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Pink Shoryuha
Best Gold Saint.
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How strong was the spic rage at this?
Tore off the roof.
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Also great moment when Paradox completely snaps and beats Ryuho up.
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I'm new to SS, why is there spic rage over this? Is there some kind of unwritten law against female gold saints, or is it just perceived as a threat to all the manservice and bromance?
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Don't worry, Geminifags and spics will bitch about anything.
They probably think that a female saint can't be as manly or strong as Saga/Kanon.

Saga and Kanon were great characters, but I don't see any problem with a female gold saint.
The problem is that Gemini is/are arguably the strongest saint and powerlevels get spics diamond hard.
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Going straight from yandere lady to fabulous sadist
>appeared in preview and one episode
>two pages of pixiv fanart, most of it decent

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Outdated misogynists ideas that don't really apply. They think that a woman can't or shouldn't be as strong as a male in a setting where everything is some sort of bullshit willpower magic.
Too bad they didn't keep the tradition of the italian cancer saint, but i guess change is always a good thing.
Schiller il cool as fuck and that Phantom of the Opera mask is really cool.
I can't wait to see a Galaxian Explotion. Toei make this happen!

the spic rage would be biblical.

this needs to happen!
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I wonder if Ryuho's going to reappear tied to a bed the way things were going. It's not like she didn't already mount him.
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Domestic abuse
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>Don't stop me now
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Was it tender love?
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I can't wait to see the doujins.
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man I want to get abused too
>I'm new to SS
Don't worry, this isn't SS, it's /ss/
Oh lord
So much femdom
Yeah sure, kep dreaming ;_;
I saw this gif before watching the actual episode and thought this scene was intended to be comical
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dreaming? why?
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this is so perfect.

>Wipes his hands in the preview

Yuna's going to dirty them with a wind kick and Schiller will call her an evil hag.

Shiryu malvado quemaste mi mano
and then he will SEKISHI MEKAI HA her ass
are all Cancer gold saints dicks?
Manigoldo and Sage aren't.
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So, why can Paradox use the Shoryuha?
Because she trained it?
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The power of crazy stalker love.
Shiryu fangirl, trained it on her own until she could do it.
Never thought I'd see a yandere female gold saint.

My life is complete.
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Global Gold Saint count so far.
What's the Lost Canvas column after Manga and D.A.?
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What the fuck Dohko.

I stopped paying much attention to TLC but it must be the Gold Saints from other time periods.

Because Teneo was an apprentice kid in TLC proper and Sage is there too. Oh and freaking Mu.
Should put Hatred Paradox in the second Gemini slot for Omega. Her gimmick is split personality based on love and hatred, there won't be an actual second person like in the other series.
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Longest monopoly.

And I thought for a second that Ryuho was going to bust out Excalibur at this scene.
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Oh wow, I thought Episode G fucked up when they made Milo blonde, I had no idea he was blonde in the original manga too.
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Yandere love.

Also, Shunrei won da Shiryu against a yandere she's way more powerful than what she looks
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She overcame the childhood friend curse, the Esmeralda/Eurydice love interest curse, the disappearing Miho curse, and the Shaina christmas cake curse.

Truly an inspiration for all.
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Through the power of Ara
>>74165589 (OP)

holy shit voiced by Yukana?
The Saint Seiya Pachislot guide is even calling her Shiryu's GIRLFRIEND after this
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lonely credits this week
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Episodes with no Kouga: 22, 25
Episodes with no Yuna: 1, 2, 22
Episodes with no Souma: 1, 19, 20, 21, 31, 32
Episodes with no Ryuho: 1, 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 32
Episodes with no Eden: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 31, 32
Episodes with no Haruto: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 31, 32

Not being one of the 2 main characters in a show with limited VA budget is suffering.
Why is there no Schiller in the Cancer side? We knew what he looked like already

It was made right after the episode before the official site updated with the VA cast.
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Why is Schiller so obviously evil?
Because all of the Gold Saints so far seem evil, except Kiki.
And Seiya doesn't count since we saw him as a Gold Saint before the golds started working for Mars.
Harbinger seems closer to the manga Aphrodite school of thought (not narcissist toei version)
I would like if after a tough battle Ryuho gets beaten, after Kouga finished with Taurus, he fights againts Paradox, gets oneshoted then Ryho gets up, sees Kouga and start 7th sense battle.
I haven't seen the episode yet, is there any reason as to why she isn't wearing a mask? Yuna and Pavlin have their reasons and Shaina must simply not give a fuck anymore, but I wonder what's Gemini's.

