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File: 1352934933377.jpg-(61 KB, 764x1052, 1352698962221.jpg)
61 KB
More women should wear suits.

Suit thread.
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134 KB
Stop making my penis so hard, Iri.
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162 KB
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254 KB
Kotori's is nice too.
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128 KB

Very nice
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773 KB
Suit megucas are best megucas.
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777 KB
All women should wear suits and heels. The world would be a better place.

Sayaka and homura can rock suits nicely.
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30 KB
That whore... I want to rape her
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330 KB
I agree, it really suits them.
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138 KB
Guaranteed replies
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96 KB
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137 KB
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531 KB
Why did it take ten posts for this?
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221 KB
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163 KB
Because you have shit taste.
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731 KB
A vocaloid can suits too.
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254 KB
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1.28 MB
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302 KB
Fuck yeah I approve of this thread.
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237 KB
On that picture Madoka is the best though.
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494 KB
I dont think theres one of Kyoko for that last set. Kinda weird.
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177 KB
>>74730714 (OP)
omg i love fate soooooo much
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297 KB
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504 KB
>>74730714 (OP)
All I got for madoka, hope you liked.

Also, >>74728087 →

NAISU. It wasnt with the others on gelbooru.
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1.09 MB
I'll dump the whole thing.
Shouldn't I?
File: 1352936778407.jpg-(174 KB, 622x1000, 5920628db4f1be3eaef0c1542(...).jpg)
174 KB
Do it.
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736 KB
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689 KB
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717 KB
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125 KB
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1.28 MB
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604 KB
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590 KB
Eboshi looks the coolest here.
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443 KB
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575 KB

This shit is so fucking gay.
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824 KB
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672 KB
I like her. There's a reply.
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189 KB
Youmu + suit = perfection
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652 KB
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131 KB
She should be smoking.
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737 KB
Aw shit
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713 KB
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516 KB
Shit is going to hit the fan now.
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875 KB

Fuck me, this is just too weeaboo for me to endure.

And I'm on /a/, of all places. I need to get my life in order.
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809 KB
I like it.
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708 KB
How dare you insult GLORIOUS NIPPON!
Have at you good sir!
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125 KB

Whoever did this can't into action or comedy. It's like they took a cool concept and ruined it.
I agree, I am slightly disappointing.
Thanks but I'd rather a girl in a shirt and nothing else.
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193 KB
Thanks for the dump.

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19 KB
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108 KB
>Sayaka's proportions
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154 KB

I didn't.
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52 KB
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326 KB
>not having duck's disease
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900 KB
That's what I have.
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62 KB
I love when girls wear skirt suits
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184 KB
>Suit thread

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Pant-ass is a miracle of the universe
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I'll contribute what I can. Probably cover some Office Ladies, Senseis and other Christmas Cakes.
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>/c/ thread
Oh good, another thing that needn't be here.
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244 KB
>people posting what I don't like so I'm going to complain and be a faggot.
Cool Story Bro.
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660 KB
Less cancerous than any waifu thread and those are permitted.
>off-topic shit should be allowed on my board because its part of the culture
No. Image dumps thread belong on their respective boards. This has nothing to do with anime.
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315 KB
That foot.
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57 KB
And your complaining has nothing to do with anime either. Fuck off back to /q/. Image dumps have been done on /a/ long before us, and they will continue. Stop being mad, leave and hide the thread if you don't like it.
wallstreet takeover incoming?
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85 KB
Comes with shota Kerry included.
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145 KB
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53 KB
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317 KB
Everyone should wear suits. All the time.
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21 KB
>things change when nothing happens
Uh, nah. You see, the entire point of /c/, /cm/, /e/ and whatever else is to house threads exactly like these: no discussion, just purely images. You know, for people with such massive brain problems they cant work out how to find what they want on a booru site or pixiv.
However, nobody fucking posts in them because nobody else posts in them and instead come here where things are a little bit quicker to garner replies. If we took the faggots who come here day in, day out to dump their shitty threads and put them on to /c/ or whatever, they can begin to have their own little community and shit. But without someone saying that such a place exists they go on blissfully unaware and keep a shit thread like this with zero discussion permanently on the front page.

Yeah, waifu threads can be pretty fucking inane too, but they dont have a designated board. This does.
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133 KB
>but they dont have a designated board
Your new is showing, they have /mai/
they look very shitty if you don't put effort into it. and
>putting effort into their appearance

Not going to happen
I don't refer to the things here as people. Sorry for the confusion.
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167 KB
Women in suits... well I have a partially suit clad woman. You can blame the blonde for getting her out of most of it
If you're expecting people to do everything you want, I think you're in the wrong place. >>74736537 is pretty much right, stop trying to "save the board" with your shit, it's not going to get you anywhere.
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118 KB
I ran out of suit pictures, good luck with the thread though!
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342 KB
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49 KB
best. PA. ever.
Its that sort of shitty attitude why nothing does change.
Its one thing to go straight to the mods with BAN THIS BAN THAT or whatever, but the fault lies with the user(s) themselves. There is just no real reason for this thread - like so many others akin - to be here when there are perfectly good boards existing for the sole purpose of which.
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For fuck's sake, just post some pictures of women in suits
>There is just no real reason for this thread
We like 2D girls in suits.
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23 KB
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129 KB
>madoka suit dump
>missing junko
Seriously guys...
Always liked Kayabuki's voice.
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360 KB
There are a lot of things wrong with this board, but for fucks sake this has got to be way fucking low on the list. Why don't you go try to 'fix' one of the other off-topic threads? I'd link you to them, but When I see one I just hide and forget them.
Thats great, but /a/ is a discussion board based around anime and manga. There is no discussion here. A lot of these images appear to be one-off or original drawings and not inherently from anime or manga. This is where /c/ comes in. Hell, you can go crazy and have some lewd images of 2D girls in suits and stick it in /e/. You could even get full on perverted and go with /h/ and even /d/ if dicks are your thing.

Or even instead of that: can you type the word "suit"? Because you could have just gone to gelbooru and searched for that exact word and gotten far more images than this thread will ever provide in an iota of the time.

I understand its a hard thought, but there are other websites on the internet than 4chan and other boards here than /a/.
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93 KB

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