Can we have an /a/ humor thread?
I wasn't aware that the /a/ mentality was compatible with these kinds of threads. Heck, though, I'm not complaining. Thanks for this, OP.
All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
>>69411580Quite so. Tangential pertinence is allowed, I trust?
>>69410995Why, god, why?
>>69411484I don't know why you need a bunch of dudes playing DEFCON to figure out how to kill Sakura. All it takes is a shot to the head.
>>69411987That was funnier than it should have been.
>>69412071Because you always need to hide your powerlevel, no matter what.
>>69412084Holy shit that anon is a genious
/a/ - Never stays on topic/v/ - Never discusses video games
>>69412362I prefer this version.
>>69412436Did someone mention Sun-ken Rock in that thread?
>>69412362>>69412445Is this thread archived?
>>69412516You're joking, right?
>>69412306>Never stays on topicYou say that like if a bad thing
>>69412576Lurk more. This isn't /b/.
>>69412516Are you fucking serious?
>>69412516Yeah. /a/ has an automatic archive, but it misses the occasional thread. Here you go:, yeah, also checkmate.
>>69412516No. Those screenshots are the only proof of its existance.
>>69412576I'll just be a kind anon and turn you into a thankful summerfriend.
>>69411025that commitment
>>69411274We usually hate it but looking back is nice once in a while.
>>69412656You seriously haven't seen that before?
>>69412731Does commenting on something automatically mean someone hasn't seen it or something?
>>69410995>because of the traumatic experience he can never grow a manly beard anymore
>>69412516Dude, seriously, I've been on /a/ for 8 months and even I know that there's an archive for all of the threads.
>>69412788Pretty much, yes.
>>69412788Deosn't mean that, but gives off a really strong vibe.
>>69412972this makes my head hurt
>>69412516I learned about greenoval on day 1
>>69412445>>69412362truly epic thread
/a/ or not, this shit was funny and our children need to see it.
>>69413554Well, shit. That was cruel.Obligatory
>>69413533Just a heads-up, mate. "Epic" went out of style on /a/ several eons ago. But yeah, that looked like fun.
Wise words from /a/.
>>69413607>>69413607Oh whoops I dumped it backwards.
This one as well, being on a shittop is suffering.
>>69413778>What did you do during 9/11?
>>69411801that's a crazy old meme/copypasta from 420chan.bad show /a/
>>69413839Does anyone have the "If you were a little girl" one?
>>69413901Actually, I can see it easily done into anime.
>>69413839I remember I was doing the Macarena at that time. Which was very awkward because I saw the towers from my window and then wondered why the radio stopped playing music.
>>69413901>420chanso edgy
>>69413901Pretty sure it started on /v/, long ago.With a door picture.
>>69412445Oh god, I remember that thread
>>69413941>holding handsGAH FUCKSPOILER THAT SHIT
>>69414019Source?I lost the youtube link.
>>69414120Normally I like to help newfriends, but you can solve this one on your own with some reverse-Googling.Also, a classic.
Off topic:I'm currently doing shoops. Bleach shoops of Momo getting all the beating in the manga. Slowly running out of ideas of where to insert her, so... halp?It's not worth making a separate thread for it
>MFW OP's post is just me and factory arguing with one shitposter.
I feel bad for people who like Stein;s Gate
>>69414390I too, greatly despise people who enjoy things.
>>69414390That wasn't as good as Real Madrid, but it was pretty great. Also, I liked the show, so let's just agree to disagree.
>>69412790never forget beardanon
>>69412160But it was Lain's OP. That's not really bad...
>>69414534Mother of God, make it happen.
>oldest ss is from 07
>>69413943you talking shit about my favorite chan anon?I don't even smoke weed
>>69414701I hope Hei likes shotas next.