What do you think, man?
Seems like she never had to use a mask. I alredy watched this episode.
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She's acting as either a love freak or a violence freak, why would she wear a mask either way? When she's not molesting Ryuho she's beating him up.
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I'm just hoping we will get some scene like this near the end of the series.
This was my favorite part of the Hades saga.

Well, to Ryuho she flat out repeats the rule of the mask and tells him "I choose to love you".
Deathmask was also very obviously evil

She wants to fuck Ryuho

I actually expect Paradox to somehow let Kouga pass.
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The fact that Ryuho, Souma and Haruto aren't in the cast for episode 32 makes me think the battle against Cancer will continue for episode 33. Maybe they will finish Cancer and Taurus together. In the original anime, when Seiya was fighting Aioria, his Cosmo resonated with Marin's and that allowed him to reach the Seventh Sense. Episode 33 could feature a similar scenario with Kouga and Yuna's Cosmos resonating and them reaching the Seventh Sense at the same time.
Harbinger is Mar's GORDO SEINTO. Heck, I bet Saori didn't even care that there was a dude beating up her Saints
When is Seiya coming back?
Well, Aphrodite and Deathmask didn't care that much about Athena either, so Harbinger still has some chance to redeem himself and realize he is actually an Athena's saint..
She's in psycho mode so I kinda doubt that

The bit at the end was interesting; she took care of the flower.
I still think to this day that the complete turnaround of Deathmask and Aphrodite was complete bullshit. They were pretty much unrepentant till death, and I'm suppose to believe that the moment they got Hades-rezzed they're suddenly loyal as fuck to Athena?

I can understand someone like Shura, who was a full on betrayer in the manga but realized his errors before dying. But motherfucking Deathmask?
No Omega Gold Saint is as evil as Death Mask was, at least so far. DM killed little kids without remorse.
I always got that as Deathmask and Aphrodite being on top of the fence since they were so fucking scared of the World of the Dead.

Side with whoever's winning and all that. DeathToll's attitude reflects that in ND and since Kurumada is really just rethreading shit in it so far...
Harbinger beat up people with no remorse

He beat up MMA fighters, criminals and strong people in general.

It won't be as erotic as the original:

Didn't kill anybody yet though

Do you really want someone as much of a douche as Deathmask? Really? Besides Golds aren't really supposed to be evil.

Well, considering what Schiller will be doing next week, it's not gonna matter
Make me wonder if Blue Paradox is not actually the bad side and Black Paradox the good one.

After all, it's the Blue Paradox who decided to join Mars and tried to manipulate Ryuhou.
I feel the same way, and even in the Hades saga Aphrodite and Deathmask still didn't seem like they were trying to reach Athena for the same reason as the others. If I remember correctly, there was some scene with both of them going after Hades to make sure they would get their eternal life.

Aphrodite and Deathmask are just complete shit no matter how you look at them, Pisces and Cancer are the only saints that were better in LC than in the original series. And I won't be surprised if they are better on Omega too.
Hate is good and love is evil.

Can't have that, we're going to ruin Souma's upbringing!!!
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Preorders open on Wednesday.
Quick question that bothers me :
Anyone else finds Harbinger's voice odd for someone of his stature ? Or is that just me ?

He's actually a teenager, Saint Seiya just can't into ages.
I suddenly want to pick up SSO again.
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Someone should make an actual Omega watching guide and summarize the other, less essential episodes.
Pisces and Cancer only work for the "winning side". They thought Saga ruling things was even better than Athena - and it even seems consistent if you're willing to include the events in Episode G, which bases the manga in the premise of "fucking gods, stop telling us what to do, humans can kick ass". I need to remind you that Shaka was on board with Saga too.

Hades is a different thing; he wanted a nuclear winter that would destroy the Earth. That shit doesn't fly with them, and it's proven by the fact that both Deathmask and Aphrodite help the other gold saints when they throw the Wailing Wall down.

