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I just bought Tenchi Universe; Hellsing Ultimate (Volumes 1-8); and Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere.

What should I watch first, /a/?
>>75028560 (OP)

Also... Horizon Thread?
>buying anime you haven't watched

That's an awfully expensive hobby you have acquired.
>>75028560 (OP)

>Still having a backlog
>Insisting I haven't already watched them with /a/ (minus Tenchi).

Still expensive...
Just go by the years they came out.
That way you'll save the best (Horizon) for last.
>Horzion better than Hellsing

>>75028560 (OP)
Sell it.
First of all, he just bought it, so he can just return it.

Secondly, FUCK YOU!!
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>Corrects him
>Insults him

Just watch Tenchi first.
There's No Need for Discussions
I see what you did there.
How the hell did you remember that?
Some titles just stick with you.

How could you NOT remember that?
Very few things impress me.
This is one of them.
Now now.
No Need For Rebellion.
I hate you...
I'm gonna be THAT guy and say Hellsing.
>Not watching based original Tenchi OVAs

Those don't really have an ending though...

Who cares? Still some of the best anime ever made. Even the dub was good.
Eh, I don't blame him.
I enjoyed Universe a hell of a lot more than the OVAs, too.

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