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You may only pick one.
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Belphegor, easy pick.
Drills, whatever her name was.
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Why? They're just pointy bits of wood.
all sluts
>Roleplay Thread

For shame /a/ for shame....
Luci. I'll enjoy breaking her.
They are demonic stakes, they can't help themselves. It's part of their job.
Lucifer > Satan > Leviathan > Belphegor > Asmodeus > Mammon > Beelzebub
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Belphegor > Lucifer > Satan > Mammon > Asmodeus > Beelzebub

Do you know what roleplaying is? Fucking retard.
also too old
At this point, I'm pretty much OK with any thread that doesn't have "xD" or Reddit parody shitposting.
Lucifer please.
I will take Lust, Greed and Gorth please.
What's wrong with discussing the best girls of a certain group?
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Mammon, easily. A side of 410 would be great too.
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I'd all of them.
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I always rated the blonde one higher.
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Nothing really. We have these kinds of threads a million times a day, though.
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leotard+open miniskirt > ZR
but makes them look like even bigger sluts
you say this like they aren't
Yeah, but its still a shame that such a good combination makes girls look so slutty.
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I agree wholeheartedly, sir.
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I don't care about furniture. I have better things to pick.
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A mass murderer?
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She's furniture not your DESIRE.
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But what if furniture was my desire?
>mfw i can no longer enjoy umineko like i did before ep 7
there's no magic in it anymore. i have no heart and i can't see it
Then you'd be an idiot like Battler.
Battler is a bro, so I'm okay with that.
What anime is this?
I need to watch it.
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>Satan and Lucifer are different stakes
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Yes, I would fuck Kyrie too.
I need to get the portraits one day.

Boku no You have no love.
Isn't Lucifer just the Lightbringer and not Satan anyway?
Ocean felines
Some guy had his sister make each of the portraits. Looked great, had them all pinned to the wall.

Too bad his taste in everything else started to get really fucking bad
Sex/Romance: Asmo

Bro: Mammon
Lucifer - pre angst
Satan - post angst
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Hell yeah, motherfucker!
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Are you talking about that guy?
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In order of their namsake's powerlevels in SMT.
The dolls are the only thing I dislike about it. Looks comfy as fuck with that kind of light.
He then proceeded to burn all these frames after reading Ep 8
Not really.
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>Eva's face in the bottom left corner.

Any more from the artist? a name might be nice.
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Should be the same one, shannons face gives it away..
is this anime or something?

Schrodinger. You can find her in Deviantart
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No, it's not. Only a sound novel. No anime yet.
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>He doesn't know the artist
Listen to this and imagine that she's laughing at you

Here ya go.
detail? plot?

possible manga/anime?
Witches don't existt, do they?
so they're working at The Crazy Horse now?
murder vs fantasy novel that you should only read the first 4 novels so you'll never be disappointed
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Fuck you, ep5 was the best.
Is this the real life ?
Is this just fantasy ?

Mama, just killed a man

Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
For me
For me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters - nothing really matters to me
Anyway the wind blows...
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So I stopped reading after book 4 or 5. I heard that it got horrible after that, is it true? I kind of want to know how the story ends, but I'm just not sure if I can bring myself to dl the last books.
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Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

Well, fuck. Everything fits.
Ep 6 was alright. Ep 7 mediocre, ep 8 made people rage

For me, the "ending" was a bit of a disappointment for me. It's been a while since I last read it and I can't quite remember why I was so disappointed, it's just that the latter half of the answer arcs was just lacking

That,s what you get for opening the cat box bitch.
>Ep 6 was alright. Ep 7 mediocre
Shit taste there.

>ep 8 made people rage
Only retards that didn't see it coming raged at it. It was obvious what would happen in ep7 already.
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You better make sure to have read ep5.
incest rape

I liked some parts of EP8. It was the shonnen fights and "we will protect each other" that bored me to death. The thing with the goat readers didn't bother me because I found it insulting but because it was boring as hell.

The tea parties were fine.
I still haven't finished episode 8 because of how shit it all became. Why ryu07, why did you do this.
because bt died
Not this shit again.
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There's no such thing as fantasy in a murder story.
Beatrice is just one of the many personalities a crazy fucking maid made up to cope with her autistic lonely ass because she actually believed her crush from childhood would actually comeback.
The said maid with alternate egos also has an ambiguous gender.
Eva survived the island explosion by hiding in a hidden mansion, Battler survived the explosion because fuck you. Everyone else is dead
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Did they explain everything in ep 8?


