Posting as a service to those who might not have seen /q/
>>69795605Someone sticky this shit.>>69795624Very nice
Based Mod.
This thread is a must read for all /a/ lurkers: >>>/q/692
>>69795726Funny, I just saw a /q/ thread where OP was complaining about how linking to /q/ doesn't work.
>>69795726Link is dead
>>69795833Cross linking doesn't work with /q/. Just type it manually.
How long until we get IDs?
>>69795624If only he could do that on the board.
>>>/q/1363People complaining about not being able to discuss Toonami on /a/.
>>69795968I bet that dumb faggot doesn't even go to /a/.
>there is /q/ boardWhoa, how much slow am i?
>>69795968>ignoring the problem makes it go away.That worked out so well for /v/
Cool, some moderator interaction.Hopefully /q/ stays as nice and the mods keep tabs on it. It's comforting to know that they're there at least.
How the fuck do you expect to be taken seriously when you can't even read the fucking sticky moot posted on /q/? FUCK.Pic related.
Oh fuck youHow did I know the spammy autists and trolls who shit up /a/ were going to sperg the hell out of /q/? And now I have to watch a non-archived board to make sure the staff don't get talked into doing something stupid to /a/? How is that fair? Dammit! Fuck it, I can't be fucked. Hopefully they can spot sperg when they see it by now, if not then let 'em change shit and find out the hard way, it's their site.
Imagedumps are allowedno more >>>/c/
>>69796173Just get woxxy to start archiving the board while the post count is still low:
>>69796208that one can prove useful in the future.
>/q/ has fucking posteruidFucking moot, give it to us you faggot!
>>69796336>>69796336No, fuck off moron.
>>69796208Deleting waifu threads = shitstorm
>>69796373Do you even know what posteruid is? I don't think you do, many people don't understand it.
>mfw mods laughing at your autistic passive-aggressive mentalities
How will it improve anything?
It's like /q/ is a liberal hivemind and they spend all day bitching for censorship.
some more policy
I am really scared of the user ID thing. Though, they would be really good for the draw threads..
>>69795605>>69795624That mod sounds like a bro.
>Anonymous>ID tagshow long until Tripfags become a cartel and have a loyal following of cocksuckers following them from thread to thread for the purpose of cocksucking, just like everywhere else?
>>69796634moot already said he has no plans on putting the IDs on any other board.>>>/q/692
>>69796772Thank god.
>>69796772>rankles my hide
>>69796247But we are archiving it.
I want it on the catalog.
>>69796631Man, I love consistent moderation policies.
>>69796513>>69796677If someone wants to samefag he will have to put extra effort into it, which will curb most of it.>>69796772Actually, that's not what he said, he said "sitewide", which means that individual boards may still be targeted.
>>69796927Yeah, nah.Fuck off to a forum or something then
>>69796927But there's no constructive reason to put it on /a/. We don't have some kind of samefag infection that we can't curb or any important matters to discuss so I doubt it'd be added to /a/
>>69796927But mootykins loves /a/.
>>69796868When will it be visible? I don't want to miss any more posts since I'm heading off to bed.
>>69796998There is a lot of rampant samefag shitposting in various anime series threads, if nothing else it would give us something else to filter them by when they turn up and start posting copypasta.
I personally samefag to keep threads alive and wouldn't want anyone to see that.
I honestly hope this /q/ shit doesn't eventually spiral into something ridiculous, like a bunch of whiny argumentative faggots who barely visit the boards they are bitching about, twisting said board policies and whatnot.
Why does /a/ not want ID's? We could just try it out for a little while. Quite frankly, there's quite a bit of shitposting and trolling.
>>69797027I have made it public now, we were fixing some code since the board has some special features. The search system for it will be up soon.
>>69797232And IDs will fix that how?
>>69797296IDs won't fix anything.He's full of shit. All it'll do is make most of the board annoyed and shitpost more.
>>697972961) You will easily be able to identify someone who is samefagging in a thread.2) You can filter by posteruid so you would be able to filter that person within a thread (if the id turns up in another thread it won't [likely] be the same person so the filters would need to be short lived)
>>69797296You'd be able to tell if someone was samefagging to incite an argument or something. I'm not saying it WILL help, but it would be nice if we could have a little trial period.
>>69797164It's already happening.
>>69797358>>69797343If someone is trying to start an argument why does it matter if he is samefagging? Why not just ignore it in the first place, if it obviously isn't serious? Why does it matter if one person or five people posted multiple Frodo pictures, why not just ignore all of them?
>Anonymous image-based board>Now with IDs that label each user that postsI love it.
>>69797232And how would the ID stop it? The trolls would just adapt and you would most likely have even more people taking advantage of fact they can be attention whores, even if it is just inside of one thread. I can't see it helping much, only make things worse.>>69797343>>69797358And exactly because you will be able to tell, they will take advantage of the fact, acting even worse. And be able to filter just inside one thread is making filter pretty much useless, just like it was against accel. You can filter something, but it's just tip of the iceberg.
