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Just finished it. I liked it, but expected better.

The ending was a bit unsatisfying, I would have preferred an end to an arc instead of a mysterious one. I guess that means we can expect a planned season 2?
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>The ending was a bit unsatisfying
Understatement of the century.

>I guess that means we can expect a planned season 2?
I would love a second season but it's very doubtful.
I recommend you read the manga. As it gives you a much more satisfying ending.
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>The ending was a bit unsatisfying,

So fucking terrible, half of the AK characters dropped, half of the action dropped, the whole sig in the freezer mutilated, no Red Steel instructors, no battle rifles, and no Galil. It became a weird "Give into your hatred" ending instead of Red Steel trying something.
Not OP, but where can i find the manga? Specifically, chapter 19 onward.
It was all just a ploy to garner interest for the manga.
It seems to work.
Ending of the Atami Arc, that is
Yeah I noticed after I posted it.
I meant the ending of the arc.
>That feel when they could have done an ending closer to the manga version if they had 2 more episodes

What's up with 10 episodes anime this season?
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Why are British girls almost always so well-endowed in animu?
We're still on episode 10, aren't we??
What did I miss??
Because portraying them as good-looking would be an unavoidable lie.

Thats not so different from reality. The girls in the UK have on average large chests.


>not good looking

Ahaha, good one kiddo. Keep your shit to /pol/
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It's a 10 episode series.
Holy shit.
I just looked it up.
It's true.
I didn't even notice
Holy shit
That was the worst ending I've seen
Hell, it wasn't even an ending
I didn't even notice
And the final boss battle was so far the worst combat scene in the show
Holy shit
I'm so mad and shocked right now
I can't even express how I feel right now with words
But please try to imagine it
I am really, really... In shock.
I need to sleep...
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So I marathoned all 10 episodes to salute /ak/

SIG abandoned CAL and no one noticed, as we all focused on the incoming rapetrain and M16 is a bitch trollan
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The Atami arc wasn't over by the time they had the anime planned out, and they ran out of money

Shit happens

Xebec original ending, sauce material wasnt done before animu production.
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CAL is always ill and never shows up.
At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if season 2 were anime original.
Reinforcing my point.
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Pretty much, yeah

She didn't abandon CAL, CAL opted out.

And I don't think it was trolling so much as it was arguing that got out of hand.
need my XEBEC fanservice OVA
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They will pull a Go Hands!
By that I mean releasing OVAs that will total to a complete Season 2.




Most liekly getting that, and a LN on the elegant battle raifus.

Do you want to own your raifu /a/?
Ok it's a kit job but it's the closest you're going to get because post 1968
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Their BEM eyes in the manga take some getting used to.
what, it's over already?
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Mai raifu.
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OP here, so the ending was completely shot...

I don't read manga these days because of all the scanlation bullshit, but I'll look into Upotte!!

I felt like the anime set up FNC to be the designated best raifu, but I really liked Eru.
Why must the AKs be evil?
Because Russian.
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I love them already. It`s the normalfags ewww why are their eyes so big and buggy like taken to its logical extreme.

They're not, only Major Boris is.
So, this will need the manga to actually make sense:

The AK school is controlled by the Russian military, which doesn't want the NATO girls/guns to look as best rifles and everything. Also, they dislike how the guns at Seishou are treated as human beings, when they are just tools by the eyes of the military, including Major Evil Boris
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FNC was the main girl. Main girl is never the best girl.
>Reserve Not Met
Even if it's cheaper than a girlfriend, I don't have 9.6k in the bank right now.
No raifu ;_;
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>Galil will never have her own spin off

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Based girl is the raifu you wish you could OPERATE in OPERATIONS with like a real manly OPERATOR.

Whether you are a Commonwealth fanboy, a mall ninja, to Nugget hoarding poorfags, we all love each others choice in raifus.

Just not the opinions.
Get out of /a/ you redditfag.
Never mind the eyes, it's FNC's manga hair I don't like.


Jews NTR Jews while being Jewish to fellow Jews in Jew County.

Also, retard moe.
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Where are Daewoo girls?
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The show was briefly referenced on Akibaranger, it was pretty awesome (this is all they said though).
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They aren't going to show up because if they do they'll rat out Genkoku as a NK spy.

Nah. Some people just have terrible taste.
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Busy getting picatinny surgery.
>Nork spy
I like it.
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Hopefully we'll get more fanart/porn when it airs on TV.

Maybe they could fix some of the more QUALITY parts as well.

I personally like the former South Korean Medevac Heli crew with PTSD theory.

