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It's time for some nightly Touhou doujin reading /a/. Tonight, I will be showcasing a classic. I hope you enjoy.
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Stop making me sad. This was sad. I hate sad stories.
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Don't worry
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Geranium was bittersweet. Feels conflicted, man.
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Well, I'm sure that this story made a lot of people cry by the end.
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This is one slow dump. Having captcha problems?
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Yeah it's giving me a hard time.
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I figure what's coming and I don't like it one bit, no sir. ;_;
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Hold your breath.
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>people say its sad
I'll take my chances
thread status: monitered
thank you OP for your time
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Speaking of Touhou doujins, some of you have probably read Cirno and Reimu's 1-2-3.

Was I trolled at the ending or something?
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This is probably the only doujin I've read where remilia seems playful, shes always calm cool and serious in every other media
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>Cirno and Reimu's 1-2-3.

It's shit, pedophile garbage. Not fucking cool.

It's shit.
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she did it

she ascended to wizardhood
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>It's shit, pedophile garbage. Not fucking cool.
>pedophile garbage

I think it was rather good.
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Oh god, Ready your tissues
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Whew, for a second there, you had me thinking she was going to die in that moment OP.
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why is only one 2hu human
Renko, Maribel, Marisa, Reimu
over my head, wasn't it

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it's as if flandre possessed remilia
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oh shi-
Fucking sadness.
Suave is a kind of charisma too, isn't it?
surprise I'm magically young again
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to bad you can't story time osana reimu
it's just not the same without the music


for anyone interested in basically the best Rumia doujin ever.
More like, here, have this last happy moment from me where it is of such cheer that one envisions me in my prime years, and die right after
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Any other recommendations?

Aozora Market has some amazing Flandre doujins.
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Any doujin by Hot Dog Chuck.
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any1 got the touhou balls where they get tortured and killed? that made me feel
so she magically became young again and they got married right? I'm gonna go with that
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Well that concludes our happy little story. Thoughts, /a/? I hoped you thoroughly enjoyed this story.
This reminds me, whatever happened to the constant Yukkuri torture threads from a year or two back? They were always great.
Fuck this shit man. ;_;

She became a youkai and they became an immortal couple that will love each other forever as long as time persists.

Please kill yourself.jpg
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I'm mostly new to non H touhou doujins, it's all i can do to keep up with some of the canon material. I literally stumbled onto osana reimu.
You mean Yukkuri?
If so help yourself: http://yukkuri.shii.org/post/index?tags=abuse
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Spoiler Image, 169 KB
>hating on yukkuri torture

Nigga you need to take it eajy
Same here. I downloaded some huge pack with lots of non-h 2ho doujins. It's hard to pick anything to read. Those Aozora Market Flan ones were great though.

Nothing special but I appreciate the dump.
Are there anymore doujins with Rinnosuke as a central character? Or romancing anyone.
>considering Yukkuri more than scum
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Thank you for the dump.
>Expect the worse
>Got the best instead
Link to the pack? The only touhou non-H doujin I have is this one.

I don't like yukkuris, but torture is adding awful to awful.


There's Girls Bothering Rinnosuke, which is more of a comedic bent. You have read Curiosities of Lotus Asia, yes?
>Link to the pack?

Just for you, anon.
>She became a youkai and they became an immortal couple that will love each other forever as long as time persists.
I thought we just saw a weird flashback ;_;
Oh god this.

Morino Hon is fucking awesome.
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Garage Shop's stuff is good. At Chirei is my favorite Satori sisters doujin

Does anyone remember the name of that depressing Sakuya doujin where she ends up being immortal?

I want some good romances with Kourin though.
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Thank you.
>10.4 GB
Well, atleast it's not as large as the music pack.
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Are you the same guy who dumped that SDM doujin on Christmas? If so, thank you. That single doujin was the high point of my Christmas.
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Which doujin was it?

Basically it's Rinnosuke X [Some Girl]
No one has typesetted any of it from what I understand.
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This one.
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If you haven't read this, read it right now.
Posting the eyebrow guy?
Has he done any really nice works lately. Last time I checked him out was 09 or 2010.

Holy cow, this is what I've been looking for. Thanks!
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That was almost a year ago. You still remember? Heh.

>Vampires worshiping God.

I like that.
remi and flan are canonically catholic
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Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.
Vampires, amongst other demons, are usually depicted wearing various holy relics like crosses and rosaries.
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Might as well dump this since I enjoyed it a lot. Hold on to your butts.
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>Tengen Toppa Shanghai Hourai never got translated

fuck this gay earth
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You wouldn't believe the captcha I'm getting.
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Hey, there's no yuri in this right? Cause fuck that.
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Not sure but mostly no.
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take your lesbian hate far the fuck away from my touhou you fucking bitch.
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did sakuya die she wasnt even with them and remi holding up her own umbrella and a pocket watch
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refering to geranium
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Fuck you kid, don't involve my touhous with your fag fantasies, fagmeister.
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Guessing she had died of old age.
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I'm out.

