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What has caused the biggest butthurt in the history of anime?
Eva episodes 25+26
>>72744325 (OP)
Eva last two episodes were so bad they caused Anno to receive death threats which he included in the movie.

The front page of /a/ after the checkmate scene from Code Gayass is worth a mention.
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Not in general, but on /a/ when gainax ruined Christmas

Or Endless Eight

Or pic related
Creators receiving death threats for anime is not special or uncommon.
Can you explain the pic. I don't get what could be so rage inducing about it
Death threats is still better than pictures of penis if you ask me
What was the Code Geass shitstorm about?
Because you didn't watch Katanagatari

You also didn't watch it for a year

You also didn't wait an entire month for the final episode after the ending of the previous one

It's also a fuckhuge spoiler
Endless eight
You obviously haven't watched the show then.
SR's Pie End
>Eva last two episodes were so bad
I loved them.
Sorry should have mentioned I haven't watched it
All that drama about Nagi having a boyfriend.
Aya Hirano being a slut.
That's from the last episode.

The blonde chick was a semi-frequently appearing rival (in business terms) to the heroine of the story, who dies in the second to last episode after trying to convince MC that she had been planning to kill him after they completed their venture
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I need to organize my pictures folder, these butthurt pics are hard to locate.
Schneizel made an illegal move in chess because subtle character development, and the autists on /a/ and other weeb sites blew it out of proportions for quote-unquote "epic lols"
They weren't deep at all. It's just Gainax running out of money.

I went into it expecting a proper mindfuck and all I got was a lot of character development which made perfect sense.
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The guy put his king in check by moving it in front of the other guys king.

Some people thought this was illegal, but there isn't only ONE way to play chess, and in some it's legal to place your king next to an enemies.
order by date, scroll to 2008 august

Or it was 2009? Damn, I cannot remember.
Season 2 was 2009
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/a/ was raging when Bleach was canceled.

it still gets me that people did this, because that means they idolized the 3DPD seiyuu as well instead of pretending they dont exist

in terms of butthurt i can't think of anything bigger

honorable mention to kokoro connect bullying
lol no

Gintama got a far bigger reaction.
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What happened? Did he accidentally sit on it?
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Jupiter was announced.
Where's the Kyo-Ani 12 out of 10 collage? You know, the day they announced that a reairing of the first season of Haruhi.
he realized he had shit taste for liking idolmaster

Watching those episodes on TV in the middle of a hot summer night, as a teenager with existential issues, was an experience I'll never forget in my life.
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Because the rage actually turned the manga/anime from popular and well known into obscure and failing shit.

It was "the" even that made other authors very cautious about otaku and generally giving heroines any boyfriend/male interests.
>Since when did you think that you were stabbing me
>Endless Eight (especially the announcement, even better when they added that they would re-air S1 prior to S2)
/a/ was butthurt when they found out that Morgan Freeman wasn't voicing Alucard in Hellsing's dubs.
how about that Ah! My Goddess reveal?
It's pathetic, really. This is why these particular otaku will never have girlfriends. They think women should come to them beautiful and without experience.
What did the light novels do to them?
Eva last episodes
Code Geass in general (it's like soap opera)
Stocking being a slut
Kamina dying and the infamous Episode 4
Noe losing in True Tears
The magial castration in OMG
School Days ending (TV)
>Code Geass in general (it's like soap opera)
>it's like soap opera
I couldn't agree more every week on /a/ wondering what was going to happen in the next episode was fun.
They called his waifu a slut
How did /a/ react to episode 3 of Madoka?
Why the last one? Makoto was a dick. The girls were insane. It was the only option.
/a/ was a flurry of madness when Naruto found out his dad was the 2nd Kazekage
It was more that it got pre-empted by footage of a boat when it first aired because some kid killed someone in Japan around the time it came out.
>School Days ending
It fit the second half of the show pretty well

If you took SD seriously then you should check yourself at some aspergers doctor, since it was just a dark comedy

>Everyone wants MC's dick
>He doesn't give them an..

