work away at the flesh. But nonetheless, bases take some time.
Are you retarded?
That... Actually makes alot of sense. Shogo could have been part of the system at one point and that's why he wants to bring it down but, at the same time, would rather kung-fu fight than do it himself.
i see someone is streaming.
Possible that im citing Sheldrake, like i said its 1.30 AM, i cant remember correctly
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>>79728461 here
I fixed it.
My autism can finally rest in piece.

>mfw the only good character in the movie died first
It reverted to Paralyzer upon analyzing Kagari, but the instructional voice malfunctioned due to presumably being overwritten by conscious effort of Sybil, and the Dominator forcibly transformed into Destroy Decomposer.
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>That... Actually makes alot of sense
Why does everyone seems to ignore this simple conundrum?
I'm annoyed that they hid what the Sybll system is made of.

Unless they reveal it at the beginning of next episode, it seems like it'll be a while before someone will have a reason to go back down there.
Not enough responses, Am I the only one who lost it?
I'm the guy who made it.

It was accidental but I figured someone that would use it could easily remove it.
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>mfw canada
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Good job!
And what makes everyone think that Akane is going to side with Sybil when she sees its true nature?
Are those tic tacs?
The Sybil System is a person. This whole show is a reference to The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas. If you haven't read that yet, go fucking do it.
Wait, its all clear now
Of course it will be revealed eventually.
Yes. Plastic ones.
We don't watch shitty western imitation shows with 0 animation sorry. gb2 >>>/co/
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Would definitely chief.
Maybe because she thinks the world is a better place now instead of the alternative when the system is suddenly and forcibly removed....
ie. mass riots and murders because there is suddenly no enforcement or authority to replace sybill
Just one? I doubt that would make people riot.
Yo, there's ablue one on the right. Please empty the right container, put the blue one on the right side, fill the empty container back up and amke a new picture.
I'll believe he's dead when I see his gooey scattered remains
Yes, just one. That's the point.
What did hacker guy shoot at Chief to make her skin get that fucked up?
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This is face of the man who gave up on his own PP because of Shogo. Who searched unsuccessfully for years for his Shogo. Who trained to remove Shogo.
Suddenly some girl came over. Identifies his nemesis in couple of days and struck him down with fucking helmet and has enough balls to overcome friend's death and arrest him.
We've never seen Shinya say that he hates the system or would prefer chaos to take over though.
Order, motherfucker, order.
It would if it's only one man planing the rest of the world's life.
Protip for future transparency: make a layer beneath it in a dark shade of grey. That will make it very easy to spot mistakes like that.
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Don't do this to me!
No, the next one will have two dots.
Acid balls?
We've all known that akane is a fucking boss for a while now.
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Butyllithium is a damn strong base which is liquid. You could dissolve clothing and flesh with it, sure.

But on the other hand there are acids like chlorine trifluoride which reacts so strongly that it can even burn sand and water...

Either of those reactions would be highly exothermic though. It's not easy to dissolve organic compounds that fast without also setting them on fire. Typical "movie acids" acting more like super-solvents.
The flash was white instead of the usual green. You may be on to something.
I'm gonna go with the people theorizing it's a cluster of asymptomatic criminals. It would help explain why they don't want to kill Makishima. Every new person they bring into the cluster probably makes Sibyl a little more balanced, and makes the judgment feel a little bit more acceptable.
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It was pretty obvious that the room they where in was designed to seal the Pillar Men in stone.

Why do you think they where so awestruck =?
RIP Choe ;_;
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That profesionality
Being Korean is suffering

This. I liked him.
It seems like they had a tough time even getting nail guns, where did they get an acid gun?
seemed like Choe made it
They learned their lesson from playing Metal Gear Solid 1

That's why there was a single acid gun and not everyone had them.
why isn't there an HS release already? Anybody knows?
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>going after Makishima and helmet dudes
>still wielding Dominatah
The acid store.
Really who gives a shit.
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I need that pizza gif.
Acid + Modified water gun
Nobody could have served Shogo some tea and madelines the way he did ;_;
Why was the chief all broken?
There's a Commie one out. What, are you a capitalist pigdog?
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Kogami will avenge him
Meduka attacked her
And I will fix them.
It's out just now.
Anyone find it extremely futile that they still lug around those Dominators like they mean anything? It's like seriously wielding a big dragon dildo at this point.
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Oh dear.
oops there was one already.. But they were slow this week.
I was just curious.
So many poor dead chickens...
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>implying they won't pull a Lockon Stratos and bring in Kagari 2.0 for the latter half
>[HorribleSubs] PSYCHO-PASS - 16 [720p].mkv
I don't have a slowpoke image.
So, is the old lady terminator or just a GITS style full cyborg.
They had just some tools used for work. That acid gun could be just some gun for spreading plastic foam or something...
He was counting on making Akane wear the helmet to reflect his own PP on the helmet dudes. But he forgot about Makshima
Psycho-Pass last boss is Final Form Cars with a Stand.
Everyone dies.
Who is Meduka?

