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Who's ready for it?

Also, whose's gonna sub it? I hope someone will even though this airs during the month the downloading criminal offense law takes place ;_;

If the west can get this licensed WITHOUT any changes to the musical references. Who would want to buy the potential dub?
I wonder if this would air on Toonami?
>Buying the anime
>Buying the dub version
>Not just watching it
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Get the Fuck out I mean faggot
Who would sub this?
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>criminal offense law takes place
Horriblesubs subs everything important.
The real question is will the fuckin muslims get mad and ban it from usa again.
Muslims are objectively the worst people on the planet.
Horriblesubs is not a fansub, faggot.

aren't they the ones responsible for getting the 201st episode of south park heavily censored.

Those people are hardasses. Which is why ever do anything in animation or story telling. Muslims are off limits.
They even censored OOT because the Fire Temple's music was "offensive."
I'll probably import the BDs regardless.
Why'd they ban it?

to quote Wikipedia:

In May 2008, both Shueisha and Studio APPP halted manga/OVA shipments of JoJo after a complaint had been launched against them from Egyptian Islamic fundamentalists, after noticing a scene in the OVAs that has the villain, Dio Brando, reading a book depicting pages from the Qur'an.[1][8] This recall affected the English-language releases as well, causing Viz Media and Shueisha to cease publication for a year. Even though the manga did not feature that specific scene, Shueisha had Araki redraw scenes that depicted characters fighting on-top, and destroying, mosques. Viz resumed publication a year later, with the eleventh volume being published on April 7, 2009..
Why are you worrying about subs now? It doesn't air for another year.


it starts in october of this year
It airs this October.
I thought the announcement said next summer.
Sailor Moon is next summer, Jojo is October.
You thought wrong. The game comes out next year sometime though.
Which Jojo part is the best?
Battle Tendency
Steel Ball Run.
2 > 3 > 1

Dropped it in the middle of 4 to avoid eye cancer.
The scans for 4 aren't that bad. Translation is awful and hilarious though.
>Dropped it in the middle of 4 to avoid eye cancer.
>Not experiencing the glory that is DUWANG
Holy shit what are you doing? Go read that shit now
I'm skeptical about it. Sure it's jojo but it could still suck balls (see:JoJo OVA)
90s OVA was fucking brilliant in all aspects except the music. They picked all the right points to cover and had awesome animation and directing.

My worry about the new anime is it will be cheap as fuck and stick too closely to the manga. See Hellsing OVA. Now that is utter shit and how you do NOT adapt something. They just got koreans to color in the manga panels. When adapting from one medium to another you can't just copy paste. Some things will transfer nicely, others won't and you have to change that for the better. We'll still probably end up with cheap as fuck animation but no-name and no talent studio. Only hope is the directing and performances will save it.
it can't get licensed, too many copy right problems, and the author refuses to let them change it.
I don't think we have to worry about that.

Araki refused anime offers for years because of how shitty the OVA and movie were. If he's letting them make one now he must be pretty confident in its quality.

Or maybe he's just gone senile.
I'm afraid they'll try to adapt it for kids like Toriko.
>Or maybe he's just gone senile.
I wish i could slap you, could you slap yourself for me?
Yeah, the original OVA was pretty good for what it was. Fucking around with the story is inevitable when you only have, what, 6 episodes?

My biggest worry is that part 1 will feel too dated and no one will buy it. If we don't get to see animated Joseph I will reach unreasonable levels of mad.
so which parts are they going to animate? I hope they start from part 1. Fuck the haters, Phantom blood was amazing.

doubt it.

JJBA is now a Seinen, starting with Steel Ball Run
The preview showed Jonathan Joestar, so yes.
Hellsing Ultimate is great. Fuck you.
I'm hoping that Araki will be satisfied with the new Jojo anime. The man deserves something to be proud of.
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Stone Ocean.

Here's hoping the anime coming out wouldn't turn out to be shit like the Phantom Blood OVA.
The preview implied all parts starting with Phantom Blood.
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No. It surely fucking isn't. It copy pastes the manga, and because of that the pacing is shit. The directing is shit. The animation of things other than hair and mouths is non-existant, unless it's CG generated hordes and other useless crap. Hellsing manga does not fucking work as a storyboard, which is what they did. And as cheaply as possible. Only good part of Ultimate have been the credits (The nazi gags, Arthur's youth, etc) which aren't directly lifted from the manga. And even that is ruined for you by the endless list of koreans running on top.

Hellsing Ultimate is a fucking insult to the OVA format. Then again, OVAs have been dead since much earlier.
I think he is satisfied with the new anime and that is why he is allowing it to come out even after the whole Phantom Blood fiasco.
Did we ever get any real information on why Phantom Blood the movie was horrible?
No speedwagon.
>implying Gundam Unicorn
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Are you fucking serious?
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This is a joke right?
Will never have the chance to see him withdrawing coolly?
>Gets localized to the west
>Due to copyright problems, some names have to be changed
>Greg agrees, but only if they're band names
>Stands now have names like Blink 182, Mars Volta and The Strokes
We already have fucking Limp Bizkit.

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