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I'm bored, gonna make a Milky Holmes thread.
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Why not?
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Next monday is going to be pathetic, yet CYBWA

geddit, geddit?
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Sheryl = Cordelia > Elly > Twenty > Arsene > Kamaboko > Kokoro-chan > The rest of the police > RAT > Chicken > Stone River > Shit > Nero
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I can't believe I actually laughed
Nice try
you misspelled racket-kun
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>Retarded Tier: Sheryl
>Delusional Tier: Cordelia, Twenty
>Bitch Tier: Nero, Kokoro
>Doormat Tier: Elly, Stone River, Rat
>Doing Their Jobs Tier: Tsukigo, Hirano, Saku
>Overpowered Tier: Arsene
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It's almost December.
I really want a christmas special right now.
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Don't worry. There will be another Alternative Ova right around the corner
btw, how was the first alt ova?
was it any good?
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>mfw I watch it the first time

Safe to say that I will not be rewatching it anytime soon.
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subs fucking when
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Sometimes I wanna do this to people.

People like Nero.
I want to watch this, but can only find TV rips.

Did anyone do the BD's and what are the best subs for it?
Season 1 or Season 2?
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Nobody did the BDs because God hates Milky Holmes fans and Kiteseekers-Wasurenai are your only decent source of subs, and even then they only subbed one and a half seasons.
Season 1.

That's annoying, I wonder why no one wanted to do a BD release. I guess I'll have to make do with the TV rips.
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TV rips are fine. MH hasn't got 'The Most Spectacular Animation Award in Anime' afaik.
But still good, nonetheless.
Don't worry about the BDs, TV is just fine for Milky Holmes.
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1.81 MB
Milky Holmes has some of the most spectacular gifs in my collection.
>>75257955 (OP)
Oh, so that's what Milky Holmes is to you, huh? Something you only make threads about when you're bored, huh? Go fuck yourself, worthless kid. Whenever something happens you go up to your little /b/ folder pick up KUDASAI_NA.jpg and post it here, thinking you are the best, laughing behind your screen, flapping these adipous cheeks of yours while your wawa chocolate milk drips all overy your XXXL t-shirt. Fucking pederast. You rotten, disgusting slug, bucephalus leech. I hate you and your entire body smells like feces. Do you have any idea of how long you have been there, sitting on this same chair that because of some unknown miracle managed to withstand your massive weight? You have been there for weeks, months, locked up in your room that smells like Doritos and Wawa milk, jacking off to your Haruhi wallpaper and posting KUDASAI_NA.jpg on this fucking page. I don’t even know how you manage to type with your thick, greasy fingers, or how you still manage to find your tiny penis among all the fat flaps on your belly and groin area. You pile of shit, bipedal sperm-whale!!!
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wtf did i just read
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JEEESUS, has forsaken us.
Well, I'll be converting to the God of Lard, thankyouverymuch.
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Some deranged writing right here.
What are you smoking?
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Did anyone even sub the OVA?
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Don't thank me, you'll regret it.
I looked on kiteseeker's site and the only thing left on every episode is "quality control." How long could that possibly take? Why haven't they released them?
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I'm not going to watch it, I was just curious.
Nero in charge of QC.
>How long could that possibly take?

QC shouldn't take long at all.

There must be other problems bogging them down.
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Laziness or real life issues perhaps.
I believe in S3.
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She would instead give no shit about quality and release them 7 months earlier than now. Then, she would charge 2000 yen a copy.
Not like it would matter.

Wouldn't get subs for it anyway.
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We could at least marvel at the glorious new OP.
What happened to kiteseekers-wasurenai?
Why did they stop at episode 7? Why? Seriously, why?

See: >>75259806
Was it only america that hated this show? Or did the nips hate it as well?
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Masterpiece thread!
S1 was unexpectedly successful while S2 did either mediocre or average.
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>mfw there are actually people who enjoy this trash
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I really like the clothes in that image, it fits them all perfectly.
Go back to /v/.
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Trash-kun, Ohayou!

