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>It's very possible that Neon Genesis Evangelion will be separated from the studio it began its life with, GAINAX, very soon.
>The issue as a whole surface on February 9th, when Suzuki Shunji (animation director for Eva, Nadia, and Eva 2.0, chief animation director for Eva 1.0, and animator for a bunch of other Gainax shows) made several tweets about a potential problem that was brewing at GAINAX.
>He claims that this issue really got started when the decision to turn Gunbuster into a pachinko machine was made without consulting Hideki Anno. This upset him quite a bit, as his name was used on the machines and in the commercials for said machines. This, he writes, "may" be the last straw for Anno, who Suzuki said could be cutting off all ties with GAINAX.
>Yasuhiro Kamimura, a behind-the-scenes guy at GAINAX since the Daicon days, and his wife have quit the company.
>With GAINAX's current level of production and current staff, they would be unable to stay afloat and would fail within 2-3 years without new Evangelion movie licensing rights
>This was on 2010, meaning Gainax only has one year left (2013).

>Hiroyuki Imaishi has officially split from Gainax. And together with Masahiko Ohtsuka and Kazuya Masumoto, has formed a new studio named Trigger.
>This was on 2011
Gentlemen, how do we save Gainax?
Pray for good Medaka Box DVD sales.
Destroy Khara and Trigger making them go back to Gainax
What's the point? Gainax's people have already dispersed. With the death of one studio comes the rise of others. They had their time, I say let Gainax die.
Kazuya Tsurumaki left?
If yes, Gainax doesn't deserve to be saved.
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Don't save it. From it's ashes, will raise the new god of anime: Trigger. Bow before your lord and savior, /a/.
Subaru will never get a full-length magical girl anime ;_;
Good, because their attempt at one was shit.
It's too late. Gainax can't be saved, and must fade into legend.

The Evangelion era has drawn to a close. This is the transition period, in which Gainax falls, the Eva movies provide final conclusion, and new anime has appeared to take up the mantle Evangelion held for so long. The industry can finally move forward into the new generation.
>He is currently working as a director on the new four feature Evangelion film series, Rebuild of Evangelion.
>Gainax has separeted away from Reuild of Evangelion production.
Unless he is a free lance animator, I don't think he is still working with Gainax.
Besides, he is Anno protegee. If Anno leaves, he probably follows.
Save? Why would we want to save it? All the people that matter have gone on to Trigger and Khara, so we should be supporting them instead.
It won't sell until the Minus Arc and well yeah.
Call me when they animate Hoshi no Samidare.
I think this is a good thing. Not because a great anime studio is fading, but because from the remains, a new anime studio will emerge.
>Current production of RoE is under Ground Works.
>He is working on RoE production
I think is fair to say he is with Ground Works now, with Anno.
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So this means no PSG S2? Good. Not because I didn't like it, but because the ending was perfect, and I would dislike a sequel to follow.
You save it by taking it out behind the shed and putting a bullet in its head.

May as well put her down now while there are still fond memories not completely ruined by these new ones.
Is Gainax worth saving? Hasn't most of their talent moved elsewhere already?
Take all the good people and move them to Trigger.
>CGI: the studio
Yeah nah you're a cunt
Why bother? All the good guys are with Trigger now.
Gainax stopped being good after PSG and most who loved original Gainax from 80's/90's would agree.
Actually it could give us more chances for one. Since if Gainax goes down the shiter Imashi get's the rights back if I am right.
>6 results
You mean the studio that hasn't done a single thing yet?
How impressive. Truly, they are the successors of Gainax.
Stop making bad anime like PSG. Start making good anime.
This. GAINAX is already dead for me. ;___;

Now I wonder when the fuck Trigger is gonna do an original anime.
>after PSG
>only adaptations
Gainax sucks at those. Let's wait for an Original Anime and see how it plays out.
Wait for Trigger lash out their 30 minutes anime Young Animators Training Program and we probably see an original anime.

i guess... i'll give em a chance for sure. Hopefully they'll shell out something good.
They've done animation/background work for other studios but haven't made an anime of their own yet. Hardly surprising, since the studio's still pretty small but it's far from doing "nothing".
>save gainax
Let it die - They had a good run...

