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>Joshiraku ED comes out in two days
>It won't sell because of the bullying thing
I thought that was Kokoro Connect?
so lewd
Yamanaka, the producer that came up with the prank and the general bullying is a big-time producer from Kings Records and Star Child productions.

Momoiro Clover is a Star Child Productions band, and Joshiraku is at the top of the 2ch boycott list.
Oh, come the fuck on.

Hate the culprit, not the work.
That's not even hate by association. That's pure fucking stupidity.
What happened, again?
I doubt your sources. I bet it'll sell like hotcakes. Even Japan admits it is addicting in the nicodouga comments.
did I miss something?
2ch is boycotting any product that Yamanaka, the VAs and the other staffs involved in the prank (the character designer, the audio staff, etc) until Yamanaka gets fired.

Or at least I hope they'll stop boycotting after Yamanaka gets fired.
Well, all we need is one person to buy and upload it (probably Nipponsei at least)
You're about half a week late.

You too. Search the archive for "ijime connect"
What prank, if I may ask. Can the Japanese not take a joke?
I would smash that cute bitch in the red like a hammer
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It'll sell just fine, Japan loves it and isn't going to stop because of some tangentially-related retarded bullshit.

It's like if you found your favorite foods were produced by a company owned by a conglomerate that once had a manager that beat up a kid in Africa.

Are you going to give up your favorite foods? Hell no. You might pretend you will online, but in the end you're still gonna eat that shit and LOVE it like you always do, because it's not related except by a stretch.
>the tiny penis on the end
Oh lord.
This is so much bullshit. The repercussion of this event is even more retarded than the Batman Movie massacre one. Just fucking drop this subject, for Christ's sake.

>Not Pink
Isn't this kokoro connect not joshiraku?

What the fuck did the joshiraku staff (JC staff I think) do?

I'm more of a Momoka (green) man myself. Arin (pink) too. But Kanako is my third favourite one.

Have some Pinky Jones:
Japan joined in the end.
It's like you didn't read the thread at all.

Well, I don't blame you. This thread is shit.
You think that momokuro's fans are only otakus or something?
I still don't get the bullying thing. I mean, they still gave him a PR job afterwards. It sucks for the guy but a job is a job, right?
If that's all you want, the full was already leaked:
Man I hope so. Hayate no Gotoku, Minami-ke, and Hidamari Sketch are apparently also shitlisted as well.
But the guy wants to VA, not be a useless PR monkey.
The whole thing wasn't just about the original prank. It's all that came later. Making him pay for his own travel expenses, feeding him rice bread while everybody else ate meat, making him drop out from EVO...

Yeah, and just remember the Call of Duty boycott. That sure went well.
I want to send Ichiki flowers and stuff, I feel so bad for him
So what is every anime this guy is involved in?
Just stop talking about this shit.
It happened months ago and the VA in question clearly wants to put it behind him, and all you fucks have accomplished is scarring Eri Kitamura.
Great job, dipshits.
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This is having a positive impact on my dick
You underestimate MomoClo's popularity. A catchy-as-fuck song from a reasonably popular band (even in the Japanese mainstream) is going to achieve at least satisfactory sales. A few buttflustered otaku aren't going to mean too much in the long run. If they don't want to buy Kokoro Connect after hearing about the incident, but a few lost sales for the ED single of another anime from the same company aren't going to make them say, "gee willikers, maybe I was an asshole after all."
Why is Hidamari shitlisted?
Speaking of bullying has the kitamura eri drama died down yet?
There's a list... let me see...