>>69797430Because if he DOES start an argument, it could derail the whole damn thread.
>>69797460Its fucking retarded, I can't believe what I am seeing.
Couldn't you just use proxies to fake out the user ID anyway?
>>69797430>If someone is trying to start an argument why does it matter if he is samefagging? Why not just ignore it in the first place, if it obviously isn't serious? Why does it matter if one person or five people posted multiple Frodo pictures, why not just ignore all of them?Because people don't ignore post, because if that we need IDs, next you're going to post "why don't poeple stop shitposting?"
>>69797468I don't understand what you mean by filtering being the tip of the iceberg. If you don't see the posts, they shouldn't effect you.
>>69797493Yes, and ID stops it how exactly?
>>69797343>>69797358The thing is, samefagging is the least of anyone's worries.Most of the really annoying trolling comes from people who are just very persistent in their shitposting and don't even pretend to be different people agreeing with themselves.Most samefags are usually very easy to detect anyway.As for poster ID, if I am not mistaken shit is dependent on your IP, so a dedicated shitposter could just carry on turning his router on and off after every post.The only thing you could realistically filter is legitemate posters whose opinion < your opinion.
>>69797493But why does it matter if he is samefagging? Just ignore anyone who starts one. Unless the mods are actually going to ban someone who tried to start an argument multiple times in the same thread, the users don't need to know if it is the same person, they can just ignore all of it anyway. The mentality of "the same guy is trolling just ignore him" and "multiple people are trolling, I must reply to everyone" doesn't make sense. It should be ignore anyone who is trolling, and it will go away.
>>69797460>>69797501You faggots know how the ID system works? i wouldn't mean a fucking ID next to my post that just let everyone else know that i'm not a retard shitposting and ruining a thread just for fun, and don't come too me with "but we're anonymous!!" a fucking ID that is unique every thread doesn't changes shit about anonymity.
>Everyone freaking out about mods/Moot posting in /q/>Implying its not just for show to get the community's favor back>Implying they won't all stop posting in a weekWatch it happen.
>>69797641And that's related to the topic?
>>69797633This. The only people who are against IDs are people who samefag/shitpost in threads. Having an ID on a per thread basis doesn't ruin your sense of anonymity. Moot did not make us anonymous for us to act like a bunch of retards. He did it so that we could post our opinions without fear of persecution, unlike other sites where people can/would be tracked down.
Whats the point of user id if the threads still can get derailed by one person, remember Taiga and lanced jack?>Lets ignored themFAIL!>Lets hide them with userscriptThread still got derailedGood luck with this user id system, /a/ wont changed a bit because the majority of the retarded poster want drama from this board and its always been like this for years.Shitposting drama keep this board alive even it was a shit event and people like it, both the haters and the trolls because they keep responding to them.Prove me wrong, i dare you.
>>69797633Except in each particular thread.
Doesn't every board in futaba use the ID system? Works well enough for them
>>69797460>>Now with IDs that label each user that posts uniquely to each individual thread>>69797468I don't believe anywon will act any worse due to it. I have been here a long time, I have seen people go from being Anons to tripfags, from tripfags to Anons, I have even done it myself, I held a tripcode for about three years.The majority of people act pretty much the same with or without.And filtering within a thread can be worthwhile, some threads get effectively spammed by people posting copypasta in the middle of conversations, filtering the copypasta would require many lines added to the filter or actively hiding each post. With a uid it would be simple to just pot the id into the filter and then you can continue on with the thread without the copypasta getting between all the posts (report him first of course though).>>69797599>As for poster ID, if I am not mistaken shit is dependent on your IP, so a dedicated shitposter could just carry on turning his router on and off after every post.I believe that IP is part of the equation, yes, but as you say, it would be dedicated shitposters who would bother to reset their router every post just to be annoying.
>>69797686Nice way to project you fucking faggot.
IDs wouldn't stop shitposting. Instead of samefagging, they would just turn to pure spamming.
>>69797521If they are so retarded they can't ignore the posts in the first place, what makes you think ID's will help?Instead of a slew of "hurr u retarded" replies feeding the trolls, you would just get >ID:faggotballs"hurr u retarded" doing the exact same.Same shit with tripfags, easily identifiable, way more than any ID, and yet people still can't stop replying to them and their painfully obvious babby tier trolling.
I'm not opposing an ID system, I just don't see how it is going to help. If someone is fucking retarded enough to respond to an obvious troll, knowing it is a samefag isn't going to help anyone. If /a/ really cared about shitposting, people would stop respond to all trolls anyway. Since the majority of /a/ doesn't actually care about shitposting and will respond just to respond and bump the thread, knowing the ID of the shitposter isn't going to stop people from responding.
>>69797774Its easier to ignore a single person than it is to ignore multiple posts that you 'think' may be multiple people.
>>69797574They won't. But it will filter him just inside of one thread. He will be back in another and then in another and so on, just like the others you will want to filter. It wouldn't really be much different from hiding posts manually, going back to the fact that ID doesn't help much.