I know there are some other people who think he's French Foreign Legion.
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I honestly can't read the manga because FNC looks horrible and she was so cute in the anime. Now I only have OVAs to look forward to.
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No deliciously sad AK-74 after being told that she was just a tool by the Russian military dude.
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The artstyle grows on you.
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She will grow on you, like a parasite.


She only wanted to be manhandled by Evil Boris but she is old and busted compared to slav engineering that is AN94.
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I dunno, she was the only one who seemed to like him. I mean, she watched her teammate get shot by someone who could seriously fuck her up, but she's only concerned for the guy the shooter didn't hit and was physically incapable of hurting.
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Are there any good games on Steam that I can run on POS comp and buy with minimal funds?

I want my goddamn SVD.
we all do freind

There are two kinds of games that will let you use your raifu on single-player: games that are STALKER and games that suck.
Because he's still her master. But she didn't seem too happy about weapons being called tools.
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M14 is so cute, when I hold her I have wood
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Dat fluffy tail.
>Ctrl-F sako
>Phrase not found
Shit Upotte thread.

No sage because this CAN get better
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>"lol if u kill me ur just as bad as me!"

I fucking hate that shit.
>Upotte thread
>not Tuesday yet
I wood love to have an M14.
It'd be too much of a birch to get though.
Guess I'll have to pine for my lack of a raifu.
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I like her SUSAT eyes better.
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Any gifs of FNC's delicious rage faces out there?
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It's funny because she can't
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I only made a couple.

Funny, I was just listening to that song.
More like
slav engineering missing every shot.gif
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The new Nano chapter comes out tomorrow, right?
That's one fucking huge black bar.
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I ended up in an army surplus today.
For some unknown reason, the ammo boxes were calling out to me, and I ended up buying one.

I noticed they spraypainted the print on the side.
Is there really anything sensitive on an ammo box to cover up?
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Yes, actually. Saved.

Glad to see 16 has learned the value of teamwork.
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This has been added to my collection
Same thing happened last time I wandered into my local gun shop to operationally muzzle sweep everyone in the store. I almost picked up a 50 cal ammo box, then realized I had no need for one.

I'm getting one anyway next time I'm back in the area.
Yeah, I have no fucking idea what I'm gonna put in mine, but when I figure it out, it'll be cool.
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Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
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I don't know, it kinda arouses me
Use it as a lunch box.
If I ever decide to freak some people out at work there WILL be a bento box. Of this much I am certain.
Galil, that's the wrong hole.gif
But I'm a lousy NEET.
I don't have a need for bringing lunch anywhere.
If anything I'll probably put my tools and/or knives in it.
Galil AnalRape

A nice combination
We were well on our way to creating the plot of a doujin in that thread.

That really sounds like more than enough plot. And I can live without Galil doujins. Give me some FG 42 and Thompson, or some Sako raping just about anybody.
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so, suppose I wanted to actually support the creators, and buy some of those overpriced blu-rays...

I have never done anything like this before, is it really just a disk with a few episodes on it (per vol) or are there usually extras/nice box etc?

All the sites that sell this sort of stuff dont seem to have any descriptions on this sort of stuff, and googling stuff like "upotte vol 1 unboxing" was unhelpful too...

have a pic of the rifle I got last week.
>it's 1968 all over again.gif
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Maybe not doujins, but I'd sure enjoy some sexy pics of her.
Unless it's Galil x 18. That would be pretty cool

Also, I'd rather have some loli Thompson and loli FG42.
I think it's 5 Volumes in total with 2 episodes per vol (no seriously) though they say there are extras on each disk.

As for buying it, I wouldn't know. Neither would most of /a/ since everyone just pirates their stuff.

As for the rifle...do the pose. And take pics.
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I did, the bipod was too short, thats why there is the pic of someone with a sig one upping me...

FG 42 is a battle rifle. She was never younger than high school age. Thompson was a very heavy SMG, meaning she'd be pretty stacked.

And why would you want loli when you can perfectly good mature women, with delicious weight and childbearing hips.
> everyone just pirates their stuff.
Hey now, while that is what we usually do, it's not like we never buyfag. Every once in a while we find things that catch our interest. (The most common on /a/ seems to be figurines and other such merchandise, since you can't exactly download that stuff just yet.)
Well, I guess I wouldn't be able to see FG42, but back in the day Thompson was pretty healthy loli

As to why, just because.
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That would be swiss guy.

Or swiss girl when she's wearing the skirt.

