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Do the Japanese still use these swimsuits? I imagine they would be a bit uncomfortable.
as opposed to what bikinis?
I imagine the younger students are still required to wear one-pieces, though I don't know if they still use that particular model any longer
Technically it's not a one-piece, in that it's two pieces; one long bit covering the torso and abdomen and one bit covering the hips. Anime pictures don't always make this clear, but this is the truth of the school swimsuit.
There's a hole in the middle where a cross dressers penis pokes out.

You learn something new every day.
Find me a picture that demonstrates this.
would she really be swimming with that stuff in her hair?
I don't think there's a swimming cap big enough.
I'm not them but it's true. I do not have such a picture though as I would not save something 3DPD.
Find it yerself.
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I can't find one, but someone posted a video of a trap in one of those with his dong out the middle. It was the same guy who dressed up like Miku and made himself cum 5 times without touching his penis using a dildo.
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Maybe they've moved on to the competition swimsuit.
He said demonstrate, not kill him with fluffy.
>>81175277 (OP)
Japan hasn't used those swimsuits since the 80s. Some schools may have held on into the 90s but because they were sexually fetishized schools dropped them like hot rocks.

Same with bloomers (the Japanese definition), which were originally added as school sportswear for girls in the early 70s after the Japanese volleyball team won in the olympics wearing them claiming they were easier to move in.

In fact a school in the 90s tried to add bloomers to their sports wear and girls at the school complained about sexual harassment which caused a national backlash that ended the days of bloomers completely. There's not a school left in Japan that would dare use them anymore.

They still show up in anime like classic nurse uniforms do even though nurses haven't worn those in 25 years. They're fetishized.

This is all available through quick google searches by the way. There's really no reason to ask here.
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>dem hips
They don't use them anymore. Now they just use normal one-piece swimsuits.
Now I want this video. Fuck.
go to sadpanda and use these tags

You'll get it eventually
And what are the alternatives they wear now? What makes them think those won't be sexualized too?
They're ugly as sin.
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>No one uses them anymore


Still, at least they still exist in 2D.
And that's all that matters.
>No one uses them
In the city sure, but they're probably still around in the rural hick towns where schools don't have any money for buying new swimsuits all the time.
I wonder where all of those abandoned school swim suits were dropped off to.
I just did a search for current Japanese school swimwuits. Is it the blue/black ones with white trim?
I agree with you, people will sexualize anything and I don't understand why they gave up those swimsuits.

I think though it's because the regular one piece swimsuits are common enough on beaches, at public pools, and on television that it's harder to fetishize.

The pool episode of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu shows what they're most likely wearing nowdays.
what the fucking fuck is that, who the fuck that was a good idea
>Some retarded psychopath goes and kills a bunch of fags
>Blame video games and death metal!!!

>Some fine gentlemen discuss the traits of swimwear that young girls use
>Blame the swimsuits!!!

Some people just dont get how the human mind work.

you crush my dreams. you crush them so hard.
It was so kids could piss
>>81175277 (OP)
They still use them. For fapping.
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I think so, those kind are showing up in anime more and more probably to get with the times. I imagine that's what girls are wearing in schools now.
How is it not a good idea? Seems simple and easy to use.
Anything will inevitably be sexualised but by using a more generic one-piece it'll avoid becoming a fetish item just because it's too general. Or something. If that makes any sense.
Speaking of which I was looking on some statistics on the matter, someone compared the annual per household expenditures on videogames between the US and Japan versus violent gun and knife crimes, but the fact is most Japan videogames are sex or romance videogames so that really isn't a fair way to disprove that theory.
If you actually read through and listen to some of EH and DK's writings and videos they were rather accurate in their assumptions about what the blame would fall on and they really understood that others would follow. They saw through society and while I don't want to blow up a school their ideals were correct.
They don't look good on real girls.
But arent they in the pool? Its ez to pee there.
I don't like it as much as the original but they just don't get it. Put it on enough anime girls and I'll start to fetishize that too. What do they wear instead of bloomers now? Spats? That's even better, the fools.
This is Japan we're talking about here.
They're wearing Burkas.
You morons, it's a rape-hatch. Things were much different back then.
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>Spats better than bloomers.
You. I like you.
What is EH and DK? E-hentai and Donkey Kong?
The columbine shooters. Eric Harris and Dylan Kebold.
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You still care about these fuckers? What the fuck is wrong with you?
It makes sense in the sense that I can understand how it would make sense to them. They just want to believe nobody's getting off to it. It's like how diaper commercials show baby asses all the time. That's because they believe there aren't people out there getting aroused by that(I'm not naive enough to assume there aren't). But where are the 14-25 year old asses on TV commercials? People get uncomfortable with stuff when they know someone out there is jerking off to it. That's why I tell Muslim women on youtube who wear hijabs and burkas that I'm jerking off to their eyes and shit.
I don't give a shit other than to the extent that the anti-videogame lobby does, which is incredibly so even to this day.
I find it more and more disturbing. Japan is obsessed with porn and fetishes. Aren't parents scared of their children?
I found it cool and sexy when I was younger, but frankly, it's pretty fucked up.
Back before I was even into anime I thought it was hotter. I would play Street Fighter Alpha 3 and I would think that Karin was clearly better than Sakura. After getting into anime, spats gave me the feeling that they were almost wearing NOTHING AT ALL, NOTHING AT ALL. Bloomers on the other hand were just panties.
shorts I imagine
Japan is a pretty kooky place. I wouldn't want to live there, I just consume their media.
I'm sure the shithole you're living in is much better.
>Parents scared of their children
Of course, they're eating you out of house and home and there's no guarantee that they wont end up on the street trying to get enough money for meth.
Do you think skirts combined with spats are a god-tier combination as well? If so, are you me?
It's not really that fucked up.
Probably not, but I'm talking mainly about sexualization of young girls. It's not okay or hot.
Where's the skirt anon? Traps can't be great without a skirt.
I think that's kind of a slanted way of looking at things.