>>69797774Okay, so what's the problem with trying it out? It couldn't possibly hurt, and there's no way to know what will happen for sure.
>>69795646>>69796011>>69796712you guys are joking right?>voice your opinion (people who like depicted children are pedophiles)>get bannedlike are you being serious? do you really think you're 'defending anime' by parroting the moe shit that started as a troll and then became malignant when it started growing like 'autism' and 'edgy'?
>>69797574Just because you don't see the posts, doesn't mean they don't affect you.>Guy spams thread with gay porn>You hide his posts>Other people don't, they just abandon the thread>He has killed your thread, even though you hid himYour idea would work if 'everyone' on 4chan used addons, but they don't.
Do you guys think anything will come of that thread?
Moot should bottle all of these tears and sell it as a fundraising beverage.
>>69797833He was shitposting. It was deserving of a ban. People who come into threads saying "lol UR THREAD IS SHITTY DILDOS UR A PEDO FAG xD" should be banned on the spot. That is not 'voicing your opinion.'
>>69797807Nah, see the last line in my post.Stupid and bored people will always reply to idiotic trolling, ID's, trips or otherwise.
>>69797809I mean, long threads usually take up quite a bit of time; I can't have more than 3 open otherwise I can't contribute to the discussion the way I'd like. If he DOES pop up in another thread, you only have to filter it one more time. It's not like it's too complicated.
>>69797864Probably not.
>>69797846Why do you support the people who doesn't even know how to use a simple userscript?I bet you love those people who make shitty recommendation threads too.
>>69797898Then the site cannot be saved, because clearly we are surrounded by stupid people. Not to mention some tripfags are crazy enough to start spamming threads if they get ignored. Especially pony ones.
>>69797846Okay, that's a legit point. I see where you're coming from.
>>69797864Just some clarification on what threads mods deem ok on /a/.
>>69797833He was shitposting. Shitposting should be a bannable offense.
>>69797864Assuming here:A portion of /a/ being even more upset every time we see a rec thread because we now know there will never be any chance of them ending (at least for the foreseeable future).
>>69797882>>69797904Will you give up, or keep trying to change things?
>>69797697No respond? looks like i was right after all.
>>69797817Personally, I don't really care much whether we have ID's or not, but overall a shift that huge would most likely cause a shitstorm.And I don't know about you, but I would rather not have a slew of threads ranging from bitching like this one to autists making ID's their new dubs, in exchange for a minuscule chance for improvement.
>>69797974I... I thought we were promised more dedicated mods or something in that news post....
>>69797916Just filter them you colossal faggot.
>>69797770And guess what you can do once you know his ID? protip: filter.
>>69797969We can't prove you wrong unless it gets implemented.
>>69797846The yotsuba porn spammer.
>>69797996Promises mean jack shit.
>>69797974>Personally, I don't really care much whether we have ID's or not, but overall a shift that huge would most likely cause a shitstorm.>And I don't know about you, but I would rather not have a slew of threads ranging from bitching like this one to autists making ID's their new dubs, in exchange for a minuscule chance for improvement.Why would people bitch for something that changes nothings? the only ones that would bitch are the ones that spam/samefag/shitpost 24/7 and think 4chan is their shitter.
>>69798000You filtering a person doesn't stop them from ruining a thread. It would if everyone on 4chan was smart enough to use a filter, but they aren't.
>>69797951>>69797951…I can see that, Anon.Seeing yourself be denied that way is gotta hurt some people something fierce.At least modbro seems to understand SOME of our issues.
>>69798000See this you colossal faggot that can't be asked to actually look through the thread before posting:>>69797846
>>69798051Then moot should add the filter to 4chan UI, it wouldn't add stress to the servers nor use bandwidth.
>>69798000>>69797846That won't fix anything, when he gets banned for posting off-topic/illegal content he also gets a new id.
>>69797916Now you are getting it.There is no salvation or anything.Just an ever oscillating mediocre limbo which may or may not at times have something pertaining to your interests.
>>69798009The LJ shitstorm was not enough for you?Mods it self already said that LJ was never samefagging his thread buy you guys keep responding and bumping it.It wasn't entirely tripfags fault it self that /a/ was shit, moot told us you guys barely can ignore shitty thread.
>>69798039Protip : Read the archives from summer 2008
>>69798046People in general don't like change, regardless of what kind of change it is.You should already know this from the bulk of human history.
>>69798114I don't think you could talk Moot into such a thing.
>>69798223Yeah i know that he is a cunt about 4chan code.
>>69798157That situation doesn't represent all the situations the IDs would be useful in.For someone to make a shitstorm of a thread like LJ he would still need some unique identifier (like a tripcode) initiate it from an OP.And frankly, yes, you are right, retards will continue to be retards, but a lot of the people who act like retards to try and troll, inside a thread where conversation is taking place, probably won't bother when everyone will be able to link their posts together.What I would like to see is if it does act as some form of deterrence to the shit that we get whenever we are discussing a series that is the subject of petty trolling/shitposting.
