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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.

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316 KB
ITT: we scare off the newfags.
File: 1344772420447.png-(1.32 MB, 1264x4892, preserve the lulz.png)
1.32 MB
nostalgia thread?
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2.67 MB
2007 was the best time of /a/. It was filled with mature young adults.
That's really scary op. I bet them newfags are shittign themselves right now.
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109 KB
Does anyone hve a collection of those? I liked those edits, but never bothered to save them
We scare them away, not invite them!
Whoah doc
It's on 1d4chan or one of the other wikis I think.
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229 KB
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116 KB
Do you have the gif with Yuuno?
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582 KB
remember GAR?
what happened to GAR

What I wouldnt give for a pair of these.
man, what the fuck happened here?
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372 KB
Should I dump the Rec Charts, /a/?
Doc I think I overdosed.
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82 KB
>ITT: we scare off the newfags.
>scare off newfags

You still think this objectionable shit isn't why they are here in the first place?
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145 KB
i remember this thread so well
That samefag is intense I this pic. >>70012394
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Spoiler Image, 636 KB
>not posting this version
File: 1344773480113.png-(120 KB, 674x645, 1271989084954.png)
120 KB
Well yeah, that's the point
He was referencing that pic

That was the joke
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140 KB
Except that thread was on /tg/
I was there
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944 KB

/tg/ and /a/ : better place to talk about politics than fucking /pol/
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161 KB
/a/ has its moments as well
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224 KB
there's already one of those gay ass politics threads happening right now.
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320 KB
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126 KB
>33 posts
Dude, that floor is fucking amazing. I could stare at it for hours. The scratchmarks from the desks, even. Cry about tracing all you want, that is a beautiful floor.
Yeah, it doesn't take long.

Fucking Russians, you were as bad as the Germans, just be glad you were more convenient to ally with at the time.
Reported for metashit.
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102 KB
>ITT: we scare off the newfags

Straight out of /b/.
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265 KB
You know, it doesn't feel like it's been that long since that...
Time sure does fly.
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323 KB
You guys are hilarious. Like, this waifu shtick. Then the one anime about guns being called 'raifus', sometimes I just sit around and laugh about it.

Good times.
honestly? this shit is A LOT better than narutu, bleach and wanpiss circlejerk threads.
File: 1344775423608.png-(2.12 MB, 1267x5000, 1341414118329.png)
2.12 MB
No, it's not.

Bleach and One Piece threads are fine.
Somebody post Cornfapper screencaps.
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52 KB
>Tolerating shit anime
> pikachu
> fuzzy
/pol/ is all about white nationalism and the jewish conspiracy, lately it's been flooded with trolls, liberals, and leftists.

I would know because I'm a stormfag
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198 KB
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71 KB
I'm sure if you keep shitposting in those thread you'll fit in.
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90 KB
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142 KB
>Going to learn how to do a breast examination this semester
>Realise this will be the first time I've ever felt breasts

Suddenly I want to die.
File: 1344776210198.png-(101 KB, 448x958, 1304915625106.png)
101 KB
Is it one of these threads?
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363 KB
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97 KB
What? Are you implying I give enough of a shit to shitpost in those threads?
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3 KB
Is there any other cure for liking Faily Tail?
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6 KB
>Are you implying I give enough of a shit to shitpost in those threads?

You implied that me tolerating those threads is a bad thing, which would imply that you don't tolerate them.
>Implying anything in this thread will scare off newfags

Ha ha, nope.
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115 KB
I wish some mods would still make their presence felt
ah so you admit you're a newfag
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75 KB
That doesn't mean I shitpost.
Just wanted to let you know that you guys are really quite tame.
I don't know who would be scared off by any of this.

All this thread shows is that /a/ has some users who clearly have little social interaction with others.
Oh I remember being in this thread what was it about?
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334 KB
>Walk into walmart
>See this
Wat do?
>You have to make a new thread to discuss every facet of a particular topic.
The definition of tolerate is to allow something to exist without interference. If you don't tolerate them, you shitpost in them.
seriously, we used to have good mods and janitors like this.
what the fuck happened?
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518 KB
The thread kinda got off track, now we're just posting screenshots of threads.

Stereoscopic hentai I think. Pic related.
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217 KB
That's how /a/ rolls.
Fuck you and your general thread.
Isn't that what's happening right now, though?
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1.38 MB
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111 KB
At least post an Elf.
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42 KB
You seem to be under the impression that I browse /a/ enough to even see the threads we're talking about. Unless you haven't noticed I'm not the original person you replied to. Even the way me and the original person type is completely different.
Dark, silver haired elf?
This nigga knows what's up.
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209 KB
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34 KB
I remember this.
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993 KB
That's not /a/
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104 KB

After he man'd the fuck up, he actually became an effective leader. You;d have to be a complete dumbass to think that in a life or death situation with so many people in danger, that there is room for a caring and friendly leader. That is exactly when you need somebody who will take control, keep shit in order and effectively manage the resources you have, irrespective of peoples' "feelings". Shit like that has no place in warfare.

