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Seiyu Goto Yuko posted on her official blog that she has got out of critical condition and will be able to leave the hospital at the beginning of this August if things go well. She had been suffering from cardiac tamponade derived from the autoimmune disease. Thanks to the prompt treatment, the condition of the heart had got completely back to normal. Although it's impossible to eliminate the autoimmune disease and other organs were remained to be treated, she said she felt relieved to have her heart cured. (Source: http://ameblo.jp/goto-yuko/entry-11289038040.html)

Minna, Hiro-san just got better!
Thank the Gods.
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There is a god.
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Good for her, I'm glad.

im on my netbook right now, but later today im soooooo dumping some hidamari
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Hidamari thread to celebrate this good news? Oh yes.
Thanks goodness.

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