Are they nice guys? Hell no. Do they go overboard with the ruthlessness? Yeah. But Saints are no nice guys: Marin was willing to let kid Seiya die in his training without giving two shits. Shaka in the anime sent some disciples to wipe out an island and its innocent villagers.

They're people; sometimes good, other times evil.
There was a recap episode not that long ago, just go with that.

Episodes necessary to understand the main story and the main characters:

1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31
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>Yuna gets the main spotlight in the team fight against Taurus
>she still gets her own Gold Saint battle

dat favoritism

Best dub? Best dub.
Everyone is getting their own Gold battle
>Hades is a different thing; he wanted a nuclear winter that would destroy the Earth.

You mean that thing he only communicated other people and was able to put in motion when he possessed Shun in the Underworld, long after Deathmask and Aphrodite were dead again?

Just to be sure.

Souma and Haruto most likely got transported to Leo together. I think it will be like this:

Kouga: Taurus and Capricorn
Yuna: Cancer and Aquarius
Ryuho: Gemini and Libra
Souma: Leo and Scorpio
Haruto: Leo and Virgo
Eden: Pisces
He communicated the plan in detail, but it was clear from the beggining that he wasn't gonna make a nice world. Saga's intention was to fend off gods with power - something that Deathmask, Aphrodite and Shaka could get behind of. They didn't want the Earth ruined.

Its just Kazuki Yao's voice.

And no, body size isn't the only thing that determines how your voice sounds.


>do you even YATTEYARUZE?
Black Paradox is only going psycho so Ryuho stays the fuck away from the blue side, which is trying to manipulate him.
The fact remains that, non-canon G/LC aside. Humans are boned without Athena protecting us.

No Gold Saint, even as powerful as Saga/Shaka (cue powerlevel fight) has a chance against Hades/Poseidon.

They don't even have a chance against "minor Gods" like Hypnos or Thanatos.
Is there any reason why Gemini is the one that most people have a hard on for? I know they are usually some of the strongest, but jesus.
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Maybe it's a little different than expected, but it's Kuzuki Yao, so whatever
They can certainly beat at least one of those minor Gods with 2~3 Gold saints though.
Or at least seal them somehow.
Because Saga and Kanon were great characters, and their powers are nice too.
And it's one of my favorite cloths after Pisces.
Signfags flock to them like no tomorrow B/C MI SIGNO ES LO MAS FUERTE PENDEJO DESDICHOSO

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Ara Ara
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You're right, but I'm sure I've seen Geminifags arguing the contrary.

Fuck them.

Speaking of, this scene reminded me of Seiya "hurting" Thanatos.
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He sounds really old to me. But that's because I've recently heard him as Doctor Z in Akibaranger.
Because powerlevel wank. They're not even interesting characters given their sparse appearance (not like the bronzies are all that intresting too)

Best voice in the dub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDqEP0CObwo&feature=player_detailpage#t=84s

Geminifags are just both numerous and very vocal.
It is retarded. My birthday is on June 1st, but my favorite Saint was Aquarius Camus.
My favorite is Camus too, even though I'm not an Aquarius.

I'm a Pisces, I can't help but hate my own sign.
Well, what I'm saying is that at that time Saga thought he could do better, and the other three followed him. I'm not arguing if they're right or not. I'm just saying they thought it was the best for the world, not just for LOL we're evil.
I really wished that Kurumada used something other then the Zodiac to represent the Gold Saints.

Signfags take it to heart that any potrayal of a certain zodiac is a slight to their character. Notice how no-one gives a shit about Silvers or the Mariners.

Ah my childhood.
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I wonder what the 4 guys with Mars are going to be.
Saga and Kanon were some of the golds with most development in the series though.
I'm not Pisces, but I think Aphrodite is a cool guy. His beauty doesn't make me uncomfortable; he must've gotten a lot of bitches in his time off (Which, with him being in the fucking 12th house, must've been a lot of).
He worked for the wrong side, but was interesting as a character. A lot of people today actually have a similar view, and use looks to weight most of their opinions on.