Guys the reason /q/ exists is so we don't have these meta threads anymore. If you want to continue your discussion move to /q/ and delete the thread.
Speaking of /q/I have been here since 2008 and I've never seen someone with the developer tag post. Miracles.
>>69798375Do you really think the idea of 'quarantine' threads work? You realize that people post off topic/meta threads to piss you off, not to actually get discussion right?Its like if Moot created a doubles board. Do you really think there would be a decline in people posting them? No, because they are used to piss people off. Nobody would want to post them in their proper board.
>>69798415Laziness and apathy is not an argument. The report button exists for a reason and it is used frequently. If you want to shitpost do it elsewhere.
>>69798493>>69798355If you been here for years you will realize the majority of the shitposter are also the serious people who actually discussing or watching the same anime you watch in those threads.People came to this site because they bored, admit it you guys doesn't have anything to do beside watching anime and discussing some dumb shit in this place.I'm not saying that i don't want /a/ to be less shitty, i'm just saying this wont changed shit since /a/ love board drama.No matter how shitty this board you guys will still came to this place, i know because i've been here since forever.Now tell me, will you guys still came to this place if this board act just like your usual anime forum?
>>69798493>Now tell me, will you guys still came to this place if this board act just like your usual anime forum?It already does, just without logins, avatars and signatures.And that wouldn't change with posteruid.
>>69798493>>69798528>deleting the post you failed to make with sage to make a new one with sageWhy?
>>69798454I don't condone these threads, I just think its silly for you to try and 'remind' people of the rules when everyone knows them. Its just a majority of people like to shit up this site for fun. You should know this by now. You can't stop them.
At least /b/ became a better place since poster IDs.
>>69798533>It already doesThat was one of many reason i rarely browse this board anymore.But this place still make me keep coming back once in a while. with dozen of people who thinks their "solution" will fix /a/./jp/ existence wasn;t fix anything back then and now we think user id system will fix the trolling while the majority of this site barely can't ignored one trip user who only post one thread in every 12 hours.
>>69798611/b/ is also too goddamn stupid to evade a ban.
>>69798558>You can't stop them.You must be new here, /a/ is known for being elitist and will attack people who don't lurk or blatantly shitpost. That is why /a/ is still mostly on topic. If you don't like it then leave, not every board is like /b/ and by assuming that you are part of the problem.
>>69798648>>69798648>/a/ is known for being elitist and will attack people who don't lurk or blatantly shitpost.That was 4 years ago, those elitist already gone after we cast them away to some shitty board.Now what we got only seasonal elitist wannabe.
>>69798714I'm sure you'd love if that was true /v/irgin.Go make a thread about video games or a greentext blog and see what happens.
>>69798648>You must be new here, /a/ is known for being elitist and will attack people who don't lurk or blatantly shitpost. That is why /a/ is still mostly on topic.Did you just crawl out of a rock or something?Calling people out to lurk is almost at an all time low, with spoonfeeding all over the goddamn place.Blatant shitposting is as rampant as ever, and the only thing you got correctly is that its on topic, rather than being a massive clusterfuck of /b/ shit that /v/ has become.
>>69798851If you think this is bad you should see 10 and 09.Pic related.
>>69798851>the only thing you got correctly is that its on topicPlease scroll up and see what the topic of this thread was and then look at the shit you just posted. On topic my ass.
>>69798967That is in comparison to /v/.As a general rule, most of the stiposting is still animu related.
>>69798778Greentext/blog thread was the norm here until someone keep spamming "/v/, go away with your stupid meme thread"Oh wait, it was me who keep spamming those thread since one and a half years ago.Back then it was hell just because /a/ barely goes to other board and retard loves those blog thread as the new shitty game to pass their time in this board.Old elitist will killed the fuck out blog thread instantly, but no now we embraced it for a year and later once we know it was the norm there in /v/ we start saying "back to your shit board, /v/tard!"Elitist my ass.
>>69798967Excepting the threads about 4chan's funtastic developments and tangential material. Accurate enough for you?
>>/q/3477>/anime & cartoons/>/comics & manga/
>>69797715but they're japs, there's only 130 million of them so it doesn't even matter. someone replying to the OP might even be the OP's cousin.
/q/ will only have those retarded board police types, how wonderful.
>>69795605>>69795624Why are you fucking posting a metathread here when there is fucking /q/ you faggot?
>>69799137I don't see anything wrong with that idea.
>>69799624Other than the fact that it's horrible.Manga is DIRECTLY related to anime, not comics.
>>697975024chan bans proxies instantly, that's too much effort just to samefag.
>>69799712Believe it or not there are other ways to change your ID's and avoid bans.
>>69799712They won't bans proxies for shitposting and proxy bans barely stop accel spams.
2ch has IDs on most boards too but unfortunately it doesn't prevent trolling...>>69799745The question is who would- Oh wait, I know you would. And why can I see you posting again? I just filtered you.
If ID ever comes I'll just keep shitposting with a sage like I do now.
