Do you fantasize about wearing dresses, /a/?
They feel very uncomfortable. I can't understand anyone who fantasizes about wearing one.
>>70687332But they look so cute.
....Yes.Men can be pretty too, damn it. ;_;
>>70687372Cute, but they make you feel all itchy, hot and tight. Fuck dresses.
All the time.Flowing long ones, big bell ones, tiny slutdresses. All of them.
If I ever got a hold of a madoka cosplay set then I'd be all over that.
Wearing dress while fighting monsters and crime as a magical girl is my greatest desire.Where is my kuybe
>>70687443What about skirts?
I fantasize about ravaging a cute 2d girl in a cute dress, if that counts.Hell, my fantasies about Madoka usually involve for in her dress.
I want to wear a pretty dress. Im thinking of getting one online so I could wear around my house.
>>70687499>Anon in Madoka cosplay
>>70687499Trap Mordin is best Mordin~
>>70687616>Not shaving your legs and arms
I'd just be like that homo from Chocolate.
>>70687547They're okay I guess. Not a fan of them either.But seriously, try wearing a tight frilly dress in a hot day, you'll never fantasize about dresses again.
I want to be cute, no matter what.
>>70687775>try wearing a tight frilly dress in a hot day, you'll never fantasize about dresses again.Hey, no pain no gain. If I want to be a pretty girl, I'll be a pretty girl, regardless of comfort.
>>70687571Also when I fantasize about my waifu, I fantasize we cuddle/spoon fully clothed while she wears her signature dress.
Not dresses. Gowns.
>>70687616This is exactly why I don't do anything like that. Some things are best left alone to fantasy.
No one else has a dress made or bought from online?
>>70687571Wouldn't you rather ravish her than ravage her? No seriously, go look up the words>>70687914You have fine tastes, sir!>>70687840>I want to be a pretty girl:3
>>70687960It takes a certain type.
I want a dress like Chane's.
Wearing dresses and leading the my personal kingdom army of magical robots in order to save my waifu in a post apocalyptic world while an awesome soundtrack sound in the background is my dream
/a/ I'm supposed to stop being a faggot, you're making it hard with this thread.
Is this any good? I want smooth legs for my skirt.
>>70688174I reckon you'd be better off waxing your legs. If you shave then you'll still have stubble won't you?
>>70688050And the majority of /a/ isn't. Not many men over all have the figure for it.Then again, I've known some women to think manly men in dresses were quite something.I'll stick to my jeans and t-shirts.
>>70687992>ravishWhoops. yes you're right. It's getting late here.
Is an uncontrollable dress fetish a Freudian way of expressing my desire to be the little girl?
>>70688221I cringe just thinking about it.
>>70688129There's nothing wrong with wanting to be cute.
>>70688129Just embrace it.
I fantasize about fucking my waifu while she wears a beautiful dress.
>>70687268I want to wear a pink frilly dress like Madoka does. And while I'm healthy and thin enough as a man. I don't think I'd get away with wearing drag. It's kinda depressing, since I have a friend who has the same sort of physique as a girl.I should say though, I did dress up in drag once before as part of a festival. Wearing lipstick doesn't feel to nice.
>>70688221Assuming I shaved every day, it wouldn't be so bar right?
>>70688342>lipstickWHY. Even women look like shit wearing lipstick.
>>70687268Where do you buy such a cute dress? Fuck being a girl must be the best thing. You get to wear this shit in public without much backlash
>>70688289I don't think it's that bad. As wierd as it sounds in this context, you'll just have to man your way through it.>>70688350The more often you shave, the more coarse the hair gets I think.>>70688345Last time I read this I wasn't prepared. I don't know how I feel about that one.
>>70688345>Everything is designed to service and pleasure your fantasiesYou're really arrogant.
>>70688390The men had to dress up as women and the women as men. Apparently this included make-up. Which was kinda like rubbing oil on your lips. I kinda just wanted to wipe it the fuck off.
