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Let me get this straight, These people just shoot deadly shit at one another without a care in the world?
I mean I like the show and all, but is it ever explained why they try to kill one another? Or why they live on a giant CAV?
Watch it again. They said the inside is covered with carbon protection.
Same thing in Detroit. They are ghetto ass motherfuckers, no regard for human life. But with tanks instead of colts.
Forgot to mention, they only fire till it is immobilized. Not to kill each other.
I missed that, I'll rewatch the first two episodes right now.
It is a sport.
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Let me get this straight, There's no episode this week?
>Protection on the crew cab
>They are always sticking their body out to look around

Nothing could go wrong.
They've already brought that up, too.
Well MC's crew from before the series started all drowned, so......
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"Sometimes at night, I can hear their screams..."
When is this stated? That id pretty grimdark, and I love some grimdark with my moe.
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"Help me, Senpai! I can't swim! And then, nothing..."
So is 5.5 going to be getting subs?
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Why did she even think they would get a male instructor if it's a women's sport?
Not by Commie, apparently.
But fortunately there's HorribleSubs and Derpyiu.
One of this season's jewels
is it ever explained why they live on giant aircraft carriers?
I'm trying to into /a/ but dammit you guys have me second-guessing my choice of subs so often. Was originally going Commie but y'all seem to like Hiryuu better and now people seem to prefer Commie...

/g/ is much more easy to detect sarcasm than you guys.
But my subs autism.
5.5 is just a recap and reintroduction of the characters, their favorite tanks and the different tanks that have appeared so far.
My favorite part is how batshit crazy Miho is, just chilling with her head sticking out of the hatch during engagements.
Where? Nothing on nyaa
That's because /g/ is full of retards from /v/ now, anyone from old /g/ who liked lolis and programing and ran linux is somewhere on this board now. Or they ran off to /prog/, /vip/ and /dqn/ the only really good boards left.
This, in ep 2 niggas be firing at her and she is all like "It ain't shiet nigga"

She be straight up gangsta.
Remember the director of this?

I'm telling you, one of these girls is going to get her head blasted away when she sticks out of her tank during battle.
me:>come from /v/
>take a break from /v/'s retardedness with /g/
>main /g/ and /v/
>thanks to /g/ anime backlog increases in size and I actually start watching shit
>start watching current shows
>come to /a/

I feel like I'm the cancer or something.
Little Army manga, it's the prequel to GuP. It's focused on her friends who she drowned.
You are, I'd suggest you refrain from posting for a while and go back to about the 40M get on /a/ and read every post since then.
>Tanks rounds exploding all around her
>Miho miho still refuses to get inside the damn tanks

Is she a 40K commander or something?
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Nishizumi Miho; Total badass
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Like a god damn boss
Why'd they make a recap episode already?
>get me closer so i can push them into the body of water
What is all this drowning crew talk? Anyone have the page it happens?
There's a short flashback in ep5.5, where Miho screams to a sinking tank in water.

I've never seen proof
Oh, I thought it was more explicit in the manga.
The flashback already happened at some point in the series... she was in the tank too, though, wasn't she?

I'm still not sure I believe a whole bunch of little girls drowned in a series like this.
Watch the series, there are snippets all over the place as to what happened, also read Little Army.
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if you notice in the OP it shoes a body of water where shes falling

not symbolic or anything it was her crew and her downing their tank
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Pic related, Miho's dead crew.
No Miho no! Don't push that wheelchair into the sea! You're onee-chan will get very angry!
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Game of Tanks, You either win or you die!
Dead lolis ;_;
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Apparently commie is doing it now.
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God Speed you glorious Bastards!
They're not dead.

Nothing new or interesting happen. I wouldn't blame them for subbing.

For not subbing*
Until there is confirmation I refuse to believe there were any deaths. They might have stopped doing senshadou but dieing seems to extreme for this series.

Doesn't matter either way at this point. They are doing it so in the end, we get lovely german subs for 5.5.
RIP ;_;
I am kind of sad with 5.5. I wish they put in a little bit of new content.

