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Why can't the Megucas just wish that everyone in the world can see the witches?

That way, everyone can fund the Megucas and give them weapons funded by the government who are aware of the Witches that exists, right?
Because the show would be shit.
>muggle weaponry
>useful against witch
Maybe in your universe, faggot
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Why aren't there any Mahou Shonen shows?

I would watch the FUCK out of that.
Because Megucas would eventually become another weapon for the military.
Then what is homura using you faggot.
I really wish there was no Internet providers in the Undying Lands.
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Why can't the megucas just wish that everyone in the world could HOMU here??
magical guns
>I haven't watched Meguca Meduca
>Hameru doesn't exist
She STOLE normal guns you idiot have you even watched the show.
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Oh god, that Sameface on Madoka.
Yes, but she uses them when she stops time, making them magic
Nope. During the Walpurgis night she at it in real time.
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In DoReMi, I believe, it was explained that if anybody even guesses you're a magic user, you get changed into your monster form. Boom, you lose, do not pass go.
Because none of the girls who agree to become meguka are informed enough about how everything works to make such a wish.

Madoka was perhaps the exception but she decided to go about changing the game in a different manner. Probably because she felt guilty about Sayaka and didn't want her girlfriend meeting the same fate, as all of them inevitably did.
Madoka is shit. Mahou shoujo is killing anime
Sailor Moon?

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