It's disorienting for us as western viewers because we consume their media constantly but we never walk their streets or relate to them or actually immerse in their culture and communities.

Imagine if someone who lived on a distant desert island. totally isolated from us and our cutlure, but consumed huge amounts of American/Western media. They would probably think our country was filled with nothing but hate filled psychopaths and the enforcers who will go to ANY LENGTHS to stop them. Since most of our media revolves around violent action or soldiers and law enforcers. Just the other side of the coin, but really we're OK people most of us. Same goes for them i imagine.
I posted in the wrong thread, sorry.
You're wrong on both counts.
Indeed. The skirt transforms them into a girl, after all.
Must not sexualize daughterus...
You sure have guts to post this on this board.
Fight it, anon. Fight it, you bastard. You must not sexualize Akarin or the Hidamaris.
I'm not. Imagine having a daughter in Japan. How is this okay?

But yeah, probably this.
This board is quite immature, but we are talking about real life. Think of the girls or their parents, not of your dick.
>Imagine having a daughter in Japan.

A Japanese daughter or a daughter of my race?
How isn't it okay? People are going to sexualize things. Who gives a shit?
Do you get flustered over the Western "school girl" fetish as well?
>Do you get flustered over the Western "school girl" fetish as well?

No, because those are not sexy at all.
It doesn't even affect the girls or their parents.
>This board is quite immature
You're immature too if you think repression will solve the issue.
So what is acceptable and what isn't depends on what you find sexy?
> but really we're OK people most of us
>school shootings
I'm sorry for you ameridumbs.
>>81175277 (OP)
>those feet

My god, the horror.
I get hard from cliche Catholic school girl uniform. The red plaid skirts.
What about groping? Apparently it's pretty common. It baffles me that they don't even find it wrong.

Different cultures.
Of course they find it wrong. That's what women-only train cars are for. If you don't want to be molested today then get in the women-only car. If you're a guy who accidentally goes into the women-only car then you have to let the girls jerk you off with their feet and sit on your face.
You read KnJ for the character development, not for the feet.
>USA needs an extra article because its list is so much longer
>most european incidents are recent, due to imported murrikan culture
Thanks for proving my point.
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>>81175277 (OP)
Why does she have fingers are her feet? Is she a primate?

>due to imported murrikan culture

Don't blame America for the problems of those countries. I bet you think everything is Gaia's fault too.
I'm talking about people who do this. It's a pretty big problem in Japan. I just don't get it. Those are adult men (30-40 years old). Think about the girls, be more empathic.
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>the truth of the school swimsuit
>American culture
It's the culture only of the fearmongers. It closely resembles the novel Fahrenheit 451 or Clockwork Orange, they enforce cruelty and violence that could easily be stopped because they make money and maintain power because of it. If people weren't scared most of them would try to make a better society instead of paying out their ass for protection.
>imported murrikan culture

A month ago I bet you were saying murrika had no culture. And it isn't murrikan culture. It's Kebab with Soviet weapons.
I assume most of those girls possess developed bodies. Those are sexualized universally.
>Soviet weapons
That was a fucking catastrophe. When the union fell apart everyone with any sway in the party was selling everything from pistols to nukes en mass to the highest bidder.
Ah. Yes, all of the people that do this think it is wrong. But when they do it, they aren't thinking with their brains.
>planned to make plain and unsexual swimsuits
>created one of the most boner-inducing piece of cloth ever
Yet groping isn't a problem in other countries.
I'd be willing to compromise if they switch to the black and white one piece that Mikoto wears that apparently is so thin it feels like she's completely nude.
And? Most other places aren't as crowded as Japan. That probably contributes to it a good deal.
Groping is a natural right of men.
Pretty sure groping and sexual harassment in it's numerous forms is a problem everywhere in the world. In fact i just the other day listened to a tale about a colleague being groped by an aging lesbian.
I find swimsuits in general to be pretty sexy.