Well, since someone fucked up on a job, they had to delay episode 6. They probably didn't even have enough time to put in new content.
True. This is just a teaser though. I hate being tease. :|
Miho is a murderer.
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Miho = Saki

She's the White Devil.
When her sister said not to disgrace panzerfahren, she wasn't trash-talking.
She was begging her not to go FULL TANKTARD and kill another crew!
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That would explain why she is always up on top.
Doesn't want to get trapped in a watery grave of metal.

>Anime regularly airs on early morning times in Japan

What the fuck? I mean, I didn't really expect anime to be primetime on most channels, or shit, but don't they have specialized anime channels or something?

So... Enlighten me, /a/, who is this Saki about and why is his/her anime about Mahjong so good?

I actually don't know if it's Mahjong but I somehow have those two related by a post here on /a/

Saki is about Mahjong. Mahjoing is tanoshii. Therefore, Saki is tanoshii.
Akagi > Saki
Typical American
Why are they on a big ship anyway?

"lol i'm too small of a target to hit" is pretty bad logic, yo.
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Things happened. They come from a world/future you do not understand.

Why aren't you on a big ship?
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Somethings were well build. Fun? Indeed.

>implying HorribleSubs ain't the best
This fact has only been alluded to with an off hand comment about how schools used to be on land, but it's not been explained yet.

My guess is the world has become so overpopulated that city-ships were built
That was my original thought but every time they show land there's a port city and nothing but empty undeveloped space.
>>74685695 (OP)
pretty much
their target audience sure as hell don't care either
it's military hardware porn + moe little girls
i hope you weren't expecting anything else

Cost, probably.

you can weld together a panzer IV pretty easily compared to a modern tank with composite armour and that is one of the more complex, refined tanks of that era. since panzerfahren is a popular sport, chances are there is still some workshop in Essen making new, OEM Panzer IV's and replacement parts for them.

>tfw you can't go to the local Mercedes dealer and pick up a 2013 Panzer III
You know, if they wanted to they could very easily take this show to a very dark place.

There are a lot of things in the show that could be interpreted as Miho being mentally unstable. Her family forced her into the tankery discipline, something that she cant ever escape from. She's been called for having "dirty tactics." She continually puts herself in harms way. She has a blindly loyal fangirl who would do anything she says... The list goes on.

This could very easily have a nice carrier ending.

I lost my shit when there was a tank shop where you can buy spare parts for your tanks

>tfw you have to be a girl to study tankery

I pretend to be a schoolgirl on Omegle I'm calling it close enough

I'm assuming the original post was asking why they all use WWII tanks.

While passing by a high school track field I got to wondering if tankery isn't something like modern day sports. To use basketball as an analogy:

You have high school basketball which is not all that important. They don't have giant fancy arenas or equipment, just run of the mill cheap to maintain stuff. In GUP universe this would be the WWII tanks. Cheap, simple, sturdy.

Then, you have college basketball. Things start to get a little bigger here and these games are usually broadcast on TV as well. They are much higher profile so they get better equipment and the professional leagues like the NBA are watching them for possible drafting. In GUP universe, what if university teams run Cold War era stuff like M-60s and T-62s?

And last you have the professional leagues. The nationally watched NBA with giant arenas and huge stars. In GUP universe, this would be where the Oorai instructor is from. She's using a Type 10, an ultra-modern MBT. At the professional level they all use modern equipment like Abrams, Challengers, and Leopards.

I want to live in this universe.
But you're not a girl so all it would change is what sports you watch.
Maybe the men do Artilleriefahne?
So we get to shoot shells, wait a bit and get blown to bits.
There are a couple of premium anime-only channels (e.g. AT-X), though they usually aren't the first stations shows air on.
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This is bad... I actually teared up a bit when they played The Battle Hymn of the Republic... That... that doesn't even make sense.

On another note, Mako is a miracle of the universe.
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Team USA
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>wait a century for the goddamned shell to load
>wait a century for the idiots up front to spot something
>finally an enemy appears
>wait for the poor bastard to stop moving
>wait a century for the cursed aiming disc to stop shrinking
>wait a century for the blasted target to actually step out of cover so you can finally shoot it

>even though target was perfectly in the center reticle and was completely covered by the aiming disc, the shell missed by a fucking mile
>wait a century for the goddamned shell to load

>watch helpless as the team gets shredded
'afk arty'
'noob arty'
'do something arty'
'lol arty'

The Oarai instructor Ami Chouno is a JGSDF tanker. She's a full military tanker, not a Senshado tanker, explaining why she uses the modern Type 10.

