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>You are a child of Kaworu

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>>74168691 (OP)
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Are we sure it's referring to Shinji ? It could Asuka since she was affected by the angel.

>mfw Asuka is main villain
>Tsundere as a villain

God damn Anno, 10 out of motherfucking 10.
>>mfw Asuka is main villain

Goddamn, Rebuild. I just want it to end and have Asuka win da Evanjelly-ohn already.
Go and, I don't know, read re-take or something. That's what Asukafags do, right?
>>74168691 (OP)
If that is supposed to be a translation, it is awfully wrong. It just says "And the person←beside Kaworu is..."
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>>74168691 (OP)
I swear if Kaworu kills Asuka with the angel excuse and Shinji is Ok with it I'm going to Japan
We incest now.

[spoilers]We always were, but still[/spoiler]
>>74168691 (OP)
I don’t get it. Where do you see it on the picture?
Where are you getting this from?
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>>74168691 (OP)
Fucking called it. Now Jaworu can do the badass father with his son
It's from みんなのエヴァンゲリオン(ヱヴァ)ファン. Just google it
Which article?
>>74168691 (OP)
So that's why we have four Adams. They are all sons of Kaworu
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So? It says that somebody besides Kaworu. They mean that new chink.
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So basically Kaworu won, or something
The first onewith Shinji, Asuka, two new characters and the pink Eva . Open it and just scroll down
So Now we even fail at translations ? Man, I miss Jaworu
Did you use google translate or something? It says nothing about Shinji being Adam based.
>>74168691 (OP)
>>You are a child of Kaworu

That means "And a child on the left from Kaworu".
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>Man, I miss Jaworu

Have some Jaworu
But Kaworu called Gendo "father" in 2.0. What the fuck is going on?
>Everyone's EvangelionFan

Yea... nah..
>That means "And a child on the left from

It's all Jaworu's fault
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>spreading misinformation so close to release
You are a horrible, horrible person and you should leave.
Kaworu embodies himself as the little "oniichan~" sister for Shinji.
>All that desperation to force a new meme

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This place is going nuts. What the fuck will happen on the 17 November ?
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>What the fuck will happen on the 17 November ?

You will get tanged
3rd Impact.
>>74168691 (OP)
Why are the girls wearing their plug suits, but Shinji isn't?
Because they threw him in a cell and won't allow him to pilot.
> the girls wearing their plug suits

Good, that means that Rei will pilot

Because the Tanging came too soon.
Because they accidentally brought Yui back to life taking the soul out of 01 and causing a huge shit storm because shinji can't pilot it anymore
Maybe she's just naked.
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He's in confinement
He's trapped in Kaworu's rape piano basement
I don't see the fingers of her foots. It's a plug suit
Yui = New Child.
You now, come to think of it they are probably gonna show version of this picture with everybody revealed, so yeah, I doubt she's naked.
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>mfw this thread
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Even MORE incestuous innuendos.
>>74168691 (OP)
Shinji is between Rei and Kaworu. This movie is Rei vs Kaworu.

Also , judging by that picture, Mari will be Asuka's most important relationship
>Mari will be Asuka's most important relationship

If this is true then fuck Anno, Shinji is supposed to be Asuka's most important relationship
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>Young girl going "ara ara" as she fights angels
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This is seriously it. I was going to stick around until right before the film premiers and then leave the internet for about 6 months (or however long it takes for BDs), but I am going to check out as of now. I even consider official trailers too much of a spoiler at this point.

see you on the other side /a/nons!
Was supposed, okay? That story is already told perfectly in NGE.
See you tomorrow!
>Shinji is supposed to be Asuka's most important relationship

Just leave, please. 2.0 was their way for saying "look Asuka is a side character now! Her arc is about Rei and Shinji's father problems !"

