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Daily Japanese Thread.



#l/a/nguage on irc.rizon.net

Previous Thread:


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>typical nipp face.png
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Do you guys actually recommend taking a first year university Japanese class or something? I'm teaching myself throughout the summer and I was wondering if it'd just be an easy elective or if it'd just be a waste of time. Or maybe I could try getting placed in a higher level class. Not that I'm good now or anything, but I'll more than likely be better come the start of the new school year.
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I personally believe that teaching yourself any language at home is easier than getting "professionally" taught. Don't take my word for it, though; get a wide range of opinions and see which option is more popular.

If you like being around weeaboos and slow one exam a year pace, sure.
Oops, I meant more efficient. Considering time, money... you know, all that stuff.

Yeah, I got a while before I actually have to register classes. Another off-putting thing is that it's an all-year course at my university.

I was taught the way of inb4-fu by nobody but the best.

I actually did a year of Japanese at university, and while I thought it was great then, I realise now how slow it was. We didn't do any Kanji, and learned about 5 Kana per WEEK. All in all I've probably done more in the last week than I did in the whole year in class, so yeah, I don't recommend it.
Are there a lot of na-adjectives / nouns that end in u / ru?
Uh, this time you accidentally yesterday's URL back there, OP. it's 置, so it should be
which I post mostly to make things easier to others.
File deleted.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about a favor I had, /a/. I was staying with family recently, and there was a picture with some handwritten kanji in "my" bedroom. I'm new to moonrunes, so would anyone mind decoding it for me?
In retrospect, I should've taken a picture of the picture.
This means absolutely nothing to me.
Those ain't no kanji I've ever seen, kid. Next time, take a picture.
Alright, thanks.

I know a guy who's majoring in Japanese and he said they did, like, 100 kanji or so first year. I did that in like half a month. I'm a physics major so I'm thinking the course might be a nice change of pace. But yeah, thanks for the input, I'm still unsure right now.
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This is from the intro to Final Fantasy 6. Take a shot at translating it.

Do not cheat and copy-paste the existing translation.
All the other time they spent not just autistically grinding kanji is ultimately much more important, in the long run
Well they should at least give their students a means to achieving literacy then.
I'll try just the first one.

Big Magic War
The battle that burned everything down,
When it all ended,
The force "Magic" ceased to exist.
I heard from these threads before that while the earlier classes are slow (year 1) that the others are better.
Is this actually true and if so are you able to skip years?
If it's anything like when I took Spanish it took three years for them to teach year 1 level Spanish and after I stopped at Spanish 2 I forgot most of it shortly afterwards anyways. Only good thing I got from it was learning how to conjugate verbs and vowel pronunciation.

From personal experience, don't do it.
All you'll get is a bad experience and 5 hours a week wishing a nuclear bomb would strike the place you are standing right now.

I agree with the slow part, I started with class because I was having motivation problems studying by myself, but it didn't help, and I didn't learn anything new after a year, even though I only studied a couple of months alone.

ended time, world from magic - this was power got erased.

thus, 1000 years.
... fire...
people ... power they used, world that...

now in here, legend ... was magic's power,
that strong big....
world that ... is (animate).

people are,
this ... town? that

Well it's bad but three months ago I couldn't read any of it.
>Is this actually true and if so are you able to skip years?
That's going to depend on your university, I know when I entered university I tested into upper level German classes.

Assuming it's a well done program part of what you'll be missing out on without taking a real class is actual speaking time and correction from a fluent speaker.
Keeping rikaichan or AGTH running constantly isn't literacy, nor does spending a couple months "memorizing" all 2000 jouyou make you fluent either.
That's besides the point. Being able to carry on a conversation and being able to read and write are two different things entirely. I'm not saying they shouldn't focus on actually being able to communicate with the people there, but they should give their students a way in which to expand upon their studies and reach that goal themselves if they so choose. A Japanese language class should have its goal set at achieving literacy for all students.
What are you implying?
That whole post is half projecting, half tautology. Don't bother. If he had an actual point to make he would post something coherent.
After the Great Magic War that engulfed the world in flames, the power of Magic ceased to exist.

1000 years later, with iron, gunpowder, and steam power, humans have begun to rebuild the world using the power of machines.

Now, there are those who aim to resurrect the force of Magic and use it to bring the world under their control.

Will mankind repeat the same grave mistake?

I had to look up "machine" and "control", and inferred the compound for "steam power". Also, I found a video of a retranslation of the game and thought it was amusing that they got the very first line in the game wrong, translating it as "great demon war".

