Thought I might as well make this thread... So, I drew a few ideas of those and I'm willing to draw more. The thing is, it'd be nice if someone could write the dialogues. So, in this thread, write your ideas and/or dialogues for more 4komas about Gaijin-kun. I'll draw them, or at least some of them, and post in in the drawfag thread sometime.
Posting the 4komas I did for now.
I love Gaijin-kun
Someone could also come up with some witty names for other characters.
That was the first one which was done. I dunno how they go chronologically.
I always thought that the kanji for iron, 鉄, was fucking hilarious, because it's pronounce てつ (tetsu) and sounds like "tits."ie: iron titsGo with it from there.
>>70719810>American>French name
There's that black friend in the background I guess.
>>70720015It isn't supposed to be pronounced in the French manner though. Isn't there a word "jean" in English, too? Maybe it doesn't make a perfect surname, but at least it sounds funny.The last one.
>>70719810I like that these are actual strips now but "Guy Jean" sounds too French or somethingDunno what could replace it though
>>70720105I actually lol'd. Good job, motherfucker.
>>70720105Favorite one
>>70720112Guy Gene, like Gene Hackman.The other way the Japanese call foreigners is "Gaikokujin", which would be a lot harder to make names out of, unless you're good in French.
None of these are very funny at all. Get someone else to write them.
>>70720213He's just doing what the anons wrote down. You write something
>>70720112>>70720015I have some shocking news for you. Immigrants killed off the actual Americans and now populate the land.
Original creative content?On my /a/?Oh boy! Good job Gaijin-kun!
They seemed funny when they weren't pictures. Now they seems unfunny.
Something about Gaijin-kun complaining about censored porn
Gaijin and friends are having a surprise party and he brings Cleaning supplies instead
Maybe just call him "Gene"?
I got one>Achoo>Gaijin-kun are you okay>Yeah, I just have a cold>OH NO>Girl forces Gaijin-kun into a bed with a cold compress and thermometer>What're you doing it's just a cold?!>Please don't die Gaijin-kun
>>70720312How about this?>PE class is over>guys hit the shower>All dicks are censored except for guy jean-kun's.
>>70720416This is good.
>>70720105John. John is the English equivalent of Jean."Jim" would fit better phonetically though.
This is a good idea GJ /a/!
>>70720369If his first name is Gene, Gaijin-kun is even more of a nickname
I can't stop laughing>a fight between two random people starts>one person falls unconscious>america starts clapping>everyone stares at him
>>70720599I don't think "Gaijin" should have been a play on words in the first place. It fits fine as a nickname.
Not bad, OP, you're quite the gentleman for this OC.
>>70720671Seconding with more thumbs ups.
Something about nosebleeds, but that sounds so tired
The name doesn't really matter much since other characters are just going to use some variation of 'gaijin' most likely.
Gaijin-kun has homo sex with Megane-kunAfter they finished, Megane-kun is crying because he can't stand having a smaller dick
>on a crowded train and trying to start a conversationif you know japan at all you have to be completely silent on a train or it's molestation
>gaijin-kun loses in a soccer battle>YEAH WELL WE BOMBED THE SHIT OUT HIROSHIMA>[x]TOLD
>>70720780I like this one. Do it op
Guy Jean goes to a movie.Claps at the end.AWWW SHIIT
Great job, these are actually pretty good. We could always use more OC.
>>70720780we should make a tsunami joke too
>>70720817>>70720780>>70720749I think these are getting too obvious.
>>70720378>>70720416this goddammit
>>70720704Black haired Japanese girl loses her top due to a strong wave while at the beach.Every Japanese person passes out from excessive nosebleeds.Gaijin, with a boner, wonders what happened for a second, then goes back to ogling the titties.
>>70720780This. Please this.
>cute girl is talking about the tsunami and how a friend was in it >gaijinkun i feel bad and all for the tsunami but you guys deserve it for bombing pearl harbor>chi~
>>70720878That makes him sound like too much of a dick.
These gave me a good laugh, please let there be more soon.
>>70720927Yeah, he shouldn't intentionally be an asshole, he should just be a dumbass who accidentally comes off as offensive due to cultural differences.
>>70720878I was being sarcastic dammit
We need to make a comment on Japanese coming and going.They say IKUUUU IKUUUUUUU while we say I'm coming!
>cute girl shows him jpop>this is shit, let me show you real msuic>gets out speakers and an iphone>Listening to rap music in cafeteria its wontan soup #swag
>>70720807>>70720780Oh, I like this one as well.Well, I'm saving all the ideas for now. I'll get to drawing sometime in the week and maybe post the comics in the weekend.Also, maybe something about school festival?
Is it just me or does he look like Shirou?
>gaijin-kun eating a piece of meat>using chop sticks to try and cut into the meat>rubbing one stick against the meat like a knife and the other stick to hold it steady>"HOW DO YOU MAKE IT CUT?!"
This is quickly turning away from Gaijin-kun and quickly into derivative Autism-kun
>>70721024I don't know what do you mean.
>>70721028this one has potential
>>70721084Or racist piggu-kun.
This is fucking gold. Got a site you're posting these on? Maybe a DA account or blog or something? I want to be able to see any future ones you do, but I work about 60 hours a week and would likely miss any more posted on /a/.
>>70720874>>70720704How about he gets a normal nosebleed and everyone acts like he's walking with a visible boner instead of giving him medical attention?
He's basically American Shirou anyways.
Maybe something about that one character who's always like "b-but I'm underage!" when someone brings up alcohol.
>>70720878If we revise it to:>Girl is talking about the tsunami to a group of friends>Gaijin passes by, talking about Pearl Harbor to Megane-kun>"So I got up and bought a copy of Call of Duty 5 and killed those yellow fuckers.">Angry stares from everyone
>>70721023>Class is talking about what they're going to do for the festival>Gaijin-kun asks what they're talking about>Someone tells him that they have a festival day where they don't do any schoolwork>Gaijin-kun cheers and skips school on the day of the festival
>>70721109No, that would be something more along the lines of "boy, I better not stay here too long or I'll get slanty eyes!" "maybe you should go to the optician gaijin-kun" etc
>>70721153>bloody nose>jeez gaijinkun, you're such a pervert >i was fucking punched you cunt
These are fucking glorious!Need a strip of him getting pissed trying to use chopsticks
It's amazing, I hope you'll do more, OP.There should be one about cellphones, like "why does everyone have a prehistoric flip phone?"
>>70721153>gets hit in the face with a basketball>nosebleed>girl stares at him a second>GAIJIN-KUN NO ECCHI
>>70721139I'm not posting it anywhere else (well, I posted one in Japanese on pixiv), but all of those go to drawfriends booru.'ll make sure all of them are there tagged so I guess it'll be enough. I don't really want to make a blog or anything.
WAIT WAIT WAIT. No one remember Foreign Eyes? Shit was awesome. It'd be great if someone continued it.
>>70721249Fucking this.I have never understood bloody-nose situations in anime. Is it increased blood pressure? Heat? What the fuck.
>>70721220I like this one.
>>70719892Hilarious, like this one.
>>70721348Boners are usually not allowed on television.
>>70721334I remember on /a/ is painful when it is never made
>>70719892Okay, I laughed.
>Wait you guys have never heard of an Etch-a-sketch?>I'll buy one and bring it to class tomorrow >next day>I asked the guy for one, but instead he gave me a porn magazine
>>70721385Yeah, ok, but there's gotta be a reason it's a nose bleed and not just... well, I don't know, blushing or some silly shit.
Finally some OC, holy shit. /a/ was in need of something like that.
>>70721305>'ll do nicely. Thanks.
How American is he?is he Murikan?If he's Murikan I want some bible shit thrown in.
>>70721471I think it has to do with blood rushing to the head. And characters do blush alot.
Yeah I'm leaning toward this end >>70720979Racist-kun feels too different. Maybe he's not the only American exchange student?Also if he's an exchange student that means there's a Japanese guy at his school. he be like filthy frank?
>Cute girl spots gaijin-kun taking out trash.>Trash not seperated>"Gaijin-kun, recycling is important. Seperate your trash.">"Bitch please, global warming is a myth">Proceeds to cram everything into one bin.
>>70721409Good times.
Link to your pixiv account, please!
>>70721471I think thats caused by having capillaries to close to the surface of your nose so an increase in blood pressure ruptures them. The cure is to sear them.
What was the latest time we got some OC? Poorfag-chan? I honestly can't remember.
I've missed you /a/>>70721416We need more puns and word confusion
>>70721507>>70721471>>70721385From Wikipedia:>In the visual language of Japanese comics (manga) and animation (anime), a sudden, violent nosebleed indicates that the bleeding person is sexually aroused.[16][17] This is based on a Japanese folk belief according to which nosebleeds are signs of sexual excitement.[18] (Interestingly, the nose is now known to contain erectile tissue which may become engorged during sexual arousal: honeymoon rhinitis is a condition in which nasal stuffiness or sneezing accompanies sexual thoughts or activities.[19])
>>70721416this one needs to be done OP
>>70721562Or maybe>Girl gives him two bags of trash>He chucks them into one binRemember, stupid, not a dick
>>70721249Fuck, i haven't laughed this hard in a while
>>70721619>the nose is now known to contain erectile tissue which may become engorged during sexual arousalNose boners
>>70721416That one sounds great.
>Gaijin pissed off at lunch>Cute Girl asks "What's wrong Gaijin-kun?">"The fucking 7-11 guy tried to charge me eight-hundred bucks for a milk coffee"
>>70721720Now this is one that makes sense.
>>70721720I love this. Please, do this one.
>>70721720800 too high, that's like $10.
This is working when he isn't being hostile, just abrasive and not understanding, its a fine line but it seems like it works better when he acts wordlessly and you let his Asian friends do the general commentary that way we see their interpretation on his rudeness when he is just being genuine.
>>70721720Ahahahahah, oh god.OP, please post a deviantart or some shit where we can check up on these. I love gaijin-kun
>>70721671Not so much stupid as simply ignorant of japanese customs/anime >>70721778>$10Sounds about right, actually. Everything is expensive as fuck in Japan.
>>70721778>Japanese in charge of not being Jews
>>70721720Best one so far.
>>70721671Do you think that too much cursing is making him seem more like an angry character?
