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  • File : 1291570036.jpg-(73 KB, 491x354, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:27 No.80468XXX  
    ITT: Best stealth game
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:27 No.80468XXX
         File1291570074.jpg-(180 KB, 1024x768, THIEF 2010-09-21 19-00-19-03.jpg)
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    That's not Thief
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:28 No.80468XXX
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    oh hai
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:30 No.80468XXX
    inb4 someone posts mgs and this thread turns into a 200 post shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:30 No.80468XXX
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    you called?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:30 No.80468XXX

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:31 No.80468XXX
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    Any game where the protagonists' name include "Snake"
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:31 No.80468XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:32 No.80468XXX
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    >Metal Gear games
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:32 No.80468XXX

    Thread is over guys, back to lurkan
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:33 No.80468XXX
    Chaos Theory's co-op mode was probably the best thing I've played with a friend in about 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:33 No.80468XXX
         File1291570439.jpg-(85 KB, 640x448, tenchu-4-screens-2008090503523(...).jpg)
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    incorrect fags are incorrect
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:35 No.80468XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:36 No.80468XXX
    Chaos Theory.

    No discussion
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:37 No.80469XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:38 No.80469XXX
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    I love playing these games stealthy.
    Scopes, accuracy, silencers, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:39 No.80469XXX
    MGS4 hands down
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:39 No.80469XXX
    Thief, Splinter Cell or Hitman. Can't decide.

    Not Tenchu or MGS because nips suck at stealth games.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:40 No.80469XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:40 No.80469XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:40 No.80469XXX
    Thief 2
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:41 No.80469XXX
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    I fucking hate Thief: The Dark Project for raising my standards unbearably high for stealth games.

    I seriously have been disappointed with every single stealth game I have ever played after that fucking game.


    >mfw Thief: The Dark Project ruined stealth games for all eternity for me
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:41 No.80469XXX
         File1291570876.jpg-(1.03 MB, 1543x1157, metal-gear-solid-3-snake-eater(...).jpg)
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    Stealth game you say?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:41 No.80469XXX
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    >not using stealth
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:41 No.80469XXX
    Playing stealthy with the games atmosphere is AMAZING, especially the later games where you can customize the weapons' attributes.

    stalking around, shooting enemies with silenced weps is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:42 No.80469XXX
         File1291570969.jpg-(25 KB, 450x315, tenchu-cat-decoy.jpg)
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    Why are you still trying?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:43 No.80469XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:43 No.80469XXX

    Stealth doesn't work unless you get one of the mods.

    You may as well claim Far Cry 2 was a stealth game, it was a lot better at it than STALKER.
    >> Dr. PyBro MD ̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏ !!z/Pp27SvKge 12/05/10(Sun)12:43 No.80469XXX
    >playing the naked raiden part
    >doing cartwheels, walking around naked
    >dad comes in to watch me play
    >walking around naked, getting funny calls from the colonel
    >dad says "I think you've played enough" and turns off the PS2
    >my face when the colonel was right and I had been playing too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:46 No.80469XXX
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    Team Fortress 2 Spy Class
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:46 No.80469XXX
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    mfw I can never play that part of the game around family members
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:46 No.80469XXX
    Fuck yes best stealth game of all time. The rest of you faggots can GTFO now.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:47 No.80469XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:47 No.80469XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:48 No.80469XXX
    >Full chameleon gear.
    >Epic stealth.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:48 No.80469XXX
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    if you say anything other than mgs, you don't know SHIT about video games.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:49 No.80469XXX
    I just finished splinter cell (the first one), downloading pandora tomorrow now.

    What a fucking game it was.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:50 No.80469XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:50 No.80469XXX

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:51 No.80470XXX

    Downloading for PC?