King Records products (うたプリ、パパのいうことを聞きなさい!)
Starchild Records products (Joshiraku)
Kokoro Connect Anime and related products: BD, DVD, CD, Game
Yamanaka products (Anime DVD etc)

next season
Hayate no Gotoku! CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU(音響監督:亀山俊樹)
Oniichan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!(制作:シルバーリンク)

Minamike 4th season プロデューサー:山中隆弘 )

Takuma Terashima products (乙女ゲー、キャラソン、BLCD、CD)
Takuma Terashima's 1st single 11/21発売


Hisako Kanemoto products (スマイルプリキュア!、侵略!イカ娘、モーレツ宇宙海賊、ギャルゲー)

eufonius products(アニメ、ゲーム、CD、イベント)

Eri Kitamura products (CD,DVD,4thシングル『Desthiny』発売日11/7 )
Imagine this scenario:
>Get interviewed for a nice job that you want
>"We'd like to talk to you next week."
>whole thing is done in front of an audience and recorded on camera
It died days ago.

It died a whole day before her manager deleted her twitter.
I agree with boycotting OniiAi, but not because of Yamanaka, but because it's going to be a complete pile of shit.
The sound director for Hidamari was involved in this bullshit. Same for Hayate.
Oh good I didn't come to /a/ yesterday but the previous day I saw threads that were making fun of her
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At least it's not like those full versions that just repeat the same thing for two more minutes.
is this why japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world?
Well, I don't really have any ambitions so I doubt this would effect me. I'd immediately whip my dick out and start beating it while shitting on the floor so they couldn't air it, then go home.

but he wasn't a janitor. dude got to perform in front of people who now know his name. it's another thing to have on a resume. things aren't that bad.
that's just trolls and whiny faggots.

Her twitter wasn't even deleted because of the dicks. Her twitter was deleted because the nips where tweeting her that she whored herself for her gigs.
i think we should send him flowers for being so awesome
Bullying thing? What did I miss? Can someone catch me up on this?
Bullying and the stressful pyramidal society where you have to take everything your superiors do to you with a smile because they have to take everything their superiors do to them with a smile?

According to most sources, yeah.
So is this the big thing on /a/ now? Talking about bullshit 3d drama that they clearly don't understand a thing about and pretending it's a big deal?

Alternatively, register on a forum full of stupid fucking weebs like yourself.
Momoiro Clover songs are really good about that.
Which is completely ridiculous if you actually look at her resume, she had a fair number of roles before Yamanaka hired her for Toradora and indeed didn't have the vast number of main roles she does now before 2011.
Kill yourself, nerdsucker.
>boycotting King/Starchild Records
>implying we are seriously not going to buy Nanoha and Dog Days
Yeah good luck with that one 2ch.

Most of the top part isn't on the wiki version, whatever the fuck that means.
Oh I see.Well I know that her manager ask her to delete her twitter
Sort of. Social ignorance of what's going on and hiding of "bothersome" things is also at fault. Also, many cases are closed as a suicide by police just because. Or so I heard.

Some recent interesting read,
It's pretty sad. 2ch is doing their own thing and /a/ is like the annoying younger brother that follows you everywhere and wants to do what you're doing.
They weren't trolling her because they thought she was sleeping with Yamanaka. They were trolling her to hurt Yamanaka tangentially, because he's her fan (retweeted all the pictures she uploaded and whatnot).

And the motherfucker hasn't even spoken yet. He already sacrificed all the involved VAs, but even though he has a twitter that was extremely active until the 28th (when shit hit the fan), he has not said a single word since.
internet troubles there anon?
>liking 3D anime- related drama
>who am I quoting?
Nope I just can't make up my mind on what to post
>Oniichan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
>Kiss x Sis
>Yosuga no Sora

Why does Yamanaka produce so many incest shows?
That's a composition from various sources. Not really a leak.
Aren't most of those suicides young people? I always thought it was because they failed to live up to the standards expected of them, ie failing at university entrance exams and whatnot.
Also, it's because suicide has traditionally been seen as an honorable way to die in their culture.
This is the Entertainment industry. Not the typical job market. The guy could have a fuck load of top level jobs and important position on his resume, but for a Producer that's pretty much worth nothing unless the guy's actually marketable (ie good looking, funny or otherwise can make revenue from merchandise). It's like Hollywood. Most film producers won't give a C-list actor the time of day even though they have hundreds of bit parts unless they're feeling particularly charitable or they see something they really like
Japan is the laziest country on the planet. they make excuses for everything because they can't be assed to give a fuck.