>>70721835>jewsMC needs a jew friend
Will there be one where he fights the Emperor?>>70721720So good it's worthy of an anime
>>70721860Yeah we kinda need to tone it down or it'll look like he has Tourettes
>>70721819>gaijinkun overexcited about taking over marsi really don't know what else to add
>Gaijin-kun brings boombox into cafeteria.>Plays "You Dropped a Bomb On Me">Gets everyone to dance along.
why is guy jean so niggardly
>>70721866Ah, i didn't see that. Thanks a bunch
>This thread
Throwing this out there:There's a surname spelled Aitchison, maybe that can be mangled to Ecchi-san, but I don't know how it's really pronounced.The formal name for the letter H is Aitch so that's where the joke comes in
>>70719810Why the fuck is he french?
We need some kind of chronology to it. A few "intro" ones where he meets everybody, like that first one, one about cutegirl-chan getting a crush on him for some stupid reason, once everything is set up, stupid hijinks from there.This is gold, thank you OP. Where will you post the rest?
>>70721919He grew up in the hard slinging streets of upper manhatten
>>70721909WE MARS NOW
>>70721905Also,>white guy>referring to others as 'nigga'
>Gaijin introduces himself to the class>"Konighchewa, my name is Guy Jean"
>>70721969Yeah we need a few "intro" ones
>>70722015Long live George BushLong live George Bush Daddy
>>70721249>i was fucking punched you cuntOkay, that got me.
>>70721916This is a trait we need to add.Guy Jean has insane charisma, whereas normally someone like him would be shunned in that society he has the ability to use his abruptness to make his way in the hearts of his classmates.>>70721909The mars thing would be an awesome way to show his positivity while still being lovably arrogant
>>70721968Last time: It's Jean. Prounounced like in "blue jeans". It's a pun because "Guy Jean" and "gaijin" sound the same.
Need one where he thinks his penis is bigger than everyone else's or something
>>70722040Guy Gene sounds better
>>70721249>>70721249>>70721249>>70721249Please OC and drawer man please do this one
>>70721929Hey bud, your gif doesn't loop.
>Gaijin-kun and his friends go to the beach>UMI DAAAAA>What was this supposed to be a surprise or something
>Gaijin walks in on girl changing>she goes for a slap >He stops her >Gaijin:bitch lock the door next time
>A girl who's running with toast in her mouth bumps into Gaijin-kun>She asks "Are you ok?">She looks up and sees him as a dreamy guy>Gaijin-kun: "Watch where you're going!", steals her toast, and walks off without giving a fuck
Quality OC on /a/? Ridiculous.Is there gonna be a website or something to keep track of this shit?
>>70721720Not funny. What the hell, /a/.
>>70721961Hutchison is easier
>Gaijin-Kun chats with his weaboo friend on skype>so Ken, you're into all this shit, anyway I can score with this one chick in my class>Guy, you need to trigger some flags>flags, huh?>next day>runs around waving a big american flag shouting out freedom.
>Gaijin-kun eating dinner with exchange family>starts eating before everyone else thanks there food>everyone stares at him waiting for him to notice>he pauses asking why everyone is so quiet while food spills out of his mouth
>>70720416>>70720647>>70720780>>70721028>>70721220>>70721249>>70721562>>70721671>>70721720>>70722114Best ideas so OP can see
I'm still keen on chopstick hijinks.>eating steak/burger>shit how do I eat this>how am i supposed to slice>this is retarded>everyone else is all "no it's like this, no, the other way, don't poke it, you're holding it wrong!"
>>70722149Even better:>Gaijin-kun at girl's house>She's taking a shower>Goes into the bathroom to take a piss>She's mortified, but he keeps pissing like it's no big deal
>>70722084Yeah Gene would be the more obvious spelling for pronunciation>>70722167You have the archive and draw friends page
Gaijin-kun should be unexpectedly good at schoolwork, so that it temporarily fucks with everyone's perception of him.
>>70722149>gaijin walks in on girl changing>"Oops sorry">leaves
>>70722249He's american, not a cunt.
>>70722249I thought typical japanese (which is what was aimed for, I believe) bathrooms had separate showers from toilets.
>>70722249This one is great>>70722219This one is great
>Goes to his friends house>His friends mom is a milf>he ignores his friend and is only hitting on his friends mom
>>70720105Just spell it Gene.I know that's a real name and valid spelling since it's my step dad's name.
>>70722114Chronologically, this could come directly before the bathing suit one.
>>70722277If Gaijin walks in on a full naked, I expect to see comments about pubes. After all, aren't they the social norm in Japan?
>obligatory comiket strip>goes dressed as spiderman>dude I'm not even into comics, this is so lame>later>jesus man look at all this porn
>>70722221This one
Can we get some backstory on Guy Gene? Why is he in Japan in the first place? Is he fluent in moon or will there be language jokes too?
>>70722261This is a good idea to considerWe need to think of him as an allegorical character that works as a symbol for America, where he is outwardly blunt and ignorant, but has a deeply hidden intelligence when it is called for.If nothing else it would give him depth.
>>70722249>cute girl taking shower in morning>Gaijin-kun struts in and sits down on the toilet to take a dump>Girl yelling at him to get out>"Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"
>Megane-kun looking serious: "It looks like we'll have to use 'that'">Gaijin-kun: "Use what?">cutegirl: "Yes, it can only be 'that'">Gaijin-kun: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!"
>>70722353>Bitch what you screaming for? You got a forest blocking my view
>>70722353>oh sorr-OH WHAT THE FUCK DON'T YOU EVER SHAVE>it is later explained to gaijin-kun, much to his disgust, that women in Japan don't usually shave
>hey guys, do you want to play football>sure, we have a field outside>where the hell are the field posts and lines>whatever here catch, throws football (from backback) inot cute girls face
>>70722306This is trueIf anyone wants to do something bathroom related it could be him as a guest getting to use the bath first and emptying the tub as soon as he finishes
Panel 1:-Starts raining after school-Cutegirl:"Ah, rain"Gaijin: "Looks like it"2:Cutegirl<embarrassed >:"G-Gaijin-kun i-if you want we can s-share my um-"-Gaijin begins walking in the rain-3:Cutegirl<shocked>: Gaijin-kun wait! You'll catch a cold!Gaijin<brushing her off>:As if, who catches colds from a little rain?4:-Gaijin is bedridden for a week-
>>70722356I like this one.Honestly, I'm not a fan of having him being a dick or something. Something like >>70722438 is fine, but the other shit is just tactless, even in countries aside from Japan.
>>70722261ThisHe needs some random positive qualities to explain why he has friends and a girl with a crush on him in the first place.>Unexpectedly good student>Charisma>Cliche "good guy" delinquent who punches "punks" in the face when they try to intimidate him on instinct
>>70722459Just leave it at >where the hell are the field posts and lines
I love most of this stuff but as anons before me stated; he needs too be uneducated about japanese culture, self confident, a little bit stupid and good in a field nobody would belive. If he is just an asshole murrican the humor is gone. the 800 yen/dollar thing was a perfect example of how to do it right.
>Loli>Everyone creeping on her>Gaijin-kun: Nigga I aint no pedophile or nothing
>>70722407God damn
>>70722398I'm going to freeball here. Gene is a lovable idiot. Surprisingly good at schoolwork. He is a foreign exchange student and is living with a Japanese family. He should be fairly comfortable with the language, but he should make a lot of mistakes.
>"Hey Gaijin-kun do you like lollis">"Yea I love a good apple flavor"
>>70722489This is better nice idea anon
>>70722407 I like it.OP now has Unlimited Material Works>>70722398It should probably be him being given an opportunity to go there as a part of an urban opportunity program to explain his uncouth behavior.His understanding of Japanese should be treated vaguely so he can converse in the comics when needed and also be open to be prodded at for common errors.
What about his family ?Something like a slutty little sister hanging out with ganguro and a weeaboo hikkikomori neckbeard big brotherAlso his dad is an ex-soldier
Why the fuck are you so talented, OP? These could easily pass as real 4koma
>>70722489If we're doing shower joke I'd like to see where the girl walks in on him in the shower where he's wearing his American Flag towels
>>70722489Oh god yes.
>>70722563Nam Vet, then? Who constantly has horrifying PTSD comebacks what with all the gooks around?Then again, if gaijin-kun is an exchange student there's no need for family.
>gaijin-kun is in public bath with others>"Here, let me wash your back gaijin-kun">"GET OFF HOMO."
>>70722563His brothers name is Ricky Mory Gene
Anyone have an idea how to work "it can't be helped" into a joke?
>>70722527ThisNot really an asshole, just an overly confident idiot with some unexpected talent.
>>70722503This is a good one.
>>70722401By that logic, he should also have multiple personalities and be completely ambiguous in everything he ever does.
We should have him fail English class because he can't read the Kanji on the English tests.
>>70722510On the other hand GJ-kun coming to school on monday with a three day beard and everybody being dumb struck would be funny, imo.
>>70722510I agree. I thought of him going up to Megane-kun later and asking "So do girls not shave their pubes here or what?" and cue shocked blushing Megane-kun with skewed glasses.
>>70722407This. PLEASE.If his dad is an ex soldier like >>70722563, then this would make sense:>Gaijin-kun and male friends walking around town, they see a beautiful woman on the street>Male friend: Uwah, DYNAMITE BODY da!>Gaijin-kun remembers stuff his father told him>Gaijin-kun: EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK DOWN!
>sees girl being harassed by stereotypical Jap thugs>step aside, I got this>Yo, wassup, wassup, my niggas>what's up with this guy>girl runs away while their distracted.
>>70722515>8-inch dick
>>70720378>not chasing him all over the school trying to stick a leek up his butt
>>70722503I'd like it better if he had a cold but everyone overreacted to it saying he might die.Then he simply brushes off saying "Y'all pussies or something it's just a cold? God damn!"
>gaijin-kun not going to school on saturday
Okay, for a shower one, how about this:>Gaijin-kun taking a shower>Cute girl walks in unexpectedly, she sees everything>Cute girl screams and gets nosebleed>Gaijin-kun: "'Sup"
>Gaijin-kun goes to friend's house.>Gaijin-kun asks what's for dinner.>Friend says hambahgah.>Gaijin-kun receives hamburger steak.>Gaijin-kun says "What the fuck is this abomination?!"
>Start watching TV>Oh shit, you have Chinese Cartoons in Japan, too?>Awkward silence>What, it's not like I said they were Corean!