    I hope you have a very old graphics card otherwise the lighting doesn't work and it's pretty much impossible.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:52 No.80470XXX
    Lmao. That guy is insanely good at MGS3. I've watched most of his vids on niconico. Look for 儀式の人.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 12/05/10(Sun)12:52 No.80470XXX
    Without Metal Gear, Splinter Cell wouldn't exist!
    Lord Kojima said it, so it must be true!
    >> DJ Weedmasta Slowfunk !!N3rQcqMRYSv 12/05/10(Sun)12:52 No.80470XXX
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    >nobody posted the Burger King Sneaking game yet
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:53 No.80470XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:54 No.80470XXX
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    >implying that Metal Gear didn't invent stealth before half of you were even born
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:54 No.80470XXX

    watch that and even dare to call MGS a stealth game again
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:55 No.80470XXX
         File1291571757.jpg-(33 KB, 521x450, 1289275065528.jpg)
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    mgs is a stealth game, unles you fuck it all and go running and gunning (conviction, anyone?)
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:56 No.80470XXX
    He just makes it look easy. Come back after you tried it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:57 No.80470XXX

    >implying that makes it better than games now
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:57 No.80470XXX
    Good thing there aren't any left now that Splinter Cell is some kind of action third person shooter mess.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:58 No.80470XXX

    so what? The NPC still suck, it's not stealth at all.

    try that with something like splinter cell or thief.

    those are real stealth games
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)12:59 No.80470XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:00 No.80470XXX
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    >Metal gear fans who never played Splinter Cell
    >Splinter Cell fans who never played Metal Gear
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:00 No.80470XXX
    >I can't do it, but some guy in the internet can toy with the AI, so the AI is shit
    I hear ya, man, I hear ya.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:01 No.80470XXX
    Well considering the first thing he does in the video is hides, and then continues to hide behind someone outside of their view, i'd say he's being pretty stealthy. Besides, you can't compare someone who's mastered the game to the average player. Most will play it as a stealth game. Not to say it's even close to as stealth as the original Splinter Cells or Thief, but the genre is definitely there.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:01 No.80470XXX

    I'm not mad, it just reeks of MGS fanboys here.

    It has been surpassed by way better stealth games.

    it might be somewhat stealthy, but it's not even close to a realistic stealth game.

    Not that splinter cell is, but it's closer than MGS.

    also, I really don't like MGS, and I love Splinter Cell.

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:01 No.80470XXX

    They specifically stated during development that SC:Conviction was not going to be a stealth game, originally it was intended to have gameplay similar to Assassin's Creed but then they changed it to be more like a Bourne film.

    Rumour has it that the Assassin's Creed team actually stole their gameplay mechanics from the Conviction team who weren't to happy with the preferential treatment that particular project was getting.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:02 No.80470XXX

    and than stands behind someone, walking around, standing in front of them, blowing grenades, all of which doesn't make them react. Well not much really.

    again, try something like that with splinter cell or thief, see how that works out.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:02 No.80470XXX
    It's Thiaf, ok?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:02 No.80470XXX
    I've only played the first two splinter cell games. I found myself doing the same thing in almost every level:

    1. Shoot all lights.
    2. 100% darkness. lol
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:02 No.80470XXX
    I'd like to see an Assassins Creed pure stealth game once the main story is over
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:02 No.80470XXX
    lol. I'm a huge fan of the MGS series, but I admit it's not that great as stealth game. Splinter Cell is so much better
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:03 No.80470XXX

    I've played both

    MGS is a good game, for its time.

    Splinter cell chaos theory is better.

    no discussion needed.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:03 No.80470XXX
         File1291572199.jpg-(35 KB, 400x300, 27213-12-2.jpg)
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    HP:CoS for the game boy advance. Worst GBA purchase ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:05 No.80471XXX
    It's Kojima's weird sense of humor. Soldiers seeing a pron mag and forgetting everything around them. MGS is always full of stuff like that. People who are used to LOLSERIOUS games wouldn't understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:05 No.80471XXX
    I really enjoy both the SC and MG series, but for me pre-gritty Splinter Cell is the better stealth game. The better game overall? No, I find both series to be just as good, and my favorite games from each (Chaos Theory/MGS3) to be on par with each other. I feel like the Splinter Cell series better captured the feel of being a super-secret, super-stealthy agent, while the Metal Gear series had better re-playability and more memorable characters overall.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:05 No.80471XXX

    easy mode doesn't count newbie.

    also, you should play chaos theory.

    ofcourse you need to shoot some lights out, because darkness means easier to move around stealthy.

    and it's not game over if you kill all the lights, but you wouldn't know, because you probably didn't finish it because "it waz nuthing laik MGS lol".

    fanboys make my ass hurt
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:05 No.80471XXX
    Try that with metal gear solid, and see how it works out. I'm telling you, you'll never get results like him until you worship the game and make it your life like some of those crazy Japs. I'm sure there's someone who can toy with the AI the same way because they've mastered splinter cell inside and out.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:05 No.80471XXX
    MGS3 has more alert guards than any of the Splinter Cell games. They see further, have sharper vision, etc etc.