Hey, 3D printers are getting big. Their day will come. Unless they can do it already?
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The pic in question...

Also you say extras, what does that usually entail?

also: 500 bones for a show?

shit nigga, do they have anything...cheaper that I could buy to help support them? My ocd would not let me just buy one of 5...
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Girl or guy, swiss bro is eh pretty cool...person.
Just get figs like the rest of us. Or some of the manga/LNs.
>Use it as a lunch box.

enjoy eating lead residue
Those are...nice legs /a/non.

I fucking hate you /a/ for making me gay.
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You could buy the manga Volumes to support the author.

From what I see they're a lot cheaper. But they're also in Japanese.
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I feel your lack of squats disturbing...
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How about no. Getting a real raifu is true dedication. None of this plastic hotglue catchers or airshit.

Polar bear armies dont fight themselves.
>not pansexual
Step yo game up, nigga.
Ammo cans aren't good for much besides storing ammo. Handle for carrying them also sucks. You can always use one to store personal things or if you buy a 120mm rocket can then you can shove a short AR 15 inside with some mags and bury it sealed with duct tape for in the woods. Although the rocket cans do make neat footlockers for college I will admit.
hmm, that would be good pratice, as I have been doing the whole "learn jap on my own" thing this summer.

Any "Best" sites to order from? as I would feel better buying that, although the issue comes from wanting my money to go towards the chance to have a second season.
FNC is my waifle
He wanted to support the author. Buying your raifu is noble and all, but unless he faps to images you take of it that purchase won't do anything for the author.
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>Polar bear armies
oh you... also we are gonna need some more 7.52 for that...
>Getting guns in Canadaland to fight the polar bear grizzly hybid hordes

What guns would you recommend /ak/?

Cause I'm sure as hell that we're completely screwed no matter what.
Get a nugget. No one fights polar bears like the Ruskies.
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It looks nice.
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Steyr 50 cal.

You get 5 shots. Use them well.

Or you could loot a Canadian soldier's mauled corpse and take a C8, but good luck trying to hurt a bear hybrid with 5.56mm.

Aim for the eyes.

Shit, that would make for an awesome gun case. I would want to weld some straps or something onto it though... BRB, /k/.
Are there rails on the stock? Why are there rails on the stock?
>not adding a reflex sight in your stock
It's pretty ironic that the Canadian army was one of the first armies to start utilizing rails and flat-tops, yet at most they only have one rail on the top to mount scopes while everyone else has quad-railz and tacticooled guns.
Errrr that looks like the receiver, unless you're seeing something I don't, it's a normal place to put stuff like the rear sights or an optic of some sort.
Far left, right under the buffer tube. Those look like some kind of crazy half rail thing.
No, there's a small rail on the stock.
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Ya, I have no clue
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>looking at the Wikipedia page for the FNC
>get to See Also section
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But it is not free, if it was truely free we would be able to get the source code.
Don't they give out the wikimedia script and everything?
I made a thread earlier, didn't know there was already another thread, so I'll just repost here:

I saw Episode 10 tonight and was surprised to learn it was the season finale. I guess I should have seen it coming from the episode title, but still. It sucks because I was just beginning to really like the show. I thought I would drop it after the first or second ep, but it turned out surprisingly enjoyable. I hope the BDs sell enough for a Season 2.

One thing I found iffy: The whole "humans cannot be harmed by Gun Girls" thing. I thought it was pretty lame and it felt like a cop-out to avoid having actual death, and it was even weirder when the teacher's blood got re-absorbed into his body.

Note that my comments are strictly about the anime, I haven't read the manga so I don't know any differences between them.
Read this: >>67024302

Slightly better explanation than what the anime got, but it's still lame.

Also wtf at Funco's design there, she looks completely different.
MediaWiki is licensed under GPLv2+.
Who is the most popular of the main four? Who's the least popular?
The mangaka said L and SIG were the most popular way back then. Since FNC is the main character, the least popular would be M16

M16 would be Ichiroku, right? That's disappointing, I like her. Who was L again?
>>67034247 here

Never mind, L must be Eru.
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Your raifu
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L85A1 be best raifu.
For the first hundred rounds, that is.
Didja throw that together in ms paint?
Or did photoshop pull an Elle and fuck up at the end?
It's paint, the layers aren't even right.

It's okay though, it suits her.
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That doesn't matter she is still the best raifu. Even if she can't fire.
Why do you hate her so much?
>hate her
Not at all, I'm just a huge fan of cheap shots and Elle is about as cheap as they come. Not monetarily, that award goes to 16, but you know what I mean.
I don't hate her.
I just love picking on her.
Too easy.
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It's really sad that G3's signature move is used by someone else more often than she appears.
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Heres hoping we get a fanservice OVA with them and the LN atleast gets a basic summary translation.