>>70722527This, swearing for the sake of swearing is not funny
>It starts raining when Gaijin-kun is outside with some friends walking home>He looks up and then back to his friends>They're all dead on the floor and an milf passes by with an umbrella saying "ara ara"
>>70722557I would like to keep with a few others are sayingSome of these are too crudeHe's a likeable idiot -- not an asshole>>70722761I like this
>>70722665Maybe just a prod at how Zen the Japanese are about misfortunes, could be used to flesh out Guy Gene.The trio are late for the bus or something and they let slip a reluctant "It can't be helped", queue lovable American Gene flipping out and chasing down that goddamn bus.The nips look onward at this feat of physical ability coming from someone with normally a sedentary lifestyle.He catches up to the bus and jumps on the back, riding it to school.queue "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH?" from his nakamaI think he should be generally lazy, but capable of bouts of extreme physical ability to tie into America's ability to be on both ends of the spectrum
>>70722771>here listen to this, its vocaloid>what the hell, her voice is so high pitched>well that's because it's a->whatever im listening to Eminem
>>70722712Who's his mom?
>>70722831Why am I laughing so much.It's probably the ara ara oh god.
>opening for the anime version
>>70722551>Gaijin-kun sees little girl crying>Goes to help her out>Cute girl says he's a lolicon>"What the hell are you talking about, wait- you Japs don't like lollipops ?"
>browsing 4chan>Oh gaijin-kun I didnt know you browsed 2chan>Its not 2chan its 4chan its better>Gore, weeaboos, shitposting, >See better.
>>70722898yeah it's the arar ara
>>70722873Yes. I'd love a Ferris Bueller-like bus chase.
>Right after a minor earthquake>Gaijin-kun: Damn earthquakes...>Walks into bathroom>Sees the Japanese-style toilet>Runs out screaming "THE TOILETS ARE BROKEN"
>>70722943he wouldn't go on 4chan
Give me any sort of WW2 jokes or any of his beliefs that Japan wants to be like America.I have always wondered what it was like to learn about WW2 in Japan.
>>70722831Jesus fucking christ i can't stop laughing at this one
>>70722980>/sp/>/k/anything Murrican would do.
>>70722808Wouldn't he just think it was Salisbury steak?
>>70722831This one's great. Change it from "dead" to knocked out, in the exaggerated way, and it'd be perfect.
>>70722980His brother does, and his brother tells him when there's threads active with good OC
>>70722353>walks in on Cutegirl-chan>"Oh whoops, my bad">leaves before Cutegirl can react"By the way you should shave down there from time to time. You could the amazon jungle a run for it's money."
>>70722669Suggestions on unexpected talent:- capoeira- post-modern art- Bill Clinton-like skill in convincing people to believe otherwise- sharp shooter (if you take the veteran dad route)- his massages turn get people sexually excited- he's good at mimicking people and accents
>>70723032>>70722980He's completely delusional of anything Japanese-related.@chan is always Japanese related. He probably would be too dumb to post here anyway, couldn't even know how to navigate the website
>>70722990They do not mention the Nanking massacre.
>>70723039They called it a hamburger so he would expect something like a cheeseburger not a steak.
>>70723078fuck me i skipped>You could give the Amazon Jungle a run for it's money"*
>>70723091>On 2ch>"Where's the Like button?"
>>70722943>Gaijin-kun sees friend on 2chan>Gaijin-kun: What's that? Facebook for Japs?>Friend: No, it's called 2chan, it's an imageboard where people can talk an post about topics with images and stuff.>Gaijin-kun: Ha! How lame is that? We don't have gay shit like that in America. Now get off and let me check my status.
Is OP even still accepting suggestions? And when can we expect them to be delivered?
>>70723115in my textbook it was the nanking rape, we thought it was a mispelling untill we read furtherholy fuck japan
>>70723090I love you man this list is gold.We really need to play off his insane charisma and streetsmarts (And listed skills)I can totally imagine 4komas where he is generally looked down upon for his antics until he has unexpected American competence.
>Hatsumode with Cutegirl, drawing fortunes>Cutegirl gets small luck, gaijin gets great misfortune. He's visibly upset at his fortune>"It's ok Gaijin-kun, you can tie it up over the-">He's taken out a lighter and started burning it.
>>70722834Oh Just thought of a little something more in this toneYou could have him visiting someone in a hospital and he brings the patient a potted plantOr have him receive a gift and he tears it open right in front of the presenter
>>70723154That had a lot of potential, but the punchline is really lacking flavour
I bring thee a tale from /k/ for consideration.
This shit is way too funny for its own good.
>>70723210I was thinking the same thing, I can't think of anything better though, any ideas?
>>70723090It'd be good if he has the ability to acquire things no matter how mundane or rare. It would go well with the fact that he barely understands most Japanese customs let alone the language
>>70723236This >>70723146
>>70723214Nah, too dickish.
This reminds me of Foreign Eyes.I love both.
>>70723264That's perfect.
Wow, so many ideas. You guys are awesome.Also, about nosebleed one and the soccer one AND Racist-kun one, I thought I could link them, something like:The first one:>PE, Racist-kun has a ball, shouts to Megane-kun: "Since it's me and Guy playing against you and Toyota, we can say it's America vs Japan!">Megane-kun takes over the ball>kicks it into Gaijin-kun's face, who's the goalkeeper, ball gets in>Racist-kun: YEAH WELL WE BOMBED THE SHIT OUT HIROSHIMAThe next one:>Gaijin-kun's going to the infirmary, nose bleeding>sees cutegirl in the PE outfit>saying "hey" and showing his nose is bleeding>GAIJIN-KUN NO ECCHIAnd yeah, I agree about needing more intro ones.
Him skipping school on saturday and a vet dad with PTSD just crack me up to no end. Maybe we could give him some credit for something. Like because his dad has PTSD he has to skip school a lot to watch for his little sister. But the reader has to gather the info on his own and the info is spread over several 4komas.and nother idea:>goes to akihabara>sees sailor moon cosplayer>"fuck me, they are real!"
>>70723154>freind on 2ch>"What's that you're typing above your reply?">"it's called "sage", it means I don't want my post to bump the thread">"Did he piss you off or something?"
>>70721876Newest transfer student is a black Jew from Russia
>gaijin-kun out with cute girl on date>suddenly a massive rally is taking place>"WHITTU PIGGU GO A HOOOOOME">Later asks he asks the cute girl why they have Pickle parades in Japan
>>70723338THIS.It's a perfect jab for the retards who think sage is an insult as well.
>>70723146Nah That would just be not knowing the internet in general
Something about Jap girls being shy about letting guys in their room.Gaijin-kun just goes in giving 0 shits.
>>70723338That's exactly the sort of thing we need. Ignorant and crude, not a dick.
>>70723308>goes to akihabara>sees sailor moon cosplayer>"fuck me, they are real!"Fuck man, that was brilliant.We really need more of these, they fit Gaijin-kun's profile/personality perfectly
>Gaijin-kun opens his shoe >Sees a love letter>He takes cover saying "Its a bomb!">Megane-kun tells Gaijun-kun that its just a love letter
>>70723214Kinda dickish, he should be someone who doesn't intentionally offend but it happens a lot anyway because of the deadly combination of self-confidence and being in a new culture.
>>70723340>tries to sell people vodka and weed at school
>>70723278It'd have to be dickery meeting dickery. Everybody likes to poke fun at Americans being all AMERICA! but how swiftly we forget the fervor and xenophobic racism that bubbles just beneath the surface of Japanese society. In a land where your life is ruled, in even the smallest aspects, by intricate social codes, the long-suppressed anger beneath the surface must be something to behold.
>>70723308I'm liking that cosplay idea.
>Gaijin-kun goes to friend's house.>Gaijin-kun doesn't take off his shoes.>Friend says Gaijin-kun has dishonored him.>Friend commits sudoku.
>>70723414He should flop on the bed, too,and ask her what she's waiting for.>she's thinking he's talking about sex>he's actually just telling her to sit the fuck down
>>70723513Oh fuck yeah.
>>70723308>fuck me they are real!Okay, OP, you have lucked out and somehow managed to get /a/ to lay uncountable golden eggs.The proverbial ball is now in your court, make this brilliance shine and allow /a/ the OC it deserves
>>70723450>Gaijin-kun opens his shoe >Sees a love letter>He takes it out, girl who sent it is hiding while watching him>He drops it into a postbox.
>>70723414Could work both ways with him going into a girls room or inviting one into his own
>>70723305I sorta like the idea of two gaijin so Racist-kun can be the crass one and Guy can be the naive, nice one.What if one's name is Guy and the other's is Gene? But that would lose the term "Gaijin-kun" in the first place since there's more than one
>Gaijin-kun listening to music (Death metal screaming stuff))>asks friends if they want to listen>friend gets scared>asks why he listens to people screaming at him
>Gets onto a train with his friends>they sit down and they ask him to tell a joke in English>"Why did the chikan cross the road">All the girls in the train start screamingThis sounded much better in my head.
>>70723503>Hey gaijin-kun what are you doing>oh, I'm just doing this sudoke>NO GAIJIN-KUN, YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR
Should be a joke on the types of toppings Japanese use on pizza vs Americans.and the concept of karaoke.
Fuck man, i don't even care if OP is going to draw these or not anymore, i'm gonna bookmark it just in case i need a good laugh in the future
>>70723503How about this:>Friend: Hey, wanna try doing sudoku?>Gaijin-kun: The fuck? You want me to die?>Friend: It's not really that hard... it's kinda fun actually!>Gaijin-kun runs out screaming something about psychos and masochists
>>70723503Oh, the shoes joke. I was thinking about something like this:>Gaijin-kun comes over to friend's house>Actually takes the shoes off>Friend is surprised "You don't have to take shoes off, I know you don't do that in America">WhatI'm from Europe so I don't know if it's accurate though
>>70723596Japan knows metal
>>70723596but japanese listen to death metal toorap would be more questionable you know, american rap
>>70723414>Cute girl has the flu>So you're telling me you guys just leave her in her room and just leave because you all don't want to get sick too?>Bursts in>Cute girl swoonsWould be something different at least. Plus, it might give a valid reason why the cute girl likes him in the first place.
>>70723615OH, YOU, YOU RASCAL
>>70723601What ? I don't get it.
>Gaijin-kun getting on train>"Pusher" in uniform and gloves pushes him into the train>STEP OFF BITCH>Gaijin-kun shoves him back
>>70723628That's a little funny, except sudoku puzzles are a western thing that just have a Japanese name to sound cool.
>>70723473I dunno about the racist-kun, but I like your idea. Maybe make it a one on one or something, with the rival character, and everyone watching. And when he gets hit he shouldn't be bleeding, just bruised. So when he sees cute girl it could start dripping then.
>>70723596>listening to japanoise>friend is six kinds of what the fuck>>Don't all you guys listen to this?