How long have you been studying anon? Just want to know how long it can take to get so fluent
I'm just wondering if I'm understanding words right. If I were to say "I dream to be an astronaut." Does it use 夢見る? Or do the japanese have another word for that?
Well university courses don't teach you as much as some of us expect because of time.

Say for a 4 unit class. That's about 3.8 hours per week, and homework and study will probably take 2 hours per week.
So total exposure time is about 6 hours.

Also, people here generally measure progress with number of kanji.

University courses teach kanji, grammar and vocab, but they also incorporate a lot of time teaching listening, conversation practice, writing practice (both writing kana/kanji, and forming your own sentences).
Classes will spend a lot of time on group work, projects, activities, etc.
For a lot of classes, teaching culture is one major part of their course. This takes time as well.

Compare that to what a lot of us do here. We focus mainly on reading and listening comprehension. Some of us don't learn to write (not saying if it's good or bad). We focus on being able to translate Japanese into English, but don't practice the other way around too much (I understand it's a more difficult)

I'm not arguing which process is better. I just want to point out that it's not [individual study > classes] in all aspects.

>>66637101 , I can see where he is coming from.

Lastly, it's really not fair to say, "I took this classes and learned this much, but now I study and am so much better."
It's easy to put aside the fact that you have gained something significant in the class, and that could have easily contributed to your current progress.
The first part of the language is slow and progress is hard to see. This is where a lot of 101 classes end.
It's hard to say, and when I think about it I don't even know how I got to the level I'm at. I learned hiragana and katakana during my weeaboo phase at 12, and with that came a few basic vocabulary words and tenants of grammar, but I never seriously studied anything. Passive contact with anime and games meant I would pick up a few things here and there, but still never studied until 19 or so. At that point I figured I was tired of being at a dead end and tried to start studying, but I never kept at it for more than a month at a time. Finally, last year I decided to get serious and started the JLPT N5 Anki deck, and then took two intermediate courses in college.

Now I'm 21 and have a grasp of around 350-400 kanji that I understand (maybe 300 that I can write from memory). I've been playing Idolmaster DS and get about 80% of it. Really, most of the kanji knowledge came from just seeing them a shitload on the internet, but I know I'm going to have to buckle down and study for the rest of them. It helps that Obenkyo and Anki are really fucking useful.

So nobody would ever say something like:


I see, thanks anon.
They might say it right before they go to bed.
Yeah that's correct.
Also, 僕の夢は、宇宙飛行士になることだ。
将来宇宙飛行士になりたい。 etc.
sorry to be a fag, but what does "死んで当たり前の人間" mean...? A person who is naturally dead?

Thanks. I'm pretty much a month into this whole Japanese thing, but how do I know what sounds more "natural"? Will I just learn the more I immerse myself?
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Ah I remember you from yesterday.
About idolmaster DS how would rank it for this kanji wise?
I heard it has the best plot out of all the games though, what did you think about it?
The idolmaster series got me to start learning Japanese though i'm not that far yet. I suppose my first major goal is to be able to play my copy of imas 2 and be able to understand the story. I've been practicing reading with novelmasters and game play videos but I need to study more often. I'm not that good at reading quickly though and have trouble keeping up with the game play videos at times, though this will probably change once I can read all the kanji used and get used to reading at that pace.
You won't sound natural from the beginning. But that's alright.
Best way is to read. A lot.
Watching conversations (ie. Anime) will help, but not as much as reading.
I don't know about the plot; I'm still only rank E, so not a whole lot has happened yet, and I haven't played any other Idolmasters. But the text has been pretty easy. I can't rule out it using all kyoiku kanji, but I'm around the high end of the basic level of that spreadsheet and I can understand most of it fine.
Weird question, do gay japanese people talk in a more masculine way, normally, or a more feminine way? Does it vary based on preferences?

(assuming they do speak differently than is the norm for their gender I'd assume that much like many American gays they differ how they speak between straight/gay peer groups)

that's pretty cissexual of you to just assume that they talk different
maybe you should check your privilege
死んで当たり前の人間 means that person is such a bad or nasty guy, he or she deserves death.
It's not a hard and fast rule, but yes, certain aspects of female speech are more common among homosexual Japanese men, including the ~wa sentence ending (note that this does NOT carry the same feminine connotation in certain dialects), higher politeness register, and certain pitch accents that are considered more "cute"

From my personal experience, many homosexual Japanese men also speak English with a lisp, which is absolutely adorable
Insular communities often do. Doesn't mean they speak in a differently gendered manner, but I'm sure there are peculiarities of speech that are found in the japanese LGBT community.