Don't be mean to Trash-kun! He's our pal.
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Shame, since S2 is actually better than S1. ;-{
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Damn nips wasting money on IM@S.
Season 2 was even better than 1.
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this show was a masterpiece.
S3 when?
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S2 subs when?
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When our hope have grown strong enough, dear anon.

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Kokoro have grew up
Just use the Nico subs for fuck's sake.
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Is a stream really the only option?
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Jesus Christ.
wouldn't she hold them back to charge 2000 yen per copy, if you wanted them right now?
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Wait, are you seriously considering to watch that horrendous pile of non-canon?
Why is Nero such a little jew?
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Well, that was the point now, wasn't it?

No, but she sure acts like one.
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not him, but I need more Sheryl
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What the fuck was she thinking about?
I just wanted to point out that she would use them as tools for extortion, but I probably misunderstood your post then.
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Well alright, but always remember that the Sheryl you're watching is not the real Sheryl but just a shallow copy of her.
OK first of all, before you pick up this series, throw every expectation out of the window! Literally!
Here's the most common perception people have on this anime;
-"Oh god, It's another lolicon's anime!"
Well, that's my first perception on it, but I can assure you, only the opening looks lolicon-ish. The rest of the show doesn't really promote pedophilia. How can you when the main villain of this series has gigantic b**b!

-"Wow! An anime about cute little girls with superpowers!"
What do you think this is? The Powerpuff girls? Once again, No. I dont wan't to give any spoilers here but I can tell you, most of the time in the show isn't about special powers. Do not expect Alice Academy here.

Their stupidity and plain randomness is enough to leave your face bruises all over (Due to the excessive face-palm) Not to mention, throw in a narcissistic teacher, and you have the complete recipe for pure random comedy.
Not to mention throw in a few panty shots.

Moreover, this anime is enjoyable for every age group.. Yes, that means you too you lolicons!
And there you have it,
Haremu Kingu, signing off!

Final scores: 6/10

I reduced the story score a bit because I've played the visual novel and realize they removed the main character just like what they did in Koihime and Galaxy Angel.
The visual novel actually has a story and the anime just screwed it up
>Not to mention throw in a few panty shots

There were pants shots?
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>I reduced the story score a bit because I've played the visual novel and realize they removed the main character just like what they did in Koihime and Galaxy Angel.
>The visual novel actually has a story and the anime just screwed it up
This is actually a copypasta from MAL.

Yes, it's someone's real review and not a troll.
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If you hate Milky Holmes, you hate the 90s
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Hey, fellow Milky-fags, especially Sheryl-fags and or Mimorin-fags!

Come and have a look at this review:

Especially at paragraph 6! although not for the weak-hearted
Yeah, it's pretty much a parody of 90s moeshit, but the production values aren't horrible
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>But Suzuko Mimori's Sherlock puts nearly all that effort to waste. The seiyuu shoots for Aki Toyosaki, but doesn't lay on the silky saccharine required to prevent her charge from becoming a shrill brat. Every third time she opens her mouth to complain or spout some optimistic drivel you'll want to strangle her and put a fork in your ear.

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>mentioning Penguin Musume Heart as a positive example
>the callous calorie vacuum, Nero, serve mainly to show how poorly the detective does at choosing her friends.

I can stand behind that
I want to strangle the reviewer and put a fork in his eyes.
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Cry some more.

Good review, by the way. I actually have a hard time believing J.C staff made this.
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He made poor Sharo cry.
What did she ever do to deserve these?
Waiting warmly for subs to watch season 2.
You are the worst kind of critic. I don't even care that you don't like the show since I can see why but you miss the point about discussion. These are just your opinions whereas REAL critics go into detail and argue the points of the series.

Have you ever written an essay?
So I skimmed through this, with a postive view of this show in mind (because I have watched it), and I couldn't quite see what you were saying. Most of the crap you say in the Story section doesn't help me understand the story. It's just words that denounce the title without reference to waht was actually bad. And when you did pull up a point, that logic is terrible. The kitten thing. What exactly was wrong about it? Just from the story bit, I can tell you are derailing this title for nothing at all having to do with the story, and when you did, it did was not pertinent as you clearly missed the point.