You shouldn't worry about the tripfags so much. They will grow up and forget this place sooner or later. For example Komeiji isn't even 20 yet right? And he's not always that bad.
>>69799918The problem is that there's another faggot that takes their place in a few years.
>>69800020We've entered an endless recursion of time.
>>69799918Yeah, tripfags keep coming and going. I suspect a lot of new tripfags are old tripfags though.Speaking of which, who's the tripfag that's been here the longest? JamesCID?
>>69800094manko probably.
>>69796631>that feel when I make sadpanda/hentaiverse threads regularlyNo one seems to object when I do, though. It's usually a good discussion, and people linking to manga and doujins. It technically is allowed, since /a/ - anime and manga.
>>69800136I was here when manko began tripfagging. I remember telling him he wasn't going to last a week as a tripfag, lol.
>>69800249>that feelstop posting
>>69800311Go away, newfag.
>>69800136I was here when manko was posting, but i wasn't using a trip at the time. I've been here entirely far too long.
>>69800296Being stupid and wrong seems to be rather common and consistent I see.
>>69800355>newfagfunny considering feels correlate to off topic /r9k/ threads and circlejerking.
>>69800355>uses feels>calling anyone newfagTake your feels back to reddit, they aren't wanted here.
>>69800296I have few memories of the old days of 4chan, but I remember in my first few days, around 2008(?), I had a discussion with you and some other tripfag. Can't remember who, but we insulted each other heavily.
>>69800395> doesn't know feels were generally accepted on /a/ until half a year ago> calls others newfags
>>69800427Well maybe you were being a FAGGOT.
>>69800470>half a year agoHow would you know? You've only been here a week.>>69800499>argentina>white
>>69800470You know not what you speak.>>>/gaia/>>>/reddit/>>>/b/
>>69800499I probably was, when I look back, I had shit taste.
>>69800546>he thinks you can redirect to gaia and reddit from 4chanHaha, anon, you so funny.
>>69800599Hurr Hurr
>>69800513>Doubting Argentina's whitenessPoor you. That's something mad South American monkeys perpetrated because they're jealous of our peerless skin. Argentina has been called the little Europe in south america for far longer than you apes have lived, and with good reason. This is why everyone hates us, but also why we're above them. Chilean and Uruguayans are particularly mad because they could have been part of the Argentine dream, yet they fucking blew it and decided to break off when we declared Independence.
I'm not against forced IDs. Most proxies don't work anymore + it becomes more work to samefag. If you think it's hassle free to keep reseting your IP by switching off your router for 1 minute then you are a very patient person. Personally, I think being anonymous just means nobody knows who the fuck you are, and an ID isn't going to tell anyone shit about your identity.
>>69800648dat delusion
>>69800648How big is your scarf collection?
>>69800731When did this issue about samefagging ever fucking start?Samefagging isn't even a fucking issue. People are paranoid enough as is and already call everyone a samefag we have adapted and have been able to detect samefags. It isn't a big deal people wishing for a fucking identity IS the biggest issue currently plaguing this site. Instead of ID's just place in force fucking anon.
>>69800648What kind of faggot watermarks their reaction images? Hurr I pressed print screen, original content do not steal.
>>69800849>What kind of faggot watermarks their reaction images?he doesn't know
>>69800648Why be proud of where you were born? Just curious. I never got this. Anyone, anywhere. Why? I'm American, but it's not something I'm proud of. I'm not ashamed of it either though. I did not choose to be American, so it makes no sense to be proud of it, just as it doesn't make sense for me to proud to be Native American. I didn't choose. If anything, be proud that you've been a tripfag as long as you have. Be proud of the choices you've made, and who you are. Not something silly like skin color, or nationality.Huh. I just projected pretty hard.
>>69800836>force anon>he uses a trip
>>69800926Ironic is it not?
>>69800849You know what.... Taiga is the only Trip I hate. And THAT'S the reason.Not the trolling,the attention-whoring or the shit-posting from the "BAWWWW I Hate Twipfags because we're a-non-ee-moose" crowd... Just because he/she/it watermarks screencaps.
>>69800731There is no problem with samefaggotry though.You don't even need to try to be inflammatory to get retards to reply to you these days, persistence in spewing your bullshit without agreeing with yourself is more than enough to derail threads.
>>69801017mission accomplished
>>69800967Not every retardation is automatically irony
>>69801031LEL I TROL U XDDDD
>>69801034I think the correct way to say that is not every irony is automatically retarded.There IS a reason why I have adopted a trip and why I am using it while also supporting forced anon.
>>69801046Wow you sure told him.I'm sure Taiga will stop posting now.
>>69800901B-But I must let everyone know I'm superior to them for reasons other than my own personal accomplishments (which are non-existent). How else am I supposed to feel good about myself? Please don't throw me into an existentialist crisis.
>stickys are eyesore>stickys all over the other boards, even the board that he replied on has stickes
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse.
>>69801107>There IS a reason why I have adopted a trip and why I am using it while also supporting forced anon.I totally get you. The free attention is too tempting to ignore.