Stop being delusional

She could just as well be doing a lot of her own work. I saw more scenes in the trailer that involved her and Rei, if anyone. Mari be James Bondin' all over the place.
Is this your first anime?
I'm going in hiding after seeing first 6:38 minutes on 16 until camrip is translated.
I laughed.
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>This movie is Rei vs Kaworu.
So who's your betting on? After all Anno said about Rei I don't think she has any chance against Kaworu, but I'm still gonna cheer for her.

Oh gawd. Shinji IS the best girl.
Stupid sexy Shinji.
I would like Asuka's most important relationship to be with Rei. They seemed like they could become such good friends in 2.0 after all the shit between them in the original.
>Trying to make Rei seem like the underdog.
Fuck you.
I'm betting on Rei no matter what.
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Well since Anno doesn't care about Rei I'd say the chances are low
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>So who's your betting on?

Since all the shit they did to keep Rei II alive (by sacrificing Yui's beast scene in HD) I think that Rei will win in the last 5 minutes of 3.0

Anno's extending a new lease on life for Kaworu, and I don't think anything's going to change about Rei... So, that means Rei's likely going to win from a vague standpoint, but since we don't know how Anno's changing Kaworu, we'd best be wary. Lest we be tanged.
I don't get what the fuck you guys are talking about.
All they are talking is about the new characters and the silhouette in that pic, in addition to mentioning we've already seen the brunette (girl next to Kaworu - カヲルの←隣にいる子) and the pink haired one.

They also point out some of them seem to belong to some organisation, as they're wearing some armband on their left arm.
Being befriended by Rei is the reason why she was crushed instead of Toji.
>After all Anno said about Rei
Rei has been developed far too different from her TV/EoE counterpart to take those old comments into account. Rebuild Rei is closer to her manga incarnation than to the TV-series/EoE one.
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Seeing right through me, nigga. Forgive me, then.
That's just so unfair. Seriously, I really do love Rei, and to pitch her against Kaworu and have her lose?

What kind of...... absolute bullcrap is that?

Problem is that Rei is at a disadvantage naturally, being suppressed by NERV and all, but Kaworu isn't.
God damnit, I pray 3.0 changes this.

So I'm betting for Rei, no matter if I lose or not. I hope she lives.
>>74168691 (OP)

I don't get it.

What are the implications of this?
>People still thinking anyone is gonna "win" the Evangelion

This isn't a harem show dammit, fuck off already.
>Being befriended by Rei is the reason why she is a cool pirate angel girl instead of a cripple like Toji
>Rei has been developed far too different from her TV/EoE counterpart to take those old comments into account. Rebuild Rei is closer to her manga incarnation than to the TV-series/EoE one.
That's not true at all.

Rebuild Rei lacks ALL of Rei's professional attitude, skills and competency. Manga kept it, and the anime had it.

3.0 needs to be the movie where Rei shows off her skills. We've seen her emotional growth, now we need to see the strength, skill and knowledge inherent to Rei, and how she uses it.
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It means he and Kaworu are BROOOOOTHERS
It would mean Shinji is an angel. But OP is a retarded and mistranslated that line.

Means he and Kaworu are going to get groovy.
Shinji was one in Re:take, which made Asuka's daughter a god. Not very likely the case in rebuild, but if Shinji were one, it would still be fun.
>Running the nuke into Zeruel
Exactly, I fail to see how Rebuild Rei is less professional
>Rebuild Rei lacks ALL of Rei's professional attitude
She had it in the first film. It wasn't until 2.0 that she dropped it at the end, because she wanted to keep in touch with her own humanity.
That's why I'm saying she's closer to her manga incarnation as she was also developed in this regard, whereas the tv-series did it to a lesser degree.
>Being befriended by Rei is the reason why she was crushed instead of Toji.
Isn't it suppose to be worth it, I mean getting closer to others? That's what Eva is about. I'm even if she was crushed, she's gonna be happier than in the original.
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>It would mean Shinji is an angel. But OP is a retarded and mistranslated that line.

He does have the glowing red eyes of an angel though.
Asuka cannot be happy.
- Make peace with your mum - Get devoured by MP-Evas.
- Make friends - Get crushed.