Wait ok.

Tanigawa doesn't copy and paste it 8 times like the anime version
b-but why?
Speaking of katanagatari, could someone explain the shitstorm of "next episode preview" or sort of stuff to me ? I was here in that time but never watch it so I don't quite understand.
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Are you forgetting the greatest page in manga ever?
I didn't watch it while it was airing, so I found the whole boat thing hilarious.
The biggest fight in the series was only shown in a next episode preview, and the actual episode starts with the characters talking about how amazing the fight was.
they skipped the best fight don't worry ova is comming
It wasn't butthurt though.
Is this because of 11?
This is bullshit and you know it. The only winning condition in chess is capturing or "eating" the enemy king. The reason why Checkmate ends the game is because the capturing of the King, which would happen in the next turn, is implied. What Schneizel did wasn't character development, it was surrender. If Lulu had captured his kind he'd have won in that moment.
Prove it
>>72744325 (OP)
The Japanese.
you guys are confusing "butthurt" with "shitstorm"
This is not the place you should talk about that
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The analpain was so enormous it kinda wiped out the manga from existence.

And then it just imploded when the results from the poll were out and last chapter appeared.
>>72744325 (OP)
Gundam SEED Destiny
Biggest butthurt ever?
I fear to speak its name, for my ass is still sore from the pain and anger.
I thought it was a great decision, why didn't you like it?
Not sure if that really counts. It's just shit.
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...prove what?
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Bakuman's ending is sure one of them.
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Japs killed it because they have no taste. Seriously. It was better than 80% of Jump and they let it die.
I'll never forgive them.
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I was here for the end of K-On when the mods put that live Fuwa Fuwa on.
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Has it really been three years already? God damn.
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This is what ayafag tends to believe.
Reread the manga and tell me how aya deserve to win
Two years since Panty and Stocking aired.

Google japan's reaction to Shin killing Kira
Not the biggest, but Belldandy made many an anon angry
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Waifus and Roneries
Detergents and Magma
Cory in the House
Sonic and the Ring Chronicles
The day Gainax Ruined Xmas

There was the one episode when Senjougahara mentioned she had a boyfriend before that vampire guy. I wasn't butthurt only because I didn't follow the show, but after blucking pretty much every Slut thread, I was left with pic related.

Shit is worse than PSG Stocking episode 7 butthurt
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Wait, wrong pic
The Senjougahara thing wasn't even about her having a boyfriend. A bunch of people on /a/ have awful reading comprehension and completely blew one line way out of proportion.
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It's been over a year since that thread?

Where the fuck does the time go?
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The end to Guilty Crown. Plus Mana being a slut.
to love-ru darkness anime being censored.
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Pic related made a site-wide shitstorm.

Also, does anyone have that Cancer pyramid by KoG?
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By far the last segment of Darker than Black - Ryuusei no Gemini. I'm gonna fuck up whoever went up with this shit.
when the last arc of school rumble went full retard
Inori derserved to die for being shit.
Faggot can't enjoy incest.
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai's uncensored nipples
There wasn't any important events like this since the start of this year, huh?
You'd think otaku would be more pissed about a shitty non-ending like that than they would if the author actually fucking paired Harima with someone. Why didn't that fucker get lynched?
A lot of butthurt, but no big shitstorm
I think this thread can teach us all that /a/ really blows a lot of things up and makes a huge deal of it.

That's why I love you, /a/.
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Shower heads
I dropped School Rumble after season 1 (due having other shit to watch)

From what i gather, i didn't miss much.

hello handsome.
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You missed out on the best comedy episodes and tons of development between Harima and Yakumo/Eri that goes fucking nowhere.
Me personally-- SZS ending
But was it worth it? Was the funny episodes worth the anger, hatred and bitter tears, anon?
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I rest my case.
I guess. It was better than season 1 and the fucking pie end is in the OVAs that follow it. At least watch the airsoft episodes since they were the highpoint of the series.
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Shit was the loli-ban shitstorm really last year? seems more recent in my mind.
The loli shitstorm was 2011? Doesn't seem that long ago.
I could have sworn it happened early this year, but it could have been in December.