Stop asking this! CHOE FUCKING SHOT HER!
its jews man
I'm gonna redirect everyone repeating this theory to this post until someone can come up with an explanation.
I didn't see him shoot her. How do you know he did?
Remember that Kougami thought they would work since he'd keep Akane under the helmet, meaning the other guys wouldn't be able to copy her PP.

He forgot, as he recognised, that Shougo was in the building too and that his PP too was low as fuck.

It was an honest mistake on Kougami's side and not bad writing.
>In the explosive device trap, Kagari and Yayoi manage to avoid the blast damage even if they are very close to the bomb
>Gino gets hurt even when he's away
>no explanation given besides "you got hurt because of your bad karma!"

So Kagari can return due to good karma.
Cyborg probably. Like that hunter guy.
>But he forgot about Makshima
That was really stupid actually.
Because he did and you are blind, there is no debate.
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>releasing a full system of that scale without having any predecessors
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She was totally fine before shooting. That's why.
>implying the Sybil System isn't a Happy Meal
I didn't see that at all, I'll go have a look now.
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This. It was retarted. Broke my immersion for some minutes. I thought he had a plan to isolate Makishima or something but no.
Consider the scene in that picture though. If they encountered someone in the elevator with helmets, Akane would have supported their CC since she wasn't wearing her helmet yet.
Akane was pretty badass this episode.

Taking a shot the leg like a champ and then delivering poetic justice to Shogo.

She's come a long way.
>So Kagari can return due to good karma.
>I was happy when people started killing eachother
>I don't give a damn if thousands of people in this city die

>Good karma
It's probably the reverse. The Sybil is a bunch of criminals and from time to time they protect one intelligent criminal so that he can make into the tower and destroy Sybil itself.
Puduga Mugi Meduka Meguca? Doedsn't ring a bell?
Wasn't this supposed to be Urobuchi's supposed masterpiece? I thought it was a good episode, but I never thought it was great and even less on "masterpiece" level.
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After all his MUH REVENGE bullshit, he had this level of utter emasculation coming to him. God, what a fuckup!
>going after Makishima; forget that Makishima is in the fucking building and his PP will be copied
>train for 3 years to kill Makishima, fail utterly
>try to get sweet little Akane (who saved your fucking sorry ass) to abandon her professionalism and finish the job for you

Akane should leash him
>if they saw happy meals are wasted on Sybil, they'd riot for real!
It's perfect.
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And? Gino didn't do anything bad yet has bad karma because Urobuchi.
Choe was cool guy
>Karma based on thoughts
Scale doesn't come into it. If it runs on asymptomatic criminals you can't even start one without recognizing an asymptomatic criminal somehow.
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>Akane should leash him

From DOMINATAH to Dominatrix
Did he fire some kind of acid weapon simultaneously or something? It really wasn't that clear just kind of looked like she fired and he died at first.
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You suck!
That sort of gave me a boner man.
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Akane, total badass
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It looks like this is going to come up a lot in following days.
wait what if all the "criminals" are actually humans and everyone else are robots

Kogami's a real jerk idn't he. Can't wait to see him wallow in his self-loathing and pity for the next 6 episodes.
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>this episode
That would be much more interesting. Not necessarily the bunch of criminals part, in fact. Just Sybil being some kind of "I have no mouth and must scream" abomination and relying on a few selected individuals whom it can immunize against itself to one day destroy it.
It really was not clear at all. They could have done a better job of that.
Makishima-kun ;_;
Him forgetting about Makishima's low PP was indeed retarded.

However, Makishima beating him makes sense considering Kougami is carrying not-so-old wounds, plus the wounds he received during this episode. So, in that regard, Makishima had a serious advantage.

Anyhow, something tells me Akane not killing Makishima will come back to bite them in the ass.
Sybil looks like the school in Madoka.
>Don't do something reckless
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Waiting the doujins.
Well Gino is pretty fucked
I can't wait until his descent into hell begins
Han Solo.
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It's a catch-it-and-you-miss-it scene, but Shinya visibly disappoints Akane during this episode, in the same way Oreo disappointed Shogo.

In the elevator, Shinya says :Oh we don't need to stop Shogo, we just want to corner him", and Akane makes an irritated face in her helmet
>ep 17
>no more Kagari in the OP

Greedo in the BDs
>Anyhow, something tells me Akane not killing Makishima will come back to bite them in the ass.

You think?
What exactly would the criminally asymptomatic contribute to a giant computer system?
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Alright, /a/, you see this adorable little Lindt chocolate teddy bear? He's going to accompany me on my journey into Urobuchi's Masterpiece.