Too fat? go on a diet
You get sick? go on a diet
You getting bullied? go on a diet
Kids ain't fucking? they need diets
Why exactly this is happening again?
I read about this, but I totally forgot already the reason behind this boycott.
"I will be the one to save anime."
You can't spell diet without DIE anon.
>I read about this
You obviously didn't do it IN THIS FUCKING THREAD.
There was a thread on /jp/ earlier about a 12 year old that tried to kill herself because she couldn't complete her summer homework in time.
Japan is a bad country to live. I don't understand why people praise it so much.
A lot of VAs tend to be complete unknowns until That One Big Role though, which is what someone like Ichiki needs.
Fake incest.
Not incest.
Try again?
This is stupid, but jesus fuck Sugita is a bro.

Holy shit his manliness is just radiating through the screen at me.
Instead of being rude you could just answer my question.
They're Power Rangers!
>Japan is a bad country to live.
No, China is.
The only not good part of Japan is Tokyo.
We like their entertainment, if not their culture.
Also fuck their comedy it's fucking awful holy fuck.
Yeah he's really a hero.
Because every wapanese kid that wants to live in japan thinks it's "just like living in one of his animes".

And by "his animes" I mean he only watches moeshit or action stuff, no dramas where subjects like bullying or the stressful pyramidal society are more prevalent.
But Ichiki doesn't sound very good. His voice is too normal.
The same could be said of many places.

America has the most painfully retarded government on Earth, Canada is largely a frozen wasteland 6 months of the year, Britain is some fuck stupid politically correct retard pool, France is lolprotests, South America and mainland Asia have awful wealth divides and derp, etc.
Just read the entire fucking thing, holy shit.
I want to hug Ichiki and treat him to a beer or something, that shit isn't on.

why won't Joshiraku sell well? Sorry for sounding dense, I may have missed it completely, but is it made by the same company or something?
I am not a clever man.
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That's pretty harsh.
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Check this out. The other dude is Terashima.

Too bad the video was deleted.
Instead of acting like a whiny newfaggot you could READ THE FUCKING THREAD.
>Canada is largely a frozen wasteland 6 months of the year
I live on the west coast and this never happens. Fuckloads of rain though.
The same could be said of Nobuhiko Okamoto, but then he voiced Accelerator and suddenly had a career.
>Going apeshit over staged "pranks", half-trues and straight out lies.
>Fucking up authors and people that had nothing to do with the "prank"
nice job retards, gg.
>America has the most painfully retarded government on Earth

You're an ungrateful fuck if you think that.
America has it's problems, but it isn't a third world country. America is the best country in the world. If you don't like it, then leave it.
Sugita makes the best faces.
They actually are.
Yeah I'm pretty mad about Eri Kitamura too, she's been one of my favorite VAs for a while.
Gaijin Smash lived in Osaka and you're full of shit.
Not /pol/ enough. Should've asked him to kill himself
Not really. To me he sounds like a mix between KENN and Hiro Shimono.

Hell, if anything happened to Hiro Shimono, Ichiki could pretty easily take over his roles, I think.
>but he wasn't a janitor. dude got to perform in front of people who now know his name. it's another thing to have on a resume. things aren't that bad.

You seem to not understand the gravity of the situation.
They told him, this producer and the company he works for that he was hired for a big job, something he's been trying to do for quite some time now.