The rules of Senshado also prohibit tanks made after August 15, 1945, aka VJ Day, but allows completed prototypes built before that date.
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I bet 14's going to be pretty tankful for Thanksgiving.
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In the words of Shiho Nishizumi


>Hit whenever we shoot; have strong defense; as we advance our formation never breaks
>Rule of Iron, Heart of Steel. That is the Nishizumi School of Senshado that I teach.
>Everyone, fulfill your duties as a student,
and strive towards the proper way of Senshado!
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grimdark outta nowhere. RIP in piece.
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I thought it said designed before August 15, 1945, so technically the blueprint tanks are not really exempted.

>T95 vs E-100
The way they pilot the tank makes me cringe
First of all WHY would they have the Panzer 38t and the japanese tincan? Those things lack the firepower to harm other tanks, they lack the armour to take any hits and they lack the speed to be useful.

>Two tanks attacking you
>Decide to retreat
>Clearly expose your engine to them instead of moving in reverse

>Non-stabilized WW2 era tank
>Firing on the move

>Want to attack enemies behind you
>rotate the turret all the way while keeping the engine exposed
>Not rotating the tank at the same time to increase the angle and the effective turret turn speed
They are high school girls, what do you expect?
are you this autistic
they are cute little girl who hardly can drive the tank
and it's just a sport for them
Because Panzerkraft was abandoned in Ooarai, and the equipment wasn't replaced/updated as it should have.
I'm sure those tanks were top tier before the activity was dropped. But I hear they (or at least MC's team) are getting upgrades.

>attacking enemies behind them
it was when they were being chased, or when they were on the bridge. they can't turn the whole tank.
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i wonder if instead of football, everybody in that universe watches tankery on tanksgiving..

i know i would
>Two tanks attacking you
>Decide to retreat
>Clearly expose your engine to them instead of moving in reverse
Good idea. The Sherman has 4 forward gears, most tanks only have 1 reverse gear. What could possibly go wrong?

>Firing on the move
They didn't always do that.

Oh, and
As an avid artillery fan and a trained artilleryman I would love to be able to do artillery stuff as a pasttime. I'll totally buy an old howitzer one day if I have the money. Artillery is an awesome orchestrated symphony of destruction by a band made of hundreds of brave men. Only problem about artillery as a form of war is that it's seen boring as fuck by entertainment and thus I shall never have any fiction related to artilleriefahren. ;_;
I'm guessing global warming or nukular war forced people off land...

>Did not notice the entire town of Oarai being on land
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The men do the manly art of Luftfahren
Why can't Luftfahren be a real thing? Maybe I'd have actually applied myself in school and done something with my life. ;_;
Hell yeah motherfucker
>dat Mako face
they are all so adorable...

would do sensado related things with them.
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>little army
What was happened to them?
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Or is it...?
I want to see combined operations in GuP somehow, where you have artillery, naval and air action.

Glorious Midway city carrier fleet vs city carrier fleet battle, where more than 10 towns, 600 planes take part.
The show's ridiculous, but it's completely self-aware in that regard.

It pretty much handwaves the danger at every given opportunity (We use live rounds, but they're used with safety first!) and tells the viewer "Yes, this would be extremely dangerous and stupid IRL. But they have the strongest safety precaution of all: plot armor. Stop overthinking it and enjoy some lighthearted tank battles and sports story antics with cute girls. Just pretend that there's no danger at all."

With the presentation as it is, you might as well be complaining about people treating a children's card game like the most important event that could ever happen.

GuP is tank and military fanboy porn, but it still trends strongly towards cartoony.
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looks like the Yukari + dog ears is a thing in Japan now
Is there gonna be a spinoff where Miho's old friends join the Nationals to meet her and forgive her for trying to send them to a watery grave?
no, because people are dead after you killed them.
Their tanks are "carbon coated" on the inside, which apparently defeats anything a WWII era tank could fire.