I for one welcome our new Trigger overlords.
Trigger will save anime
Does anyone think Khara will do anything that isn't Eva?
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>still thinking there will be S2
It was a joke you fucking retards. Ohtsuka confirmed it.
>Gainax staff
>ever making real sequels.
Why would I want to save Gainax when "Gainax" now is just a dead shell and all the good stuff is out there doing what they do best?

Yeah, but Gainax had always been one of the great symbols for otaku.

Still, I was glad to see that didn't affect in the least their talents when I saw the guys working on the fight scenes in the BRS anime were from Gainax.
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I'm sure they would make a killing by remaking Nadia.

pic semi-related
>Yoh Yoshinari is now at Production IG and Sushio has also left
There's no saving thrown, OP. This is the end.
Imaishi, you mean?
The name "Gainax" doesn't matter. Who gives a fuck?
It's the people and the anime they make, and they are doing much better by not being under the name Gainax.
Pretty sure Yoshinari's at Trigger feverishly working on Little Witch Academia.

That's what I supposed too
The name Gainax gave them prestige. Now they will have to start all over again. We won't be getting any crazy good anime in a while.
Hopefully their short in the Young Animators will be good.
Seems like Trigger is trying to get somewhere, so we might have hope for the future. When will the Little Witch Academia thing come out?
This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but it kills me that "Gainax Girls" fanart ALWAYS disregards Noriko.
Khara is already doing great.
I'm hoping for the best for Trigger.
But it's better than nothing that is Gainax
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I know how you feel bro
I'd like to see more from Khara other than Eva movies.
That's because Noriko is shit tier.
Too bad Khara won't do anything after the Rebuild series.
It's because of capitalism, all people care is money.
The fanart is always more akin "Gainax Women". All of them are either already in their late teens or young adults. No kids or young teens allowed.
Didn't everyone good at Gainax already leave?
Gainax needs to hurry up and die so Anno will put out eva bds.
What a lovely picture
>no PSG
You really did not think that through.
2011 and 2012's came out in Mar.
You start over. I say invest in in-house animation and produce a few series that they know will sell well while they're making the transition.
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>late teens
It's okay, bro. Some anons just can't read.
Are... Are you stupid?
NOPE. Not anymore. Also, Yoko is sixteen. That puts her in her mid-to-late teens
Noriko is actually more of a late teen.
Imagine /a/'s face if Anno made a new original anime.
did they really not include Noriko in that picture, holy fuck
I know it's old. Doesn't make it any less shitty.
But Asuka is always in Gainax girls pictures.

Yoko is 14 you maroon.
She's about 12050± years old.
21 after the timeskip.
>Noriko in that picture
It just doesn't fit, man. That looks like a Girls Nigh out. Old girls. With big boobs and spazzy attitudes. And old. She is innocent and pure. Noriko just doesn't fit in in that picture. She does on others, though.
But Noriko is like a million years old after the timeskip.
We no talking about that kind of age, motherfucker, and you know it.
>Noriko fags raiding yet another thread
Holy shit, didn't you got enough of that shit on /v/? Fuck off.
That was uncalled for you jackass.
they made all the anime shots in akibarangers
and probably, if moe moe Zcune manga ever gets an anime, they will probably do it yeah right, like toei would let that happen
When can we expect to see an anime from this studio "Trigger"? I'm guessing that the first full-fledged work they do is going to make or break them. If they make something mediocre, that will be the end. Still though, the fact that they decided to make their own studio means that they have ambition. Something that is sorely lacking in the current anime industry. I'd love to see them try to break the mold and stand out from the rest.

OP pic uses Yoko's pre-timeskip outfit and nothing besides her outfit changed about Yoko anyway
They're making an OVA for the next Young Animator Training Project. That'll be their first thing they actually produce.
Go fuck yourself with a rake, idiot.