>>70688407Actually, the reason why women don't wear these types of dresses is because they don't want to be seen as "childlike" and "immature" due to association with young girls wearing them. Same reason you never see twintails on women. Jeans, shorts and and denim microskirts are considered the "mature" wear for girls these days.
>>70688436>The more often you shave, the more coarse the hair gets I think.No. Try the reverse, you're more likely to acquire split hairs - yes even on body hair, which will double what you have now. If you shave you need to honestly keep it up everyday.Women shave often too and they take their time doing it, but men have testosterone that increase the rate of hair growth - as a guy you need to shave everyday unless you're Asian.You're better off waxing as it prevents split hairs and it'll take a day or two longer for it to become visible again.Also don't forget all your other body hair, too.
No but I do for frilly skirt and thighighs
>tfw living on your own starting in SeptemberGonna hit china town and buy me some $2 girly clothes, then figure out how to shave my body.
>>70688523even Asians vary greatly. I can usually get by every 2 or 3 days.
>>70688523>unless you're AsianAsian here. My leg hair grows too fast. Just like my regular hair. Only thing that doesnt grow fast is my facial hair, but thats mostly because I pluck daily(unconsciously)
Not very often no.
>>70687443How does it feel to wear thigh highs? Is it just like wearing a long pair of socks?
>>70687332>>70687443You sound like my tomboy mother.
>>70688523God damn, I hate my body hair. Not even just for crossdressing; I just hate it.
>>70688606From what I know Asians tend to have little hair growth when it comes to their body; And other things as well. It was just a general assumption/stereotype.Also? Plucking your facial hair? I am interested. My facial hair is rough as all shit, every time I shave I take 30 mins to do it well and in the end my entire face is smoother than any other part of my body, but apparently I still have a deep shadow. I wouldn't dream of wearing a dress anymore, I dropped that fantasy long ago when reality hit hard - it just doesn't fit on me.
>>70688680Feels warm
>>70688345I really wish this was true
>>70688292Would you say that a grown man in a dress looks cute?
>>70688680It feels tight, and itchy too.
>>70688680>>70688788breezy when you walk
>>70688847Key word is wanting. No one said anything about it being feasible.
>>70688345It never fails to get me a hard on.
>>70687268op y u post low res
>>70688847Sure why not...
>>70688477Try tints. Apparently, they are water based, which makes them more comfy.
This is how you would look. There's no hope for you.
>>70688892I'd say that wearing a dress when the end result is anything but cute is counterproductive.
>>70688745Plucking bits at a time is the best way to stop shaving. I do it when I'm browsing the net and pluck with my fingers. Havent shaved for 2+ months and face is hair free(98%)
>>70689002He looks decent. He just needs a little more work done, and he'll look like the girl he always wanted to be.
>>70689056The fuck? How long is it? Doesn't it hurt?I can barely get my facial hair long enough for me to even grab onto it before it begins to itch. Even then it'd be like pulling my head hair out, it'd hurt. Wouldn't it leave blisters and shit on as well?
>>70689056but first the hair would need to get long enough to be plucked.
Too fat and hairy.Plus not an asian, therefore this >>70689002 is how i will end up looking at best, other races can't make great traps.
>>70689056I just pluck my soulpatch, and let the goatee grow into a natural stubble.But then, I have a natural goatee, so this may not work for everyone.
>>70688973Glasses help a lot. I recommend everyone to try wearing them.
>>70687268No, just skirts.And white cotton panties.
>>70689002He just needs to lose the body hair, lose the glasses, and get some make-up and a makeover.He'll be soooo pretty in no time.
>>70689188I'm asian and a hairy man-beast with catoonish man features. I wish I can be a tight little trap too.
>>70688332Though I am generally curious to hear more from /a/. since I can't be the only one who wants to be more effeminate, have you got anymore Makoto wearing cute dresses? It's pretty nice too/
Fantasize wearing them?No.Am I extremely attracted to them? Definitely. Particularly ones with large/full skirts. I can't explain it other than it being a fetish
>>70689156hurt? not really. I only pull 1 at a time and try to pull it from the "base"(as close as you can to the skin). If you pull it from the middle or the top, you feel the pain, but if you do it from the bottom, the pain is substantially reduced that you really dont feel much at all.As for how long? It started after I got a clean shave. Then once the hairs started growing, I started plucking bit by bit daily(whenever I felt like it as it sort of became a habit).