>>70723628Another golden one
>>70723650I really doubt alot of japs listen to screamo type music
>gaijin-kun is watching tv>commercial for hamburgers come on>"man im hungry is there a mcdonalds around here?">they look at him all weird like>"Mic donuldu?">"Yeah Mcdouble and shit">"Oh you mean wcdonaldu"I'm bad at this but you can see where I'm going with this
>>70723590Guy Gene needs to keep his name, maybe a play on Racist like Raymond Cyst. Ray Cyst, the Cyst helps him sound more unpleasant, its weak but the name shouldn't constitute the majority of humor anyways, just like in most Japanese works the puns are just there.
>>70723656Chikan are the people who molest girls on the train.
>>70723643I take them inside and leave them at the foot of my bed and wear slippers in the house.
>>70723656Chicken sounds like Chikan.Chikan are guys who go around molesting girls.Chijo is when it's a girl molesting guys.
>>70723658Yeah, something like "Stop grabbing my ass goddamnit!"
Gaijin-kuns friends decide he might be homesick on Christmas, so they decide to give him a "traditional American Chistmas dinner."Sick of all the Japanese food, he's really appreciative and thankful. His friends blindfold him while they set the table, and he's so ready to dig into his turkey and potatoes. The anticipation builds until he can't control himself. The rip off the blindfold.And it's just this giant bucket of KFC.
>Gaijin-kun walking around town>Sees someone wearing one of those medical masks>Gaijin-kun thinks it's some sort of killer disease>He sprints home like a maniac
>>70723503>commits sedoku
>>70723590I dunno, 2 gaijin would kinda ruin it. Be more like a duo comedy. Could be strips about gaijin-kun's exchange back in america, Furinora-san.
>>70723643Nah One person wouldn't allow a guest such an exception(even the stage homes used in movie sets are treated the same)
Gaijin-kun dancing to some music, he says my hips are moving on their ownPerhaps in time with I'm Too Sexy
>>70723751>>70723717Oh okay, that's pretty clever
>>70723756This one is fucking gold.
>>70723756>KFCMY SIDES
>>70723643We don't give a shit about walking around our homes with our shoes on, if we have to or are in a rush, but we do typically take them off just for comfort. Most homes still have a "mud room" by the door, which doubles as a coat room (my home, we also have the laundry machines tucked away in there.) Which was always a matter of practicality back in The Day when city streets had loose hogs and filth in 'em. And some families may have house rules about it, just like some parents get all pissy if you leave wet towels on the bathroom counter and others don't give a shit. So that joke would be great, that way. The American shocked at Japanese perceptions of Americans. Lets have the culture clash go both ways - perhaps in the same 4koma, to result in truly amazing trainwrecks. >GAIJIN-KUN IS MAD OH GOD>HE'S GOING TO SHOOT ME WITH HIS HUGE AMERICAN GUN!
>>70723643I take them off in my own house and only take them off if the person who owns the house or lives in the house tells me to.
Cool! Another OC project that will be forgotten after three days.
>>70723503I just realized I can't remember the original word on my own anymore. Every time I tried the word morphed in my head into either sudoku or tsukommi.
>>70723751What about girls molesting girls?
>>70723675Ooops meant to quote >>70723305
>>70723658I like the idea but on a crowded train he would be shoved with everyone
>>70723864Well, that's the purest form of love and there's no word to describe such beauty.
>>70723851I hope notRight?
>>70723763Okay this is platinum, this is what I'm talking about, good clean cultural differences without relying on overabundant swearing or just plain dickery
>>70723860Seppuku, /a/non-san. It's seppuku.
>>70723843>HE'S GOING TO SHOOT ME WITH HIS HUGE AMERICAN GUN!>HUGE AMERICAN GUNJust the ladies, if you know what I mean.
>Alright his rival is an islamic exchange student.>deeply suspicous>checks his lockers for bombs every day
>>70723944Oh, now he's sexist?
>>70723920Damn I just can't manage to read every post hereThanks for pointing that good one out
>gaijin watching american cartoons>see this shit aint like anime all perverted and shit>>all are "wat"
>>70723673Oh. Then maybe it should be like this:>Friend: Hey, I heard sudoku's popular in America!>Gaijin-kun obviously thinks of seppuku>Friend: I'm really into it! Some were really quick and others took me a while. Sometimes I messed up and had to do it over again. Sometimes I gave up halfway through, walked around for a couple minutes, then sat back down and finished it!>Gaijin-kun runs away screaming
>>70723944You've got the idea.>GAIJIN-KUN.... is it... >What? Spit it out.>Do you really have a huge... a huge gun?>Well, I don't like to BRAG, but yea->Girls scream in terror and run away>...I don't get this place at all
>>70723997Nah, no second transfer student.
Great stuff OP, keep up the good work.
>A bunch of kids are running to school with toast in their mouths.>They see Gaijin-kun running towards them in the distance.>Gaijin-kun has a hot pocket in his mouth.
>>70723851Its sad that /a/ is a literal goldmine of Japanese-American mix humor but it so very little comes to fruition, luckily we have a great deal of material now and the OP seems competent and willing to pull it off.
>gaijin-kun watching one of those game show JAVS with friends>Gaijin-kun mistakes it as a real game show
>>70724037No Ray Cyst either. Maybe a Jap kid obcessed with American movies or guns though.
>>70723997Doesn't really work out, I think it works best with showing the differences in culture between Japan and America. >>70723756 is hilarious.
>>70724035haha That's more like it
>>70723450more like>goes to school for the first time.>goes to his assigned locker>opens it and sort of stares at it blankly.>attempts to shove his entire backpack into the locked>"WHY ARE THESE LOCKERS SO SMALL?!">Running joke, he manages to fit everything in it anyways so when others attempt to open it they are surprised by the contents in it.
>>70723902>>70723915>>70723924>>70723932I googled harakiri to find it. That's why I posted in the past tense.
>>70724108That's fucking great. PLEASE do this one.
>>70724087Yeah, with cowboys and shit, AMERICAN FREEDOM and wars and all that stuff you generally associate with 12 year old CoDdlers.
>Guy has a driving licence because fuck yeah 'merica>all the japs jelly>he's called to pick them up so they can go out for the evening>all of them waiting at some place>he drives up to them blasting WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD AT from his crappy mini-micro-japanese van>comes to a screeching halt in front of them>hops out, leans on door>"wassup niggas?">awkward silence
>>70724087Yeah, I like that: a reverse weeaboo character.
>>70724108Like the idea but wouldn't he just see everyone else around him putting their shoes in only
>>70723653>>70723658This is it, not an asshole just uneducated and at times a hero for the reader.Also I don't like the idea of racist-kun. that feels like something a writer brings in after the 7th season so the ratings won't drop, plus this offensiveness is just plain cringe worthy to me.Something about religion wouldn't be so bad either. like GJ-kun is chritan and people give him shit for it but he doesn't give them any shit. might be 2deep
>>70724062change to burger and we got a deal
>>70724087That would be nice.>Gaijin-kun, where do you keep your guns>well let me put it this way, I've got a huge one in my pants>as expected of Gaijin-kun, you truly are American!
>>70724062That would burn like shit, also they taste terrible, but otherwise a good idea.
>>70724190Damn. Gaijin-kun's such a wigger.
>>70724108Make it so that every time he crams something full he can open it no problem but anyone else trying to gets a faceful of blasted backpack.
>>70724190Dude, having a license in America does fuckall for Japan.You're not twenty? You're not driving.
>Gaijin-kun's friends have taken him to WcDonalds in celebration of the end of their exams>He thinks he's aced his Japanese test, and insists on ordering himself.>Eventually, everyone sits down to eat, . But Gaijin-kun looks disappointed for some reason. >"Gaijin-kun, what's wrong?">"I think I accidentally ordered a kid's meal."
>The second button of the top of a male's uniform is often given away to a female he is in love with, and is considered a way of confession.So that button comes off and he hands it to cutegirl (or a girl from his host family) and asks if she could sew it back on.
>>70724194He arives late the first day because he bumped into a bunch of girls with toasts in their mouth
>>70724087Kenichi Smith's early years before he became a fully licensed cowpoke?
>>70724273All of them are in his class, and they all shout "The guy from this morning!" like in a shoujo manga. Meanwhile he's just standing there confused.
>>70724252GK doesn't know that
>>70724190Rather:>Gaijin showing off his drivers license>Crashes once he finds out the driver seat and steering wheel are on the other side, as well as the road rules
>>70724273>>70724352FUND IT
>>70724271>>70724271>>70724271YES Man I gotta give you a high five for that one
>>70724359Where does he get his car?
>>70724257This is brilliant, everything should be like this. Nothing crass or too offensive, just a clear cultural divide.
>>70724273>>70724352Oh god. THIS, DO THIS OP.
>this becomes popular enough to get a mino show on youtube>voice acters are duke , duke , duke and duke>his gets translated in multiple languages>OP becomes famous for his work and ditches /a/ to work at studio trigger>/a/ has created a notch .
>>70724411From a junkyard.
>>70724411He took it from the family
>Why does everybody think my last name is "kun?"
>>70724433I'll go to Guy Gene Con.
>>70724451Well, fair game.
>>70720378>>70720416>>70720647>>70720773>>70721220>>70721249 (without the "you cunt", stupid, not a dick)>>70721303>>70721416>>70721671>>70721720>>70722114>>70722221>>70722245>>70722261>>70722356>>70722407>>70722438>>70722459 + >>70722516>>70722503>>70722515>>70722761>>70723190>>70723338 (works as a 4chan in-joke)>>70723756>>70723763>>70724035, maybe with a more subtle reaction from the girl though~>>70724108 + >>70724244>>70724257>>70724271>>70724273 + >>70724352Those are perfect.
>>70724257Love this idea.
>>70724271>Gaijin-kun approaches Cutegirl-chan>"Hey I need to ask you something.">"What is it Gaijin-kun?">Gaijin takes button from his pocket and gives it to cutegirl-chan>"Can yo-">"GAIJIN-KUN I NEVER KNEW"something along those lines
>>70724190Don't like the car idea. Maybe he could drive one, and get it taken away by the police.
>Gaijin-kun asks his friend to show him where the bathroom is because he has to take a dump.>Friend takes him.>Gaijin-kun goes in for 15 seconds then back out.>Friend asks what's wrong.Gaijin-kun says" Someone stole the toilets. All they left were holes in the ground."
>>70724541What if he gives it to his foreign exchange mother?
>>70724601>>70724566Is it common for Americans not to know about this kind of toilets?
>>70724566Then he finds a modern one with like 100 buttons. "What is this, NASA?"
>Gaijin-kun asks handicapped friend where he's applying to college>Friend says he's going to the affiliated college because it's an elevator school>Gaijin: "That sounds sweet. Maybe I should check it out.">Gaijin-kun, outside of the college: "There's only one fucking floor!"