>>69797833opinions mean there is no consensus on truth. liking 2d lolis arent pedos just the same as liking 2d violent videogame doesnt mean they're murderers
>>69801190My, my. I do believe you have absolutely no right to call anyone else an attention whore. You being the biggest one out of the whole pack of cancerous tripfags combined.I do believe why I have stated why I do it countless times, so MUST be either blind or simply retarded to understand. Quite pathetic honestly its quite sad that the majority of you shitty tripfags appear to be so god awfully retarded.
>>69801271Man, perhaps I should go to bed before my grammar gets any worse.
>>69801018Except there is. Not so much with samefagging per se, but with trolls. Having an ID will let people identify them much easier and filter\ignore them.On the other hand, you still have retards that respond to Kronie, even though he makes it as obvious as possible even without an ID.Well, at least normal people would be able to filter them.
>>69801333Who knows, it might increase the usage of sage.
/q/ is a fucking joke already then?People will just talk about non existent problems and bait solution from clueless mods. Or people come with a question that is represent for what they want but not what the general view of the board is and clueless mods respond to that.Look at fucking /p/'s permanent sticky and tell me it's not useful for new users. It's not exactly an eyesore either. Jesus just a link to our wikia and a bunch of tips on finding source would be fine.
>>69801333Do you have no idea how ID's work?They only last for one fucking thread and are discarded completely pointless to fucking filter.ID's do absolutely fucking NOTHING. It solves NOTHING. Samefagging isn't an issue. Trolls will still troll with an ID. Nothing fucking changes and all it does is make people COMFORTABLE with the idea of a fucking identity which is bad.If you want an identity go to fucking reddit or gaia.Once we stoop to having identity we become no different than those other fucking sites.
>>69800648>Argentina has been called the little Europe in south america Literally, only Argentinians call it that.
>>69801271Really? You've said numerous times that you hate tripfags and that you shitpost as a tripfag to get moot to disable tripcodes, but that explanation doesn't quite cut it. Why would you openly state your intentions? Surely you realize moot wouldn't be likely to do what you want if he finds out what you set out to do. Yet you make your whole internet character revolve around this fact. You must be posting for something different than what you're saying. And what other thing could there be other than wanting to be an attentionwhoring shitposter? If you were really honest about fucking up tripfags, there's other things you could be doing, none of which involve posting as a tripfag and acting dumb. What else am I supposed to think other than you're just trying to be Lanced Jack and failing hard at it?
Oooo, Kroni vs. Taiga? This should be fun!
>>69801549Now it's a party
>>69800367Kronie, you are THE prime example of thatYou constantly shitpost to derail threads just for sake of shitpostingI hate the amount of threads you tried to derail sunce you popped up few months ago with your shitty trip and smug demeaner
>>69801494I have no reason to keep my intentions hidden, if I do people will simply associate me with other tripfags like you cancerous self. The fact that I state my intentions separates me from cancer like you faggots and it also gains supporters to my cause no matter how little it may be.I don't wish to convince moot with words that never works, I wish to convince him by creating shitstorms. Only a shitstorm big enough created by anons will ever make a change and I hope one gets created big enough that will force moot to implement force anon as a form of damage control.I am not like you or any other fucking attentionwhoring tripfag so please don't project your cancerous behavior upon me there IS a reason why I made my previous trips public for I care little about my trip it is meaningless, I merely use it as a symbol to remove tripfag scum like you.What other options are there to remove tripfags? And please don't compare me to lanced jack you fucking cancer. He too was no different than you. He partook in the same cancerous manner as the rest of you faggots.Not everyone out there is like you, you attention deprived bitch some people actually wish to make the board a better place.
>>69801431>They only last for one fucking thread and are discardedSo is the trolling in the specific thread, which is the whole point.>identity It's only a temporal identity for one thread. You don't have a karma, registration date, or post count, if you aren't a tripfag of course. You are still anonymous.
>The fact that I state my intentions separates me from cancer like you faggotsAll you being a faggot does is give you the persona of "I am the newest faggot this Summer who has decided that I will be the man who will cure /a/'s Cancer." You're not the first, you're not the last, and you won't accomplish anything. At best, you'll just get yourself banned.Tripcodes have their place, but unfortunately people abuse them for whatever reason because they never take them off. It's an impossible thing to moderate but overall does no damage unless you make it cause damage.
>>69801721That's a very big wall of text to say the dumbest things. Your actions betray your words. So either you're putting up an act to get attention or you're just extremely stupid.
wtf is going on here o____O
>>69801549I life meta threads simply because they allow me to add new guys to my fil-friends list.
>>69796391>>69796208as long as they are deleting the stupid ones
>mfw banned from /q/ for suggesting legitimate opinionmods = buttmad
>meta board newly created>instantly /v/ meta general/v/...
>>69801842It is clear you are unable to think outside of your attention whoring mentality and can't grasp someone doing things for the better of the board rather than for the sole reason of attention.You are the retard, I suggest you stick to your circlejerking in MSN, or simply fuck off. Either case I'm no teacher and educating autistic bitches like you is something I have no interest in.
