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Hey /a/, I just finished marathoning this, so can we get a Steins;Gate thread? And can we talk about how Kurisu is pure maiden science waifu material?
>pure maiden
Unlike the VN, the anime implied they fucked properly.
Slowfag here, just saw a few of he episodes (the dubbed ones posted on YouTube by funimation).

I know I know dubsux, etc. but I'm thinking of marathoning the rest of the series subbed soon.
But yeah it seems that /a/ was not kidding when they said this was a good animu. Cool/funny mc, interesting ladies, a trap (who becomes a girl in the new timeline...), and what seems to be a good story (as far as I can tell).
Even if Kurisu is pure

Suzuha is tighter
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Best girl coming through
anime is shit
vn is better
Suzuha > *
Who do you think Daru fucked to make such a perfect specimen like Suzuha?
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Some lady at a con, it's mentioned in the anime.
Sure, grab a Dr. Pepper and pull up a chair.
Probably some cute busty girl, you know, the type he fancies.
Do girls actually have a thing for big dudes like him? Makes me feel bad that I'm weak and small.

I'd never satisfya lady like Suzuha ;-:
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Daru's waifu

Huh.... Well alright then.
Daru is hot as fuck

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