>It's English class>Gaijin-kun reads the books just fine, but can barely understand the teacher's accent>They take a test>Gaijin-kun fails because he can't read the Japanese partsWhen I was considering a Japanese exchange program, I was deathly terrified of this. Never went, dream unfulfilled ;_;
>>70724655Yeah. The idea of squatting over a trench in the ground is - it's - man, we don't even do that on fucking camp-outs. We construct a proper latrine with a 5-gallon bucket and a deep hole.
>>70724655there are none in america, trust me people don't know about this
>>70724513If OP could just start off with these and more back story ones, I bet he could get enough following to really make something good out of it.
>>70724716Now you're just shitting me.
>>70724655 Sure it is. It may be more common to know about outhouses or shitting outside in an emergency and the like, but nobody who doesn't know better would actually think of the idea that people would design and construct toilets that are just trenches in the floor.
>Gaijin-kun fails Japanese English test even though he spelled everything correctly.
>>70724197>This is it, not an asshole just uneducated and at times a hero for the readerThisGetting a better idea for his character now, I think. And the girl-with-flu one would make her having a crush on him make sense. It shouldn't be there randomly.
>>70724756nope, america actually does this
>>70724655Yes, it's pretty rare, really.Seems like you've been in the Zone for too long, bro.
>>70724714It's never too late Anon-kun!
>>70720647>clappingbit late to be jumping on that bandwagon, faggot.
>>70723618>and the concept of karaokeSomeone could make a joke about how Americans pronounce Karaoke.>Hey Gaijin-kun we're going to do karaoke after school, wanna join us?>Karaoke, the fuck is that? Sure, I'll go.>They all have a good time at the karaoke bar.>On the way back, he says, "Oh yeah, I forgot; isn't it pronounced carry oh key?"
>>70724714/a/ settled on him being a good student, unexpectedly.
>>70719810Fucking love them all. As for the 'French' name think of it like the name Jughead. I don't know if he had a real name but I think Guy Jean or Gene is fine.
One thread and I have so many ideas to draw. That's gonna be good. I can tell you this idea won't die in three days at least.Anyway, like I said earlier, I plan to post it on drawfriends booru (tagging as "gaijin-kun") or drawfag thread.
>>70724756i see wat u did tharBut no, seriously. Squatting to shit is not something Americans do if they can help it at all. At ALL. You'd have to be out inna woods before you do that.
>>70724798Isn't there anyone else with talent in this thread?
>>70724756heh, what a shitty joke
>Hey gaijin-kun, what are you listening to>oh just some rock>Oh, do you want to go see some live with me this weekend?>Hell yeah!>pic related
>>70724841Thanks a lot for asking us.I'm really looking forward to it, make a thread when you've got 3 or so.
>>70724813but he would actually clap for the fight
>>70724802(I'm not from the same continent.)>>70724801Well I'll be damned.
>>70724791reminds me of that one video from a comedy show where the students were american and the teacher was japanese . he was correcting their english and stuff
>>70724859Probably, I like the OP's style though, it works well
>otaku in school talking about anime>making fun of gaijin for not liking anime>he actually has a higher powerlevel than them
The bathroom pubes one could happen at home with a girl from his host family and if he's more naive than a dick the joke is him being shocked by hersGirl could have a brother who's MC's male friend, also they could hint at sibling complex, which may fly over his headCutegirl is their classmate
>>70724872Doesn't work, as Jean's pronunciation of "Rock" is not even close to らく.
>>70724898At least we can comprehend the concept existing in other cultures. But the Germans and their poop-shelf toilets I don't think we will EVER understand. At all.
>>70724945Nah he's supposed to be ignorant of Japanese culture. He wouldn't watch anime.
>>70724872>Gaijin-kun hears "Joshi-raku" --> "girls" + "rock">At the theatre: What the hell is this?
>friends take gaijin-kun to maid cafe>Maid calls him goshujin-sama>Gaijin-kun thinks she's into S&Mbest I could come up with, I'm sure the maid cafe has potential
>>70724791>Gaijin-kun in English class taking a test>Looks at test, all the questions are in kanji>Stands up abruptly in the middle of class, everyone startled>"I thought this was an ENGLISH TEST!"
>>70724655Dunno I mean I myself do and more toilet are western style there -- actually those crazy water toiletCould do something like -- he goes into a friend's bathroom and he comes out covered in water after a mishap with the buttons on the toilerAnother maybe -- he goes with friends to a sushi bar and he grabs a dozen plates of otoroI think mine might a little too light thoughI'm just wanting to keep it idiot not asshole
>>70724949I was pretty sure it was normal for girls to have pubic hair here, too. They only tend to shave it on request from a lover or for porn, as far as I knew.
>>70721619You know, I usually sneeze when I'm about to begin my fap session (before even opening the materials). It's like the rhoughts that trigger the sneezing.Haven't had nosebleeds though.
>>70724978>poop-shelf toiletsWhat.
>Friend invites Gaijin-kun over for dinner.>Friend: "We'll be having croquettes (korokke)!">Gaijin-kun walks in with two mallets: "Let's do this, bitches!">Cue blank stare from everyone else with fried patties
>>70724830His real name is Forsythe.
>>70720416Oh fuck that's funny
Or it could go the opposite direction, not knowing that Japanese things are from Japan. For example.>Wow, Pokemon really caught on over here!Lame, I know, but you see what I'm getting at. Watching a modern Kamen Rider and wondering "why everyone loves Beetleborgs" or something..
>>70725025 wish I was making this shit up.
Guy Jim plsbut japanese cant into enggrish
Can someone come up with a good one for Gaijin-kun having to hold buckets of water in the hallway for misbehaving in class?
>>70724541I don't get it.
>Gaijin-kun at a manga store>"Why are all your comics in black and white?"
>>70723751>Chijo is when it's a girl molesting guys.Sure Japan is different... is this even physiologically possible?
>friends ask gaijin-kun if he has anyporn>opens his phone>Friends see its uncensored and run away screaming that they don't want to be arrested
>>70725030Food jokes would be great >Would you like some Yakisoba GK?>Hey that looks like a hot dog give it here>Wait why are there noodles in my hot dog?>That's Yakisoba>..................
>>70725097But that doesn't work, because the "jin" in "gaijin" isn't pronounced like in "gin" or "jim".
>>70725135She puts her hand down a boy's pants and jacks him off and takes his semen.
>>70725109Giving your second button is some way of confessing, i think its done at graduation
>>70725094What? That's a normal toilet. Those are about 50/50 spread and most people here don't know the difference. My old house had one, I was always annoyed you had to scub it every single time.
>>70725165So.... a semen thief of sorts?
>>70725165For some reason, I find that incredibly arousing.
>>70725142Fuck that's a good one
>Strange scratching noises coming from the upper floor at Gaijin-kun's host family house>Sis-chan goes up to knock at Gaijin-kun's door>Gaijin-kun's in studying mode: hachimaki, huge blanket over his shoulders, glasses, etc.>Sis-chan makes a horrified face: "WHO ARE YOU?!"
>>70725215Yeah dude.He's trying to store it for his waifu but he got raped and has to go through the arduous process again.
>>70725165>takes his semenOkay, now that makes it sound like some sort of supernatural superstition or something. Like she's a succubus or something like that.Which makes it even more hilarious.
Gaijin-kun thinks Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad is a food joint and orders "Mongolian chops" through the phone:
We should work with the relationship between the characters too. hard to do in a 4koma but if cute girl is into GJ-kun we shouldn't fuck around with it too long and make them date. This would give us a ton of jokes, PDA, parents, etc. Also a character with a deep seeded/totally irratonal hate for GJ-kun would be great as an mini antagonist. Maybe a japanese reverse weaboo who was cool before but now that everbody sees what an american is like, he is considered a fraud/hack.
>>70724988>Gaijin-kun and co. visit a maid cafe>Welcome, Goshujin-sama!>What the fuck, have you not abolished slavery yet?>>70725135You can't be serious.
>>70721220>>70721220>>70721220I like this one
>>70725258>goes into maid cafe>"Hey this is just like Detroit"
>"It's called Cos-Play, Gaijin-kun. I need to dress up in a costume.">"Oh, I get it! Yeah, we have this back home, I know exactly what you're talking about!">"Do you have any ideas?">He returns the next morning with an incredibly scary Frankenstein's monster halloween costume,
>springtime>everyone watching cherry trees bloom>everyone using cherry tree comparisons>THEY'RE FRIGGIN TREES GET OVER YOURSELVES
>>70725188>What? That's a normal toilet. Those are about 50/50 spread and most people here don't know the difference.Oh god, Europe. Not even good beer can outbalance THAT.
>>70725258Better phrasing would be >what the fuck, you guys still have slaves?Otherwise it doesn't flow right.>>70725305That works, too.
>>70725256Second this, Or have the antagonist guy be a super Japanese stereotype. Always studying, Class pres, cares about honour and all that.
>>70723675How about making racist kun the one that browses 4chan? /b/ and the likeGaijin-kun fits more on the "Oh noes weeaboo crap on my /v/" type.I'd like to join the band wagon and draw, but art would be inconsistent that way, i gues we should just let op do it himself.
>>70725305That's perfect.
>>70725357No Racist-kun. He is a bad bad idea.
>>70725354Oooh. He could meet a Yamato Nadeshiko who keeps trying to instruct him on proper Japanese conduct.
Gaijin-kun freaks out at cicadas and calls them mutant flies.(There are cicadas in the US though)
>Gaijin-kun has a great summer vacation with antics and misunderstandings>He crams his homework the night before school starts>He smugly walks into an upper-year classroom>The teacher asks, "What are you doing here? Go back to your classroom."
>>70725326I don't know about that one, it's a bit too dickish and plus admiring things like that isn't abnormal in the States. Maybe he could comment on how strange it is the petals didn't turn brown before falling.
>yfw this will end up getting posted on 2chan and translated>yfw some nip will get rich professionally drawing this
>gets cleanup duty>"Don't you have janitors who do that?"
>>70725431Absolutely perfect.
>>70725426>(There are cicadas in the US though)Not everywhere. I've never seen them on the east coast states
>>70725431It would be a good one, but it kind of doesn't make sense, since he would have started school in.. April, right? Or maybe he thought he transferred during the year, since everybody alreadt knew each other in the class.
>Gaijin-kun goes to class.>Everyone says ohio gozymas to the teacher.>Gaijin-kun says 'sup teach.>Everyone looks at him in shock and horror.