A large part of my curiosity actually comes as an MtF transsexual, which is to say I'm curious as to if feminine speech would read as "gay" to a japanese person if I were to fail to pass or would just come off as really strange (which is my assumption.)
You guys should watch Gaki no Tsukai, it's pretty funny.

キタ━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━ !!!!!
Your identity as not-Japanese will always be first and foremost in their minds, no matter how you talk
Well that makes things easier in a sense doesn't it.
A "person" like you should never go to Japan, let alone continue living.

This is actually pretty important. I was wondering how words like 可愛い and 場合 work. 場合 can be bawai.

Keep studying until you can understand these.
I don't understand, all I hear is お前.

AMEMIYA is my waifu.
How should I pronounce the Japanese "r" and りゃ りゅ and りょ?
Is the gist of this sentence:

"Most likely, before I could ever protect you, I'll end up dying first"

And how does "死ねないあなた” even translate?

How did I do?
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can someone confirm for me that あまり means almost never?
like a spanish rolled r except one time
mostly right
死ねない negative potential of 死ぬ
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Seems like it means that.

Google Translate
だまれ くそガキ

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I don't suppose anybody else has some pictures with cute handwriting like this on it, do they?
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>I don't suppose anybody else has some pictures with cute handwriting like this on it, do they?

That's on a grid. Hmm, I don't think there's something quite like that in the US but is graphing paper good for practicing kanji on? Is there an advantage over just practicing writing on normal paper?
> Is there an advantage over just practicing writing on normal paper?
It looks cuter.

I do kanji on graph paper. Much better than regular lined paper.
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Can anyone make sense of this?


I tried breaking it down and got "dissipation of spirit power of toudou but, combat power of aerials is maximum to decrease" which sounds wrong, grammar aside.
Pretty obvious advantage if you intend on practicing in vertical writing.
ever heard of Terre Thaemlitz?
>...As I though Togou-kun's spiritual power is exhausting, The combat strength of "Aerials" at it's maximum is causing it deteriorate!

Well atleast thats what I think it is, I could very well be wrong, I would spend more time thinking about it but I'm tired and cannot be bothered right now.
>Studied Japanese from way back before and eventually quit.

How does the inclusion of きて here change the meaning of the sentence?

Can we start spoilering English translations of comments in Japanese? I'd like to check if what I think you're saying is actually what you are saying.
あまり = not very

I'm not very skilled in football.
Quick question, is that 「は」 there pronounced 「わ」 or 「は」?
Sentences from anime pop in my head when see certain words: (can't remember what exactly the man asked but it was something similar)


(not same anon as the one who asked the question)
は as a particle is pronouced wa elsewhere it is ha.
Also, might help to memorize these:
とても = very
まあまあ = somewhat
あまり = not very
ぜんぜん = not at all

Just helpful to learn them in a group.
That is actually a damn good idea. If we all include our English meaning it will help other verify their ability to read it and allow others to correct any mistakes someone else made in their Japanese.
Makes sense to me.
I'll start by posting a sentence that I'm not sure is correct.

What did you have in mind?
>Play Mother 2 and Earthbound side by side to check translations.
>The only things that were actually translated and not completely rewritten are things in the story line.
I actually exaggerated more than I should have but they really rewrote a lot more than they should have.
I've done that with a variety of manga.

I'm starting to read raws exclusively. Even if it takes forever because of new vocab, avoiding things like that is worth it.
Another reason why I'm learning Japanese. I know translating is hard and you can't translate everything from Japanese but there's a limit to how much you should change.

Localizations like the Ace Attorney series work if you don't think about it too much but I don't know if there are Miko shrines in the USA.
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Quality translations.
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Do you know what she says in japanese? because that translation isn't too bad.
I think she's saying something about him cumming in her mouth but my nihongo is weak.
Seriously how would you translate that?
Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub is Timone and Punba certified.
If you want to laugh, you're right. Sometimes you can be TOO literal with a translation.

That's the thing you say before you eat, so yeah, she's about to swallow some protein.
The largest component(aside from water) is probably sugar.
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>That feel when you can finally read a story and understand it easily with very little doubt
>that feel when you spend 5 mins in an eroge, and come out with a list of 50+ words that you don't know
How much time did it take you to get to that point ? I still have a long way to go.
It's been about 5 months but in my defense I haven't had so much free time.
I think five months is just about right. How did you learn ? Heisig or what ?
That's great progress for 5 months.

