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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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How would you feel if your favourite girl was turned into a boy?
I'd be fine
bro it up
>>80474984 (OP)
commit seppoku
Will she still have the same appearence? Just a dick added?
She will have a flat chest, and her voice will be a little deeper but Trap Deep not Man Deep. And she'll have a penis
If my favorite girl is already a boy, will she be turned into a girl?
Fuck it. Id still hit it.
He'll turn into a trap.

If he's already a trap, then nothing happens
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That would make me hit it even harder.
I wish my waifu was a trapfu
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>>80474984 (OP)
I ... I don't want to be gay /a/. I just want to be a little girl lesbian, please don't turn my girls into guys.
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Sounds hot, if I get to be a girl, it's a deal.
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...Nothing really changed.
But boy Love is even more pure than girl love
It makes it more special.
I wish I had a qt trap bf to watch anime with.
you are gay
>>80474984 (OP)

Does she wear a skirt?
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She can pass herself off as a boy already. I don't think I'd care either.
If you want her to
N-no it's not.
Yes it is, what love is there in no penis?
B-but don't you have a little girl dick, anon?
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But even if you say that, taking my waifu's penis is so....
It's not that great, maybe if I had a TV so we could cuddle on the couch it would be better
/a/ is getting too gay lately

Mai waifu would still be my waifu but can you please tone it down a bit.
So pretending we're a bunch of little girls wasn't gay?
Transexual != Homosexual. Check your privilege, ciscum.
I just want a cute boyfriend to kiss and hold

please do not use that world when talking about /a/ it confuses the issues

regardless /a/ always had a healthy level of gay to it but it's going too far lately
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Boys and faggots get out. /a/ is for little girls only.
Well what if I'm a cute "girl" who wants to fuck another girl, would that make it gay or straight?
You'd be a gay tranny.
I'll be your boyfriend
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It's actually possible with her.

I'd feel disappointed though.
What ever happened to that chat where cute /a/non traps would erp and take pics and shit?
Do I get to see her transformed? Like watch her supple female body shrink and flatten while her vagina slowly closes and grows into a penis.

Because that's my fetish.
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Are you cute, uguu~?
Just ask her to turn back into a girl.
I'm a cute boy gamer
Woah woah, what the fuck
The guys in this are at least cute right? I mean I know I'm cute so I don't need to use it I just want to know if /a/ is as cute as they act.
You should have seen them on tinychat, they're cute as FUCK
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As if she'd listen.
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I'm so glad
Nobody is here... ;_;
Who cares. What's cute is cute
Sorry anon, I could join but I'm baking caeki. You shouldn't be so lonely though, there's always another time.
Would you bake me a cake?
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>tfw no qtbf
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Of course, I'd make everyone on /a/ cakes if I could.
Would you play footsie with me while we play
Why is /a/ so lewd?
Sexual repression and chinese porn cartoons.
I just want a cute boy to kiss
Of course, I'd play footsie with everyone on /a/ if I could!

What's footsie?
Bigger than you, or smaller than you?
nah I believe /a/ is just filled with gay people.

must be due to all that trap porn people been fapping too.
Remember when you were a kid and you'd touch your foot with your friends and like kind of like wrestle with your feet undenethee the table
You noticed this too. I don't mind /a/ being gay but it's gotten a bit out of hand as of late.
You've made me wanna footsie again. I wonder if there's any cute boys with small girly feet on /a/.
No. I never had friends I was that close to.
I did it with my cousins, and my mom
We need to go gayer.
I played footsie with my boyfriend at a restaurant :3

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