It's her fate
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OP is a mistranslation, Kaworu and Shinji aren't confirmed to be related yet
>Make friends-become awesome space pirate angel woman

>Make peace with your mum-be the first to escape Instrumentality
>That's what Eva is about.
Should I laugh here or something?
If you're retarded and never got the main theme of the series, yes sure, go ahead.
You should feel ashamed for not knowing that considering it's in every single interview of Anno ever.
You failed to see that in the end everyone in NGE fell back to their old shit, which actually even worse than before they had opened their heart to others?
You might as well believe everything Nasu said about Typemoon's powerlevel.
That's simply because they cut matarael, who was a huge development for her. Now when she has no Eva she has a chance to really shine by doing something useful even without it.
What is End of Evangelion?
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>It would mean Shinji is an angel
Hmmm would this mean everyone who rejected instrumentality in EoE is also an angel? Asuka and Shinji?

This fucking series man...
>>74168691 (OP)
What the fuck? That's not what it says.

The theme is that getting closer to others can pay off, and sometimes it can bite you in the ass (but you should never give up on the real world because when it does pay off it's all worth it in the end).

Asuka got fucked, just how things go sometimes.
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The only thing that needs to happen is pic related

Oh dear lord have you even watched the original series?

Humanity *is* an angel.
Again, OP is spewing bullshit.
That means "And a child on the left from Kaworu". And the next picture they show how her scarf looks the same as the silhouette.
Yeah, the one where everyone got Tang'd and the two most troubled characters got out of it because they simply couldn't stand other intruding them and then had the weirdest strangling scene of anime history when there were, like, only those two still exist as individuals on Earth?
What the fuck? Did you even watch EoE.
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Did they surgically remove Asuka's eye so she would be able to sync with Unit 02 better?
But by angel, we usually mean Adam based angels.
>>74168691 (OP)

Where is that in the picture?
but she already won NGE/EoE
>got out of it because they simply couldn't stand other intruding them
They got out because they decided to keep their sense of self, and still try to get close to others even if they got hurt. Fuck, that was the big point of Shinji's convo with Rei and Kaworu.
>Yui = New child
i literally gasped

do it anno

and have shinji interact with her, not knowing it's yui
Wasn't EOE where Asuka made peace with her mom and got Harpied till death? And the one where Shinji was at his worst mental state ever because he killed Kaworu after they became friend?
Yes it was.

Eh, it's all semantics anyways.
Please elaborate on why Shinji strangled Asuka.
and then at the very end they got over those problems

shinji was prefectly fine talking with yui and rei/jaworu
and asuka didn't die

Because reasons, it's meant to be ambiguous but the most important part is that he *stopped* strangling her when she caressed him.
So because it's not specified what happen to the side characters you're just going to ignore the whole point of what happened to the most central and exposed characters of the story?

>because they simply couldn't stand other intruding them

But it's not that simple, you fucking retard.
>This movie is Rei vs Kaworu.
the character who has maybe 2 seconds of preview time?

No, this movie is about Seele vs Nerv, with new characters and Evas and Eva Pilots.

And it's going to be fucking glorious

the adults in Eva need more screen time, they're some of the best characters
That's not how the movie ends though, the whole story is about Shinji picking himself up and trying again. EoE was his final crisis, when it seemed like he would give up, but even he doesn't.
1)To see if it's real.
2)To see if people indeed can be kind to others.
3)He was a little nuts.

And he sees he was right, Asuka shows him compassion. He realizes he was right and starts crying.
>Get devoured by MP-Evas.
eh, sucks but it didn't kill her
>implying the first strangulation scene wasn't Shinji being angry at himself
>implying the second strangulation scene wasn't Shinji making sure he was back in the real world
>implying people can't come back from tang

Well it kinda did, she just got better later.
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you posted the wrong image
>at the very end they got over those problems
It's not even implied at the very end. Shinji might have enlightended about a lot of things in the Instrumentality but his expression when he saw Asuka was still as crazy as ever.
Seriously though, why would she be blind in one eye?

