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Anime food thread /a/?
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Yui is not food.
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1.06 MB
But she's so delicious
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Does anybody else really like it h-manga when the girls eat food with cum on it?
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Spoiler Image, 172 KB
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Greatest cooking anime ever
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30 KB
Where's the natto guys?
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In the garbage where it belongs
Looks good.

I had natto once. It isn't gutwrenchingly disgusting, but I wouldn't call it appetizing either.
Apparently it's really healthy.
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>girls in stockings pouring tea on themselves

This is my fetish. How did you know?
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I'll be in my bed...
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I believe she's sitting in a peach.
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>>71263482 (OP)
As much as I like Yui, I wouldn't want to drink a cup of tea with her floating around in it.
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105 KB
>Well done
I don't even care what this starts, fucking hell.
>>71263482 (OP)
>She's actually getting scolded to death in the hot tea
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944 KB
That tea sure is boisterous
Broccoli on a pizza?
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Have some carp meunière.
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>On pizza
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147 KB
...yes... its not that rare of a topping , you might want to try having something other than pepperoni on your pizza from time to time.
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>>71263482 (OP)
I hope the tea is still boiling.
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ok guys, lets do this
>cutting steak while it cooks
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I don't like you.
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Fucking fish for breakfast.
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