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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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Hold on a sec
Rock is hiding his boner.
varying levels of wants
He's realizing how manlier two women are compared to him and now's he's questioning his entire view of gender and what it means to be a member of either sex.

Also he has a boner.
Rock is japanese, he's knowledgable about all kinds of bedroom depravity the russians or the chinese haven't even discovered yet...
Imagine a threesome with Balalaika and Revy with the two of them fighting over your cock
Rock: subtly breaking the 4th wall to remind us that someone got paid to write this little exchange.
Then Roberta bursts through the wall, murders them both and dominates you.
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>>80404974 (OP)
Its this scene.

If that was to be my last night on earth.....i couldn't ask for better way to go.
Well duh, my question is why the hell Balalaika has to edit the stuff herself in the first place?
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This whole scene...
Dear God, those voices.
Wait, was this the scene where she's watching Twins get gangraped in a horrible way, or when she was just checking some porn?
Also why is Revy so flabbergasted at the concept of anal?
Because she is pure
Isn't Rock Hiroe's self insert?
All the more fitting?
If my memory serves me correctly she was rewinding rented porn tapes and complaining about how she should have gotten an underling to do it for her.
rented? i thought it was stuff they filmed and she was editing it for release.
Reminder that new chapter comes out today.
I know. I fucking love the english dub. Dat revy voice. Oh and cuz im not a weeaboo.
>blocked in your country

Obviously not enough freedom. Maybe you should throw some bombs at it.
Because she's a perfectionist. She also likes to be in control of everything that goes on in her organization.
>>80404974 (OP)
We need more roguishly grinning Rock.

Freedom is irrelevant in America now. If you have enough money, they'll pass any law you want. Ask the RIAA and MPAA
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Allow me to address the idiocy you're going to say before you say it, watching an English movie in Japanese would be weeaboo shit. Even if it was in Finnish you should watch it in Finnish. Original language or GTFO.
But... the dub is good
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>not watching Baccano in English
>not watching Golden Boy in English

I generally agree though.

Black Lagoon dub is fucking stellar.
I've heard on here that he added Rock in at the last minute, to give the reader someone to identify with.

I still need to watch/read this series.
Then what the fuck are you doing in this thread?
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So, new manga chapter drops today. Anyone know where to find it?
You heard right.

The whole series is just a metaphor for being the replacement drummer on a shitty band.
>Made Rock to give someone the readers can relate to
>Then made Rock unrelatable
Editors were right. The addition of Rock made this manga really good. Imagine BL without the RockXRevy and with no character arc?

I prefer subs over dubs, but I still will acknowledge when they actually do a good job with the dub. I generally thought they did a good job with the Black Lagoon dub, but I couldn't stand Revy's dub voice. I thought it was too high-pitched and grating. The quality of the acting was generally the same for both versions.
Dub Dutch > Sub Dutch
Sub Revy >>>>> Dub Revy
Sub everyone else = Dub everyone else (generally speaking)
You're supposed to relate to Rock's loss of innocence.

She's been smoking like a chimney and drinking like a fish her entire life. What are you expecting her to sound like, a gentle summer's day?
She shouldn't be in voice acting if her voice sounds like shit because she didn't take care of it. Surgeons who make a living off their hands don't get drunk and play they knife game (at least I hope not.) The people responsible for the dub should have hired someone else to play her. Why don't they encourage new people to go into voice acting? They did a good job casting everyone else, why did they have to drop the ball so hard with one of the main characters?
>She shouldn't be in voice acting if her voice sounds like shit because she didn't take care of it.
Revy is a VA now?
they were surveillance tapes from a whorehouse, she was looking for something on them
I don't think they ever cover what
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I wasn't talking about Maryke Hendrikse, I was talking about Revy. Hendrikse can sound very different from that if she wants to. Go look at some of her other work. They wanted Revy to sound like that.