They took him in and had him do a recording season, all the paper work and all of that, and they told him that they were going to debut his original character (that unknown to him, did not exist) at an event. He shows up at the event, unaware, and then surprise. YOUR JOB DOESN'T EXIST, IT'S A BIG JOKE! NOW LET'S LISTEN TO YOUR RECORDING SESSION!
The recording session is blurbs and cuts of him saying stupid things as directed and the other VAs (especially Terashima) cuts and blurbsasking him stupid questions, doctored to fit his answers.
Then they tell him that he's going to be their PR Persona. Which basically is driving around in a car with all of the anime characters on it, trying to get people to watch the show and follow it on twitter. If you have any self-respect remaining, you'll recognize this as soul-draining job for monkeys, unless you really like being an errand boy.

The guy's fucked though. This is the only job available to him right now and unfortunately, the best chance he has of achieving his dream.
All the other VAs laugh at him and several talk about how great is to watch people crumble on stage and watch as they're completely broken. Another asshole says that it's so great to fuck with tryhards because they'll try and never get anywhere.

This has crossed the line from a joke/prank into just being fucking cruel. They may as well have been dickslapping him.
He's a lot less intolerable than Hiro Shimono, so that would be pretty awesome.
Maybe something actually positive will come out of this for Ichiki, and some producer will hire him for a role that's actually memorable.
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How stupid can someone just be.

Fuck those immature brats and fuck em good.
>she's been one of my favorite VAs
You have shit tastes. Her only good roles are the ones where she is a bitch. I had to switch to English in D4 because she was atrocious.
>Hayate no Gotoku! CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU(音響監督:亀山俊樹)
Manglobe can never catch a break.
That's true, but only like 20% of the population is that smart.

Plus Vancouver has a lot of stupid problems unique to it. Maritimes are...nice, but also pretty backwater and they occasionally get like 6' of snow out of nowhere. (this also describes living in the mountains in Japan mind you)
Then why doesn't he just sue those people?
Really, this is stupid. The guy is being too submissive. Is everybody Ikari Shinji in that country?
Maybe they're all masochists.
What's this thing about bullying?
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Something similar (granted, not that extreme) has happened to me except I walked out and said the whole thing was extremely insulting and they, as a professional company, should know better.

I just want to be a voice actor. ;_;
You must not have heard her in Nisemonogatari or as Nyaruko-in-Mahiro's body.
>Plus Vancouver has a lot of stupid problems unique to it.
>living in Vancouver
I live in Victoria and have none of those problems, and also better weather.
Not really. People there will always look down on him for getting involved in this mess. That's Japan for you.
If he sued them he'd never get a voice acting job ever again.
[] Save Erikita
[] Persist of being a voice actor.
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But Ichiki can't Capture God
Sugita really is a class act. Fucking great guy.
>You seem to not understand the gravity of the situation.
This shit was staged, it's always staged, Ichika has already said it. You really think people say shit like that? the whole "laughing at your despair"? who the fuck organizes all this shit over nothing? an animu villian? come on, get some fucking common sense.
Fuck him, FukuJun would fit Keima better.
No, uh, no they won't. The Japanese aren't that horrible. He even took it rather well; it was 2ch that blew it out of proportion.
If this will do anything it will get more people to notice that he actually exists.
That was a horrible performance he put on and you know it. He's fucking terrible in comedies.
Why do you think he's remained so popular over the years?
Look at Sugita, he does not 'bend to the system' and he barely gets any seiyu work. Don't get me wrong, he is successful, but no where near as successful as he wants to be.
They're suffering from peer pressure. It doesn't pay to be a loser in Japan.
But Keima's not supposed to be FABULOUSly gay
Fuck you, I love Hiro Shimono.
>he'd never get a voice acting job ever again.

Well, since he got involved in this incident now he'll probably never have the chance anyway. He should just fuck them really hard in some nasty way. Eye for an eye.
>This shit was staged, it's always staged, Ichika has already said it.
[citation needed]
You do realize he is over thirty with a voice of a teenager, right?
>This shit was staged, it's always staged, Ichika has already said it.
Are you saying he was lying to Sugita?
>barely gets any seiyuu work
He doesn't get that many main roles, yeah, but he gets more absurdly memorable cameo appearances than any other VA except perhaps Wakamoto.
And then there's Gintama.
>The Japanese aren't that horrible.
>If this will do anything it will get more people to notice that he actually exists.