She got crushed/hurt when Unit 01 smashed the plug but it somehow left her blind and not, i don't know, a vegetable from brain damage?
shinji strangled her to see if it was reality and not crazy fucked up instrumentality land

that's why he started crying and broke down because it was real
I don't know, she might still be crippled though.
>people die when you kill them.jpg
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>not a harem
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Why didn't he hurt himself instead?
Because that's not even a valid reason.
Because it's just one thing. The anime had several. Running the nuke doesn't really make you professional, it makes you crafty.

>She had it in the first film.
Where? Being professional isn't mutually exclusive with being human. Being professional is being knowledgeable and skilful at your place of work or in situations where you have to adapt. You can do that and be more "dere", if that's what you want.

But Rei needs to do more.
>That's why I'm saying she's closer to her manga incarnation as she was also developed in this regard, whereas the tv-series did it to a lesser degree.
If we're just talking about Rei becoming more docile, you're right. But both the manga had more than that.

Matarael, yeah, also some parts of Dance Like You Want to Win, and small inbetween shots elsewhere where she either volunteers, explains, and so on.

>Now when she has no Eva she has a chance to really shine by doing something useful even without it.
I really hope so.
It does have a lot of harem elements though

Why do you think Shinji is the only male pilot with only hot teenage girls around him?

yes yes, toji, who basically was there for 2 seconds and then "lol get crippled faggot"
Sure it is, he knows that in instrumentality if he chokes asuka she can't fight back or do anything, because he did it before

fact of the matter is, what he did is the best empirical way to determine if you're in instrumentality or the real world. It's basically a scientific experiment.
> "I feel disgusted"
> compassion
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Asuka please
Kaworu is a male pilot
I still don't know why Rei would try to use a shitty N2 mine which has literally never done anything to any angel ever instead of going to get the lance which is basically the fucking Golden Gun of Eva and effectively can never miss because it has a mind of its own to kill anything you throw it in the general direction of.
Because instrumentality isn't a dream, the only way he could confirm it is with somebody taking a human action like showing compassion. You're basically trying to erase the meaning of a show that very clearly had a meaning.
Well she still couldn't fight back, so actually it proved nothing.
It might simply be because Shinji was not mentally stable i.e nuts.
The end implied progress, a step towards a better self, for both of the characters. A complete and instant fix of all their flaws would've been too unnatural, so you're only given a hint of their improvement instead.
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Yeah OP, google translations suck, I know

Well Misato's player failed to use Key to Victory so they couldn't use the Lance!

Oh wait, this isn't /tg/.
Not just rei either, i mean Gendo/Fuyutuski and NERV in general. They were COMPLETELY fucked once unit 02 was down, and they should not have expected neither shinji to come back or unit 01 to go full on god mode

anyone who actually thought about the situation would have had unit 00 go get the lance immediatly after unit 02 got its ass kicked
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>Asuka shows him compassion
She was fucking disgusted you nimrod
Maybe a splinter gouged her eye out when the entry plug was crushed. Who fucking knows? It doesn't matter.
Sorry not necessarily fight back, but she showed compassion/emotion by stroking his cheek

The point was that she didn't fight back and instead caressed him, which is such a strange thing to do that only a living human could do it.
I think physically hurt itself is enough of a proof, considering Instrumentality was about breaking everyone's AT field so their physical body would collapse and become one big Tang.
Has the manga been translated yet?
Asuka's a mean spirited person. But she still stroked him instead. Humans can be mean to each other when you bear your heart, but they can also show compassion.

