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Madoka Magica Halloween candy clearance sale
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Whoaho, careful there, Madoka, or Sayaka might start to suck

Oh wait
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Oi bitch fook off eh
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I never get to post this
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>>74150385 (OP)
>Sayaka on clearance sale
No surprise there, no one wants used goods at full price.
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Madoka's in the picture too you cherrypicking piece of fuck
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Where are these costumes from?
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She's just pimping Sayaka.
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I'd give Sayaka and Madoka my treat if you catch my drift
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Hush, you
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I love them both.
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Join us on /vg/ if you like
Oh, I should have known, thanks.
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>>74150385 (OP)
>Madoka dressed as a witch

The irony.
The wickedest
Sakaya's dressed as an undead monster

I've seen this kind of pic lately, is it some kind of meme or fetish?
Some 2ch meme
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This is my favorite Homu image I have.
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Wrong thread.
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It's supposed to be making fun of the tendency in shoujo shit to have the tough handsome love interest block the self insert character against the wall seductively.
So since Mami is peeking in that picture, it's a deconstruction of a deconstruction.
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Friendship thread? Friendship thread.
Can't argue with trips.
They look so nice in their friendship dresses.
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which meguca wud u hug
But really, any of them.
Good taste bro, good taste. Mami come
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My nigga.
The part of my post I forgot to delete came out hilariously.
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I never get to post this, either.
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why is kyouko so best girl?

i didnt even like her when she first showed up in the anime, but she just grew on me.
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It's because it's the classic story of a religious church girl blossoming into a hardcore lesbian

Well, her dad's church was "unorthodox," so who knows what their attitude on homosexuality was.
Reminds me of that Thanks Kyubey one
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There it is

Yeah I was more or less directly thinking of that comic myself, although they could have been even more supportive than that.
No one is a lesbian, they were just good friends.
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Homura: gay for Madoka
Madoka: gay in general
Sayaka: mostly straight
Kyouko: lonely
Mami: lonlier

My opinions and facts are indistinguishable. Do not question them.
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They only dude in the show girlier than Kyosuke is Madoka's dad.
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It's lonely to be alone.
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She was talking about herself.
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She ain't saving shit there, they're drowning together.
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She looks pretty happy about it.
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Does that mean Hitomi's gay, too?
This is magical girl. EVERYONE is gay.
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She's the gayest one of all.

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