Also, they did encourage new people to go into voice acting. Dutch's VA was brand new when they hired him.
The actress who plays her in the dub. How's that reading comprehension treating you?
Cause she was only raped in the pussy, obviously.
How's yours? The guy you were answering to obviously talked about Revy, not her VA.
See >>80414666
>Anime canon
Eh I don't mind her voice, I just think her long sermons awkward. But I don't imagine the sub is any different.
We get it Revy, you read Nietzsche. Great. Get back to shooting people.
It's one of those things that works much better in the manga.
I doubt the girl ever read anything in her life.
More like Hiroe read Nietzsche. There are also several references to Heidegger, which is more impressive.
>She shouldn't be in voice acting if her voice sounds like shit because she didn't take care of it.
He was talking about Revy.
Revy watched Oprah.
I bet she's part of the book club.
But in the Roberta arc the manga starts getting out of control with it. I love all the characters and all, but at some point I want to see something other than talking.
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I assuming that you are talking about the stuff on the boat and not the chapter with the very well done conversation between Rock and Revy.
>>80404974 (OP)
why is she editing pr0n anyway?
Because it's funny.
I assume its because she doesn't want her soldiers distracted or something.
>>not watching Baccano in English
>watching Baccano in English
Crap, crap, CRAP
Eh, maybe a sideventure of the mob?

Still doesn't make much sense for her to do it herself though. You'd imagine Hotel Moscow could hire some sadsacks to produce their pornography.

Also if anal is the worst that's happening there, this stuff is pretty tame. Even compared to mainstream porn.
She does end up watching a ton of child/murder porn later.
I'm ashamed to say I only started and finished this series this week.
Revy secretly reads all these Nicolas Sparks novels.
Manga or Anime?
In English because I was too lazy to redownload after I noticed my mistake.
It's okay. Did you watch Roberta's Blood Trail?
There's no implication that she distributes such materials or is even involved in that particular area at all; if my memory serves me correctly, she claimed she bought them from some guy not actually connected to Hotel Moscow and it was only to try and improve her leads as to who's been killing her men.
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>Is that in her ass?
>Right in the ass.
That little exchange is fucking golden.
The English dub is actually pretty good. Don't feel bad about watching it.
I know. Chang was the one who gave her the tapes by the way.
Also Dutch has a subscription to Cat Fancy magazine.
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Then what are you waiting for?
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I didn't think it was that great but it was decent enough, far better than some other anime's English dub AHEM HEM HEM
Okay. I want you to read chapter 36 and 37 of the manga. Also, the manga continues the story. Don't watch Blood Trail.
>Blood Trail
>Dem Rock goals
>Dat ending
Golden Boy dub is inferior
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She probably went through all the CP of the twins as well.
It's confirmed that she did.
oh god all the english VAs were fucking horrid.
Sounded like they recorded it in some random hotel room with a logitech headset.
Dat scene of Roberta grinding with her clothes on while talking with dat sexy voice.
They probably were.
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The fuck you say?

GTO probaby has the best dub.
But Onizuka's Japanese VA is godly, and so are many other character's voice actors.
Sorry but nothing beats Stem Blum and 90s kid.

Although that smart girl's french is horrible.


God kill me.
She was snipping in secret codes to drug dealers/ other shady figures in her organization. She did it herself because agents check tapes for any sort of patterns or queues so they can make a bust.
Steve* Blum
It's obvious he made up Rock's beginning personality, not his current one. Notice how fast he changes from innocent Japanese maiden to full on chess master. It takes what, twenty chapters for him to be fine in Roanpur?