I laughed my ass off at that translation.
It feels so... comical, I guess. For me it kind of ruins the mood.
>that feel

I'm pretty sure that I know more ways to refer to a penis in Japanese than the rest of my vocab combined.
To be fair though, even in English there's a lot of ways to refer to your dong.
>I actually did a year of Japanese at university, and while I thought it was great then, I realise now how slow it was. We didn't do any Kanji, and learned about 5 Kana per WEEK
Your university sucked. Mine did hiragana in the first week, had hiragana test on the second week. Taught katakana in the second week, had katakana test in the third week. We started kanji on the sixth week or so, with about 15 kanji a week.

In fact, practically 90% of the Jap 101 cohort learnt kana on their own before the first week. You would be stupid and way behind everyone if you didn't.

Why do murrikan universities suck that much?
These threads and Tae Kim.
And by teaching hiragana, I meant showing the list on a lecture slide, going through key points and common mistakes for about 5 minutes, and then you're expected to automatically know them by heart by the next week.
>key points and common mistakes
How do they even?
I did a certificate course and had to learn the Kanas in about 5 days, I spent a saturday and sunday going through them and learnt them pretty quickly learnt them off by heart, I had a few hiccups with Katakana.

I don't mean to sound insulting but I cannot see why people would take so long learning the kanas.
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I see, then I'll probably take longer then you because I use Heisig, I don't mind though.
Most don't suck THAT much. 5 kana per week doesn't make sense even if you were teaching it once a week for an elementary school afterschool enrichment program.

My guess is that it was a really bad community college course or(and?) the poster was exaggerating the slow pace.
For completeness sake. They used romanji for the first week too. But second week onwards, kana all the way, and too fucking bad if you haven't yet have it by heart.
It's a module you take along with 4 other modules in a (normal) semester.
Heisig isn't bad, helped me recognise by sight atleast 1600 kanji, and that was only 3 months of reps.

After that I mostly worked on Kanji with context.
>too fucking bad if you haven't yet have it by heart.

That's how a language class is supposed to operate, it simulates true immersion a few times a week. Same reason you switch to using the language learned exclusively in class well before you really know it.
I have around 550 Kanji right now but I'm skipping a lot of Kanji that are outdated or I will never use them anyway.
It's been a little over a month since I started so I'm not too pleased with my speed but it can't be helped.
I fucking hate katakana even though I have maybe 1500 kanji down. I never learnt it well enough, confused some of them and now I feel too above it to relearn it.
SO lesson I guess is learn that shit properly, yo.
This is confusing me,
「いま なんじだと おもっているんだ!」
They have it as, "don't you know what time it is!?" but I don't think that's the case. Any help?
いま = now
なんじ =what time
だと =(particle)
おもってるんだ =think

A more literal translation is:
What time do you think it is now?
Yeah I was thinking that but I was a bit unsure about it. Mainly because of the fact that thing ended with the declarative だ yet it seemed like a question. It seems if it were a question it should have ended in a の.
What do you guys mean when you say you got X number of kanji down? All readings? Recognize a word with the kanji? Can write it down from memory? Memorized a vague meaning of it in Anki?

I can't imagine I'd never gotten very far unless I moved into learning from context from the very beginning. I don't really see how grinding single kanji could help reading stuff like 明後日
or 五月蝿い.
>It seems if it were a question it should have ended in a の
Don't you mean ですか?
No, I don't. The の particle used at the end of a sentence means that you're seeking an explanation.
In that case I think she doesn't want an explanation. A rhetorical question if you must.
>What do you guys mean when you say you got X number of kanji down? All readings? Recognize a word with the kanji? Can write it down from memory? Memorized a vague meaning of it in Anki?
Main readings but yes, that's what I mean.

> I don't really see how grinding single kanji could help reading stuff like 明後日
or 五月蝿い.
That's because it doesn't. It just helps the other 95% of the time.
Well I'm under the impression that a rhetorical question in casual speech would usually be made clear by using the か particle. It doesn't make sense for a question to be declarative, regardless.

Yeah, really.
>rhetorical question in casual speech would usually be made clear by using the か particle.
Casual speech is casual because it ignores 90% of rules. And か is simply a question.
It's because even without だ it's already a question.
今何時だと思っていますか(grammatically correct but awk sounding)
That's slang you're speaking of. Casual speech is casual because it's lax but it is still pretty much correct.
>And か is simply a question.
I know this. The thing is, it's not used very often in casual speech unless to make rhetorical comments like that or as a part of grammar.
But んだ would only be used by the speaker to give the reason or explain something. You can't seek a question and explain something at the same time.

I'm this guy here and I think I might have figured it out. Sorry I didn't give enough context for you guys to have figured this out yourselfs, assuming I'm right.
If it's actually 重る here, rikaichan has one of the definitions as, "To grow serious."
In which case, it could be something along the lines of, "'What time is it now?' I'm serious!"