I hope you're right, but I doubt it.
Don't go with that bullshit now, you people posted it in a previous thread and the link, i don't care enough to save that stuff
Just like every other Japanese VA?
I don't get all the hate for Hiro Shimono. Personally, I think he did a fine job as Keima and he has decent range.
Ho most likely has a contract with his agency to accept anything and everything, and it's a known fact that his agency (or at least his manager) was in on the joke.
Victoria isn't -really- a major city though, so you still sort of have to deal with Vancouver's shit to some extent if you want certain things.

But yeah it's an appealing place. Even getting out of the main part of Vancouver to Surrey or White Rock or whatever isn't bad but you still end up attached to it.
Dude won some seiyuu awards, so proof that the nips love him too. Good tastes, anon.
Don't forget all his game roles.
Because Gintama and its fujoshis.
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Is that Hinami Kyoko in the yellow?
>his manager

Oh my, the guy really involved himself with the wrong people.
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I do too anon. I don't get why everyone dislikes him. He was great as our glorious god.
dammit, why can't japs continue buying things I like so I can continue pirating them?
It's his comedy roles. His voice has this ANNOYING whine to it. His more serious roles are perfectly fine.
Yeah, he's in a huge number of video games these days. Hell, he's playing Master Miller now.
I know right, Wakomoto, Sugita, and Midorikawa has this unique voice that is easy to reognize.
>Victoria isn't -really- a major city though
It has everything I could ever want, so eh.
I'm the one you're replying to, and I love Hiro Shimono as well. Specially in Ben-To.

I'm just saying that Ichiki's and Shimono's voices are quite similar.
I agree. I actually like him in comedies, specifically because he plays the idiot so well
It's Tamai Shiori
>Hayate no Gotoku! CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU
>Minamike 4th season

But that whine makes him so endearing. Try to imagine Baka Test without it.
>This shit was staged, it's always staged, Ichika has already said it
Kokoro Connect PR Manager found.
That, or you're actually stupid enough to believe that they wouldn't lie once they got caught with their pants down.

I mean...why bother staging such an event in the first place? To introduce a PR Manager? It's fucking pointless.

Besides that, that would mean that he lied to Sugita on several occasions. His friend. Why would he do something like that? For attention?
If it's any consolation, both have horrible art.
I'm imagining it, and it's 90% less annoying.
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in the actual

But that annoying whine is fucking fantastic, and that's why he's cast in comedic roles, you swine. It's almost like you've never seen BakaTest.
I wish they would actually sing it instead of lip syncing.
>You do realize he is over thirty with a voice of a teenager, right?
You make it sound like this is any different from a number of other voice actors?

Honestly, I don't care about his credientals or how old he is. There's no justification for using their leverage to fuck with someone who just wanted a goddamn job. If you don't like him that much, just fucking tell him "no"

For fuck's sake, Japan.
I don't think you understand what you're saying.
He ruined the Capturing God and that's enough for me to hate him forever.
There are regular actors that play teenagers into their thirties. Your point is moot.
They do actually sing in real concerts. Some are bound to be uploaded to youtube in the next couple of weeks.

Here, have some pokemon:
Fuckers. Leave Hyadain out of this shit.

So will we get our Joshiraku ED full version?
Leave what? The world?
Wait, how does Hyadain have to do with anything?
Of course.
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I think Ichiki made a OK as Yukio from Bleach
Well, it IS still coming out in two days. And maybe if some of the rippers are also shoplifters...
Yes. Of course. It just might sell 10 less copies than before.
He composed and arranged the Joshiraku ED.
He used to compose for Momoiro Clover. I think they fired him after 2ch started to boycott him or something though.
They actually sing the Pokemon ED in this one:
2ch hates Hyadain? wut?