With the sections other than the Story, well, you should say what you, as a reviewer were looking in particular. Does it do it's job? then theoretically it's already at 5/10. Lower than that, you should point out what it was, other than somparing to random crap. I think you just missed the point of the title. The animation, was on the poor side, I can agree, but design and all, it was complementary.

Personally, as a golden rule, you can't compare one title to the caliber of another. It doesn't make sense. Why the hell are you comparing what Lucky Star did right to show a contrast. Unless you are comparing a review vs. review, I'm afriad it just doesn't make sense to compare two titles as a basis for point. Just my thought though.
Oh god the comments.

"I despaired at the very sight of this anime from day one, even if it did have a lot of hype. Goodness' sake, the main voice actresses even came to London to the Hyper Japan! event to advertise it.

But... I watched episode and kind of looked over to my giant volume of Sherlock Holmes stories, my stash of DVDs of the great detective, remembered all the brilliant real-life roleplays I'd done with this theme... and Milky Holmes just took a crap all over them. It was dreadful. Annoying characters, stupid plot... your review hit on exactly why I hated it so. Thanks. XD"
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>ball the brilliant real-life roleplays I'd done

Well at first I didn't wanted to watch that because usually /a/ getting excited means only some /u/ themed moeshit.
But I decided "What the hell, I even gave Strike Witches a chance".
It turned out to be next Galaxy Angel, a heart-warming stupid but awesome comedy.
I actually regretted that I didn't go on /a/ threads when it was airing.
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I would like to do Milky Holmes roleplays
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Must put penis in Kokoro-chan.
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>mfw I realize that the commenter is a brony
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"Having read the whole review, it does sound utterly awful - not that I expected otherwise looking at most people's opinions thus far. I'll definitely hate this one, but since I intend to watch as much of this past 2010 as I'm capable of, I guess I'll have to get half my life energy drained by trying to finish this show.

The friendly stay-away advice is very much appreciated, though, especially when it's this well written. Loved all the food analogies and your rage towards the main character. =D I'm sure I'll also feel like strangling her, if not the rest of the cast as well."
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How embarassing. I thought it was the big one. My folders are a mess.
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I look forward to strangling you too, LinkSword!
>>75257955 (OP)
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"Endangering the well-being of my grand-daughter you say, ...
Well, I think that now is the perfect opportunity for, ..."
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Well, the deed is done. Shall we have a drink, Watson-kun?”
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>Ojii-chan, arigatou gozaima~su!!

One of my favorite past times are reading negative Milky Holmes reviews and laughing at how wrong they are.

Here's another golden one for Alternative 1:

Without a doubt Tantei Opera Milky Holmes: Alternative is the way a Milky Holmes anime should be. The girls have their Toys and are at top-notch condition. They are serious about solving the case and with their mentor Kobayashi around to guide them they don’t lose their focus. The plot, while a bit simple, is done in good taste. This OVA really is the first time we see the girls in full swing. I was surprised to see how effective Cordelia is as a detective. She has such an amazing Toys, but I would never have noticed if not for this OVA because in the main series she is too busy being a lunatic to use it. The OVA ends with the girls apprehending the culprit who stole the five oil paintings but several key mysteries remain unsolved and a continuation is expected.

Verdict: Milky Holmes can get even better than this OVA, but this alternative version is leaps and bounds better than that awful second season. Here’s hoping this OVA continues to move in this direction and possibly open the door for a better (third?) anime series.
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>Verdict: Milky Holmes can get even better than this OVA, but this alternative version is leaps and bounds better than that awful second season. Here’s hoping this OVA continues to move in this direction and possibly open the door for a better (third?) anime series.

I want to give this reviewer a big FUCK YOU. Source?