I still prefer Kubo's backgrounds to the DEEP and EDGY scenes in SHAFT shows.

I mean, where the fuck do I sign up to throw random newspaper clips, words, spaghetti plates and random shit in backgrounds and get paid for it?
If you're talking about Bakemonogatari, almost all of the background text is excerpts from the novels and relates directly to the shit happening throughout the show.

4chan has the tendency to warp your notion of time. It's 8 PM and you tell yourself "Just a quick glance before I watch anime", and then suddenly it's 3 fucking AM.
>you could've saved all that time
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The relative lack of butthurt over the end of Negima has caused me much butthurt.
watching streams
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remember this?
Nobody even cared anymore
Alot of people were just so fucking tired of Negima, because of how the last arc dragged on, that they just couldn't bring themselves to care anymore.
I was massively but hurt when I found out she was short as FUCK, like ridiculously short.
Only /a/ raged at this, and by then they were expecting it because of the author's history.
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>not remembering this
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Agreed, I only said that because most people seem to like Inori. Mana is really my favorite, my mind shattered when I found out she liked someone else and Shoe hated incest. Mind still shattered to this very day, the memories wont stop haunting me.
>Cory in the House
What? Why?

That isn't even anime related.

We had a two days long sticky about it buddy.

It took two years for the author to recover from her "health problems" and start again, and even then the manga is only releasing chapters every once in a while, and always to heavy criticism.

Talk about butt devastation.
Just finished that anime last night, I didn't think it was full of butthurt at the end, but CHEERIO!
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Worth mentioning.
what was /a/ like when after story was airing?
At least we got chapter last month

>It's Holocaut Memorial day

That's like that episode where Kiritsugu kills his "mom" that aired on Mother's day. You can't tell me they don't do that shit on purpose.
Did they do anything for the 70000000? I either missed it nobody care anymore
GC was good for only those two episodes where Shoe reigned as Fuhrer.

You best believe they do.
I do
I can't even remember, did they mention she was impure or was it simply implied?

The dark faggot appears, turns out he and Nagi were together, and she shows signs of still wanting his dick.
There was a previous boyfriend.

What gets me, is she's a she's a fucking mother goddess. OF COURSE she's not pure pure.

It was a massive rage in Japan, not here.
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How about you make a Kannagi thread here and see what happens?

I wish the author continually troll those retards by making Nagi look more "impure" while still making it more interesting. I believe despite being on unpredictable release it still is popular in Japan. C81 had there paper bags printed with Kannagi and FSN.
>I believe despite being on unpredictable release it still is popular in Japan

the sales are no where near the numbers they were before the shit storm
Kannagi is dead. Otaku killed it.
It was pretty big here too
Aya Hirano.
Good the less I see sluts in anime/manga the better
Purity is a big fucking deal here too.
"She is a tree that knows men"
Aya Hirano was a huge scandal

Belldandy... that was a fucking shitstorm... only here though the japs were neutral.
Kannagi slut incident.

Aya sex scandal.


Nope, shit anime and shit samefag fanbase.
anyone got Jii-san compilation?
read a little in his memorial day but i wanna FEEL
What happened?
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The release of the K-On! movie caused some shitstorms.
Some people feared kissing and boyfriend scenes of their pure waifus.
What happened to Belldandy and A!MG? That shit dragged on for so long I gave up. Just spoil me.
and why not? because beta faggots here will get mad at the truth? sue me
/sp/ pls stay
Good American movies.

>>72744325 (OP)
If we're talking about the absolute biggest butthurt in the history of anime, I can't think of anything else besides endless 8. However, I'll list some ones I remember:

>Eva crazy shit episodes
>Kuroneko in the light novels (season 2 gonna be the shit)
>Magical castration: the anime
>Soda lied
>Manami a shit

>Magical castration: the anime

I missed it, what is it?
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