Still can't forgive the fuckers for wanting to leave him for dead after he saved their lives.
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27 KB
Remember when /a/ wasn't infested with drawfags/buyfags/normalfags and waifufags? Just us creepy virgins on the path of wizardry and knowledge.

Now I spend most of my Time on /jp/.
>Please respond
Keep up the good work.
>After he man'd the fuck up, he actually became an effective leader. You;d have to be a complete dumbass to think that in a life or death situation with so many people in danger, that there is room for a caring and friendly leader. That is exactly when you need somebody who will take control, keep shit in order and effectively manage the resources you have, irrespective of peoples' "feelings". Shit like that has no place in warfare.

You just described Hitler.
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312 KB
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51 KB
I guess I will dump a few threads.
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182 KB

Is this a good thing or bad thing?
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125 KB
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92 KB
I miss Cornelia-tan.
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215 KB
Bad. Why the fuck would we want normalfags shitting up the place?
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195 KB
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169 KB
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55 KB
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441 KB
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757 KB

Someone need to get a real doses of life.
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226 KB
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113 KB
>I come here to watch stormfront refugees fabricate various 'evidence' about how other races are inferior to whites.

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566 KB
Come visit me.
can someone please post the pic in OP with the legs clamping on the arm?!
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108 KB
Anyone have the one where a guy tracks down a buyfag via EXIF data and tries to break into his house?
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94 KB
Better times.
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498 KB
>Visiting /jp/-garbage 2hu character
>Visiting a ghost that eats some retard sparrow with diaper-hats
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1.74 MB
That was a beautiful thread
File: 1344778828977.png-(32 KB, 1237x359, why I hate normalfags.png)
32 KB
>sage combo
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33 KB
The fuck?
Someone capped my responses to pizza threads. I feel so special now.
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47 KB
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256 KB
Those were so cute...
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35 KB
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153 KB
Was anyone in this fake sticky thread just a few minutes ago?
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45 KB
I love reading these newspapers.

I always grab one when I'm in the city.
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452 KB

I have the thread saved
someone saved my pizza thread cap, imagine how I feel right now.
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45 KB
I can't believe it's been 2 year already...
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124 KB
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209 KB
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303 KB
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209 KB
Where can i seriously get these? I'll order them right away.
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465 KB
You think that's cool? Someone on futaba posted a screencap of a (failed, but ultimately awesome) combo I made. This was a few days ago, when we had that cultural exchange thread going.
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282 KB
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97 KB

Oh god. I am removing all data from my photos from now on.
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198 KB
Somebody post ice cream sandwich-kun
You can disable it you know...
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622 KB
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378 KB
Dumpfag here, Ill dump some horror stories now.
I live in a condo complex, nobody, except professionals will find me even with location info.
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207 KB
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34 KB
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912 KB
Normalfag shit, no really.

Makes sense, doesn't it?
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913 KB
>you will never be the little girl
File: 1344779480064.jpg-(765 KB, 800x1559, 1329147184094.jpg)
765 KB
I regret reading this shit.
Is that some /cgl/?
File: 1344779489591.jpg-(288 KB, 1288x1304, 1330229577411.jpg)
288 KB
Why does this board exist.
File: 1344779523800.jpg-(228 KB, 988x1732, Hambeast Prime pt 1.jpg)
228 KB
Part 1
You should at least post the updated one.
I'm radiologist bro, and i touched my first pair of breast while taking a class, it was a 34 years old lady with ok looking breast, but still feel bad.
Oh wow. My sides
File: 1344779567512.jpg-(225 KB, 988x1399, Hambeast Prime pt 2.jpg)
225 KB
Part 2
File: 1344779593848.png-(341 KB, 1638x1370, OH-GOD-WHAT-CGL.png)
341 KB
Eat shit and die.
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217 KB
If I download OHSHC and watch it with the mindset of this reviewer, will I enjoy it?
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228 KB
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843 KB
That's it for horror stories.
Was your screen dirty when you took this or something?
>19th of the 4th, 2011.

Proof that summerfags don't exist.
Oh man, Pokemon sure was fun.
Is that some Karina, bro?
Oh man, she's my second best waifu! The best being Carmen, all the girls are great though.
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1013 KB
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63 KB
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120 KB
Hey that was me.
That wasn't Pico X Chico by the way.
You can tell by how unfunny and shitty the jokes are that it's you. /foolz/ pls go and stay go.
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642 KB
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104 KB
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333 KB
Don't worry, I believe you, Cirno
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182 KB
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738 KB
only newfags and /v/irgins bitch about these kind of threads.
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88 KB
Calling Cirno unfunny isn't bitching about the thread. Cirno is not the thread, retard. Work on your reading comprehension.
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63 KB
I wasn't unfunny...that was a good joke ;_;
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62 KB
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62 KB
Semi on topic.

>come on skype
>/co/ friends imidiatly talks about them going to /a/ to see if something not pedo is going on for once
>Bitches about the ages old Kodomo no Jikan tampon insertion .gif and how weeaboos have gone too far.
>Want to tell them that it's a fucking cartoon and
>Instead, I make up a reason to leave skype.