    Splinter Cell is ridiculous, it rips off Thief, a far superior stealth game but makes it ridiculously easy by allowing to one-shot kill any enemy with ease or blow out most of the lights.

    And then it's a far more linear game than any other stealth offering out there and the plot is dull Clancytrash. It really is a poor series aside from the multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:06 No.80471XXX
    Splinter Cell: The Real Lightbulb Shooting Simulator
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 12/05/10(Sun)13:06 No.80471XXX
    I agree. I'm more a Kojima fanboy than an MGS fanboy and prefer Konami's collected works and Zone of the Enders.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:06 No.80471XXX
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    I really love MGS, but I admit it's not the stealth that pulls me into it. I really like the characters, story, and the creativity of missions and gameplay. I like to kick back with this visage during the cutscenes, it makes me feel like I'm really a part of something big in the game. I would however, really like to play a Splinter Cell game. Recommend me one for PS2 to start with?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:06 No.80471XXX
    The primary difference is that MGS' stealth gameplay was meant to be more arcadey, sacrificing realism for more fast paced stealth.

    At least until MGS 3 that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:07 No.80471XXX
    > one-shot kill any enemy with ease or blow out most of the lights
    >implying that's not realistic

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:07 No.80471XXX

    Oh boy, here we go.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:07 No.80471XXX
    Not to mention he's using stuff you don't get in a normal playthrough. You unlock it through minigames and extras and shit and getting super amazing ending ranks. Using that video to show MGS has no stealth elements at all or to show it cant be played stealthy and still be challenging is borderline trolling.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:08 No.80471XXX
    This. Life of the Party, man.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:09 No.80471XXX
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    splinter cell fanboy spotted
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:09 No.80471XXX

    >implying people can see in the dark IRL
    >implying people can't die from one bullet IRL
    >implying it isn't trying to be a realistic game, actually giving you the feeling you're accomplishing something with the missions.
    >obviously is a fag
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:10 No.80471XXX
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    >Someone makes valid point
    >This fag says "HURR DURR EASY MODE
    >Calls others fanboys
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:10 No.80471XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:11 No.80471XXX

    sure, so easy to just turn the table around.

    I'm not splinter cell fanboy, I know it has flaws, and I like MGS too.

    but MGS is not really a stealth game in the manner that splinter cell is.

    Splinter cell is a way more realistic game, and for me, that makes it better.

    MGS is more a fun game, with funny shit, and is also easier.

    yes, MGS is easier than SC, you heared me.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:11 No.80471XXX
    Splinter Cell

    Sticky Shocker
    Knockout Camera
    Air Foil Round

    Sure is easymode 'stealth' game here.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:12 No.80471XXX
    Didnt care for any splinter cell other than the first one, and yeah, I do feel it was the best stealth game ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:12 No.80471XXX

    I already pointed out that it wasn't a valid point.

    you don't automatically win when you shoot out all the lights.

    if you played the game on hard mode, you would know.

    denying that means
    a) you haven't played it
    b) you played it on easy
    c) you know it's not true, but say it anyway to piss people off

    so yeah, whatever you say man
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:13 No.80471XXX
    >yes, MGS is easier than SC, you heared me.

    Except... it isn't.

    Seriously. Go play MGS3 on Extreme. MGS3 is even the easiest of the first three games, and it'll hand your ass to you on a silver platter if you think it isn't about stealth.

    If you really want a challenge, play MGS2 on European Extreme.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:13 No.80471XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:13 No.80471XXX
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    splinter cell has good gameplay, but horrible story
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:15 No.80471XXX
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    I bet you ahve only played Conviction, where shooting out all of the lights guarantees win except for the last few levels.

    Actually, I'm 100% sure you ONLY played Convition.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:15 No.80471XXX
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    >Tenchu 4
    >Best stealth game
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:15 No.80471XXX
         File1291572942.gif-(1.11 MB, 335x288, 1277855290662.gif)
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    >rocket launchers
    >heavy machine guns
    >obese bomb man on roller blades
    >Giant singing flying robots
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:16 No.80471XXX

    I have played MGS3 on hard or whatever it's called.