Why is /a/ so gay?
>>70687268Nope I got my fill wearing a kilt to my senior prom. It really went well with my long red hair.
>>70689431It's not gay when we're all little girls.
>>70688174second opinions?
>>70689619Bad idea, anon. Unless you're willing to commit to shaving every 2-3 days.Wax it if you just want to do it occasionally or once.
a kilt or maybe a hakama but otherwise no
>>70689619It'd been said already you nig nog, wax.
>>70689692If I'm willing to do it every day is it a good idea or just less of a bad idea?
>>70689812It's like you're not even reading the thread you dick.
>>70689858You should just pluck those. Trust me.
>>70689692I tried shaving my chest and upper legs (high enough that shorts covered the bare area), and it was so depressing the next day seeing stubble.>>70689391I've resorted to tweezing instead, but it is a long process. I've removed several hundred hairs at this point without really making a dent in it. I've actually grown to like the feeling of a hair getting pulled out in some areas.
>>70689812Good idea. You won't even have to do it everyday. More like 3 times a week. And it becomes optional in the winter too, as a bonus perk.Shave it while you're in the shower, and it'll take you extra 5 minutes for a smooth finish.
>>70689938Tried it. I actually pulled out some kind of pink tissue because my hair was attached too strongly to it.I advise everyone to open up their pores and exfoliate before trying.
>>70687268>Do you fantasize about wearing dresses, /a/?When I was a teenager, yeah. Past tense.
>>70689964>More like 3 times a week.>and it'll take you extra 5 minutes for a smooth finish.Try everyday if you're a guy. And try 20 minutes to shave your legs and 2 hours for your body/arm/legs in one.
>>70689957I'm tweezing right now too, but it is making ingrown hairs, side grown hairs, and split ends more and more frequent. Not a pretty picture when it is your nipple.I'm considering getting everything, nipples, balls, back, legs, arms, etc. lasered off, but that costs a lot of money.
>>70690008>Tried it. I actually pulled out some kind of pink tissue because my hair was attached too strongly to it.>mfw
>shave legs>silky smooth, feels so good>one hour later>red bumps everywhere>itchy>looks like shitFuck
>>70690058Maybe I just have less body hair, and I'm faster at shaving?I did it, and those were my average figures.
>>70690008Jesus, really? Do you get hair pretty far up the shaft or something? I've never had that problem.I've been looking into getting electrolysis for it, anyone have any experience with that?
This is probably a scam, but I want to believe...
>2012>having a penis
>>70690104Thankfully, I didn't get infections or anything but I panicked big time.Instead of the hair, there was a stringy 3 inch long pink tissue dangling from my balls. I decided to cut it off with a clean scissor in the end. It didn't bleed or anything though until I cut it. I think the tissue just became inside-out and everything was still intact.
>>70690095That has happened to me occasionally, but it is substantially reduced if you make sure you open the pores and pull from the base in the direction of growth. I've only had a couple of ingrown hairs so far, and those were from not following the above steps.
>>70690129No store or service does any sort of hair removal for your nether regions. I'm not even sure they'd do things like thighs and such for guys because most womens leg hair line begins to fade when it gets to their upper thighs, while guys continues to go up and into their ass and balls.
>>70689938FUCK NO. Plucking facial hairs is one thing, penis hair? NOPE. WAY too many nerves there. Best you can do is shave it. I've just shaved it myself with a 1$ shaver. I used a small towel and a cup with water to moist the shaver. Shaved it while I was sitting down at my computer chair. Clean and without any bleeding.
>>70690110Moisturize, you piece of shit.
>>70690129I haven't researched on electrolysis too much, but I researched quite a bit about lasering. It can be used on all body hairs, and it reduces the hair count by around ~20% every session.