Right? ;_;
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I just want more G3.
Preferably in animu form.
I like the way the characters look in the anime more than the manga.
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I like both.
The only design change I care about is FNC. She just looked weird in the manga with the general lack of sclera and all. Even Elle's SUSAT eyes weren't that bad.
Still waiting for delivery...

I see the tread is already going paces.

Does anybody have the title for the LN or some link for it? If they're reasonably priced I'll get 2 copies of each.
there wasnt even an ending. liek what was the point of that battle. this is why i dont watch much anime these days, they rarely have proper endings.

is there an LSW eru in the mango?
Personally, going from the animu's look to the glassy eyed bunny look of the manga was a bit jarring, but it kinda grew on me after a while.

To me it felt almost like they forgot there was an episode limit, and when they got to the end of 10 they went "Oh shit, we ran out of time, cut it off here."
Manga FNC was a miracle of the universe, and I literally dropped the anime because of how shitty the conversion was, they made her into a generic "XEBEC girl".

... There's a light novel, too?
Yeah, the battle rifles are supposed to get their own LN.
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Will be called Elegant Day of the Battle Rifle. Release date of July 20.

Can't into pixiv to find out the illustrator.
I'm sure it will have much more lewd scenes than the complete shit SMG manga.
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>Nano!! bad

For the heart. You no like bread economics?
>raifuru raifu

Are they making fun of us again?
It's shit, the author just threw in some gimmicks while it's obvious he doesn't care about SMGs.
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Stay mad.

0/10 See me after class.


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It's dragon dildo isn't it?
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Have some faith in the Upottes.
It's probably, at worst, a swedish p0n0s pump.
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And now, back to our regular program.
10/10 would welcome to /a/ again
Boo. That's no fu-
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Confirmed for rubber or salt shot?
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yeah rubber bullet
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Just going to leave this here.
Put a black piece of paper behind the pages.
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now, where's SIG?
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Counter attack with Elle?!
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2.42 MB
Should have shot 16 again
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2.33 MB
Holy shit, these scan are wonderful compare to most RAW.
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Elle providing some distraction
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It was the dog...

SIG just doesn't give a fuck and her hair-bun is back.
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Seems like 16 forgot to tell SIG about today's plan B

that's it.
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Dammit SIG
To me they look worse than the average RAWs we use.
>Not holding her mag
inb4 her mag fall off. Again.
I fucking knew it. They were feeding a dog.

well that was a tad underwhelming

hmmm t91 pantsu
That boke/tsukkomi is most likely the opposite.
Well to be fair, they were feeding hakase (Or it looks like it) so it's not that bad after all. I would have still prefer the capitalist theory.
Oh and the dog is just 4 years old, not 30
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Yea I know. Tennouji even says FNC is the tsukkomi. Not so much in animu, though.
See >most RAW
Though it might be just me my opinion since most RAW I see got half the page eaten, shit quality, too many dust, picture faded and etc.
>capitalist theory.
What? The four are trying to gain monopoly in bread trade?
Even in the anime, it's mostly M16 who does rash things while FNC corrects her.
If I remember correctly, some anon postulated that FNC and gang are buying bread and selling them off at a higher price to net a profit. It sounds interesting and potentially hilarious but in hindsight, it does not fit the good nature of the girls.
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Thanks swiss bro.

What site do you normally use to acquire such timely deliveries of Upottes
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That would be kinda fun to see. Meanwhile in Red Steel High, the students need to line up and receive tickets and then que up for equal share of foods.
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Such is life in Russia ;_;
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Wait what country point of view is that? Latvia?
honto.jp EMS is just as fast as DHL on amazon, and even a bit cheaper. (1500 Yen in this case)

I used hobby search* for the main chapter, but regular scans showed up 2 days before I got my copy.

*my plan is to ship it together with my monthly PVC fix. Keeps shipping cost more reasonable. The book is fucking huge and weights almost 2kg.
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From the Russia #chans.
Who do I have to kill to get a bonus episode all about G3 taking the HK sisters to a day at the zoo?
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I see, Thank you.
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1.26 MB

Youll probably get G36 and FAMAS. instead.