>Gaijin-kun is walking home with a stray cat>One of his friends asks him why he's carrying it>Gaijin-kun: "I don't want anybody to eat him"
>top of the class student>everyone saying how great he is>gaijin kun calls him a tryhard nerd
>>70725426I can hear cicadas from my room and I'm in Toronto.
>>70725448i didn't mean for it to sound dickish. probably poor wording on my part. more along the lines of him being astounded that they're so into themit happens in the states, but not nearly to that degree
>>70722653yea, some of those Americans are really really homophobicI remember there was local bathhouse and there was this white guy saying "so... I dont want guy touching my back for massage youknow...erm."of course I live in Cali so most people are used to this but some still aren't
>>70725450I have no problem with that, but I don't think a random Japanese dude would get why those are funny or would even be able to transcribe it.>>70725481Yess
>>70725493New York here, I've seen a couple this summer. They don't come every year, though.
The newer ones just make him look like a dick and absolute idiot, tone it down.
>>70722761oh god how can I forget about this
>>70725503Oh god my sides DO IT DO IT
>>70725503Fun.>>70725504He isn't a dick.
>in class>"stand, bow">gaijin is asleep at his desk>he doesn't stand up even after they wake him
>Gaijin-kun receives tea at a tea ceremony>Gaijin-kun takes a sip>"Damn, that's bitter. Do you have any sugar?">Shocked faces everywhere, kettle drops
>>70725426I've live in three different states without ever hearing a cicada before, so it's possible that he might not know what they are.
>>70725503That's good. I like that. Might work better for a dog tho.
>>70725493Californian here, I think we have them here, or at least something that has a similar sound.
Gaijin-kun should be using a backpack instead of a briefcase and never changes his shoes. Probably harassed by a teached about it but never really changes.Also some sort of joke about how he sees the uniforms and briefcases and thinks he;s entered a high class business private school on accident. then remembers he took a test to get in and thinks he's smarter then he looks and gets way overconfident.>>70724817Well, no. It's more like we really don't have karaoke in america. He doesn't even know what it is.
>>70725122This, but Gaijin-kun should also complain when he tries to read it from left to right.
>>70725552Why an idiot? Most of the stuff really are just cultural differences or subtleties of the language that he doesn't get.And we call people out on the dickish stuff too.
>>70725495Either that, or he could transfer in at the start of the year, then when summer vacation comes he's like >I'm graduating already?
>>70722943>Gaijin-kun sees friend on 2chan>Gaijin-kun: What's that? Facebook for Japs?>Friend: No, it's called 2chan, it's an imageboard where people can talk an post about topics with images and stuff.>Gaijin-kun: Ha! How lame is that? Where is the Like button?
>>70723462is IVAN CHESNOKOV.
>>70725135See, you're assuming that the guy is a horny teenager and the girls is at least moderately attractive.Let's picture a situation here. Let's say there's this 500 lb buttertroll. Absolutely hideous. Pockmarked face, greasy hair. She doesn't wash much, doesn't shave anywhere, and you can smell something rancid wafting from her from a hundred feet away. She's also an insufferable bitch. Then lets say she slips something into your beer while you're turned away, you zonk right the fuck out, and you wake up naked tied to her bed with her trying to go to town on you.Is it molestation yet?It's an extreme example I know, but the point still stands. Just because the victim is a guy and the perp is a girl doesn't mean it has to have been something the guy wanted. That's just as ignorant as hopeful-senator Todd Akin's "women who have legitimately been raped can't biologically get pregnant" bullshit.
>>70725583>"Gaijin-kun you have to bow">"Yeah I tried that and I kept knocking heads with everyone">Classmates are visibly confused
>>70725587that would be nice but not just shocked horrified like he just punched a baby
>>70723778>>70723843>>70725357>>70725409Right, maybe a 2 way cultural clash for both transferred students would be better.That being said, i'd love some 4chan/2ch comparing jokes thrown around.
>They go on a vacation to the beach>someone is excited and says UMI DA>Gaijin: yes, we can see that it's the fucking beach
>1st class ends>"Gaijen-kun, where are you going">"Next period"
>>70725615We have karaoke, just without the kara part.We don't sing in some box room, we just go up on stage in front of the whole bar and sing a shitty rendition of Journey or something because fun things are fun and everyone should see how much fun we're having.
>>70725637Still not funny.
>>70725602I lived in northern Cali for 10 years and so cal for a few years and never saw em. Recently moved to Arizona and they are definitely around here. I did a double take the first time I heard the sound. Wanted to say "just like my japanese animes"
>>70725602Those are crickets at night.But I'm in the Bay Area so I'm not too qualified to talk about this
>>70725700But that's because you never go out anon-kun
>>70725493Virginian here, we have them all the time during summer.
>>70725712Same area, I just have shitty hearing I guess.
>>70725684>I never remember which room I have to go next
>>70725652>What are you people doing to that watermelon!?
>>70725583>Gaijin starts to say the pledge of allegiance after standing up
>>70725763>Why are you putting salt on it!?
>>70725637>GK to his friend: Hey, this looks fun. How do I make an account?
>>70725766this would actually make sense, what with him being all MURRIKA
>>70725766I like this
>>70725766Oh god this>somebody wakes gaijin-kun up>he sees everyone standing up>he quickly gets up and starts saying the pledge
>>70725798Oh god, I remember the first time I saw somebody put salt on a watermelon.I just couldn't get my head around it.
>Gaijin-kun goes to school in t-shirt and jeans.
>>70725684This ill be perfect for the beginning arc
>>70725108>Gaijin in classroom talking to glasses dude "So here I was walking around the city when some girls just came close and gave me some tissues.">"I was like, why're you giving me this? I don't need to blow a load off or anything.">"So I handed the tissues over to a teacher early morning.">said teacher is right behind him>Gaijin is holding two buckets filled with water outside the classroom "What did I do?"
>>70725735Nah, I worked at a boy scout camp and did a lot of outdoorsy stuff at the time. I guarantee there aren't cicadas in Nor Cal
>leave for ten minutes>eighty five postsGod damn guysHow about -- in a friend's room he spills a bag of dirt and just sweeps it into the garbage -- said friend screams out KYOUSHIENNN!!(sorry for not green texting my suggestions)
>>70725766>>70725839Oh god yes.
>>70725763>Gaijin-kun at beach with friends>One of them brings a watermelon along>Gaijin-kun "Alright, lets eat">Somebody smashes it right in front of him>Gaijin-kun gets up in his face: "Oh it's on now, motherfucker">People holding him back, the guy who smashed the watermelon has no idea what's going on
>>70725839>I pledge allegiance to....the united states of Japan?
>>70725874Huh? Why?
>>70725874I don't get it.
Maybe we can have the English Teacher be one of GJ-kun's relatives, like and uncle or aunt, and he/she is trying seriously to understand the Japanese culture but obviously he can't get into it. Also she/he may be the reason why GJ-kun is in Japan.
>>70725647>next scene is GK telling the classmates about it>"I thought I'd be polite and bow to everyone" shows GK bowing to everyone on the street>"But there were some problems" GK keeps miscalculating how far to bow and keeps hitting people on the head>Classmates: ".................. Baka"
>Gaijin-kun walks in on his host family's chiildren watching a tokusatsu show.>"Why are you guys watching power rangers reruns?"
>>70725852>Nobody calls him on itI think it'd be great if he is socially immune to people calling him out on things due to irrational fear of him
>>70725874This is completely over my head.
>>70725915Hail Zero.
>>70725874Gotta keep it simple mate.
>>70725502>>70725503>>70725504those aren't so bad. but the top od the class guy must be drwan really sleazy and creepy to make GJ-kun's burn stick.
jokes about hiragana/kanji?
>>70725684I like this. Nice and simple
>"What's a Nippon?"
>Host mother is telling Gaijin-kun about burnable and unburnable trash>Gaijin-kun: "So this stuff gets burned. Got it.">Time lapse, host mother walks back to see smoke rising over the house>Gaijin-kun has a fire going in the backyard>"What?"
Goddamn it, I didn't plan on staying up this long you're the worst /a/ to produce OC at such a time
>>70725943This would help with a lot of the backstory. Make it a hot female all the Japanese guys want to get with though, for more jokes.
>>70726025>>70725924>>70725939>>70725968I think it's because the teacher heard what GK was going to do with it, so he got pissed because he got the tissues.Anyway, that aside,>for whatever reason, GK is forced to hold buckets of water>he doesn't know the reason why>he gets bored>he starts lifting them
>>70726074I like this.
I'm not OP, but I'm going to try drawing some of these, wish me luck guys.
>>70726020Yes.Fuck yes.Make him at least watch anime so he has a basis for his stereotyping, I can totally imagine him watching Code Geass and trying to understand Japan through it.
>>70726109luck guys.
>Gaijen-kun is told he's on cleanup duty today>"where are the janitors?"
>>70726094>lifting bucketsNow there's a good one.
>>70726074GK is such a baka
>>70726094>for whatever reason, GK is forced to hold buckets of water>he doesn't know the reason why>he gets bored>he starts lifting them>his classmates have confused looks on their faces>he asks if they even lift
>>70726109Post a rough draft drawing so I can judge nicely
>>70726094Or maybe he thinks they want him to go water the flowers or something.
>>70726127>He sees United States of Japan>LELOUCH VI BRITANNIA 2012!
>>70726109Before I do ones I like, what are ones you guys think are the absolute best.
>>70726127It might work if he's only seen a couple series on Adult Swim or something, so Geass could work.
>>70726127>Girl is angry at Gaijen-kun>"Oh, this is what you call Tsundere right?"
Gaijin-kun is fascinated at how cats in Japan say nyaa and dogs say wanThen he makes a joke about "Lil Bow Wow should have been Chibi Wan Wan" that falls absolutely flat, everyone gives him blank stares
>Gaijin-kun goes to P.E. class.>Gaijin-kun asks"Why are the girls in their underwear?"
>>70726094Hah, that could be nice. We aren't shown why he has been punished.Then later, another 4-koma>Gaijin-kun says something stupid in the middle of class>Teacher sends him outside with buckets of water>Looks at the buckets>Starts lifting them once again
Maybe we could have another, weeaboo exchange student, who makes a lot of mistakes about Japanese culture by misconceptions made through anime.But keep Guy Jean a typical American.
>>70726163I KNEW I was missing something!
>>70726205Yeah that's what I mean, make it so he was a dub watcher in his childhood before coming to Japan
>>70726208>he pronounces it soon-deer
>>70726192Nah, don't worry about the absolute best. Those are open to opinions anyway, and I highly suspect that OP will draw those, so to cover more stuff, just pick some stuff you like. Try to keep the artstyle though.