Here's the whole piece of dialog here.
"いま なんじだと おもっているんだ! さっさと いえにかえるんだ!"

"What time is it now?" I'm serious! Go home immediately!
I'm sorry but I do not understand how you get the "I'm serious" into there.

I'd translate it into: "Just what time do you think it is now!? Hurry up and come back home!"
Its from 思い, to think.
What this fellow said.
>重る to grow serious
>重っている In an enduring state of serious, as in, currently serious.
>んだ it is that...
重っているんだ It is that I am serious.
You can't give an explanation and ask a question simultaneously.
And may I ask why not? This is a very simple and commonly used sentence. I really don't see how you can get something else from this...
"This is how it is!?"
That doesn't make sense, and it doesn't make any sense to tell somebody something is a certain way and also be asking a question as you tell them.
> I really don't see how you can get something else from this...
I don't know I'm confused as well but even still, you can't just ignore rules and contradicting evidence.
>You can't give an explanation and ask a question simultaneously.
What are you talking about? Of course you can.

Can't you see? I just did it. Twice.
Please stop fucking around.
First of all 重っている isn't even proper language so forget about it. Next, I recommend you go to sleep or take a rest depending what time it is there and think about what you're confused about again once your head is clear. This is no rocket science.
>First of all 重っている isn't even proper language so forget about it.
> Next, I recommend you go to sleep or take a rest depending what time it is there and think about what you're confused about again once your head is clear.
I'm confused about how you can explain something and ask a question at the same time. I don't think you can, and therefore I'm having trouble understanding what the sentence is meaning to say.
Those aren't explanations, if you actually believe this which I'm sure you don't.
>This is no rocket science.
You're right. It's not.
Okay, I've got all the kana down, now I'm trying to tackle grammar and kanji.

A real newbie question on kanji though. Except for occasional bullshit proper nouns, on-yomi are only and always used in jukugo with no hiragana yes? So why for example, is 一人, a jukugo for 一, pronounced ひとり? I thought ひと was the kun-yomi. And there's no hiragana in there.

I'm sorry I feel as if I've misunderstood something extremely fundamental about the language here and the rest of you will bury your heads in your hands at my retardity, but I really can't continue with kanji until I get this shit straight for myself.
You shouldn't take what's written in your textbooks so literally.
Onyomi for jukugo is only a basic rule of thumb. There are countless exceptions, so you can't rely on it. Memorize words, not readings.
Well then at least explain how you can.
So there ARE exceptions. Thank fuck, I thought I completely misunderstood something here. Kanjidamage seemed to imply that this was some set in stone shit.
I wouldn't mind accepting what you say if you could just be bothered to explain it.
I've been playing Japanese maplestory, and it's really helping me practice my Japanese, because I get to talk with other people, as well as the whole game is in Japanese. there is also an english community, who is pretty fluent in JP and they help out when I don't know something.
There's nothing to explain. You can ask questions even if your sentence ends in だ. Have you never heard people yell 誰だ!? or something?
ん だ can and is used in question-like sentences. It might not be pretty/by-the-book, but people still use it. You can do it in english too.
You can't be serious... - マジじゃないんだ!
Maplestory is actually one of the things that helped me become better at English back when I started learning English.
Still, It's a bad idea to learn from an MMO until you get a grasp on the language, I think.
Is it possible to play without proxies / etc, and how bad is the lag? IIRC dieing sucked in Maplestory so playing with 400 ping is probably a nuisance.

Also how slow is the leveling on JMS now?
Maplestory is a lot different then what you may remember. You can't play from the US without a VPN, or I guess a proxy. I use a vpn. Heres a link to the community with more explanations on this kind of stuff, but I suggest try it. It doesn't take 10 hours to level any more not even at the highest of levels.


here is another one that might be helpful as well
After the Big Bang patch you can get to level 70 with the same time it would take you to get to level 30.
I just started a Core deck with Anki.
What do you think is better for my reviews ? Japanese to English or English to Japanese ?
... are you non native english? you have awkward phrasing and I think you are confushed about "!?"
that just for emphasis, it isn't asking a question.
>A stupid American is the one who refuses to capitalize, comes on here and then immediately begins to blindly thrust thy self into a dead discussion saying dumb shit out of the blue and while clearly not reading or knowing anything, assumes that the only person with higher knowledge is their omniscient god.
Who are you quoting?
Abusing the greentext is a bannable offense you know.
Anyone else annoyed when your memrise decks have multiple definitions for a word and you guess the wrong one despite knowing both?
Anki for me, but yes. It happens with the mature cards that I haven't seen for a while.

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