>>69800546>tripfaggot>telling anyone to go to gaia
>>69797493and if two or more samefags argue over something it would derail the thread anywaysee: tripfag circlejerks
>>>/q/1286>post legitimate suggestion>get like 2 responses>get flooded by a billion thread of whiners who don't like 4chan's janitors and mods>WHAA I GOT BANND UNFAIRLY>WHAAA THERE WAS AN OFFTOPIC THRED IN /v/
>>69801770No one is going to fucking filter that frequently so it is rather fucking pointless. Which what you stated.Identity is STILL an identity you dumb fuck it makes people grow comfortable with the idea of having one.>>69801838I have never stated I was the first or that my idea is creative or original you stupid fuck. I know full well others have tried and failed. Your point? I am simply doing my part to fix this fucking issue as well.Tripcodes don't have their place on an ANONYMOUS imageboard. It is NOT impossible to moderate simply remove it there you fucking go. And it DOES cause damage. Just look at my fucking trip.
>>69801937> look at me saving /a/> I don't do it for attention
>>69802018At least you got replies.
Trip that will instantly turn a thread into shit on appearance:1 - Komeji2 - Krony3 - Nagi4 - Meww5 - Dutchguy
>>69802092I made my trips public for a reason.Here try it out.Kronie##cozen
>>69802028I like how you miss the point entirely. Are you trying to be retarded right now?You won't accomplish your stupid goal by constantly having the same arguments with the same idiots and ruining already shit threads. Causing shitstorms will not cause Moot to get rid of tripcodes entirely, it will only cause a mod to eventually ban you. You are retarded if you don't know how a trip can be useful. It's hilarious how you site yourself as the reason why they don't work when you yourself use them completely wrong.
>>69802127Why not just be a Rei then.
>>69801937>I suggest you stick to your circlejerking in MSNI might take you up on your offer. Try and stick to your ideals for as long as you can. I'll keep a bottle of my finest wine ready for that moment when you realize the futility of your little internet quest. Please provide a good show for me and my friends.
>>69802109if a tripwhore can derail a thread and destroy the quality of a boardwhat use is an ID?they say it would only hurt shitposters, but I think the opposite, the shitposters will stay shitposters while the rest of 4chan has to deal with their site slowly becoming facebook
>>69798880Oh boy I remembered when K-On! aired and this shit hit the fan.Those were great times.>>69802109Unknown low-tier trolls who won't archive anything above a 3/10 shitstorm for the next two decades.
>>69802028Filtering takes only two clicks, so once a known faggot like you is identified people will use it.
>>69802154same reason why not being anon: attention
>>69802235>Unknown low-tier trollsI sure don't want a well-known high tier troll on my board. Not fucking again.>Lanced Jack>Cornelia>Pork Wrangler
>>69802220How will it become a facebook? ID is not a trip, it changes every thread or even when you change your IP.
>>69802149Having those same arguments and ruining those already shit threads increases the anger anons have towards tripfags. Anger is rather blind and people enjoy to generalize, when they see me using a trip they associate me with tripfags and thus begin to hate ALL tripfags. And that is what I seek.Tripfags are NOT useful what someone can do as a trip they can easily do as an anon you fucking faggot. Its just a form of attention whoring so please fuck off you cancer supporting shit.>>69802154Rei's name doesn't stand for anything now.It used to stand for being against the reddit invasion but now its dead its simple a symbol of a cancerous tripfag.My name stands to remove tripfag scum. That symbol is important, the goal needs to be associated with the name. If I were to use rei people would simply view me as a shitty rei shitposter who is trying to achieve nothing.
>>69801721Not even shitposters want to be associated with youYou always use those same shitty reaction pics anyway. I came to hate only you for derailing threads i enjoy, not tripfags.Your "noble" intention is nothing but an excuse for you to shitpost>look guys! I wad shitposting for YOU anon, for the greater good!No, you just try your best to derail threads that actually have decent discussion
>>69802248Doing it wrong.What the fuck is wrong with you?
>>69802220ID change per thread, and it will help filtering shitposter and detecting samefag.
>>69796080This. SINCE WHEN ?? I missed the news because of 4chanX
>>69802330from the look of it, it was either made today or yesterday
>>69802305Everyone already hates tripfags, but they're fine with them as long as they aren't retarded. All your being an idiot does is make people hate you. You clearly have no idea what tripcodes are for. Why would anyone take your opinion on the matter seriously?
>>69802305>but anons, my trip is good since i am trying to be a shitty rei clone and i am saving /a/ by shitposting and have one of the mosr pethatic justification for shitposting!!! Dont blame me for shitposting! Blame the trip!
>>69802305Not really. We've always been antagonistic towards tripfags, but you just stand out as a lone idiot trip that shits up the board. >>69802318Sums up my thoughts nicely.