>>70726205>Why the hell is Goku's voice so high?!
>>70725880Sorry, my powerlevel isn't very big... Care to elaborate?
>>70726127The only anime he saw is Dragon Ball Z.
>>70726208>>70726127>>70726020That would completely change the character. I don't like it.
>>70726205>>70726208I think any anime he watches, if he does, should be watched while he's in Japan, and it should all be stuff that doesn't really involve much actual Japanese subject matter.
>>70726208This should be incorporated into some skit. I could see that being funny.
>>70726278Of course he'd be watching Muv Luv.
>>70726208Don't like it. What was about the whole "Ignorant about Japanese culture" thing? Knowing that shit doesn't fit his character.
>>70726271His friend must've played at Koushien Stadium, taken some of the dirt from the field home as a souvenir.
>>70726225Ha, that's interesting too.
>>70726278He should only watch stuff like Sazae-san.>So this is like Spongebob, right?
Gaijen-kun by the definitons given:>Basic American>Manly, to an extent>Has next to no knowledge of Japanese culture>Is a social man, with moderate courageThis a fair summary of him?
I liked the idea of him having something he was randomly very skilled at.We could have gaijin-kun be extremely good at baseball. It would fit his character and give his classmates a reason to like him.
>>70726276Maybe he misunderstands something that his otaku friend told him about, so he doesn't really know what it is anyways.
>>70726326I agree, at most he should be a fan of Dragon Ball Z or something. I'm not liking these anime suggestions.Although maybe one of his friends tells him what a tsundere is? That could work out in my opinion.
>>70726278GJ-Kun should AMERICA 100% of the time, all the time. We're not trying to show Japan changing HIM, we're trying to show HIM changing JAPAN with FREEDOM.
Well he would catch on to some things after a while, it isn't that he completely ignorant of their culture, just ignorant in its usage and mechanics.For instance he would have some basis of Japanese traditions but would miss tha subtext completely and just take things at face value, the anime thing gives it some ground since he just assumed things about Japan.
>>70726380>Is unexpectedly good at studying.>Is pretty dense
>Gaijin sees a donation box in front of a shrine>he uses it to grill steaks
>>70726273In this day and age do real Japanese people shout and pose KAMEHAMEHAAAA in public?
>>70726380He's basically an American version of Shirou.
>>70726380I think we should have him never watched any anime outside stuff like DBZ and Pokemon.
>>70726417>We're not trying to show Japan changing HIM, we're trying to show HIM changing JAPAN with FREEDOM.It's just a comedy about cultural misunderstandings. Get your Manifest Destiny out of your ass.
>>70726435This,He needs to have one important talent that nobody expected, as said earlier in the thread.
>>70726461Don't say that. We can't have these all turn into "I'm not following you."
>>70726417Nah, patriotism is fine, but 100% all the time doesn't sound too good.
Fuck it, lets just drop the anime thing, we have mounds of material already made so there's no reason to debate a limiting character trait. We should just leave it to OP's discretion.
>>70726461Dude. I think GK of all people would get it. More than anyone else.
There has to be one about the cultural differences regarding Valentine's Day. Maybe after the vaguely mentioned hooking up with Cutegirl-chan.
>>70726467I agree, his anime should be very limited, stuff he would have watched as a kid maybe. This'd include Power rangers, of course.
Maybe he could have a european friend and theyre always fighting arguing whats better?
>>70726417>GK watches Guilty Crown with a friend>Dan: If it can fly up, it can fly sideways!>GK: This guy's a retard!
>>70726537Word, chap.
mates, it has been a blast but i have to get some sleep. somebody care to post the archive link before i sign out?
>>70726579That's just fucking stupid.
>summer festival>everyone in yukata>GK in bathrobe
>>70726580Oh, you did NOT just insult Dan.
>>70726513I agree. Most of the really funny things have just been about mundane cultural differences and misunderstandings, not glaring and extremely overblown stereotypes. Some of that out of place patriotism is fine and funny in small doses, but going overboard with that wrings a lot of the life out of the humor.
Alright guys, I'm out for now. Thanks for all the ideas, I saved a lot and I'll surely draw a few sometime this week. Keep checking drawfriends booru.
>>70726580Alternatively after Dan dies he burns down the studio with sideways fireworks launchers with an American flag cape.
>>70726580I actually like this one.
>>70726557>GK gets chocolate from several girls>White day comes>Everyone's pissed at him and he has no idea why.
>>70726641Fuck. I chuckled. Give him a completely serious face too, for the love of god.
This is more of a general thing but there should be hentai stock phrases in everyday innocuous use
>>70726208>not calling her a bitch
>>70726664Sounds good. I'm really looking forward to this - good luck.
>>70725583>teacher walks in "alright, class is starting.">class rep:"stand! bo-""zzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ"> there's snoring in the background. everyone turns to look at Gaijin-kun>cute-girl:"Hey!" wakes him up Gaijin-kun: "uh.. huh?!?"next comic> cute girl(whisper):" Class is starting you need to stay awake. its rude to fall asleep" Gaijin-kun: "yeah whatever" stays awake now.> Class rep:"... *ahem* stand." is paying attention to Gaijin-kun now.>Class rep: "bow- Hey why aren't you standing?!" Gaijin-kun:"... huh?" blank look on his face.> Gaijin-kun (look of slight disgust with astonishment): "... what, you guys still pledge allegiance in high school? Are you serious? For real?" Class rep:"... this guy~~"
>>70726641OP this is one of the last good ones, be sure to draw it.
>>70726643The point is that GK doesn't even see how Dan is a parody of MURRIKA, as ignorant Americans are prone to do.
>>70726641>we're going to a summer festival, you should come, we'll be wearing yukatas>what are those?>get's shown picture>oh, I have one of those!
>>70726684You know, I was thinking something like that, but also him getting flowers for Cutegirl-chan and her just being flat-out confused at them.
>>70726263Rather:>Gaijin catches cute girl as she falls, ends up in princess cradle>Cute girl thanks him while blushing, but spouts some tsundere line and walks away after she realizes that a lot of other students are looking at them>"Tsundere desu ne." all the students whisper, gaijin mishears it as thunder>"Hmm? Oh yeah, I liked that ACDC song too. But what does this have to do with anything?"
>>70726641Oh god I laughed hard
>>70726664See you, and hell yes, I'm looking forward to it.Make a fucking thread when you've got a few. And don't hesitate to ask for some brainstorming.
Guy Gene had no Japanese exposure in terms of mediatypical american, not weebo or gaiajokes wouldn't be consistent then
>>70726789Bit too wordy of a punchline. You pretty much had to cram the entire joke into one sentence. Maybe just reduce it to "I like that song, too" and he's wearing an ACDC shirt that day.
>>70726764Something with fireworks could work too.
>>70726641Replying to this so it stands out more.
>>70726787Make it two comics, the second one is him apologizing to some girl the next day, then he gives her flowers and she is either very confused or insulted.
>GK is looking for a McDonald's or something>People keep pointing him to the nearby stationwhy do Japanese people always do thisalso,>a pervert is molesting a highschool girl on a train>all 11s move away due to SHAMEFURU DISUPUREI>GK comes by>high-fives the fuckeralso,>GK goes drinking with friends>they KAMPAI and gulp their beers>everyone except GK pass out
>>70726789Let's say there's a cute girl who's tsundere for GK.>GK forgets his lunch, Tsundere-chan brings it for him>Tsundere-chan: It's not like I wanted to give it to you, I just had an extra, that's all!>Male friend whispers to him: Oh man, she's a tsundere.>GK: Shut your mouth her thighs are BEAUTIFUL
>>70724503I like it.
>>70726409Nah...>Otakus in class talking about anime and stuff, gaijin looks confused>Glasses dude: "You've at least heard of Dragon Ball Z or Sentai Rangers right?">"No clue. You've at least heard of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers right?">"No clue...">Awkward silence
>>70726845I do like the idea of maybe having unexpectedly watched some really normalfag stuff back in the day, but not really understanding where it came from. Like the idea floated around back that he's confused as to why the Japanese "remade" Power-Rangers with Japanese actors.
>>70726641wow, I spilled my coke on my lap
>>70726868>>70726789If you have to explain it, it ain't funny.
I think class rep guy should be his antagonist. He's one of the top students in the school and has actual valid knowledge of some american customs. Maybe have Gaijin-kun be well versed in some american politics and class rep in Japanese politics and they argue about it? throwing out ideas.
>>70726945>GK comes by>high-fives the fuckerFuck no. GK is a hero of justice
>>70726981Oh man this works.
>>70726953Oh god, this.
>>70724622>ara araFollowed by her hitting on him like an incest doujin, and only his friends seeming to notice.
>>70726953Well that's just asking to give her some Zettai Ryouki
>>70727027Oh, he assaults a train molester and causes a scene
>>70727084Yes, that's more like it.
>>70726945>high-fives the fuckerMore like steamrolls his ass. This is just as much of a cultural clash, anyway, and fits America's whole World Police reputation better. It also doesn't make him a douche.
>>70727084There really isn't a joke there
>>70726271(guess I don't need to green afterall)Wow I spelled that wrongKoushien is THE huge baseball tournament It's quite cultural and a big focus in high school lifeThe teams collect a bag of dirt after the game
Maybe there could be a girl like Tomoko who GK is always hitting on?
>>70722761I like that>Saturday>"Where is everyone?"This could branch off into other ones, like a continuation where the girl is worried about him, he says something normal that gets mistaken since his japanese is bad, girl is shocked etc.
I think he needs to have a run in with tsundere.Maybe one could make him bento?
Maybe he could highfive the molester since he thinks they are in a relationship and is proud to see public display of affection for a change, but once he sees the chick isn't digging it, he goes apeshit justice freedom mode on the molester.
How about him dealing with Lolies?being child porn and such
>>70727140Gotta make his female friend like him somehow
>>70724982Yes!P.S. Is Joshiraku any good? I like the idea, but I'm afraid of picking it up and missing all the good jokes because I don't know enough Japanese.
>GK finds 10000 yen bill infront of a police box.>puts it in his pocket infront of his friends.
>>70727154Nah man, that sounds too far-fetched.
Have a tsundere playfully attack him, he thinks she's trying to assault him and ends up fighting her, shocked reactions from companions
I'm about two hundred posts behind now -- are you guys fleshing out the other characters now?
Gaijin-kun somehow mixes up "bishoujo' and "fujoshi"
>>70727140The joke is that you're not supposed to interfere when people are doing things like that in Japanese culture. Making a scene about it while everyone else is aghast is in pretty much the same vein as lots of the other jokes.I find it funny, at least.