    I was 12 at that moment, and I beat the game with fair ease.

    haven't played since.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:16 No.80471XXX
    Better change that, then.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:17 No.80471XXX
    MGS2. (3 and 4 are crap)
    Splinter Cell 1-3
    Thief 1 and 2
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:17 No.80471XXX

    Horrible story?

    Nah, it all comes down to taste, I kind of like espionage tales. Although Double Agent and Conviction weren't very interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:18 No.80472XXX
    MGS leaves you the choice to either go I AM RAMBO I KEEL YOU ALL! or go I'll beat the game without being seen once and without killing anyone. If you choose the latter, 90% of the weapons and items become more or less useless and you got your stealth game.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:18 No.80472XXX
    Splinter Cell:

    Shoot out all the lights.
    If you can't shoot out a light, sticky shocker anyone in your way. If you run out of sticky shockers, use air foils or those gas cameras. If you run out of those, just headshot them. If you run out of ammo, let me know because I never reached that point.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:18 No.80472XXX
         File1291573138.gif-(1.99 MB, 369x271, bruce_lee_laugh.gif)
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    >MGS3 has more alert guards than any of the Splinter Cell games. They see further, have sharper vision
    >see further
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:19 No.80472XXX

    You can't go rambo in the first two MGS games, even on easy.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:20 No.80472XXX
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    Hadst I a hammer, wouldst I hammer in the morning.
    Wouldst I hammer in the evening, all over this land.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:22 No.80472XXX

    That was the charm of the first two games. You could run right past the guards as long as you kept out of their cone of vision.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:22 No.80472XXX
    >If you run out of ammo, let me know because I never reached that point.
    No shit, you can't run out of ammo in Convinction
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:22 No.80472XXX
    Both MGS and Splinter Cell are piss easy, even on the hardest difficulties, unless you self impose limits on yourself.

    I suppose the boss battles in MGS could be balls hard, but those didn't really use stealth in their gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:22 No.80472XXX

    Why is it horrible?

    It makes far more sense than MGS's "deep" story.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:23 No.80472XXX
         File1291573401.png-(104 KB, 252x306, Thief_II_-_The_Metal_Age_Cover(...).png)
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    the first thief I remember playing through and it was awesome, i however enjoyed the second one more. I just hated dealing with the goddamn zombies.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:24 No.80472XXX
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    >/v/ will never have a discussion about stealth games that doesn't end up as a flame war between SC and MGS fans
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:24 No.80472XXX
    >makes far more sense

    So you were too stupid to understand it?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:25 No.80472XXX
    C'mon guys. Fanboyism aside, we all known the only hardcore stealth games made were Thief TDP and Metal Age.

    MGS, SC and Hitman just piss off the Woodsie Lord.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:25 No.80472XXX
    >Splinter Cell
    >Same weapons every level
    >Same enemies every level
    >Linear as fuck
    >No replay value
    >Stupid fucking 'follow' or timed missions
    >Dull characters
    >Dull dialogue

    About the only good thing about the games are some of the interrogation conversations. Too bad the series is getting progressively worse with every iteration.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:25 No.80472XXX
    Why do people still think that Hitman is a stealth game?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:27 No.80472XXX

    because it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:27 No.80472XXX
    *Someone* was traumatised by The Bonehoard.
    I shat burricks
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:28 No.80472XXX

    No, SC plot it is simply a more direct and to the point plot than the one in metal gear, it does not require retarded symbolism or "lolololo so random xD" game twists.

    Making something purposely convoluted does not make it deep. When you make a plot without trying too hard to make it sound deep, and it still sounds deep, then you have an actual deep plot.

    Yours is not, kid.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:29 No.80472XXX
    Splinter Cell is the deeper stealth game but MGS is more fun to play.

    MGS3 and 4 were bad though. Too many gimmicky features and the AI was awful
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:29 No.80472XXX
    It's an infiltration game if anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:29 No.80472XXX
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    Can't do that in MGS3. No soliton radar, enemies can easily see you from outside your screen (even if you're two stories up) and if you approach them at a speed higher than babysteps, they will hear you and go batshit.

    Also The End bossfight is ULTIMATE STEALTHAN
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:30 No.80472XXX

    All the word stealth means is concealing ones actions from notice.

