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>one of my friends tells me he watches anime
>I ask him what type
>he gives me the usual "Naruto and Bleach" bullshit
>at first disgusted, but then had a good idea
>watch the first couple of episodes of NGE, Black Lagoon, HotD, and Durarara last night
>"OMG, this shit is so much better than Bleach"

Why do we have to hold people who like the big 3 in so much disdain? Why not showing them actual good shit and broaden their tastes.

tl;dr why don't we take on the responsibility of civilizing pleb anime fans?
1/10 for making me reply.
Because we don't have to/want to. Fuck off
>>82581163 (OP)
I'm not a baby sitter. Nice for showing him decent stuff but it's not my responsibility. If he wanted to broaden his own taste, he would have did it years ago.
>>82581163 (OP)

He has a decent idea though. If we're being honest here, most of us started out like they are now, we just don't like being reminded of our low power level days
NGE, Black Lagoon, HoTD and Durarara are also entry level shit.

I mean, you don't have to do it with every pleb one, but why not try to increase his tastes in good shit if they're your friends? That way you can talk about anime with people and shit.

I wanted to show them some Upotte! but bitched out at the last second.
All my friends aren't plebs when it comes to anime. Hell, some of them watched more than me.

That show isn't even that good.
So you showed him more entry level shit?

Good job

Damn, I guess I should get better friends then haha.

Upotte! isn't good, but it's just pervertedness. Maybe some Strike Witches would be better.

>this tryhard fag

Are you seriously saying that NGE is on the same level as Naruto?
10/10 master ruse
>>82581163 (OP)
>Disgusted at entry level fan.
>Shows him more entry level shows.
>Thinks is civilized and has good taste.
>>82581163 (OP)
>big 3
implying one piece is on the same level as nauroto and burichi
Stay delusional babby, it's all the same shit.

What makes One Piece so special? I'm genuinely curious.
It's the same shit.


That goes for the anime and manga readers of one piece you aren't that different guys.
>>82581163 (OP)
I thought Toonami had Drrr! and NGE, so shouldn't /v/ have seen them anyway?
10/10 joke mate, I'm dying here. You've got these kids on the ropes.
It hasn't gone to shit to the extent that bleach and naruto have.

hurr durr faggot tripcoder get blocked
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Upset? Did I strike a shit taste nerve?
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Nice try.
I don't think anyone on /a/ is actually as much of a jackass about it in real life as they are here. I used to watch all that mainstream stuff too. It's how it goes because that is entry level stuff and it's known as that for a reason. I got my friend into Bleach, and then into SYD and now he watches the same shit most on /a/ watch. That said, this thread is unnecessary, please delete it.
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>Not respecting One Piece

You don't have to like One Piece, you just need to accept that its a good shounen adventure.

If you like shounen adventure, One Piece is great. If not, that isn't One Piece's fault.
>responding to a nigger

Do you also talk to insects?
>you just need to accept that its a good shounen adventure.

No i don't because it's shit.
>watch the first couple of episodes of NGE, Black Lagoon, HotD, and Durarara last night
>"OMG, this shit is so much better than Bleach"

Entry level shit eating mouth breathers can't even comprehend the unfathomable deepness of "the heart" let alone NGE.
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Shit manga
Shit anime
Shit series

It's just another run of the mill shounen but with stupid pirates and big tit girls because they know little boys love big tits.
I think One Piece is just like any other shounen adventure. It's great, but should be capped at something like 100, maybe 200 chapters because it drags on for way too fucking long.
>>82581163 (OP)

Wait, so do we hate /v/ so much that we just regard them as shit-tier anime fans?
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upotte is a fucking masterpiece you scrub
what are you guys talking about hotd is nowhere near entry level

What's wrong with big tits? Why don't you want your shows to have big tits.
There's a lot of "hurr get this weeb trash away from me" kind of speak on /v/ these days so yeah, pretty much.
I watched the whole series yesterday. It's mediocre.
Because I'm not a shounen baby

Oh ok. I just wondered sometimes because I'd sometimes see a bleach/anime recommendation thread on /v/, and everyone got pissed
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you have insanely shit taste, the only not excellent part of upotte is the end and it's not bad at all, just moderate amounts of QUALITY and forgettable

>watched it all yesterday

a-are you me?
It was a typical cute girls doing cute things anime. Liked it more than K-On as
It's just dumb teenage girls with cool guns with some SOL bullshit taking up 90% of the show. I got tricked. A 5/10 show.
There are plenty of shounen that mindlessly drag on, but that isn't One Piece. The world is huge and can have any setting, there are tons of characters, and the Strawhats have clearly defined goals.

Even now its easy to see another 10 years of content with One Piece.

You didn't laugh your ass of with the scene in the forest and the elf?
10 years of played out shit


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