>>69802248People are fucking lazy, and 2 clicks for EVERY thread? or perhaps more if you disagree with more than one individual? It adds up and it starts to become tedious you idiot.>Not even shitposters want to be associated with youThat is a good thing, I don't want to associate myself with those who actively ruin this board for no reason at all.Indeed I have the tendency to use the same reaction images your point? Hardly see how that is an issue, when forced anon comes I will make sure to stop using anything that can be tied to me.All of my actions have ALWAYS been for the improvement of this board, you can call bullshit all you want but I have remained constant in my attempts in making this board a better place you ungrateful faggot.
Click the button under its post, and click to filter it. Please stop shitting up the board by giving it attention. Thank you.
>>69802475At least he's busy in a shitty meta-thread, so other threads can be safer.
>>69802386>everyone on /a/ already hates tripfagsI disagree with this, if this were the case shitstorms would have been caused to remove them.Do you know WHY, they fired the loli hating mod? Because /a/ shitstormed non stop about it. That is the only way to create fucking change that is the only way to truly show that are you displeased by something.Tripcodes as I have stated have NO use so please stop with that retarded statement you autistic faggot.>>69802387More like don't blame me for shitposting blame yourselves for creating a need for my shitposting in the first place. If you guys didn't let tripfags manifest in your board I wouldn't have the need to do this to get rid of them. Don't blame the chemo, blame yourselves for having the fucking cancer in the first place.
>>69798114A built in serverside filter would be interesting to see since it could potentially let you hide some retarded anon's posts board-wide or even site-wide but I guess it would be too much effort for mootle and too hard on his precious servers.
>>69802546Your entire response is filled with strawmen, holy shit. You're literally a scarecrow.
>>69802569>but I guess it would be too much effort for mootle and too hard on his precious servers.Not really, just look at the catalogThat shit only requires a input from the side of the user
>>69802269There still are roaming this board. Though, nobody gives a fuck about those and thats actually great.And I only feel sad for Komeiji though. I really do. He never hit hard in the troll department and people took a shit on him at all times. He never made me mad even if he said stupid shit but i've seen far fucking worse on this board.>>69802356I'd say the worst kind of posters are those who support them by giving them what they want.
>75% of posts filtered outwelp time to leave
Kronie is the only trip i seriously considered filtering over past 5 years. He just doesnt dieTrip is useful in certain situations though. You need a way to identify yourselves in group oriented projects or translations
>>69802637They want attention. How do you give it to them by filtering them?
>>69802577As a scarecrow it is my task to scare away the cancerous vermin who wish to shit up on the bountiful crops known as /a/.So do as your told and begone.
Wow this is a pretty nice board.
I like all of /a/'s tripfriends
>>69802637The thing with Komeiji is that he's really just autistic. Even when he makes an on topic post about anime it will kill the thread because everybody knows how easy it is to piss him off. At least those kinds of tripfags are interesting though. This one is trying too hard to become popular by trolling and he'll be forgotten in weeks.
>>69802637>And I only feel sad for Komeiji though. I really do. He never hit hard in the troll department and people took a shit on him at all times. He never made me mad even if he said stupid shit but i've seen far fucking worse on this board.But he still continues to trip, so brings it on himself.
>>69802546Except there were already shitstorms with anons demanding actions from moot to remove tripcodes back when Lanced Jack and Taiga were running rampant. You know how moot replied? He made everyone Taiga and Lanced Jack. You completely misunderstand his character if you think he'll ever disable tripcodes. He'll just call you a whiny faggot and do something to shit on you. Even more so if you explicitly ask for it.
>>69802797I still remember him for trying to derail countless threads i was in process of enjoyingTrips arent bad feature. Its just how he is using it and somehow trying to create legacy, purposely actively derailing threads to increase his infamity points, and other people use his trip for his own sense of accomplishment thats wrong
>>69802893I can guarantee you that is not what Komeiji is doing. He's not trying to troll you, he's really just that stupid. That's why he's been at it for like 6 years now using the same dumb posting style. Though it's only been relatively recently that people started to notice him.
>>69802883People's opinions change over time.They also change with enough constant pestering. Quitting now on trying to demand forced anon because of some dumb actions moot did back then is completely retarded. The only way we can bring about change is by continuing on with the constant pressure of wanting forced anon.
>Getting angry at tripbrosDo YOU guys not know how to filter? Why do some of you ALWAYS respond to them? Do you like when you give them attention because you must love it.THEY WILL WILL OFF OF YOUR ATTENTION IF YOU GIVE THEM IT.
>>69803067Niggerell put your trip back on I can smell your dirty dick from here.
>>69802946>I can guarantee you that is not what Komeiji is doing.>I can guaranteeI do wonder how you can be so sure of his motives, then again I wouldn't be surprised if you spoke to him as well on MSN and MAL.You cancers have really spread far.
>>69803067>>69803067even knowing who the samefag is they will allow him to derail the thread anywayand they still say ID would be useful
>>69803162But there's nothing to derail in this thread. It's a meta thread that should be on /q/ to begin with. Unlike actual anime discussions.