Anno is going to have to commit Sengoku if this thing gets fucked up.
I'm so sorry, anon. Didn't meant to hurt you. ;_;
Its anno studio, he can do anything with it
Anno goes back to do 3dpd movies that no one cares abouthe comes back with REBUILD OF NADIA, new theatrical version
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>Anno having anything to do with Trigger
The day Gainax finally dies/merges will be the end of a Era.
Gainax isn't worth saving.
Anyone with any value or creativity has already left.

Let the boat sink like it should have if Anno had saved their asses the first time around.
Excuse me, but just who in the fuck do you think you are? YOU, bossing ME around? Suck a trillion dicks. I don't have to do a single motherfucking thing you tell me. You think your hot shit mouthing off to me but I bet if we were face to face you'd change colors quicker than the fucking Aroara Boaryalice.

Just try opening you're fat mouth in front of me again, I FUCKING dare you. I can bench press 700 pounds, I drive a top of the line Lambergini and I get more pussy than Walt Chamberlane. You on the other hand watch moeshit, sleep with a waifer pillow and have a gut so huge it makes Homer Sampson look mall nurished by comparison.

I just know your going to reply to this with "LOL U MAD". Your fucking andissipating my reply. The second you post that outdated cumback I will track you're IP, find out where you live and tear you a new arsehole.

Fuck. You.
So then its just rumors that he is leaving? I think he is at least going to want to finish off the Eva series.
anno has his own studio, and is also a live action movies director, he can go anywhere if he wants, but I doubt he will go back to trigger
You do know which studio is doing the Rebuild series, don't you?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Didnt Khara had some posters for some artsy stuff they were doing on their website?
I remember it had nothing to do with eva

I'm confused, I don't have a clue what is going on right now. So Anno has his own studio for making Eva movies, and he is also a part of Gainax, but he is thinking about leaving Gainax because they suck and everybody is leaving them, is this right?
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>Walt Chamberlane

Never fails to crack me up
You're a llama
Anno left Gainax a while ago and made his own studio. That studio is doing the Rebuild movies. Neither Gainax nor Trigger have anything to do with it.
Anno left gainax a long time ago, he left become something more than the guy who created/directed eva, so he made a handful of Movies and got his depression cured, now he is rich enough to make his own studio to remake EVA with all the money he wished he had back in the 90s

Anno is not a Gainax employee, his ties with the studio is only because Gainax owns part of Evangelion, so they have to split Eva money between them

This is also the reason why Gainax milked eva like there was no tomorrow, ANYTHING in the show is avaiable for purchase on the Eva store, from Gendo's glasses to fucking spoons
Without doing so, gainax probably would be dead after TTGL
Gainax has been dead since EoE, anyway.
>I'm guessing that the first full-fledged work they do is going to make or break them. If they make something mediocre, that will be the end.
Not necessarily. Certainly, that would happen if they were to invest everything they have in their first full-fledged work. However, that's unlikely to happen as even original works involve a production committee of multiple parties, so even if it fails, they wouldn't have to take all of the damage. As long as they have enough of a safety margin, they can keep going using contract work until another opportunity to create a self-produced work arises.
Are Anno's live action things worth watching? I'm kinda interested now.
I remember some anon watched trough all his live action stuff, he said that they all felt like Eva in some way

here is his IMDb page if you want

he was also an actor in some of these
Maybe they never included Noriko because they fear Anno's wrath?

Also, aybe they think Noriko as not a Gainax girl, but an Anno girl, moreso than the eva girls?
probably because she is not as popular as other Gainax girls
or because she does not feel like one
There was a trailer of the new thing he's doing, and it looks awful.
>so, aybe they think Noriko as not a Gainax girl, but an Anno girl, moreso than the eva girls?

what the fuck are you saying
It's sad to think that GAINAX will fade away, but it's probably inevitable at this point. All the people who made GAINAX what it is have left.
I wonder if Anno ever regrets making Evangelion from a non-financial point of view. He's working on live action films yet all people give a damn about is how he's "that guy who made Evangelion"

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