I highly doubt he didn't already have someone similar that had a relationship with Revy, as their interactions are like 2/3s of the show/manga.
>Talking about dubs vs subs
Stop. Nothing will ever come out of this let people watch anime the way they want to I prefer subs
Except for the rape.
I prefer dubs when I'm going to bed but want to watch something, since reading while I'm tired gives me incredible eye-strain.
Chapter 30, not 20
Here's a simplified chain of events that affected him.
Confronting Revy
Meeting and watching the female(?) twin die
His abduction and talk with Takenaka
Japan Arc
Also, he had been with Lagoon for almost a year by chapter 10.
Anime only. In the manga, she's fucked dozens in prison. She was a dominatrix in both.
Maybe the voices, but the translation was fucking terrible. I compared the eng/jap dub side by side and all the jokes in Japanese were ruined by shit translation.
Sorry, a few.
His rejection of his employers
His talk with Revy on the sub
Fucked dozens of girls. And she implied she just pleasured them. Is a bit different.
I heard that they got a shit translation so they made the joke as they just made them up while following the script.
>Anime only.
Why did the anime add something so, extremely different from what happened to her in the manga?
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She's not pure. Not that it's relevant or important.
>Meeting and watching the female(?) twin die
>Japan Arc
Those one were the real deal. He was like "Fuck the world, I'm gonna save people and do good." and the world answer "No, here have some shattered dreams instead".

Now, with the last arc where he actually managed to save someone and got shot for it by the people he helped, I can't see him becoming nicer.
They took different interpretations. Both are really good.
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>Everyone forgets the Jihad Arc
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>Editor's note : TMI!!!
Fuck J.A.C. But I'm pretty sure they are the only people who did it.
Never said she was pure. She just isn't one to actively pursue sex though, at least not when Rock entered the picture. Look how reserved she was with Eda when she asked.
>In the manga, she's fucked dozens in prison. She was a dominatrix in both.

Wrong way around. In both the anime and the manga she mentions fucking girls inprison, but the anime changes her line about working as a dom to imply she never did so in the past.
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>We already got new pages
>New chapter is today
>anime changes her line about working as a dom to imply she never did so in the past.
Why the fuck did they do that?
Season 3 when?
To try and make her purererer
did anyone translate the 6 new pages?
>anime and the manga she mentions fucking girls inprison
That's wrong. The chapter where she says that was never animated. Unless they added a line like that earlier in the anime.
When we get more manga chapters to get a damn season.
That's no excuse.
Anime producers should know by now that their audience demands them to predict the future and immediately come out with what was going to come out before it comes out.
Everything about the anime was purer.
An anon did some rough ones when they came out. Trust me, None of it is important. I'm sure those 6 will be translated when todays chapter is downloaded
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The anime goes tries to show more of her emotionally vulnerable side. Her being a dom in the past conflicts with that. It doesn't effect the storyline.

A lot of people think the whole thing is just Hiroe putting in his fetishes
It look Rie like, 4 years just to draw all of Roberta's Blood Trail in the manga... so not for a long time.
Who the hell is Rie?
3 years. 30ish chapters and BL is a monthly
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Sorry, Rei.
i read somewhere that Hiroe considers Benny to be the character he most relates to
Are you talking about Hiroe? Because his fist name is Rei.
Does Benny hate Japan?
Rie Kugimiya, Revy's new VA.
Oh yeah, from Cowman Bipbop.
>Everything about the anime was purer.
>adds a rape scene
Rape makes her purerererererer
That was the OVA. The Anime was purer. The OVA was only more pure when it came to Rock and Revy.
Fucking Gordon Liu deserves to be in everything.

Fifty years later, he still looks like he did back when he was in 36 Chambers of Shaolin.
Naw, you're thinking of Saruman Kazoo
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Keyword is "again".
the impressive thing about this is the guy who did Dutch's dub voice had never done voice acting before
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>The OVA was only more pure when it came to Rock and Revy.

Wut? Also, the OVA was made by the very same people as the anime. It's all the same thing.
u wot m8?
You're both wrong, it's from Hellsling
Manga had the same scene, BTW.
Disregard the quote.
That scene was in the manga. Did you not read the manga?
Best part about that is that it implies that she asked him the first time. Also, that she was a dom even after she joined Lagoon.
The anime changes the line to "I already told you, I'm not tying anyone up, and I'm not letting anyone tie me up" or something like that.

No, it implies that she was only willing to do it because it involved whipping.
I'm aware of that. I was just showing that the anime and the manga are equal in their "pureness", or lack thereof.

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