This isn't rocket science, literally the entire show was made up of pseudoreligious technobable, this is the only thing that's actually ever relevant. Anno agrees. Please stop bothering us about it.
>also some parts of Dance Like You Want to Win, and small inbetween shots elsewhere where she either volunteers, explains, and so on.
Well, that more because of time, I'm absolutely sure they didn't intended to make her less professional. Also it shows again how wrong are people who say that eps 7-12 are shit. Rei would never allow herself to be a burden, if she is alright she'll try to do something.
Well it was said before, but
> "I feel disgusted "
They still appear to have their own bodies and such in the vast majority of instrumentality scenes though

they can ever interact with each other physically with these bodies despite the whole "no AT field"
New girl might be a pilot, she is near Kaworu, Shinji, Asuka and all
The pink haired girl might be from NERV, as she wears the same armband as Maya
And yet he's part of the harem. Common Eva is very male-centric show, nothing bad about it.
A homosexual, so he doesn't pose a risk to the self-insertion harem

Besides the extra length and whatnot, the hair style isstill awfully similar, with somewhat shorter bangs along with the tuffs by the ear.

I'd watch it and hit it too.

Well wouldn't you feel disgusted after all the shit you've been through if you were Asuka?

This is an intentionally ambiguous (there's that phrase again) sentence that is meant to show how she feels about Instrumentality/Shinji/her past/dolls/whatever the fuck you want it to be about.

She still showed him compassion, even if she was disgusted with him. Perhaps that's KIND OF THE FUCKING POINT.
Fuckin idiots. She tells it because she is herself, not some instrumentality fantasy. She can be kind even if she's not fond of him. People can be kind and still stay true to themselves.
>does something loving
>does something hostile

it's almost like she's a tsundere or something

the written line is more blatant about the scene being another generic tsundere scene. "As If I'd be killed by the like of you".

Too bad the VA couldn't deliver it satisfactorily
Don't even bother Asuka, Rei.

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>I still don't know why Rei would try to use a shitty N2 mine which has literally never done anything to any angel ever instead of going to get the lance which is basically the fucking Golden Gun of Eva

Let me explain to you why:

The N² mine works when delivered to it's targets. It stopped Sachiel, it stopped Iruel, and many others - it did not kill them, but potentially, they could have defeated them using N² mines only. The reason they didn't, was because they were trying to avoid making the map into an enormous crater.

If Rei could get a N² mine through it's AT-field, and straight to it's core, then she could have won. Progknifes, gunshots, kicks, etc... do the work. A N² mine is a lot more powerful.

As for the Lance, Rei doesn't have time to get it. She got into her EVA, and stole a N² missile/device, and took off without orders to get at the Angel when Mari was defeated. Rei doesn't wait around unless she has to, she's the type that'll gladly disregard orders at her own discretion. But her good judgement keeps her in line.
Sorry if I lacked clarity, but by 'crazy expression', I mean he seemed like an actual psychopath in the end.
New girl is younger Yui
It made her less professional as a result. Yes, those episodes are still shit, as in the shittiest parts of EVA, because they are with the exception of those moments, extremely contrived to the point where EVA becomes a plothole-mess.
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All aboard the trollercoaster.
asuka likes strong assertive men, seeing the boy she likes start crying because she did something nice to him annoyed her

tsundere as fuck
> caressing one's cheek means compassion
> saying "I feel disgusted" doesn't mean compassion
Assuming one of you were the retard, both you are still equally retarded.
They would have had plenty of time if Gendo told rei to go to the lance. Zeruel still had to go through the main shaft to central dogma.
Those two things combined are called Tsundere
>As for the Lance, Rei doesn't have time to get it.
Also, she simply had no means of getting into Dogma.
psychopaths don't break down and cry.

also it was pretty mild choking, he clearly wasn't sure if he should do it but he had to know if he was in instrumentality or not

i mean, RIGHT before he does it he sees a fucking image of rei floating on the LCL blood sea before disappearing. I'd freak out too and think i'm in La-La land if i saw that
I don't think so. A damaged EVA00, with no means to get to Terminal Dogma at the time perhaps, with Zeruel making big progress, at best she'd be killed half-way.
>It made her less professional as a result.
Well, it's good that we have seen the original. Rebuild is glorious, but it's waaay weaker on it's own.

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