All the humans other than Marisa already died of old age.
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It's not over yet but it'll be a LONG time til we get scans, if ever
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go die in a fucking fire you lesbo vampire twat. People like you are always closet homosexuals assmad and ashamed over their own nature.
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DAMN IT. just when I'm about to sleep, you start another one. I guess I'll download this doujin for reading tomorrow.
I seriously can't take sad 2hu doujins.

I don't know why. I just tear up like a bitch instantly every time.
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needs more acting on instinct
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There. If nothing else, the artwork and characters were amazing.
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post something like Though The Wind Cries or jasper star series
I care about the characters too much.

Jasper Star series is kind of boring. Doesn't get good until the later parts.
I've been wondering. That clock...is Sakuya alright? ;_;
>/a/ having good taste in touhou doujins
I fucking love you guys
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You're thanking the wrong people.
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i need to stream this for /a/ and jp sometime.
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Ever heard of Cirno-nee? It's an old series, but it's quite a unique spin on Cirno and Sakuya. Pic related.
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Go on.
I dumped the second doujin and I rarely if ever visit /jp/.
mokou:whoa kaguya you can draw pretty well

kaguya:r-really its nothing special

mokou:so your gonna post that on the internet so people youve never even seen compliment on it


mokou:sounds kinda fun is there some kind of profit with you shutting yourself in the room all the time


mokou:i dont want to say this but isnt it kind of creepy?



kaguya:still better then a commoner like you who can enjoy thing like this

kaguya:you freaking ...

shitloads of sfx now
Oh wow, it's morning! I'll return again tonight, this time I'll be dumping a Yakumo family anthology book, some nice Gramma, Mama, and Daughter family love. Until then!
night/morning/whatever anon, see you later
Too bad.... I'll be off for a few days in a couple of hours ;_;
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wish i can dump this being on mobile is suffering
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It's officially called "Sakuya's Childhood" and it's basically how Cirno's original personality was as a cool big sister type to Sakuya (hence Cirno-nee).

Here is the link, enjoy it.

Oh boy, yuri and cute girls fucked me up so much I don't even care for heterosexual Marisa. Thank you, /a/.

What? How can you like Touhou if you don't like yuri? There are barely any men in this universe. It's obvious that most works will be about relationships between girls.

>What? How can you like Touhou if you don't like yuri?

Something something not being a secondary.
I mean, Touhou doujin. Yeah, I like games too, but I don't even consider them to be from the same universe as non-canon stuff.
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For your information, the majority of Touhou works aren't yuri. There's a shit ton more of non-h non-yuri works being produced.

>How can you like Touhou if you don't like yuri?

You fucking ignorant shit, I wish for your immediate death.
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>Yeah, I like games too, but I don't even consider them to be from the same universe as non-canon stuff

You are beyond retarded. Jesus, Yurifag secondaries are the worst.
You know yuri is about platonic love too? Half of your "non-u" and "non-h" doujins could be easily published in yuri magazines.
This anon has a point.

> yuri is about platonic love too

Last time I checked, yuri was about romance between two lesbos, and platonic love was like a deep friendship almost like family.
Like what?
prove it.
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>gettin' mad about lesbians
>another yuri-hetero war
Whatever. Are there good Touhou doujins about the history of Gensokyo? The Great Suwa War, Yukari's invasion of the Moon and so on.

This anon has a point.

Tomorrow Is Now - Three Dark Times

You might not like it though. It's a story about Yukari's invasion.
Yeah, and Madoka is not yuri too. Guess why 99 percent of important characters in Touhou are girls and most of them were never married or in any relationship. Getting mad at yuri in Touhou doujin is just silly.
Sad, sure, but it's getting to the point where every single sad 2hu piece of media ever is about the humans growing old and dying and the youkai not doing so.


I still tear up without fail, every time, though.
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Touhou is bad and you should feel bad for liking it. This is youkai.
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What did you say?!
But where's the cute hat?
The only good thing about Touhou is the music. Nothing else is good. NOTHING. Shit like this could become popular only in Japan. There is nothing redeeming about this: bland characters, shitty world, bad gameplay. Every single thing about Touhou sucks.
See, I can uderstand why Star Wars, Warhammer or Middle-earth become popular: rich worlds, plenty of great characters and good/great stories, but Touhou? Give me a break, fucking otaku would eat any shit with cute girls. Where is my manga/anime about real youkai? About real Japanese mythology?

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