Any kind of design that makes it unattractive would probably also make it bad for swimming in.
What the fuck are you talking about? Every urban center from Detroit to New York to Toronto to London has a groping problem on its public transit.
Back in middle/high school I was a gropemaster.
My toes are like that, it's jsut like that for some people.
How'd you get that nickname? They only ever called me "The Assasin" cause some crazy parent called me that and I set off stink bombs in some of the classrooms.
Oh just shut up, I'm serious.
Sure. Grow up.

I don't believe you.
I still don't get it, how is this less sexual than this?
>>81175277 (OP)
It's not but it has speed stripes so molesters can't catch them.
disgusting subhuman
What if the molester is a slav?
I'm serious too. Women should just deal with it, it's not like they're physically harmed. Fuck that OH NO HES RAPING ME WITH HIS EYES feminazi bullshit. I for one wouldn't mind if women or someone gay would grope me once in a while.
You should have a doctor check that out.... or an archeologist.
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Bloomers are good for dem legs. Spats are good for dat ass.
>Women should just deal with it, it's not like they're physically harmed.
And? It's still sexual harassment. It's humiliation.
>I for one wouldn't mind if women or someone gay would grope me once in a while.
Sure, sure. Especially old and ugly. I doubt it ever happened to you.
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I was "Swarzy" from eighth grade onwards. Could have been worse.
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> It's humiliation.
It's a compliment.
>Especially old and ugly. I doubt it ever happened to you.
That's on the same level as "you're an asshat". Is that all you can do?
Not a nickname, it's a class, like geomancer.

I mean it. I knew the when/where/how of groping ass. Are you a woman? That's not meant as an insult, it's just that you seem to be particularly naive and have an unrealistic worldview.
What you are referring to as an asshat is actually ASS/hat, or ass plus hat as I have taken to calling it.
Then he'll beat her in a squat off any day.
I don't think I'd be bothered if an old and/or ugly woman groped me.

Haha 'I want to do something that invades other people's boundaries and physically intrudes upon their bodies because I want it, gawd they're so selfish complaining about it!'

You 'wouldn't mind' if someone groped you because 1) you're desperate for human contact (which is also why you have the warped thinking that you should be able to have access to anyone's body just because you want it), and 2) in your fantasy you're assuming that the person groping you would be someone you find attractive, which is a silly assumption.

Imagine the most hideous person, a fat old lady with floppy tits and hair on her chin and neck. Her calloused, veiny hands rubbing your ass. MMMM.
>>81175277 (OP)
This is KnJ related enough, so...

It's finally ending, isn't it? 2 more chapters until KnJ ends.
It... it feels weird.
The OG swimsuit looks like a dress that's too short and the panties are showing from the bottom.
>Old and ugly
>Groping people
As a veteran I have to say that does not really happen much. The elderly who take buses and trains do so because they can't afford cars so usually they're either shy and ashamed of being poor, as though it's their fault, or are crazy. Either way they are almost always on various prescriptions and are never in a state of being able to bend enough joints to actually grope anyone.
I'm smelling estrogen up in here...
>It's a compliment.
I don't know if you're trolling, but please stop. If something like this would have happened to me I would be scared of trains. Imagine living in such stress. It's not fun or harmless.
What next, humiliation and bullying in school is okay too?
>Imagine the most hideous person, a fat old lady with floppy tits and hair on her chin and neck. Her calloused, veiny hands rubbing your ass. MMMM.
And in your opinion this would disturb me for life? Fucking bullshit.
Then you were a horrible, dumb, immature person.
I've never even notice until you point it out
Women are taught to feel bad about this shit. You should pity them.
Definitely a woman.
>Not being scared of trains
What the fuck are you doing? Trains are basically what would happen if you and 200 of your closest friends didn't bathe for a week and then piled in to a Ford 3 door sedan and drove off across a road that is 48% potholes and at least one of you was drooling at all times. There is no reason for you to ever be on a train and be comfortable or even secure.
If that would make trains scare you, you're a pussy. It's not like they're getting raped.


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