Scroll down a bit to get it.
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All these stupid reviews are getting me depressed. Give me more Sheryl please!
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You posting Sheryl made me depressed. Give me some Nero
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Nero a shit and is a jew and a bitch.
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The slut is clearly superior to the nut-job.
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>inferior to any of the other characters at all
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>ANN/MAL and similar reviews
>Alternative was better than the actual series, and should be the actual series
That does it.
And by inferior I mean superior. It's like 8 in the morning on a Saturday.
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Don't give up hope, fellow Milkybro.
Damn the flower pic is already used: >>75263460
Don't kill yourself! Not now at least!
It's okay, as long as the Milky Holmes fanclub is a secret one that no idiot wants to enter because they al lthink it is fuilled with retarded pedophiles, it'll be all good
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I've always wondered what kamaboko tastes like
it tastes awful like most Japanese delicacies
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Indeed, raw cat tastes like raw cat.
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Milky Holmes is a Masterpiece
Did the second season ever get decent subs?
Read the thread.
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>But Suzuko Mimori's Sherlock puts nearly all that effort to waste. The seiyuu shoots for Aki Toyosaki, but doesn't lay on the silky saccharine required to prevent her charge from becoming a shrill brat. Every third time she opens her mouth to complain or spout some optimistic drivel you'll want to strangle her and put a fork in your ear.
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>oh look its that shitty generic moeshit that keeps getting spammed on /a/
>gave it a try
I laughed hard so many fucking times, this series really is a masterpiece.
Thank you for opening my eyes /a/.
Nico rips.
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>mfw themm ake amlly mmp mho enmoy mis mrash
Have you watched Season 2? If not, then get to it!
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Of course, and the ova.
I wish there was more
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Did you mean, The Alternative OVA?
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He probably means the first OVA.
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>watch the NON CANON ova
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I really hope no one takes the drinking game seriously while watching it
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I love her so much
why is she so perfect?
Because she's your waifu.
Miyuki Sawashiro.
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If I can somehow adopt Sheryl, then my life is complete.
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Why is she so irrelevant?
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I don't think that it's fair to keep Sharo as one's own. There are other people who want her too.

I propose a gentleman's duel. You and me. High noon.
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Get out, Kobayashi-san.
I'll fight the winner.
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she's enjoying it
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I'll just steal her when nobody's looking.
Will we ever get a season 3?

Did drawfriend ever finish that drawing with Sherlock's huge bow?
did she temporarily turn into sexy bunny girl?
that drawing was fucking amazing
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Oh wow, I just noticed that, amazing.
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it's Milky Holmes, i ain't explaining shit
Anime Sheryl: Lovable retard
VN Sheryl: Puts a genki persona to hide her emo personality and low self esteem

Anime Nero: Manipulative, money hungry bitch
VN Nero: Lazy tomboyish glutton

Anime Elly: Timid closet slut
VN Elly: Quiet bookworm-ish slut

Anime Cordelia: Batshit insane attention whore
VN Cordelia: Tsundere onee-san
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She's so cute.
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Can you disprove that this is yuri?
You can't.
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it's been such a long time since I've been in a MH thread

I love you guys
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She's eating the ice cream of her face.
Nero is too big of a bitch to be considered human. That picture is bestiality.
What a slut
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And it's going to die soon enough

Can anybody shitpost for at least 7 more hours? I need my beauty sleep.
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Well I'm going to work in a couple of hours. My wallet can't fill itself now can it?
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For some reason I want to eat some pie now.
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I heard JC Staff really loved working on Milky Holmes because they got pretty much no direction for it, so they could just do whatever they wanted.
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Who the fuck's that bitch with the side ponytail?
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Opera's replacement in MH VN2.
Harem-shit is now Yuri-Harem-shit.
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Why can't they just solve crimes without their "director" (or whatever) trying to fuck one of them?
Oh eyes-drawn-one-tan, you are the best background character.
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>No, Twenty is much more beautiful.
Because VN can't sell without harem.
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It's probably not new to many Milky Holmes fans, but I've been loving this. Don't even watch the show

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Why is Kokoro-chan such a perfect place for penis?
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That video is only for lower-level fans

Only watch this after you have fully appreciated the masterpiece which is Milky Holmes:
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Don't put penis in Kokoro-chan!
Hidden Gem

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B-but I must!
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>Not posting the best one


Do you even nandedesuka?
>posting this entry level shit

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