    Hitman is a stealth game.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:31 No.80473XXX

    Yes and when they see you they'll just stand still firing at you, missing most of their shots. MGS3 has the worst AI ever in a stealth game.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:31 No.80473XXX

    >infiltration game

    by your criteria, you can call the first metal gear solid an infiltration game.
    what defines a stealth game? well, the ability to accomplish the objective without being ''seen''. in the hitman games, you can pretty much do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:32 No.80473XXX

    All that difficulty is negated by instant swap camouflage.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:32 No.80473XXX

    >Only played Conviction.

    go play some Chaos Theory, kiddo.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:32 No.80473XXX
    I don't call MGS a stealth game either...
    See above re. pissing off the Woodsie Lord.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:33 No.80473XXX
    Hitman is indeed a stealth game. It'd be an awesome stealth game if the AI wasn't so fuckshit bad.

    I remember the first Hitman was like the first game to feature dragging ragdoll corpses and I thought that shit was so cash.

    On a sidenote, Hitman is also more realistic than SC or MGS because nobody who's trying to infiltrate unnoticed is going to be creeping around in skintight ninja suits when they have the option of simply disguising themselves as someone who is supposed to be there.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:34 No.80473XXX
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    Garrett's so badass he goes burglarising in tap shoes.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:35 No.80473XXX
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    >shoot the guy in the chest 5 times
    >drag body to a closet
    >take off his clothes and put them on
    >all his buddies think you are him
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:35 No.80473XXX

    I don't think the "I'm the new guy" excuse will get you into The White House.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:36 No.80473XXX

    why wouldn't you call MGS a stealth game?
    i've only played the first MGS. from what i've seen it was meant to be played the ''stealthy'' way. also, playing like that makes it more enjoyable. therefore, MGS = stealth game
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:36 No.80473XXX
    You're always "seen" in Hitman.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:37 No.80473XXX

    >The End Bossfight

    Woah, I love MGS to death, and I love it WAAAY more than SC, ut that ossfight was never hard, not even on Extreme. All I do is find the end and last him away with the Shotgun.


    Not really, unless you have 100% camo, which can't be done without using hidden items after beating the game on a high difficulty, enemies will see you if you're fucking around or even breathe the wrong way.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:38 No.80473XXX
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    >everyone talks about Splinter Cell vs MGS and the occasional "is hitman even a stealth game?"
    >nostalgia faggots try to hard to make their dated thief game get noticed
    >no one cares
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:38 No.80473XXX
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    No, that's Splinter Cell.

    In MGS3, they'll call for reinforcements or make a dash for cover. Of course they'll try to shoot you too but if you've wrecked the local ammo warehouse, they'll only have one magazine of ammunition and then will be forced to resort to their sidearm, then their knife. And if you've taken out the food storehouses, not only will they be less alert but they'll be weakened in combat. And if you shoot their radio, they'll be unable to call for backup however any units within earshot will quickly show up to see what the fuss is about if shots are fired.

    Try actually playing the game.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:39 No.80473XXX

    Stealth doesn't mean not being seen, it means not being noticed.

    And you definately can't be seen when doing what you came there to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:39 No.80473XXX
    The implementation is retarded. Hiding in a cardboard box, vision cones, etc.
    I like MGS, but it's got a shitty stealth mechanic, shitty to the point that I can't take it seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:41 No.80473XXX
    I'm sorry, but Thief is still cutting edge in that nothing to date has improved upon it.
    If you think it's just nostalgia I feel sorry for your crippling inability to see past old graphics.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:41 No.80473XXX
    I don't get your point, do you disagree with everyone in this thread or not...?
    If you do, why aren't you listing your OWN "proper" stealth game list?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:44 No.80473XXX
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    >Crawling through grass, 90% camo index
    >For all intents and purposes, INVISIBLE
    >Oh shit, startled some birds in the grass
    >Nearby spetnatz turns towards me, curious
    >I watch in horror as he walks directly towards me
    >Throw a live snake at him
    >Everything went better than expected
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:44 No.80473XXX
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    >Guns actually hurt the main character.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:44 No.80473XXX

    Oh you MGS3 fanboys.