>>70690253The worst ones are sidegrown hairs. I watch them grow longer and longer everyday, but I can't pull them out. Makes me want to kill myself.
No. The whole "wanting to be the little girl" thing always seemed a bit odd to me - I like the little girls, I don't want to be them.
>>70690253How do you figure out the direction of the growth?
>>70690260protip: Take a very hot shower and pluck them. They're not very deep. They come right out. Not only do they soften way up the warmth of the water helps with the sting too.
>you will never get your androgynous pre-pubecent body backHow I miss it
>>70690254That's depressing as hell. I don't like having a hairy dick.>>70690260I didn't think it was that bad, personally.
>>70690397Look at this guy:>>70690223>>70690008
Now I'm scared to get rid of all of my hair...
>>70690405Man. I should've worn all the frilly dresses when I was still a little boy trap. I regret it so much.
>>70690429Atleast shave it. Shaving your genitals isn't hard.
>>70690448Just get it lasered you dumb fuck.
>>70690482The stubble on the penis makes it hard to fap though.
I fantasize about having a cute, innocent and well behaved daughter who likes to wear dresses.
>>70690433I suspect he got the tweezers too close the base and pulled his scrotum rather than the hair follicle. I have down there. The worst thing that ever happened was slipping and slicing my dickhead. I still have the scar. It's a fun conversation piece.
>>70690378Because being a little girl is fucking great until they hit about 12/13, and then it all goes to shit.
>hairy penis>hairy balls>hairy ass>hairy arm pits>hairy nippleswhat do
>>70690535That is ideal, but I'd even settle for a cross-dressing son who can pull it off.
>>70690482See >>70690543 for reasons why I don't want sharp objects down there.
>>70690386It's just whatever direction the hair points in naturally. The grain direction is also important for shaving since you should be following that direction on the first pass.>>70690405I was a fat little kid before I hit puberty. No thanks.
>>70690556...lucid dreaming?
>that feel when you're a hairy disgusting MAN
Gods gift to man for any guy with a hairy back.
>>70690657Which reminds me, whenever I look at myself in a mirror during a dream, I see myself as a cute girl.I don't know what the fuck other people see since it's apparently supposed to be terrifying.
>>70690636Laser is expensive and requires you to go to a shop and let them know your shit.
>>70690678This stuff terrifies me. I'm worried I'll get some on my head, the one place where I want hair but am currently losing it in contrast to the rest of this awful body.
>>70687499If I ever a got a hold of someone in Madoka cosplay then I'd be all over that.
>>70690758You can just wash it off if it gets on your head.Please use your head before posting.
>>70690678Go back to Canada
not a fucking chance OP
>>70690938Full blown homos are Baras, baka.We Yaoi here.
>>70690978Do you even know what bara is son
>>70690978I just wanna be a little girl and make out with other girls.
>>70691005I assume this is bara
>>70691035Would you give gentle little kisses on the tip of my dick? I mean, if I were wearing a dress.
>>70691060Bara is the big strong muscley (and maybe hairy) men, any guy can be yaoi since that's just sayin' guys doin' gay things.
Not really no. My muscular legs and arms won't match the cuteness and beauty of a girl. But if I would seriously do it, I'd rather get bulky and be a muscle man in a dress.
>>70691194Not gay if wearing skirt*
>>70691222Just reading that makes me depressed.Is there any way to atrophy muscles? I tried not working out for a year, but my shoulders are still broad, and my legs have too much muscles.
that feel when I was going to cosplay Homura but chickened out at the last moment.
>>70691244>When I wear a skirt, I become a girl!
>>70691281I have broad shoulders but otherwise I'm really thin. Feels bad man; can't get rid of bone.
>>70691281You can refine them but not change them. It's all genetics. You could've taken estrogen and the likes (small doses and such) to change your body from becoming too manly and such; but you've past the initial stages of puberty anyway so things like that are set in stone.
>>70691347The things I wish I had a time machine for...