I'm still baffled by how people just can't accept somethings and move on. I don't target every shitty korra/gravity falls thread and think it's indicative of the entirety of /co/.
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120 KB
Is it really wrong to like pedo cartoons? Is not like you molest children or something! You should stop talkimg to him, Anonymous.
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579 KB
too green, didn't read
That fucking doujin.
I'm a newfag and you can't scare me.
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8 KB

Prepare to get your shit rocked.
9 scareh ① meh.
That has to be an elaborate prank played on /a/, right? THAT HAS TO BE.
Oh shit i'm outta here
/co/mrade here. Used to browse /a/ years upon years ago.
I don't judge you guys, a few of you have even helped me out today.

Thanks /a/ for being friendly to returning users!
File: 1344781205725.gif-(483 KB, 300x180, 1340393241516.gif)
483 KB
I love that .gif

Time to fap
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162 KB
I fucking love Skeloton.
It's real.
He also fapped using corn, hence the name, and used said corn to make meals which he serves to his older brother and sister.
Look how clean her intestine is~
My dick can hardly wait for her delicious puffy butthole.

thanks doc
Its a gif, that's how they look static.
A girl lying about her period and getting her punishment.
That probably torn out her hymen.
my ex would lie to me and say she had a tampon in when i wanted sex so I had to kind of rape her to find out for real
>That probably torn out her hymen.
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18 KB
Someone saved my first thread on /a/?

W-what is this feeling... ;_;

It was a samefag reply but everyone in the thread believed it was the genuine wit of some random poster
I rape my GF too.
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957 KB
Cornfapper time?
File: 1344781538428.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 63 KB, 720x480, [BarkySeal]Kodomo_no_Jika(...).jpg)
Spoiler Image, 63 KB
Ni Gakki was so much better than the first season. They got away with a lot more.
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115 KB
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188 KB
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77 KB
Ahh, I would love to have sex with Rin.
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163 KB
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94 KB
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Spoiler Image, 44 KB
Vagina, Ass or Mouth?
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80 KB
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529 KB
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44 KB
Blog /a/ is best /a/. I'm kidding.
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929 KB
I wanna lick Lucchini's chest.
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92 KB
Decantering through post
All of them.
At the same time.
What chest?
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669 KB
Also i have this image, it's kinda scary.
I remember that thread
I posted the picture
Chest =/= breast
>"pweas dont tell anywon about tewday"
>All /a/ knows the story

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233 KB
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132 KB
I don't really save screen caps, sorry guys.
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1.38 MB
>Katawa Shoujou
Haha, what the fuck, that was beautiful to read.
>I'm a giant newfag please rape my face
Back then when Katawa Shoujo was good and everyone had high hopes for it.
There will never be a scat scene.
Time travellers.
This board truly is beyond saving
File: 1344782536400.jpg-(561 KB, 878x3022, 1325732748643.jpg)
561 KB
You could at least write properly, newcomer.
Where were you for the past 4 years?
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2 KB
Still hoping...
Hoping for what?
No guys seriously, I'm missing something here. I don't know shit about KS history, but all I know is it "came out" in January 2012
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434 KB
Newfag will jump on everything if they're given the chance.
It can't be helped.
Get out
Redemption for /a/.

But no, it just gets worse
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153 KB
Just get out already for fuck's sake.
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47 KB
Just once I want to have hope that you newfags would stop running the site into the ground at some point.

and they say 6a/ is hard to troll

lmao xD
File: 1344782948762.jpg-(40 KB, 407x521, im just joking guys, v wa(...).jpg)
40 KB
HIlarious, who is that Link guy? Source?
Sorry if new.
File: 1344782956328.jpg-(170 KB, 754x1000, pedobear.jpg)
170 KB
There will be new mods.
Maybe that will change things around here.

I seriously have nothing to post anymore so have this pic i saved a few years ago.
Lol the asian is spot on XD.jaypeegee
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>Behold, I am one of simple mind!
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I apologize for the KS newfagotry. I've learned and wont make the same mistake next time
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Just...just leave.

Please go.
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>I don't save screencaps
Then lurk. There's no need to announce it
Unless you ended your image dump, which prompts some other browser to do something else than monitor the thread.

You don't think of yourself a celebrity now, do you?
I doubt any newfriends was scared off ;_;
▲ ▲
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Chill out man.
Have this cute Cirno and ignore him. It's good for you.
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Nice boat desu.
I never did figure it out. Was that post the original source of "Nice boat"? Because it seemed to be pretty well known amongst the japs.
Fucking axe.
Japs browse Yotsuba like we browse Futaba.

Most old memes came from futaba anyway.
He's the savior of anime industry, that kind of insult is nothing to him.
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It feels good to be in a screen cap. Also posting other version.
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I think Yamakan isn't doing something more productive with his anime. His latest anime, Fractale, did poorly in impressing anyone who remotely likes the shittiest anime. If he wants to step up his game, then he should take notesfrom quality animators such as Satoshi Kon and Akiyuki Shinbo

Now, I'm not bullying him.
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I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
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Kinda related but what did /a/ think of that series? Is it still ongoing? Amazon recommended it to me based on Moebius for some reason and I enjoyed the first volume.
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I'm pretty sure you weren't here, normalfag.

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