Good. Then I dont know what the point of this discussion is.
It would also be 90% less funny.
HOW? I'm a huge TWGOK fan and I think he was perfect.
Last I heard, yeah. 2ch hates a lot of things.
Well shit
The guy's even dying from cancer and 2ch can't give him some peace?
> 2ch started to boycott him
If this true i must admit they are stronger compared to us.
The point is that the otaku are raging.
We'll probably even get pics of broken and shredded CDs.
What the fuck are you talking about?

He has always composed for them. He composed early B-sides like Coco-Natsu, composed stuff for their album like Wani to Shampoo, and has kept on composing singles for them all the way, from that one where they dress like drunk salarymen to the Moretsu Pirates OP to the Joshiraku ED.

Where the fuck do you get your retarded info from?

Sugita gets plenty of roles - it's just that for the most part, he gets far more video game roles than anime roles. If memory serves, he's currently voicing BlazBlue's Ragna and Fire Emblem's Krom, and he did the henshin belt for Kamen Rider Kiva a while back.
I used to be a TWGOK fan and I wanted Mamoru Miyano in the role.
>dying of cancer
>don't visit /a/ for an entire weekend
>miss everything

You fuckers need to mail me or something.
Hiro was perfect, there's just this one idiot anon who thinks otherwise
Keima is not a whiny little fag like Aki.
>not subscribing to /a/ rss feed
Yes he is.

You didn't read the manga first, did you?
Isn't 2ch like 4chan but with Japanese people and /v/-ish behavior dominating all the place?
I heard 2ch hates eggplant too. We are still awaiting instructions on who to send dick pics to.
He has lung cancer but he isn't actually dying
We'll probably have another 20 years most?

TL;DR Sugita is proven to be the bro of all bros once again.
This is different. These products are supported largely by the otakus, not the casual base.
Someone needs to find a picture of Hyadain looking sad...

He's done a lot of work with King Records and MomoClo. Nippon Hyakkei Egao was composed by him.
No, 2ch is more like reddit.
2ch is reddit, so you got the /v/ behaviour right
Futaba is 4chan
He never comes off as that to me in the manga.
Dude just not giving a fuck.

2ch is like Reddit, 2chan is like 4chan.

Although, generally 2chan will be called futaba and 2ch will often be called 2chan.

momoiro clover is nearly akb48 level
Not him, but I read the manga and always imagined Keima with a fairly deep and imposing voice, particularly when LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING GOOD and I CAN ALREADY SEE THE ENDING.
Hiro Shimono cannot do a voice like that.
Probably doesn't exist.

Have you heard his music? That man's on Robin William's type crack
I thought he turned out to be a moron. He's a VA, he should have known it was a staged event. Who the fuck auditions in front of a studio audience with cameras filming?
>Mamoru Miyano
Holy shit, why? I hate this faggot ever since Steins;Gate.
Because he trusts his friend's story?
Because Light?
I like AKB48. They imply that it's ok to beat the shit out of idols when they get annoying.

try singing and doing an elaborate dance, protip: its hard
You're a faggot.

Miyano's objectively the best seiyuu alive.
>hating Mamoru Miyano
>hating his role in Steins;Gate
>hating his voice acting generally
Sorry son, you've been diagnosed with shit taste.
This applies to women in general, though.
I thought his audition was filmed with hidden cameras.