>>70691476hey man. >>70691222 here. There's nothing to be sad about. You shouldn't be sad not having a feminine body. You should be proud of having a strong, muscular body. There is no shame in that. Appreciate your body for what it is.
>>70691631>You should be proud of having a strong, muscular bodyNot everyone wants to have a strong/masculine body. My personality by default is effeminate but my body is the equivalent of a bara, that doesn't make much sense and a lot of the things I do are just plain stupid (childish things) thanks to looking like some old mature man.
>>70691347>>70691329Accepting that my stocky torso will always prevent me from having the body shape I want is rather painful. I settle for reducing fat and hair as much as possible so I'm not quite as disgusting to look at in the mirror.
>>70691891I....I'll never be a little girl, will I?
>>70692062No. Nor will you be an effeminate male in anyway that makes you somewhat conceivable for others to believe you may be female. You'll in no way be passable to be a female and you are a man with a penis, born a man, on an image board with a bunch of other men, holding each other sobbing over your broken fantasy that will never become a reality due to anime warping and shaping your desires in a way you can no longer tell between what's a fetish and what's a questionable syndrome.
Tfw you have an egl dress on the way from ebay arriving soonNo pic, on phone
Would you watch a hot-blooded anime about a man who conquers all odds and becomes a little girl?
>>70687332Nigga the fuck you smoking?Dresses are comfy as fuck.
>>70692307>buy a bridget costume>look nothing like a girlAt least the shorts are comfy...
>>70692348No. It would be too painful for me to see another man achieve what I never can.
When I drink enough cough syrup or do enough drugs I become the little girl.
>>70690756Laser won't work if you're blond either. My pubes look brown but they're actually blond. They're too light for a laser.
Well no, but I would like to fuck a boy in a cute dress.
>>70692151It's even worse than that. If discovered, we will be scorned harshly by just about everyone for not being pillars of testosterone and bastions of masculinity. Even if we are not discovered, the effects of entertaining these fantasies worm their way into our personalities and everyday life, tainting every interaction we have due to the weird secret we harbor. But even if no one notices or cares, we won't be able to escape from our own judgmental eyes as we sigh in the mirror day in and day out, knowing that the world in which we live is not one that can accept our desires.
There's always hope with technology
>>70692578Yes, now you're understanding. See why I drop these thoughts and never look back on it? Fantasies such as these manifest themselves in bad ways and creep into your sole personality, it'll ruin you. You need to let go.
>>70687268that requires a biological difference that I lack
A muscular man doing things that little grils happen to is moe too!
>>70692062>I....I'll never be a little girl, will I?No, but you can do the next best thing, which is finding a real little girl to use as a doll.
>>70692791Big men wanting to be little girls could be considered gap-moe I think.
>>70692803The next best thing to having the body of a little girl, is having the body of a little girl.
>>70692791Mil-tan for example?
>That feel when far to masculine to pull off wearing a dressI can never be the little girl thanks to my manliness.
>>70692858>>70692803And then several anons were added to various government watch lists.
Thank you /a/ you are the best. I'm not depressed anymore...Well sorta I guess..
Just give me a maid outfit
>>70692892But that one is ugly, ugly things and people cannot be moe.
I've had several dreams over the last year where I am wearing anime girl dresses/clothes.I just go about my daily life while wearing these things, I don't know why I have these dreams as i am not into cross dressing but they freak me out when I wake up.
>>70692934You think you're a better girl than me? Bitch, you don't know how much of a girl I am!
Oh boy it's time for this thread
>Cosplaying as kenshiro dressing up as madoka
>cosplaying as San and Runa's dads from seto no hayonome
>>70692934I'm here everyday to be a baka just for you anon.,11549/
>>70690482I'm now fantasizing about Mordin shaving his balls while wearing a Madoka cosplay.
>>70687268Actually.... Yes.That's why I'm going to cosplay as Tomoko for a con.I have a girlish enough figure, I think I can pull it off.
>>70693181My sides. I read the bottom half in the lowest voice I could conjure.