The little flag things also apparently are automated, since in their fight with the brits the M3 crew abandoned their tank, which then got hit but then sprouted the flag anyway. So they're not vanilla tanks really, but they're treated as such.
They are dead.
This isnt achiga or mahjong where people dont die.
That would be like Girls und Panzer: Achiga-hen - episode of side-A
>Their tanks are "carbon coated" on the inside, which apparently defeats anything a WWII era tank could fire.
>water beats fire

oh miho

>Yukari is a furry

But you also have people complaining about PTSD Stalker-chan sticking her head out of the tank, as well as other stuff like them taking the battle into the city, which would definitely result in both schools being sued and possibly several of the students landing in juvenile hall if that happened IRL.

It doesn't want you to think too hard.
Girls and their little Panzer: A Movie by M. Night Shyamalan.
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not a furry fan but I can accept it!
But Saki killed people too.
As a trained mortar squad leader, I'd get me a nice 81mm mortar.
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they should make a live action movie...

would love to see cheap looking tank action
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dat konjou
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they could judge me anytime!
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Saori will use this?
didn't they use the MG to determine the distance between tank and enemy back in the days?
To measure distance.
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Well, there is chance someone will want to get out from the water after all...
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Anyone know what tank are these? Are they Russian ones?

Distance measuring would probably be done with the coaxial MG, since it's right next to the main gun.

Hull MG is lower and also a bit farther forward.
German's. The middle one is Tiger, I think.
The rest of them are PzIII.
winter war... classy

1x Tiger, 3x PzIII
Maho's team?
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Difference in distance is negligible at that distance, I think.
Her sister team probably.
Yeah, I'm saying it's Miho's sister's team. Nishizumi Maho's team.
at least it gives me a big boner...
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The MG 34 is such a classy looking weapon!
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Oh italy
I'm not sure why people prefer the MG42. The MG34 is clearly the better-looking weapon.
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Just what is in that 4th dimension that is keeping autistic-chan distracted?
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She is a dog of war.
get it? dog of war.
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Oh and,manga chapter 6 RAW

So confirmed Char B1 is MC team's tank,guess it will replace Type 89(B1 also 4 crews right?)
Autism. Hence the name "autism-chan".

Either that or PTSD.

Why replace when they get use it alongside? They need the extra tank for competitions, and we have crews unaccounted for in the OP.
She's been exposed to a dimension her eyes/brain can't properly render, and damaged her sanity in the process.
She knows she's in an anime, and that people are watching her. She can actually look back at the viewers, but tries not to, to preserve what fragments of her sanity remain.
Yeah right,i forget that
Sad volleyball team,89 forever
Because MG-42 was better weapon.
And also looks beautiful.
there are new club members or not?
Crew of 4 indeed. But they'll add a new team to the lineup, which will include the 80s girl.

I was under the impression ranging machine guns were a postwar idea. In WW2 they were they for shooting stuff.
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What is she seeing there then?

inb4 reincarnated companion of Miho and knows her true nature. She is only waiting for the right time to expose her but she suffers from recurrences that happened moments before she drowned thus her distracted and aloof nature.
How powerful is B1?

It was fine when they took the battle into the city. No civilians were hurt and the shops that get damaged are compensated/renovated for their loss.

well, I enjoyed my time with the MG3 (not exactly the same weapon but still...)

sadly, I couldn't fire the main gun of the L2, so I envy Hana a little bit.
After a thousand battles, one sees only rivets
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autism-chan: that's not a cheese sandwich
Since Panzers were hijacked by women for use in "martial arts" instead of being used for World War 2 said world war bogged down once again into infantry trench warfare.

In the end both sides A-bombed the shit out of each other rendering large sections of the world radioactive as fuck. So now large numbers of the populace live on self sufficient super sized aircraft carriers with a few land ports supporting them.
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I have a feeling autism-chan and this guy met somewhere.
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Can someone translate what erwin said in this page
47mm main gun. About as powerful as the Type 89's.
75mm hull howitzer. I don't know how well it fared against tanks, it was suppossed to be used against structures.
Thick armor, 40-60mm front.
28-23km/h top speed, so it won't be winning races.

