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File: 1344770051077.jpg-(64 KB, 639x455, corean-lns.jpg)
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> coreans writing LN about otakus
File: 1344770164207.jpg-(65 KB, 631x375, corean-ln-2.jpg)
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Welcome your corean moe overlords
I was thinking that premise was completely retarded until the last part

>My little sister can't possibly be Hitler!
coreans are really stepping it up
they've completely copied nippon sekret formula to success
>Maria HalfJapanese
>Is a beautiful genius (Mary Sue)
>With heterochromatic eyes
My stomach started to hurt after reading this.
>She's also the leader of a ruthless multination PMC
What the fuck?
>Until one day she shows up to beta MCs house and kisses him
I don't know much about Corea. Are they better at copying Japan than the west? Western manga and "animesque" cartoons are completely horrible and don't contain what I like about Japanese media. Like cute little girls doing cute things.
Sounds like your typical badnime plot to me.
Sounds far worse than the norm to me.
I'd read it.
Looks bland, but please do continue to entertain me. This might have some potentials.

In the mean time, have some corean anisong.
Having watch their Korean cartoon Sphere I was left with the impression that Koreans did it horribly.

But their movies are excellent so I have reason to believe they can pull through.

However I don't think they will be able to be successful with these LNs.

1st rule of comedy: Never try to copy another man's act.
The premise is outright fanfiction level. It might be so bad it's good, but it rather looks so bad it's bad again.

By the way, is there any particular reason we're saying "Corea"?
It's just as generic and shit as Japanese LNs.

Eurofags are awake, and I'm pretty sure its spelled Corea in their English.
Like how they write Mortal Kombat instead of Mortal Combat?
This sounds like a premise we as /a/nons should be able to get behind, though. A war to the knife against the faggots who can't hide their power levels? Is this not the living soul of /a/?
Am I a bad person for really liking the art on OP's image?
Is that from the book? Are these sort of light novels really written in this crude style or is it just the translation?
>Forced into forming an animal club
>Have to deal with landwhale "Otaku Queen" bitch
Sounds awful
Exactly. Here you are, quietly enjoying your pastime in peace. And then you get dragged out of your happy solitude, are forced to deal with a bunch of shit, and have to put up with one of those Naruto-headband-wearing OMG SO KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OMIGAAAAAWDZ =*^_^*= UKE AND SEME bitches.

Would not every /a/non's soul burn with rage at the indignity of his circumstances? I can certainly sympathize with the main thrust of the MC's plight here. I'm sure it gets completely sabotaged in execution, but at least in principle it's something that the majority of us should be able to understand.
Not really since it's not hard to tell that I like anime.

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