>>70693181>I would be such a good girl, I would be able to stay little forever and ever. I'd never have to grow up and get big and clumsy and ugly and hairy and hate my smelly body. I would be cute and dainty forever, like all little girls should.You and me both, Tom. You and me both.
There's this practice in Vietnam/Thailand(not sure which) where people would just casually use coins to pluck their facial hairs and (possibly) pubic hairs by sandwiching the hair between two coins and using the coins to grip and pull out the hairs. Hey, it's safer than tweezers, cheaper too.
>>70687268ive worn panties, thongs, strings, garters and stockingsfeels great. i love to strut around in lingerie and finger my ass
I hated madoka but I'd wear the shit out of her dress.
>>70693332I jelly
I don't want to go to bed until this thread dies
>>70692981I think this guy is onto something.
>>70689957>I tried shaving my chest and upper legs (high enough that shorts covered the bare area)I know I'm a bit late but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has done this
>>70693197I don't know why you'd be fantasizing about that, or whether it's attractive to see anyone shave their genitals. I am puzzeled.
>>70693543My fetishes are weird and plenty.
One more year until I live on my own. Sex toys and girly clothes erry day.
>>70693712It is difficult for me to try and restrain myself from going crazy and just buying everything I want.I gotta take it slow
>>70693712Soon you'll be living the dream, anon.
>>70687268I did, then I got a very manly body. Nowadays, to quell the feelings, I make my house pretty. It's nice to wake up in a bed with girly bedsheets.
I always show up to these threads late ;_;
>>70693851You have given me hope, anon.If I just get rid of all the mirrors in my house, I can wear all the frilly dresses and pretend that I'm pretty. That I'm a pretty pretty little girl.
Every time this thread is made I realize how fucking broken my gender identity is.I just want to wear cure dresses and be pretty, but with my body that'll never happen. I'm too hairy and I have never been completely skinny to pull off the look, at least my shoulders are pretty narrow.Every time I realize that society wants me to be the alpha badass or else I've failed everyone I die a little inside. Every time I realize I can never tell anyone about these feelings I die a bit more. And the worst thing is that I don't even know what made me like this, is it the lack of a father figure? Shyness in general?I just want to disappear in a virtual reality and begin anew.;_;
>>70693712You know, I'm not really sure why I've been holding back on getting myself a nice girly outfit. I've already got a few sex toys, and my parents already think I'm weird as well.How much worse would a cute skirt, some thigh highs and silk panties make it?
I fantasize about dressing cute girls in dressesunfortunately cute ran out of style amongst normalfags
I'm perfectly heterosexual, I don't want to be a transgender, I just want to be pretty in a dress. That's all.Why can't I have this?
I'm weird. I want to be the little girl, but I also enjoy being the man. I enjoy being tall and hairy and kind of strong and doing all the manly thingsBut I also like wearing my girly clothes and being girly and shaving my skin til it's smooth to the touch.My brain can't decide what I want to be
>>70687268Not personally a fantasy of mine, no.I feel as though I have somehow failed you all now.
I just don't have the face for it, I have a great skinny curvy untoned squishy fembody, but my face is just not girly. It's my nose, and it has upsetted me my whole life. I'd need a mask to go with my dress to be perfection, but that ruins the mascara dream. How do I fix my crooked nose, /a/?
Sometimes I wonder if 4chan made us this why or if it simply brought us together.
>>706940964chan definitely helped. I never would have bought any of my girl clothes if it weren't for /a/ specifically.But I've always been curious about girls clothing. When I was younger I messed around with my imoutos clothes and stuff. Didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I did it
I wonder if I should save up and buy a girly mask
>>70693911You are in good company, anon. I almost pulled the trigger on buying a corset to try and narrow my torso and waist, but it seemed too risky and would do nothing for my shoulders.>>70694069I'm pretty much the opposite. I don't have particularly strong masculine facial features, but I carry a fair bit of hair and muscle on a stout frame.
>>70694096Sakura did this to me, but 4chan brought it out and brought us together.
I fantasize about being a magical girl all the time, and I always see myself being a dress wearing magical girl. So sort of.