Overall, it could supplement the StuG.
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In terms of armaments the B1's 60mm is better than the guns on the Type 89 and the Pz38(t), but not by much. The 75mm howitzer on the hull is more powerful, but only effective against fortifications.

The B1 bis has better armor than the 38(t) or the 89, but isn't much faster than both of them. Finally, it's still weaker than the team's heavy hitters, the M3, Stug III and the PzIV.
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How many people here read these threads but don't watch GuP? The related discussion is more interesting than the show for me.

>You will never have an S-tank in WoT

Correction: 60mm of armor. It has a 47mm turreted gun.
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the pleasure

>You wish
She said Yukari is Guderian
>/ak/ threads
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Her anus is defenseless.
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Well, there goes any plans I had.
Aren't there any doujins with vanilla yuri? I wanna see rommel x oryu.
>Calling her Autism-chan

I bet you guys can't even remember her real full name without looking up first.
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well, no not really...

remember the times without all the military moe stuff?
>wanting to sexualize loli tanks

you pervs disgust me
Not really, a non H-doujin is fine too, I just want the yuri that is lacking in the anime/manga.
>Not wanting to ram into delicious armor
lol pleb
>Saki Anriyama

It would be easier if they had more spotlight, or even an episode for themselves.
Saki Maruyama
You failed.
Punched right through their armour!
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So peacful
Saki Maruyama, though
dat Oreo!
Of if she had a VA.

>Finally, it's still weaker than the team's heavy hitters, the M3, Stug III and the PzIV.

It should be noted that while the B1 bis has less powerful AT weapons than the PzIV Ausf. D, it is still a match against the tank in everything else. The tank closest in performance to the B1 would be the M3 Lee.
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>she is not insane
Heinz Wilhelm Guderian? The man that wrote Achtung - Panzer!, the mastermind behind Blitzkrieg doctrine, the guy that actually could operate every single tank in Wehrmacht...

"Der Motor des Panzers ist ebenso seine Waffe wie die Kanone". (The engine of the Panzer is a weapon just as the main-gun).

"Es gibt keine verzweifelten Lagen, es gibt nur verzweifelte Menschen". (There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people).

"Man schlägt jemanden mit der Faust und nicht mit gespreizten Fingern". (You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread) - Meaning that you should concentrate your Panzers for one mighty push in one direction and not distribute them.

In addition to what >>74711972 and >>74711992 said:

Detailed armor thickness (mm) :

Turret Front : 56mm/0° + gun and CMG mantlet (56mm)/round covering about 50% of the front surface
Turret Sides : 56mm/22.5°
Turret Rear : 56mm/22.5° (rear hatch is 56mm thick)
Turret Top : 30mm/74° and 90°
Copula : 48mm/25° and 90° (round)
Hull Front, Upper : 60mm/20°
Hull Front, Lower : 60mm/45°
Hull Sides, Upper : 55mm/20°
Hull Sides, Lower : 55mm/0°
Hull Rear : 55mm/43° and 0°
Hull Top : 14-27mm, mostly 25mm/90°
Hull Bottom : 20mm/90°

David Lehmann give the values of 40mm/30° at 400m for both the 47mm SA35 (w/ APC) and 75mm SA35 (w/ APHE).
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Guderian was every bit as lonely as Yukari, with only those that truly follow him seeing a warm side to the guy.

Russell A. Hart dis warn that serving with Guderian was high attrition rate matter. His XIX Corps in Poland (1941) made 200 miles in 4 days, taking 43% of Army Group North's causalities (3 times the rate of every other unit in Army Group North).

The one man that did pose some problem for Guderian was Charles de Gaulle, but de Gaulle lacked the ability to truly stop Guderian's steamroller.
But the B1's 47mm cannon is much better than that of Type 89
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who's gonna get the B1?
Is there a sixth team?

They look... unique.
I wonder if she is related to any aliens.

girl on the right looks like the girl from harlock.
Dude it's little girls driviing tanks and you ask for a logical explanation? you should have understood it's a nonsense setting even before downloading it.
final tournament tank battle

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