Except that the audition was in a standard, closed audition room with a hidden camera, not a studio audience.
But's he a scrawny, galge otaku in high school. How do you hear a deep and imposing voice?
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Don't mess with Dento.
But yeah, i would hate him if i only knew about SG
It was my understanding he commented on the event on his radio show while watching the video, not from a conversation with Ichi-san. But that was never clarified, like most of this story.
Yeah, but they televise it and get people to laugh at it.
Because of the way he behaves?
Then how did he end up collapsing in an isle surrounded by people sitting in chairs?
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>I hate
>Mamoru Miyano

This doesn't make sense.
They're beating a member of BerryZ, not of AKB48.
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People, I think we should all go out and buy copies of Freezing to help show Ichiki our support. That or at least talk about how awesome that show was.
I kind of expected something along the lines of a scrawny kid trying to sound like Julius Caesar
He whines every time he has to do something. Just flip through any chapter at the start of a capture and you'll see him complaining about having to help some girl and whining about not being able to just play his games.
He acts chuunibyou as fuck, deep and imposing would suit him 100x better,

The audition, the screening of the audition to the audience, and the tasing were all separate incidents at different locations.
Who cares? As long as we can listen to the whole thing.

I've dropped the series anyway; it's not possible for a foreigner to understand without being Ken-sama's protege.
Isn't BerryZ one of AKB's subgroups?
>He acts chuunibyou as fuck
This. I fucking love these kinds of characters, they're always entertaining. Can't wait for Aura.
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They told him that the character never existed to begin with at the live event. The people next to him were Terashima, Kanemoto, and other staff.
But Freezing was fanservicey trash with tits instead of actual content.
>some no name VA gets hilariously pranked
>/a/ self-inserts as that beta faggot and starts white knighting for him
How sadly predictable.
Because, days after his audition was over and he had apparently "passed", they had him appear on a PR event where his "original character" would be introduced, and then they screened his audition, mocked it and told him that the character didn't exist, and twisted his arm into becoming a PR manager. For example, they took lines he had said in his audition like "Yes! I want to do it! I won't lose to nobody at it!" and put it out of context after a narrated line of "You want to be our PR manager, don't you!?"

It was all pretty dodgy business, and the claims in his blog about it all being staged are obviously a lie (all the VA blog apologies were written by the same person).

More misinformation. Please stop. Kanemoto was not there at the event.
Who doesn't want to self-insert as a beta faggot who is friends with FUCKING SUGITA
Kanemoto wasn't in the prank event. That was Asuka Oogame.

Kanemoto was the one that tazered him in a different event, and laughed at him several times together with Terashima in the Kokoro Connect radio show.

True to the manhwa then.
Oh yeah, she was told about it during the Kokoro Connect radio show, right?
How come Sugita is friends with this nobody?
Is that Momoiro Clover Z?
No. It's a subgroup/sister group of Morning Musume.
Because he's a stand up guy.
Yes. Aren't they kawaii?
Because he's an alright guy who associates with people for reasons other than networking to get ahead?
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Why isn't Sugita friends with you?
Sugita likes Freezing
There are other reasons to associate with people?
Nobody knows if that is truth or fiction. Lot's of this story is trolling.
I'm so sick of this kokoro connect incident. Can't we just talk about momoiro clover?
Sugita is friends with just about everyone. He's an incredibly outgoing, friendly person.
Is there any vid of them doing Joshiraku ED but not just lip-syncing?
Fuck off, this guy was one our own, a beta loser just trying to get ahead in life.
They're both gamers and have worked together voicing particular games. They also, apparently, get together to play vidya.
Really? I thought they were small-time?
For people who are not retarded and autistic there are, yes.
A lot of it is pretty clear cut and dry, but some people just don't pay attention
how long until theres an anime about this

yamanaka-san.. I will never forgive you

also yamanaka needs to be played by wakamoto
Damn I want to become seiyuu just so that I can bro'ing it up with their circle ;_;
We are talking about Momoiro Clover.

But we're also talking about the bullying incident. So just quote some Momoiro Clover post and try to spark a conversation there, or come up with some subject you want us to discuss about Momoiro Clover, and if it's interesting enough, I'm sure more people will jump in and talk about them.

Or you could just stop being a whiny faggot and go back to your usual circlejerking general thread.
They are fucking bad at performing live.
No, not yet.

They'll most likely incorporate it into their act once the single comes out though.

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