I dont even know what the fuck to say to that. And I dont even Europe.
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>All those 47 in Africa
Ahahaha oh god.
Anyone has the latest BD sales about upotte? Have they crossed the Manabi Line?
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This picture make me feel warm inside.
woah, new chapter!
release of the first volume is in august
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oh god why am i laughing...
i just i i...i don't know anymore.
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Uploading those Nano 12 raws by swissbro to the soup.
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Havent even watched this yet and that was fucking hilarious
I feel bad for Swiss Guy to pay so much money for 8 pages Nano
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Wait it's just that eight page?
B-But that's in Chechnya. The soldier is Russian though.
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Aren't the Ace etc. magazines like max 960 yen each? It's not that much. Unless you mean the shipping, that's gotta hurt. And I also hope someone buys and scans the Highschool Light Novels so I don't have to buy them ;_;
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He said it wasn't a problem.
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90 KB
>dat muzzle brake
I hope Abakan-chan doesn't have balls...
there is some hope that one of the rawgroups will scan the Upotte light novel.
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Spoiler Image, 387 KB
It's not that much. 457 Yen for the book(taxfree)
and 2200 for shipping.

And it's not like I don't read the other stuff in it
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>Not liking the manga design.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Spoiler Image, 413 KB
Oh god, I want to touch, I want to touch.
I'm afraid of stripping my Ichiyon-chan ;_;
>Moe! Moe! Moe!
My side.
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oh FNC... oh Jonah
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a small comparison between monthly shonen ace, Nano ace and 3 phone books. Fucker is 6 cm thick
is it rape if she doesn't like it?

also, this actually got me hoping:


with everyone's help, season 2 won't be just a dream
she is just a tool
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Dreams and hopes.

In that case, I hope it sells well, although from what we've been seeing, Upotte doesn't seem to have a very large fanbase in Japan... the TV airing might help a bit, but eh, here's to hoping.
Apparently the sales are actually doing pretty good for a net anime
>monthly magazine thicker than Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers combined
Only in Japan.
I am very frightened of hope but this time i will give it a try
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And you throw away the mag after reading
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God damn, it's almost as thick as all 3
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317 KB
not even Clausewitz can compare
Thats the usual size of Shonen Ace, I have couple myself from 2009 and 2010, atleast it isn't too heavy.

Is there any other Upotte merchandise available aside from the manga and DVDs themselves?
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515 KB
Done some cleaning.

Fuck big images.

Acceptable dimensions.
from the top of my head:

>pillow covers

the last two are still on the "hopes and dreams" list probably coming this august
swiss army knives and the standard crap

When are we gonna get the ED?
the swiss knife. what ever happened to it?
Oh, it was 12...

July 4
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My favorite scenes are still the scenes from episode one.

I love the shooting range scene.

Sig looks so sexy in this one. Just look at the detail!
Sold out.
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this is actually good. look at the details on the gun and the cartridge
I wonder how a FX-05 Xiuhcoatl would look like. A brown loli?

I believe that Xebec will put some money in the BD release.
Like G36. But their personalities would be different.
Would it still be brown since it's a Mexican gun?

The Swiss Army knives look cool, but I can't see myself really buying any of this...


In the case dakimakuras are made, they better make them for the battle raifus, too. Both the gun and girl need to be featured, of course.

I'd buy a decent quality figure, no doubt. I'm thinking Nendos would work well, they already made super-deformed versions of the characters on the main site.
>girl fully clothed
>gun fully stripped
I don't know if I would prefer more rifles or that the old rifles like T91 or AUG get more screentime.
the dorm lady is not MP40?

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Indeed, she's Erma.
I believe it was a mistranslation.
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6 finger tei
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More fingers are always handy.
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This EMP?
> dakimakuras
On one side it will be the girl form and on the other it will be the riffle stripped.

Also, yea I liked the swiss knives but I too don't feel like buying one when I already have a Smith & Wesson Homeland Security Camo Titanium Knife. Shit's nice for the stuff I had to use it but since I no longer do anything I'm just cleaning it for kicks.
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Nice of you to point that one out.
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ONLY the gun stripped... best idea for the lewd side of a dakimakura ever.
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hey, hey!

Who wants to see something dirty?

It's right behind this here thumbnail.
you fucking genius
and that's how the SIG 516 was created
oh fuck yeah thats hot

post more
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how lewd!
I wanted somebody to handle and fire FNC.
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I thought the battle was about buying bread early, not the dog.

I got another going. Although, I'm not sure how well this one will turn out.
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Thanks, added to the soup.
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Rewatch Heat.
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Anyone else notice something odd about this picture?
>it looks like an m16
>the forward assist

jesus fuck why did i see that just now?

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