Let's see if he lasts to the end of the episode. Wish us luck!

>It really was not clear at all

We can even see Choe animated aiming the chief. That is enough to connect shit.
Fuck me, it's raining.

Knowing that ojisan is next doesn't help either.
Not according to George Lucas.
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I thought it was her seriousing the fuck up, rather than her getting angry.
You are really cute anon.
That's a determined look, retard.
He's the perfect representation of how being blinded by a single goal is extremely detrimental to your cause. He's smart, but his obsession reduces the ways that his intelligence can be used effectively. One would've thought that he would've learned that due to encounters he's had but nope.
I'm somewhat annoyed that he didn't hear her running towards him in time to defend himself. Only slightly less annoyed than I got from Shinya forgetting his FUCKING MARK was in the building.
When they did all these karate tricks, I imagined Akane comming from nowhere and hitting Shogo with a frypan.
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>not rabbit
Are you a faggot or something ?
Nice luster.
Not really, pointing a gun does not mean firing it.
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irritated face?

She looked determined to me. She even nods inside the helmet.
Brains that don't get tainted when confronted with readings from criminals?
It was clear as day. I'm incredulous that people are actually missing this.
Fucking hell Psycho Pass, you have no business being this good after that mediocre second half.
He's alive, man. Stop worrying.
>episode 22
>sagging and melted everywhere like it just got Dominator'd
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fuck I laughed hard. where are your books to save you now?!
So clear as day that people keep missing it? I think not.
Human Brains used as processing power
It just seems that having a bunch of captive humans powering a system that governs a "humane" society would be quite shocking and make people angry.
What else could it be that would be so dangerous to publicly release?
Now you're just being retarded on purpose
*first half, rather.

Really though, I thought the show would just be episodic mystery shit a la spuuki buugi, but Gen proved me wrong once again.
What book did Shogo read to manage beating seasoned enforcer in close combat?
nothing like the practical philosophy of the Stallone school!
Just like people missed the symbolism on ep 11
People are idiots.

Oh, unless you meant this episode. Good luck you two.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
A random number generator.
Never underestimate stupidity.

Anyone else think that Choe uploaded some of what Sybil actually was before the cyborg lady killed him? He was in there for a while before Kagari showed up, and he WAS filming it, so he must have had some way of transmitting it to a safer location.
Since when did dominaters make a cloud of smoke when they were fired?
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So, anons don't pay attention. What else is new?
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>What Kagarifags believe in
Why not. This is the future, right? Makishima knew he was doing wrong in the eyes of the general public, but didn't feel that he was wrong. Therefore, who better to pass judgment to others than those who have the clearest view of the system of right and wrong without feelings and emotions? A human judge could still be persuaded by their personal feelings of right and wrong, and so could a panel of jurors. But someone who knows what's right and wrong morally, but feels none of the emotions from it? Program their brain to be able to judge others freely. Don't see why this won't work.
He probably was trained when he was young. His moves were much better than Shinya's simple punching and kicking.
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here rest in peace
I highly doubt that.
Akane is perfectly suited to her job, for that to happen on pure chance is outrageously farfetched
They had no access to the net down there. He was filming because he could. He definitely couldn't upload it, though.

It was more of a determined look, methinks.
It's a single pc running windows 98
I was thinking Makishima would save himself from a shot from Shinya like the OP2 shows, with books under his shirt à la Jotaro.
It was pretty clever imo. It's not like Shougo would be anywhere near the masked guys when they attack him and Akane. Also I thought the masks had pretty low scope to work. It was stupid for them to still work even though Shougo was somewhere far away.
>people not understanding the last couple minutes
clearly she was forcing the gun into lethal mode. clearly the hacker shot acid at her. christ it was pretty obvious
Does anyone else think that Shogo is pretty good at hand-to-hand combat but really has the body and constitution of a frail man? I noticed a lot of his moves were dodge-based and using Kogami's own momentum on himself.
Right back at you. It's going to be fun seeing everyone retconning their posts. Good thing we're all anonymous, right?
Badass Akane makes me wet
Why didn't the guys with helmets just use regular guns instead of nail guns? They can't be that rare.
>Miss something that was probably visible on screen for under half a second

If a show is trying to convey something to an audience it is the shows failure if it fails to convey the message.
>Red eye
shit nigga, it's like Akane and Shinya switched palces
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Akane is a real human being
he also looked a little tired after the fight
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Yes, he clearly doesn't even lift.
What if, what if by the end of the show, we still don't know what the Sibyl system is?