    The guards in the first two games were lethal and could kill you in seconds. In MGS3, guards would miss most of their shots, then rush in and try to melee me. You know your "stealth" games bad when you can run up to each guard individually and stab them to death.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:48 No.80474XXX
    >Splinter Cell
    >Alert guard
    >They just stand in one place screaming and shooting at you
    >Calmly move behind cover
    >They continue to stand in one place shooting

    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:48 No.80474XXX
    Not to mention, in 2, getting spotted could mean goddamn riot shields and shit.

    MGS2 always had the best stealth because, although it had the stupid visual range of MGS1 and the hurrdurr easy mode headshot everyone problem of MGS3, if you did make a mistake, you were in actual trouble.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:48 No.80474XXX

    I like stealth games, that's it.

    MGS, SC and hitman are all great games and fun in their own way.

    I don't give rat piss about thief but find it funny how everyone tries to hard to make it sound like OMG CUTTING EDGE NO BETTER STEALTH GAME and no one cares.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:49 No.80474XXX
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    Go play Thief: The Dark Project right fucking now you faggot, and you will see it's not outdated in anything but presentation.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:50 No.80474XXX

    Oh yes, the stealth in this game was fuckawesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:53 No.80474XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:53 No.80474XXX
    i enjoyed all 4 metal gears and all 4 splinter cells

    i loved conviction even though it was less stealth than the others and i enjoy how you can have more than one play style, you can run and gun when necessary, and be stealthy when its a better time to be.

    the same can be said about the metal gear series, ill use 4 in this case since i used the newest SC. you can run and gun like in the beginning areas where its just combat between PMC's and rebels, but when your first infiltrating the large house, or navigating that city with the young snake face camo, you can completely change your play style.

    thats why everyone is arguing so much, both games allow for run and gun AND stealth depending on how the player feels like handling the situation. so can we just all agree that they're both good stealth games, unlike thief...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:55 No.80474XXX
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    Opposed to MGS3 where getting spotted would in some cases lead to ATTACK DOGS AND CHOPPERS in addition to riot shields and shotguns?

    The headshot thing is something Splinter Cell has always had and MGS has after the first one. Peace Walker's really big on helmets though not to mention, it penalizes you for killing even more harshly than any prior game.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:55 No.80474XXX
    The presentation (level design, art direction, etc) was spot on... the engine is a wee bit creaky, though.
    Kojima needs to play some Thief too, to learn how to do fucking cutscenes that people actually enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:56 No.80474XXX
    i bought deadly shadows on steam and tried to play at least 2 levels...

    those games suck ass... they really do.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:56 No.80474XXX
    Tenchu 2 was a fucking hoot, not really the greatest stealth game, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:56 No.80474XXX
    >Opposed to MGS3 where getting spotted would in some cases lead to ATTACK DOGS AND CHOPPERS in addition to riot shields and shotguns?
    >and where you can totally stab everyone in the face regardless?

    Yeah. As opposed to that.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:58 No.80474XXX
    Wee bit creaky? As someone who has played numerous FMs and dabbled with the mission editor, I'd have to say creaky is an understatement.

    And regarding the cutscenes, Portable Ops and Peace Walker's cutscenes are probably the most similar thing that has appeared in gaming since Thief. Also Kojima usually tries to tell a much more complicated tale than the simple (but awesome) ones in Thief.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:58 No.80474XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:59 No.80475XXX
    >Deadly Shadows
    >Thinks he's played Thief

    Shalebridge Cradle is the only thing of worth in that game.
    Fucking console kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)13:59 No.80475XXX
    >console kiddies
    >says he bought it on steam
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:00 No.80475XXX
    Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:00 No.80475XXX
    Well I suppose some people might find blowing the strike teams away with Nikita missiles might be more difficult than stabbing them but it wasn't really a problem for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:01 No.80475XXX
    Nailed it there, buddy. He's a hack with more ambition than talent.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:01 No.80475XXX
    Not to mention you usually had to take the guards out, so they made that tricky, rather than making going completely unnoticed tricky and leaving blasting them all to be really easy.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:01 No.80475XXX
    No Beyond Good and Evil?

    Fuckin' plebs. Enjoy your shitty shootan while I enjoy art.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:03 No.80475XXX
    By which I mean "kiddies raised on consoles".
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:03 No.80475XXX

    Deadly Shadows was complete shit, if that's the only Thief you've played then you haven't played Thief.