I was a little pissed to see Omega finally doing multi-chapter fights ONLY at the Gold Saints. For all I thought that in the original manga they had to serve as cannon fodder so you could see the growth of the main five, Lost Canvas is fucking excrement there where you're short of some low rank spectre's fart killing Silver Saints and Omega made them into monster of the week. I always wanted to see them doing SOMETHING, seriously, that wasn't either being douches or being cheated by whoever took the Sanctuary over.

And oddly enough the manga that has most of that is EpisodeG.
I remember seeing an unconfirmed if real or fake cast list that had Martian 4 Heavenly Kings, i believe Norio Wakamoto voices one of them,
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I love Misty/Argol/Asterion for the Silvers and Sorrento/Krishna/Kanon for the Mariners. Honorable mention to Baian for being basically a Turbo Misty.

Eternal props to the underrated.
I still think that the Crimsom Youth movie had the best fight pacing of any Saint Seiya media form ever. (helped partly because it was short)

Kurumada's style just doesn't lend itself well to protracted fights.

And the only Silvers that survived, Tokisada and Pavlin, are most likely going to appear as Gold Saints. Tokisada is 100% confirmed and Pavlin is very likely since not appearing as a zombie controlled by Cancer confirms she is alive.
Episode G gets a lot of hate (I guess because of the art, that's... different. I dunno) but I enjoyed it a lot until the point in which they jumped into the final fight with the Titans.
I think my favorite episode is the one with the Lynx, Triangle and Leo saints, in which Aioria gives moral support to a Bronze saint and has him avenge his master, even if the bronze saint doesn't believe in himself and the Sanctuary appointed himself as the one who should do the deed.
He was the main villain in the saga of the golden saints, and all the story of kanon and him becoming the new gemini saint was pretty cool.
It also lists the Gold Saints and their VAs, which if we compare it not should reveal its authenticity.

Unfortunately I dismissed it then as a fake and didn't bother to remember any of the details.
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I love Episode G for how much mythology it introduces compared to the original, and how it pits Gold Saints against enemies they'd be assumed to go all out against or die.

But the hiatuses and imbalance cast fights (now I can only wish for a Titaness that was as interesting as Paradox) hurt it a little.
She could be the one that Yuna is shocked to see.

As for why Ai Orikasa isn't listed in the cast, she could easily appear then the episode ends on a cliffhanger.
>Yuna finds herself outside the Cancer Temple. Inside, she finds the Cancer Gold Saint that protects this temple: Schiller. Schiller proudly proclaims that he loves the smell of blood and Yuna boldly challenges him. However, Schiller hates getting his hands dirty so instead of fighting himself he summons the bodies of death Saints. Yuna fights against these dead Saints, including even Silver Saints, and manages to defeat them. However, as more dead Saints start standing up, Yuna encounters a shocking sight!


Poor Palaestra kids. ;_;
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No, no. Yuna is shocked to see the dead Palaestra students. It's pretty much confirmed by the preview. She is probably shocked due to guilt and she will probably blame herself since she ran away from the Palaestra in episode 9 and the pillar in episode 10.
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Those kids were being trapped like amber bugs and Cosmo drained for days or weeks, they SHOULD be dead from dehydration and starvation alone.

They probably died rather recently; remember what Kouga and Yuna said in episode 10? They were safe as long as Babel was INCOMPLETE. However, since Mars completed Babel with Aria's Cosmo their sacrifice was probably fulfilled.

Saga and Kanon are interesting, actually (the latter is the underrated one considering how much he did for Athena when redeeming himself).

It's just too bad the powerlevel wank becomes too much of what defines them in the eyes of spic fans.
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They're probably not completely dead.

Going by Deathmask, he just sends them to that Japanese gateway that leads to the realm of the dead. Might be even the reason that Yuna wins (ala Shiryu in the movie)
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ya know im really starting to not like Yuna much anymore.

I mean I just wanna see some Haruto action and im kinda tired of divine tornadoes
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>Gemini the strongest saints
>not Virgos
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My connection is ready, the battle for her against BR's will be...depending if the site overloads or not
Too bad.

It's become painfully clear that Haruto really is just a left over from the first draft of Omega that they didn't want to let go.

He's even less important than Eden in his bitch corner.
He'll get a whole episode of Tokisada. And possibly one more Goldie.

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