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  • Japanese このサイトについて - 翻訳

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How do you pronounc Nichijou
I don't
Like how it's spelled you fucking retard.
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As fast as I possibly can.
If you sound it out, chances are you'll probably know how to spell it!
Niche Joe
Nike Joe?
What happened with the teacher at the end? The one who was in love with the student advisor lady?

I need to know!

That wasn't too hard, was it?

Okay, here's the IPA: /nitɕiʑoː/. Stress in on the first syllable.
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Nick - High - Joe - You
*Stress is on...
nietzsche joe uh
Nano's foot missile shot off in class and went straight for the advisor's heart, when suddenly the teacher jumped in front of her, risking his own life to save the woman he loved.

Nigh Chee Jew
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nietzche joe


You're a terrible person!
But, could've been much worse.

Ni chi jo, the u on the end of jo just makes it a longer o sound.
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like this
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More like Nietzchejou
Damn, you beat me to it.
You're mom knows how do I pronounce it.
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On the subject of Nichijou, I've just finished watching it; can anyone recommend anything similar?
I think it is twodominopiecesinauncompletedhand.
niche jew
Very Carefully
cat-girl nano never happened in the show

moe is bad
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When I grow up, I want to be a frill-necked lizard
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Pani Poni Dash
Wasn't it in the credits somewhere?
If not, who the fuck cares.
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When l grow up, I want to be a frill-necked lizard
tsu ra su zu su

Fun fact: This is a legitimate accent up north in japan.
correct pronunctiations:

manga - mon-guh
anime - on-ee-may
tsundere - two-sunder
The trial begins!
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When we grow up, we want to be frill-necked lizards
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and chirashizushi is a type of sushi
Knee Chi Joe
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Nichijou gif thread?
bow cue no pea co
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The things I would do to and for that woman.
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whoa whoa whoa

what's going on in that gif

this is supposed to be a children's show
You sick bastard!
My thoughts exactly
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Don't be such prudes. She's just lubricating herself. It's perfectly natural for a robot her age.
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Why are you guys so perverted?
Some serious stuff is happening in the show she's watching, so she's getting comfortable while it's happening.
Are you telling me you don't do that?
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Fueking saved!
Nano will eventually have to sit at Hakase's beside, watching as her creator dies.
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I think I just may start fapping to nano.
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Knowing Hakase, she'll have created a kill-switch for Nano
We're from the internet, that's like our job!
I'm kidding, in all seriousness I love the innocent nature of the show.
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Why is it that everything she does turns out to be so adorable?
Nie Tschi Joh

Feels german,man.
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I can't help it.
Nah, Hakase won't ever die. If anything she'll augment herself so that she can carry around sweet rolls in her arm and live forever.
That's the point of the character.
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It's the constant nervousness
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Wasn't it revealed that the principal's family name is also Shinonome?
That was one of my favourite bits with her, I don't even know what her name was... I barely know any of their names!!!!

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