    You played Deadly Shadows.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:03 No.80475XXX

    >Beyond Good and Evil

    It's not that good a game. The only reason it gets so much praise is because people like underdogs.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:05 No.80475XXX
    I didn't like it either. It just did a lot of things from other games (adventure, racing, stealth) poorly. And the combat was pretty derptastic.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:05 No.80475XXX
    Played all of them. Still don't understand the hate.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:05 No.80475XXX

    Except if you tried doing that you got your ass handed to you by said guards.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:06 No.80475XXX
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    >Splinter Cell
    >good stealth game
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:06 No.80475XXX
    Sounds like you play most games on easy mode, champ.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:08 No.80475XXX
    I don't think it's really hate, just massive disappointment.
    The engine ("wee bit creaky", lol) was the only thing holding TDP & MA back, and expectations were on the high side.
    See Deus Ex IW for similar disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:09 No.80475XXX
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    >stab chopper
    >stab guy with riot shield
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:10 No.80475XXX

    Okay, let me put it this way:

    Deadly Shadows is to Thief what Deus Ex: Invisible War is to Deux Ex.

    That's probably the single best way to put it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:12 No.80475XXX
    Again, I played Deus Ex and Invisible War. And while I agree that IW was complete shit I really enjoyed Deadly Shadows.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:12 No.80476XXX

    You read my fucking mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:13 No.80476XXX
    Not as good as the original but better than every game in the same vein that cameout after?

    I'm okay with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:15 No.80476XXX
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    >Thinks MGS3 guards are threatening in any way

    The terrible AI combined with Snake's massive health and the overpowered CQC throw makes MGS3 a joke.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:15 No.80476XXX
    Then... wow, there's something deeply weird about you.
    You didn't miss the rope arrows or swordplay? The massive intricate levels (Cradle exempted)?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:16 No.80476XXX
    After playing MGS SC and Thief ..all of them when they came out.

    MGS - Basic stealth,dumb ai only on high dificulty is the game a challenge, sometimes stupid but fun. The plot is waaaaaaay to out there for my taste.
    Thief - If it weren't for this game there wouldn't be good stealth games. A special place for me, remember playing it for the first time, loved everything. Hard as shit for a newbie, the story is darker and better than MGS imo,brutal stealth with fitting time period limitations.
    SC- refined modern stealth games, using more gadgets, just like Garret in the modern ages.Plot was mostly political, but SC3 was better than any game when it comes to stealth(the was sam moved, the details in the game were phenomanol)
    Hitman - Great game, great character, sometimes plot had huge gaps because of time it took to finish levels, as hard as you play it. Great Games (contracts had the better story)
    Fun - I'll give this to the casual MGS fans
    Stealth - Thief/SC 3 (chaos theory has no sc equal), depends on what are you looking for in stealth.
    Plot - Thief (i just love Garrett snarky down and dirty sense of life, the whole world is full of depth where as in MGS things are just ...silly mostly)

    I have played all, get over it MGS fans.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:16 No.80476XXX
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    anybody have that MSpaint Chaos Theory co-op comic? Used to see that posted a lot a few years back.

    Anyways, we can all agree that:

    God Tier
    Hitman Blood Money, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, MGS3 (Subsistence), Thief III

    Good Tier
    Hitman Contracts, Hitman 2 SA, SC Pandora Tomorrow, MGS4

    Mediocre Tier
    MGS2, MGS Twin Snakes

    Shit Tier
    Tenchu games
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:16 No.80476XXX

    >Get ass handed to by guards
    >Tells me I play on easy mode

    Except that's totally wrong. Maybe YOU can stab them all on Easy mode, but try doing it on Hard dipshit, they will knife and shoot your ass to death within seconds.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:18 No.80476XXX
    >the details in the game were phenomanol
    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:18 No.80476XXX

    >Massive Health

    Playing on Very Easy I see
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:19 No.80476XXX
    Yeah, sword really fits thief's hand

    >rope arrows
    With shit physics engine it would be more rage inducing than lack of them.

    And most of the levels were fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:19 No.80476XXX
    Shit nigger, you didn't just put Deadly Shadows in God Tier and not mention TDP or MA.
    Waiting for the edit...
    >> Anonymous 12/05/10(Sun)14:19 No.80476XXX
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    I'm totally serious.

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