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Hey /a/,

Me and a friend currently live in northern Japan, and we're heading down to Tokyo (and possibly Kyoto) for the next week. We already have our hotel covered. Where are some interesting places to go and see? We're already planning to head to Akihabara and Odaiba. Also, is there a good site to look up train line information to get around Tokyo?

Let me know if this belongs on /trv/; if so, I'll post it there instead. I just figured I'd ask you guys because we share similar interests.
it belongs on /trv/
I went to Tokyo for 10 days once, we weren't planning on leaving the city ever.

Spent 6 out of the 10 days in Akihabara. It's really not that exciting of a city.

But yes, >>>/trv/
>Me and a friend currently live in northern Japan
>Also, is there a good site to look up train line information to get around Tokyo?
What? I'm just trying to be prepared.
Do you not think that you yourself would know better that people who live on the other side of the planet?
Visit Harajuku on Saturday and Sunday
Visit Ueno for street vendors
Taste the night life at Shinjuku West.

Beware: many sluts (men and women)
Nakano Broadway is a good choice and Ikebukuro is a must.
People do travel. Maybe somebody has been there before and would know a good place to find the information OP is looking for. Just because he lives in Japan doesn't mean he knows everything about Japan.
While at Shinjuku, visit Shinjuku Station.
Buy ticket to Nagano.
Visit Kiyosumi High School.
Play Mahjong
Why would you ask /a/ of all places?
>Me and a friend.

Uhhuh, just remember to get yourself and him tested before you do anything.
He is more likely to know than people on a board that hates Japan
Pretty sure you won't profit much in that trip.
If you have money, buy Shinkansen To Osaka.
Change to local train to Nara.
Visit Achiga High School (Easy Modo)
Bet against Kuro ( Easy Modo)
Bang Kuro.
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By saying "live" makes you sound stupid in asking /a/ for help.
I assume you're just there for a vacation or holiday and not to actually "live" there so maybe it would be best to rephrase your sentence.

Otherwise shouldn't you just look up train timetables?
Not true, I know Tokyo better than, let's say, people who live in Hokkaido all the time
>Me and a friend currently live in northern Japan
if you know moon it would be better to ask 2chan
You should go to Comiket in August.
Thank you. You took the words right out of my mouth. I live here because of military and I don't know everything about Japan.
See >>67259512

Fuck, I want to but I'm going home on leave during that time before I have to move bases to Okinawa.

I have an American IP, so I can't get on the site, unfortunately.
Assuming you're talking about Futaba (because 2ch doesn't ban GAIJIN IPs):
- Use free JP proxy
- Post!
But don't, for the love of god, post in anything else than Japanese, of course.
If you want to get some bargain deals of used cameras, you may also pay a visit to Fujiya camera in Nagano
Why don't you visit some 聖地 if you have a specific Anime you love?
By the way, is there a list of these somewhere?
I've got a 聖地 not too far away (Ikoku Meiro no Croisée's gallery).

What is that?
Yes and no.
God I hate that word.
It does apply to many fellow countrymen, though.

A seichi is a place appearing in an anime.
e.g. Cuenca.

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