Now that I think about it I've read up to 6. I didnt read 7 because I heard battler wasnt even in it and I didnt read 8 because I skipped 7.
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Why do you keep posting blank pictures?
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>Did they explain everything in ep 8?
Yes and no.
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Bernkastel admitted her existance in ep8. Kindly fuck off.
Define everything. They explained a lot in ep7 mostly.
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It's been a while...I think she is called Lucifer.
The one with the hime cut.
Oh god, bern looks so delicious in that picture.

She's evil notRika, she's delicious no matter what.
IIRC R07 kind of gave an answer to what could have likely happened had the murders not actually been a result of fantasy in episode 7, but then pretty much refutes that by saying anything could have happened because it's a catbox in episode 8.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I can't exactly remember anymore.
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She's always delicious.
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but her lips make her even better in >>67207671
All things said and done, one thing we can all agree on is that Umineko sound novel had some fantastic music. I still listen to the stuff up till today like dreamend discharger, prison strip, worldend dominater
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oh executioner is awesome, got me all exicted the first time i heard it
Ep7 has an answer for Beatrice's mystery games, which were fictions and which we were supposed to solve. The answer is single and definite, even if not stated outright. Bern also have shown what most likely happened on the island in reality and that has nothing to do with mystery fiction, that we should solve.
Ep8's gold truth is like "lalala I'm not listening", it hardly refutes anything, except for people that chose to believe it.
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So basically I would be happier in my ignorance and just skipped the last two novels then?

EP7 is one of the best. Skipping EP8 is not a bad idea though.
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You will miss out on pirate hat erika
No, faggot. Go and put that witch to the rest.

That part was awfully boring.

Erika in a pirate hat may be cool, but not enough to make it entertaining.
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Just finish what you started honestly. I was disappointed but w/e. Whats done is done
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Ok, ok, I'll see if I can find it and dl it.
Then I'd still be reading Bleach, fuck that train of thought.

Yes. Definitely.

I wish that I remained ignorant.

7 will ruin Beatrice forever. Of course, you know it's coming, but still... it's probably even worse than you're expecting.

Also, Lion is horribly obnoxious, and it's 90% "Will goes here, receives flashback, Will goes to the next spot, receives flashback".
I just realized I'm missing a ton of umineko music crap after my wipe, thanks for reminding me to get them
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Who else is in despair at the realization that once Umineko will have been fully patched, the only work left where we will be able to appreciate those delicious hamhands in all their glory is Higurashi?
Gentlemen, I love Erika, and I like seeing Umineko threads where she is not forgotten in them. Thank you for reading this post.
Been through that phase.

Is anyone even reading R07's other crap about the 7 ghosts of that grade school with that pedophile teacher that killed a kid and the kid is trying to become one of the ghosts?

Bleach is decent if you read it once a year and just burn through ~50 chapters at once, then stop reading it until around the same time the next year. The latest arc is also somewhat okay. Opinions.
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How can you like something so useless
I've seen a lot of Umineko threads lately, how would you guys like a stream from chapter one for old time's sake?

I did. Finished yesterday.
It's good.
Better than Umineko and Higurashi. No mistery crap.
What you see is what there is.
when i mentioned it, I was talking about the manga, completely forgot that the novel was already released. Guess i'll take a look at it
>new Ryu07 work

In b4 ending fatigue
No love for Leviathan?

That's sad. And fitting.

I hated the manga. But loved the novel.
I like her, but belphegor and lucifer are better. No one mentions 3rd place.



She's the most boring stake by a long shot.
Ponytail? Sloth?

Boring personality?

I bet that Rider is your favorite F/SN character, too.
A hyperactive personality doesn't make one good. and no, that would be rin

Also, she's not slothful.

She makes others slothful by working really, really hard so they don't have to.
>Will do anything for you, so that you don't have to.
An ideal wife.
I know, that makes her so good.

You don't need to be hyperactive in order to be interesting. Look at Mammon.
Mammon simply got more screentime. You hardly know anything about belphegors real personality.

