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Time for another weekly art dump.

I had lot of surprises prepared for today, but sadly it seems that my MF account was taken down this morning.

So a heads up, I'm starting another MF folder from scratch:


As you can see I have still ways to go, but don't worry, all the pics are backed up so its only matter of time before the folder has everything.

Well actually, looks like I'm missing one rar, it was the one from 31-08-2011, the Miku birthday image dump one, so if any of you gents actually has been downloading the stuff I uploaded over the years, it would be appreciated if you could upload it for me, for the archive sake.

Anyways, enough blah blah, lets get started with this Halloween themed art dump, hope you enjoy.
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>>73969806 (OP)
when was the last time you updated it? I checked some time last week and the one for the 24th of October was not there...

I got all of your image dumps until the 17th of October. I shall begin uploading the Miku b-day image rar shortly.

Keep going man, I look forward to your future image dumps.
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>>73969806 (OP)
If I may ask -- was there a reason given as to why it was removed?
>>73969806 (OP)
God fucking damn, I uploaded quite fast.

Here's your Miku dump.
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Don't worry I have everything except for that Miku rar, thanks.

No idea, only thing I know is that is going to be a such hassle to reupload everything again, more with my shit mexican internet conenction.
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Thanks a lot again man, never expected such quick response.
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Most welcome. If you do find out that you're missing anything, I'll be sure to check.
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And thanks yet again, I will post if I see something else is missing.
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Glad I caught this thread, and halloween themed no less.
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Hope you enjoy the pics, also my MF account got took down, new link in the first post.
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Dem pumpkins
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You're going to put a mediafire link at the end aren't you.
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Yeah, I'm uploading it at the moment.
Do nips even celibrate halloween?
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Fuck year! Halloween artwork.
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Looks so.
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