I'm not an english native, and is "fantasize" even the correct spelling? It seems so fucking silly.Huh, fanta size.
>>70694229When in doubt, google and see if it tries to correct you.
>>70694229If we were using an older version of english, you could fantasticate.
>>70694229Fantasise or phantasise if you're British.
>>70692658Is there anything like this publically available? I want to have a virtual little girl mirror
>>70694179If anything a corset would exacerbate the broadness of your shoulders in relation to everything else, they typically aren't a great thing to use.
>>70687268who doesn't? i thought it was a right of passage for being on /a/. unless you wear a dress and have the desire to be a little girl, you are a normalfag and don't belong on /a/.
Am I the only one on here that is comfortable with their sex and gender?
>>70694311>>70694315I giggled.
On the plus side, winter is coming up. You can hide your disgusting body with layers and layers of cute coats and pink mittens and all that.
>>70694229Comes from the word "fantasy" and "-ize" endings.Fantas - y + ize.Perfectly valid word
>>70694315I'm comfortable with my sex and gender, but I also want to be the little girl and look pretty in a dress.
>>70687268I am Girl , or "femanon"I can wear dress and cute clothes all day, with flowers and animalsEnjoy your Fucking pants men
>>70694416Btw I'm a girl.
>>70694416Fuck off sluts. We dont give a fuck about your kind
>>70694349Winter for me means jeans, which means I can shave my legs fully and have no one look at them and judge me.I'll be able to pull my thigh-highs over my newly smooth legs~
>>70694416XD so random, tell me about my priviledge and force me to drink ur period blood pls!
>>70694416We're all girls here anon.
>>70694416Oh boy, can I fall for the troll too!Grr I'm angry!
Not really, even when fantasizing about being a girl. They look hella uncomfortable.Incidentally, women in suits and other male wear are hot.
>>70694416But you're wrong. I'm more of a girl than you'll ever be.
I've grown too fat. I'm going to slim in the next coming months which is going to help me trap immensely.I've already done it with another /a/non. Only stockings though. It's going to be a thrill once I move out.
>>70694507They honestly don't deserve it, those sluts. Why do they get to be the girls while we're not? We deserve to be girls so much more than the 3DPDs out there.
>>70694545>Not being a feminine boyNo, being a girl would be a bitch. I don't want to deal with mood swings and periods.
>>70694545I absolutely agree. Being a cute, feminine girl is wasted on girls.
>>70694416Fuck pants, even though I grew up living with two girls I still couldn't throw on a skirt every once and awhile because of the de-feminization of women (or maybe it's pro-masculation of women) over the last decades.Why can't girls dress like Sakura anymore, /a/?
I'm surprised Smoked Fat didnt show up in this gay ass thread
>>70694612They have all of opportunity in the world, yet they choose to wear jeans tucked in boots and t-shirts.I'd kill for a chance to look good in a frilly dress.
You guys are faggots.I'm hairy, 6'1" and 200 lbs. And I like it that way.
>>70694659You sound like the faggot here.
>>70694659Enjoy your hairy ass.No one's ever going to want to fuck your little, tight boy ass because you don't have it
>>70694659Go back to /v/, you faggot.
>>70694635I know that feel. My sister doesn't have any skirts that I've found
>>70694635Sakura was, and is my role-model.She's the one who first opened my eyes to the light.
>>70694700/v/ wants to be the little girl nearly as much as /a/.
>>70694686Maybe.>>70694690I'm okay with that. I could always wax.>>70694700You go back to /v/.>>70694707You wanna make something of it?
>>70694635Funny, I just talked to a girl the other day who said she was completely done with pants and would wear nothing but skirts and dresses for the rest of her life.
>>70694659>enjoying hairy fat shitYou sound like those homosexual guys who like those bear
>>70694659I'm hairy, 6'1" and 180 lbs.And I'm wearing panties and thigh-highs :3
>>70694753You need to slim. It's way better. I wish I was 145 all over again. I shouldn't have let myself go and gained 20 pounds.
