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Hey /a/
Could you tell me if Bakemonogatari is worth a watch or is it just more moe-shit like most of today's animes?
Not exactly moeshit but SHAFTshit which is essentially the same thing. Don't bother.
I ask this in full seriousness. Can' you enjoy something without trying to be a 'big boy'?

It's actually fairly comparable to Lain and such anime, once you can get off your high horse and enjoy the light humour and ecchi scenes.
Are you okay with SHAFT?

If yes, then watch it. If no, then don't.
Bakemonogatari is easily the most SHAFT SHAFT show.

Nisemonogatari is Bakemonogatari, now with plot and interesting characters.
Do you mean PLOT?

Nisemonogatari is shit compared to Bakemonogatari. Seriously, I liked Nise, but it was a bit disappointing .
It's harem for the thinking man. Don't bother with Nise.
Everyone knows every anime is moeshit except naruto, OP.
>It's harem for the thinking man.

I like this guy.
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Pretty much this. Bakemonogatari is haremshit, but it's artsy, avant-garde haremshit.

Why is she so perfect?
Watch it only if you can stand twenty minutes of insubstantial dialogue that never amounts to anything but excessive character development.
Bakemonogatari have the best ED of the decade.

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Because she appears to operate according to an internal logic that doesn't involve simply pulling from a weighted list of heavily-stereotyped traits.

Also pic related.
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You will never have a Tsunyan-dere girlfriend handcuff you into an abandoned cram school to protect you from a fake witch doctor while lovingly verbally harassing you.
It's shit.

I don't understand her hair color. It's black after all or it's just SHAFT being SHAFT.
Bakemonogatari is your typical harem which comes with a plot on the side.

The difference is that the MC picks a girl early on, attempts to cheat on her with the other girls multiple times, the story is actually well written and SHAFT present it in an excellent manner, keeping the viewer interested.
Brown in the novels, purple in the anime unless SHAFT feels differently
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nice dubs, now go back to /v/

I always understood that purple/blue in anime represented brown/black respectively for certain characters. I dunno why though.
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Even with short hair, she is perfect.
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Yeah I don't get the people that act as if it was a sin that they made her cut her hair.

It's the white dress, I don't like her on the school outfit that much.
Watch the first episode and decide for yourself
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I like it either way

Watch whole first arc, I must admit I had a hard time knowing what the fuck was going on at first, felt as if it was 2deep4me with all the artsy flash writing and stuff. You get a hang of it pretty fast though.
It's a harem series that doesn't really seem like a harem series because it excludes or purposefully mocks most of the worst cliches associated with harem series.

Instead of a boring faggot with no redeeming qualities, the main character is handsome, amusing to talk to, and ripped as fuck--bitches actually have really good reasons to get wet over him.

Instead of dragging on and on for dozens of volumes with no romantic development despite the outcome being obvious, said main character enters a formal relationship by the 2nd volume.

Instead of said girlfriend being emotionally insincere and mentally immature, she's very eloquent, completely direct about her feelings, both positive and negative, and makes no attempt at hiding them or lying about them. The reason she has a sharp tongue and speaks abusively isn't because she's "tsundere", which is the (bad) excuse given to nearly all of the other heroine characters who occupy a similar role, but rather because she has serious mental problems at the beginning of the series that the main character helps her to get over.

Rather than just being in the story to make the main character seem cooler than he really is, the "single other male character that's friends with the main character" ubiquitous to harems is both awesome and hilarious in his own right and actually more capable than the main character in solving the problems that arise. If you've seen Macross, he's basically what Max is to the MC's Hikaru.

Most importantly, despite the fact that it's pretty well put together, the series doesn't take itself too seriously. I highly recommend you at least give it a try and see if it's amenable to your tastes.
>It's actually fairly comparable to Lain and such anime
Nooo. It's really not anything like Lain, Texh, or Haibane. Nise is even less comparable to them. I don't know why you'd even think that.

I really enjoyed all the show but episode 12 is one of my favorites moments on anime, it's fucking beautiful.
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I agree, ep 12 was pretty magical. I remember thinking to myself "where the fuck is senjogahara, weren't they suppoused to be dating?" because she hadn't been on for quite a while. And then the crab OP plays at the start of the episode.
Twilight for boys
>Your trolldere girlfriend will never empty your gas gauge

Yeah, that caught me out of guard too. Also Kimi No Shirai Monogatari >>>>>> Staple stable > Renai Circulation

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