Traditionally, Leviathan was made from creation's leftovers. Hence why ignoring her is appropriate.

Shame that there's not much to her actual personality.


You see enough. It's not like she only gets five lines or anything.

She's pretty boring.

So, you don't need to see a character's personality in order to list her as your favorite?
>So, you don't need to see a character's personality in order to list her as your favorite?
No, I'm shallow as fuck.
Medicore looking girl with good personality < good looking girl with any kind of personality.
My imagination deals with the personality.
>Umineko 2nd Season
>animated by DEEN again
>Spring 2013
Whose ready
deen surprised me with their past few shows to be honest

Take your lazy jokes/trolls back to animesuki.

So basically, the fantasy personality that you make up in your head is your favorite character.

That's stupid.

And also doesn't count as liking the actual character.
How, they cut out a lot of important shit to the plot. Advancing it even more would just confuse the fuck out of anyone that for some reason is interested in it but hasn't read it and only know what they've seen in the anime
>fantasy personality that you make up in your head
But he has his own furniture.

>Chinese porno cartoons

Why are you even on /a/?
Can't wait for this. Ryukishi does Baccano. Those delicious tits on stella.
>anons arguing about pawn shop stakes

Going strictly off of character design, I'm partial to Meryl.
>Rose Gun Days
>hard-boiled world
I have no idea what to think of this. Though I gotta say, he's really stepping up in the art department in terms of sprites
Why do his male characaters look so swag all the time? Looks like that vn will get me in a drinking mood again.
>Philip Butler
>Red hair
Yeah, they do have some great clothes. Loved the suits/coats the Ushiromiyas wore
It's battler in an alternate dimension. His wife is beatrice
>Miguel Kurashiki
Man she looks like prime mind-break/rape material. I'd fuck her senseless

That is a girl right?
Seriously though, what's with all the western names again.
You know, I'd watch it. If just for glorious Erika/Bernkastel/Lambda shenanigans.
I mean, I have a pretty good clue what's going on anyway. All I'd watch it for would be the voices.
I have no idea, I think it has tits.
Is it really this time of the year already?


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Mammon ftw
It's a trap
Ryu is a westaboo. The new game is playing in a world where Japan went full western after WW2, and it's not going to be portrayed in a negative light, because Ryu thinks diversity and opening up to the world in general is great and Japans xenophobia is shit.

Miguel is a guy's name.

And the description says he is a guy. Bad luck.
damn it. His jawbone's pretty masculine in the main site compared to the video
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>No Ryukishi art
What's your motivation to do that all the time?
Twin tails easily.
Where would you let her pierce you?
Just read his profile.
>Breast connoisseur
Yep, that's him alright.
anywhere she fucking wanted to.
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I prefer the milfs.
Guys, what's better, Umineko with the improved portraits patch or the good ol' ones?
What did you all think of Higanbana?

It wasn't as good as Higurashi or Umineko in my opinion, but it was still pretty decent.

Higanbana must know Bernkastel in some way - she's just like Bernkastel in how she toys with people. For example, gang-raped by rabbits.

old art for them faces
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Well, it's envy, so I guess I have to take mine through the eye.
Honestly wouldn't mind either. The ps3 sprites are good. I've gotten used to R07's hamhands
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I pick Assmodeus on account of her being voiced by Ainama
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It's hard to decide. The original sprites have a charm to them. But the PS3 sprites look delicious.

Beato's trollface doesn't look as good in the PS3 sprites, in my opinion.
Link to BGM in .mp3?
Why are you?
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stakes look better

I don't think she is similar to Bern. You can't treat Bern to sweets so she doesn't kill someone.
Higanabana is much calmer and classier than Bern. Bern puts a stoic facade but it's like a 5 years old.

Higanbana > Bern
Belphegor > Lucifer > Asmodeus > Satan > Leviathan > Mammon > Beelzebub
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Good taste
Belphegor is push down on the bed rip open her shirt move across her leotard, stick it in and suck on her breasts tier.
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but belphegor would do all the work in bed, she is sloth, silly
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3 > 8 > 4 > 7 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 6

Not sure if there was anything redeeming about Dawn.

Well, apart from the logic error.
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So guys... is Yasu male or female?


Male. Natsuhi pushed him off the cliff and broke his parts.
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