>The staff's tears were tears of rage
You don't have to be super buff to hit hard and hit where someone is weakest.
this time Akane was without shotgun
Yeah, I was thinking that he was streaming it, but since the basement was a communication black hole, I guess he just packed an iPhone10 with a 64TB memory card.
That's the smart way to fight. That aside though Kogami doesn't look super big either.
I don't think it was him being blinded, as they probably made him make that mistake (a rather silly one, though) probably to show he's not perfect.
Kougami was making some serious good predictions like Makishima attacking that tower, or that they would split and why, he also was fighting all those grunts like a boss.

It was too good to be true. He had to fail somewhere. The point is, I believe, they made him fail at something that didn't make sense, considering he was purposely chasing after Makishima... only to say he forgot he was there.
That was seriously poor writing.

Not to mention him keeping Akane with him was silly, if he knew they main issue was in the basement and that Shougo was acting like a decoy on purpose. Of course, Akane did save his life, but in terms of the mission, Akane should have gone with Kagari.
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Someone might need this. Reposting
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>Does anyone else think that Shogo is pretty good at hand-to-hand combat but really has the body and constitution of a frail man? I noticed a lot of his moves were dodge-based and using Kogami's own momentum on himself.
Makishima is still a fucking Gary Stu.

It's obviously asymptomatic people hooked up in a Matrix like thing.
They live in Japan, I imagine guns would be hard to get even if it wasn't the future.
That would be pretty cool actually.
Martial arts pretty much. Countering and self-defense, not so much beefing yourself up to slap someone's shit.
She has to be some sort walking robot dominator that is directly connected to Sybll.
I was jesting. I honestly have no idea, but SIBYL IS HUMANS sounds so... bland. Unless there's a twist to it, I'll be really disappointed.
Actually it's an audiences fault for watching something they wouldn't understand in the first place, but alas your bad opinion or trolling whichever it may be, is not going to get any more responses from this anon today.
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I totally didn't expect him to die when Kougami said that
still hurts ;_;
>if it fails to convey the message.

>guy pulls out gun in a hurry, opponent is injured/broken later
He is a rebel robot.
Akane is robot too
So fucking cool

It's like the only person who is useless is Gino
Obviously, Kagari's Dominator wasn't working down there, but hers was.
I'm sorry, but did Kagari already die? Oh, that's right. The show isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Episode 16. Does evaporating in a cloud of light count as being dead? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the show hasn't ended? Kagari is still alive right now and he has been the best enforced at the Public Safety Bureau for how many years now? He's up against one of the worst characters in the show who just happens to be able to use an enforcer because she's Sibyl's cyborg. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Kagari is one of the best fucking characters in Psycho-Pass and would have more fan art if Gino wasn't so god damn moe. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Kagari used his EMP grenade and escaped. Oh look at that, Kagari just grinned as he was shot, he obviously had a plan. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious.
She IS Sybll.
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pretty sure those helmets the grunts had were different and had a direct link to shogo
And Yayoi.
Maybe she's the same as the hunter guy though?
Why haven't people thought of that?
shut the fuck up bitch what if aliens spit acid on her from above?n huh? explain this you shit?
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What CAN'T Miss Akane protect you from?
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We'll find out when we find out
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that level of butthurt reminds me of the navy seal copypasta
>Japanese person
>getting shredded
>Makishima is still a fucking Gary Stu.
You must be some pretty edgy 13y.o. if you want to self insert as him.
They did. And it's possible. Everything seems to indicate she's directly connected to Sibyl though, so who knows. Might still be the case.
Similar technology, but since she was glowing just like a dominator, I think it's connected to Sybll. She could use hers as well of course.
Fucking saved.
You implying they can't?
Clearly you don't know Urobutcher
Gary Stu =/= self insert
Did you even watch the episode you fucking gigantic mouthbreathing dribbling retard? He clearly said he forgot that Makishima had such a low clear psycho pass.
And /a/ says the PP fanbase is bad.
Sibyl's place seems to have Greek temple-like pillars. At this point it might really be inside some sort of jar like the Cumean Sibyl or some shit like that.
Dropped at episode 4. Somewhere around when KanaHana gets told that she's gonna learn the "fool way" not to trust the Enforcers by the edgy glasses-kun.
Around which episode does this get going?
This will make nice copypasta thank you
Ladies and gentlemen -
Behold, our new copypasta for the next few weeks.
He got blindsided
It couldn't be helped
I could write any old letters down on a page and claim if you don't get the meaning it is your fault then? I don't think so, not if my intention is to convey something meaningful.
It's the pillar men.
>Why are you still here faggot? MOVE.
>Clearly you don't know Urobutcher

>people watch Madoka and suddenly they're urobuchi pros
hahahahahahaha get a life nerd
Shit gets real at around episode 11
You guys should visit /sp/ more
Stop forcing your maymays here.
Just pay attention next time.
It gets going at episode 1. You are just a fucking retard with zero taste. Go jack off to Fairy Tail
If only Akane went with him instead, it could've been helped
Episode 9.

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