>>70727212You sir win this thread.
>gaijin-kun leaving for school>says "seeya later" to host mother>host mother explains that when you leave you're supposed to say "ittekimasu">later gaijin-kun is eating lunch>friend/cute-girl sits down next to him and says "itadakimasu">"Oh okay bye then"
>gang walking down the street at night>see two yakuza in suits rob a random guy>everybody looks the other way, GJ-kun is gone>Yakuza beaten up, random guy saved>"man, you'D think those withe collar guys make a decent living already"
>>70727128Wait, so normally other people wouldn't stand up to the molester?I thought molesters were just a sort of anime trope or some shit.
>>70727198YES OH YES DO IT
>>70727228We've only got Girl and Megane so far
>>70727294It's already been posted.
>>70727266Dude, that's good.
>>70726869>"Hey Gaijin-kun, want to watch some fireworks with us?>"Yeah, sure!">Typical Japanese fireworks scene>Gaijin-kun has a dejected look on his face
>>70727171>Overhears some guys talking about how much they love lolies>His friends call those guys lolicons>GK thinks they have a specific word for people who really like lollypops and declares himself a lolicon
>>70727197>This anime is filled with unobtrusive dialogue so the viewers may fully enjoy how cute the girls are.Yeah, the Japanese is pretty heavy and the localizations don't match up with the words, but it's fun anyways.
>>70727274Nope, that's really how Japan works. You're supposed to turn away from other peoples problems because if they stand out too much with said problems it's too shamefur. Ignore it rather than interfere.
>>70727274Nobody is supposed to acknowledge that there is a problem. Making a scene would be troublesome for others, so you're supposed to grin and bear it until the next station where you can escape.
>>70727154Probably not.>Japanese old dude molesting school girl>Gaijin notices that no one's stopping him, tries to stop him>Japanese dude gets pissed off at him after he stops the molesting, telling him that this is normal in Japan>"Wait, really?"
>>70726953I don't get it.
>>70726993>Like the idea floated around back that he's confused as to why the Japanese "remade" Power-Rangers with Japanese actors.This is golden.
>>70727363It sounds like thunder as in thunder thighs( really fat thighs)
>>70727351>>70727350Wow, fuck that shit, I'd go totally GK-style on the molester's ass, what the fuck.
>>70727331I like this, reminds me of the time when my friend said "Fo shizzle mah nizzle" to the only black guy in my class because he had no fucking idea what it meant, and then apologised profusely for it. Also I can't believe I nearly skipped over this thread, been pissing myself with laughter for a while now.
>>70727330Works, as he'd be used to 4th of July explosions.
>>70727154>>70727352It doesn't really work.
>>70727330Also insert a pun aboutt he 4th of July or something?
>>70727331Continuation:>GK elaborates on how much he loves lollipops>"I love licking them, sucking on them, biting on them, and especially the ones with chocolate inside!">Everybody is disgusted, someone calls the cops>He gets taken in for questioning
Something about PockyHe tries to eat them like Oreos with milk
>>70727462>Goes to friend's house>He has a little sister>Little sister is sucking on some lollipops>"Oh man, I fucking love lollies. Can I get-">Friend kicks him out of his house
>Gaijin-kun at lunch with friends: "I brought a bento today.">Friends: "Ooh, let's see!">Brown paper sack
>>70727440>>70727455I don't know, I like it with him having the typical straight man expression on the last panel.
>>70727455he makes a bbq for his host family and friends, everybody expects some lame ass hotdogs and some tofu and fish and out of nowhere a whole pig ona rotating spear with Gj-kun as the chef with a "kiss the chef" shirt
>>70727580FUCK. YES.
>>70727570Okay, I laughed.
>>70727449>with his friends after school in a mall or something>a guy is trying to hit on a girl too hard>everyone ignores it including GK-kun's friends>He goes and pushes the molester away>friends have revelation the comic can have a few non-funny scenes
>>70727607And the grand finale is a truly, 4-of-July-worthy fireworks display.
>>70727580>There's a ham sandwich inside
>>70727311Thanks trying to catch up now
>>70727658>Ham sandwich>Not a cheeseburgerDo you even MURRICA?
>>70727658Not ham. Bologna.
>>70727645which ends up sending the japanese equivilant to homeland security. best made in 3 4komas.
>>70727645>GK sets up some fireworks>Everyone expecting something nice and peaceful>Finale-level fireworks display>Everyone thinks they're being bombed
>>70727712Damn, you're right. A burger would be much better.
>>70727726GK would have to be fucking loaded for that. Fireworks are expensive as fuck.
A variation on the "GK Has a Cold" theme:>Friends discuss how GK has a cold, is away from school.>They get some cold medicine, porridge mix, PEACHES>Arrive at his door: "GK, are you alright?">GK answers the door with headphones on and a bag of Cheetos to blank stares
>>70727198What's wrong with this?
>>70727773It's anime, I ain't gotta explain shit.
>>70727773It's a gag 4koma, nobody needs to explain from whence he gets this shit. It's just there.
>>70727726Him getting excited to see FIREWORKS and only seeing those turd ones (yeah actual black shit looking ones) and the ones where you hold it until the spark breaks off would be more fittingJapan LOVES fireworks and they have summer festivals with big fire works every years
>>70727773there the vet dad with the army pansion and MURICAN FIREPOWER comes in
>>70727773Remembering the exchange program I would've gone on, they would've given you a spending allowance each week to blow on whatever the hell you wanted.If he's in a good program, he's probably getting some money on the side. (Although he would've been paying that money for the fees anyway)
>>70727773Probably bought them at an american convenience store and brought them into Japan by accident.
Guys, I have a question of the utmost importance.Will GK have the MC seat?
>>70727803It's considered civil duty to return all lost objects to the police so that the rightful owner can be found, even if it's something you need or really could use, eg. money. Doing otherwise is shamru dispray and a sign of greed.Or so I would think.
>>70727844I don't think that's quite how security works.
>>70727857Like hell. Furthest row from the front, all the way next to the door.
>>70727857>GK transfers into school the same day as another guy>The other guy looks over-the-top stereotypical MC>Other guy laments that GK was given the seat instead of him and starts working on Sudoku for the rest of the class.
>>70727844>>70727835 Handwaving it like >>70727810>>70727818is fine, but when I say expensive as fuck, I mean it. tens of thousands of dollars for a few big ones.
>>70727887That's how it is with large sums of money in America, too. You aren't supposed to just take anything more than 20 dollars.
>>70727857...Oh shitI think he willHe has to wouldn't he?
>>70727947Why are you trying to find plot holes in a fucking 4koma?
>>70727857>>70727918>Other students watch expectantly as GK, being the transfer student, chooses his seat>"That Seat" and the seat closest to the door are available>After a short minute of deliberation, he chooses to sit by the door>Everyone is incredulous that he didn't take the sit>What?
>>70727927How about he becomes GK's nemesis?
>>70727949I read some stories about people patting themselves on the back for calling the guy/girl whose wallet was dropped and helping them track it down, like they had to show it off to the world or something when they received part of the money as a reward. Even accepting that money would defeat the point of your "generosity".
>>70727835For these to work we have to be sure of the culture ourselvesFire works are very expensive and illegalA license (which requires a test) to handle them alone costs over a thousand dollarsJust wouldn't happen(though yeah seeing him blow up some huge fire works when they were expecting sparklers would be funny)
>GK sits in his seat the first day of class>Makes a friend>Sits next to him the next day>One dude just stands next to him, looking angry
>>70727927that guy becomes the future class rep and top-of-class nerd and he sees himself robbed of his birth right to be the one in the spot light. Antagonist established.
>>70724026Something like this?
>>70728011What if all the guys in the class held a raffle just before class to decide who gets "that seat." They're building this elaborate system of rock-paper-scissors fights to determine who gets it, but while the contest is in its final battle, gaijin-kun just takes the seat.
>>70728075Fine then>Gaijin complains about fireworks being crap>Calls dad about it, dad calls in a favor from the US navy
>>70728139I love you. Needs more screaming, though, or instead a graphic representation of what GK thinks when he hears those words.
Another recap starting from there >>70724513>>70724503>>70724541>>70724566>>70724997>>70725122>>70725233>>70725256>>70725258 + >>70725349>>70725321>>70725305>>70725326>>70725431>>70725481>>70725503>>70725583 + >>70725766 + >>70725839>>70725615>>70725684 (should be one of the first, really)>>70725763 + >>70725798>>70725913>>70725954>>70726074>>70726094>>70726230>>70726641>>70726684>>70726953 (somewhat, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work with all accents)>>70727198>>70727266>>70727330>>70726993>>70727580>>70727607 + >>70727645 + >>70727726>>70727800>>70728011Simple is best.
>>70728097This. 1rst friend is cutegirl-chan angry guy is megane-kun.
>>70728139GK thinks his friend is the assistant/second of the people committing seppuku - after the other guys slit his bellies his friend cuts off their heads.
>>70727949I don't do that
If we ever decide to make like a book full of these, we need to sort them into chronological order. Just thinking if we're doing things like deciding where he sits.
>>70728064I've only ever heard one of my friends do that but that's because it was 15,000 dollars
>>70728485It's 4-koma, we really don't.
>>70728534Even 4koma do things in chronological order
>>70728509That's... not an amount you'd normally carry in your wallet...
>>70728559Not necessarily. Hoozuki-san-chi no Aneki had an arc about how the brother and sister first met, so it's usually fine if you explicitly state it somewhere.
>>70727580>not a tupperware box
>>70728611Our arcs are about 2 pages max so far.
I can't believe no one has suggested -- summer day out with friends who goes to get drinks for everyone and is handed a bottle of ramune...
>>70728011Yeah, I think a meta punchline like "How can he be the main character if he won't even sit in the MC seat?" could be funny.Alternatively, the idea behind >>70728157 is pretty good. It might be a bit complicated though; I think the point should be that all Japanese acknowledge THAT SEAT as the main character's seat. Whoever sits there will be the main character. While they're trying to decide who will rule the universe, Gaijin-kun just takes the seat, making for an anti-climactic punchline. "Welp, I guess he's the main character" or "And that's how he became the main character."The problem would be making it simple enough.
This is a 10/10 thread. Anime adaption when?
>everyone drinking something.>Calpis>what-piss?!>spits it out.
>>70728757You know, given the way it tastes, he might actually believe it.
>>70728742>GK transfers in>Teacher deciding where he should sit>"Hey, x-kun, could you move and let GK sit there?">X-kun: "Fuck!"