>>70694709Women abusing their privilege as always.
>>70694753>:3Fucking die, bastard. You must rot.
>>70694790Yeah, I've sort of taken up running in hopes that I'll lose a little bit of fat, but I haven't seriously looked into slimming. I'm not fat or anything, my height means it's distributed well, I'm just a bit flabby all over.Which is not kawaii
>>70694851Jesus Christ, it's a lion! Get in the car!
>>70687268>fantasizeHell no. I make it a reality
>>70694869I'm going to start eating more oats, which helped me in the past.
>>70694851>>70694787Haha, wow, what a kneejerk reaction. I was hoping it would annoy the manly man, not the rest of /a/
>>70694948They weren't replying to you.
>>70694878A true girl amongst men.
>>70694948XD SO RANDOM :) :D :-L
>>70694877It is not a lion, damn it. >:3 is a lion, a fucking meme. :3 is just a cancerous retarded smiley. >>70694948If you're gonna try to annoy me, pick a way which doesn't make you look like a huge faggot.
>>70695031>saying I'm wearing panties>concerned with looking like a faggotpick one
>>70695073Nah, I mean "faggot" not as "gay", but as an insult. Well, ryou look like a retarded faggot, if it makes you feel easier.
>>70695031>It is not a lion, damn it. >:3 is a lion, a fucking meme.Are you retarded?
>>70695073You look like a retard.
>>70695031When you greentext it, you have the >
>>70695115>ryouWut? I mean "you"
>>70695073Let's rerail this thread. It's too good of a thread to make it flame.What kind of panties do you wear, /a/?I wear Kuma most often, but I wear Shimpan regularly too.frilly ones are for sluts
>>70695115>>70695117I love how no one freaked out when Saten-Chan did it at the top of the threadI was always under the impression that ;_; and an ironic :3 were the two smilies accepted on 4chan
>>70695140>Shimapan Where do you get it? I want someAnd yes, frilly is for sluts
>>70695140Ignore the skanky Hello Kitty shirt.I wear Miku's shimapan.
>>70695171:3 is okay only when spoilered, ;_; is /a/'s trademark, effigy and symbol.
>>70695196I bought it when I went to Japan. I got the largest size, but it's still tight and hurts if I wear it for too long.
>>70695140I just buy 10 random pairs for $5 at the thrift store.
>>70695240>but it's still tight and hurts if I wear it for too long.I know this feel
>>70695171>accepted smileysIt even sounds bad. Well, regardless of it, I can understand ;_; ur waifu will never become real ;_; u will never fuck such a loli ;_____; and so on, but what the fuck is :3 about? I think that>>70694753 is a perfect example of it's usage: it's purpose is to show how much of a faggot is the one who uses it. It's correct use is Oh I'm so gay i want a dick :3, I'm wearing panties and I'm hard :3, nigger mistook me for a gal and a gave him a blowjob so kawaiiiii :3333333, and so on. But do we need such a shit on /a/? It belongs to /cgl/ and rotten anime forums.
This is my emote. There are many like it, but this one is mine.My emote is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.My emote, without me, is useless. Without my emote, I am useless. I must post my emote true. I must post straighter than the /v/ermin who is trying to corrrupt me. I must stop him before he stops me. I will...My emote and myself know that what counts in this war is not the posts we fire, the noise of our replies, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the HITS that count. We WILL hit...My emote is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its semicolon. I will keep my emote clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...Before Mai waifu, I swear this creed. My emote and myself are the defenders of my board. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.So be it, until victory is Ours and there is no enemy but peace!
>tfw panties rubbing against your urogenital triangle
>>70695210Bleh. Forgot the image. They're like half a size too small which is kind of brutal.>>70695196I buy from Jlist
>>70694753Are you me? Practically the exact same numbers.
>>70695378Oh god, reality is flooding in. Make it stop.
This thread is starting to become too gay for me, I can understand dresses but emoticon customs are too autistic for me.;_; and :3, no exceptions.
>>70695421BUT THOSE ARMS.