post top 5 worst animeheres mines
I agree with your list man! Especially about Haruhi Suzumiya being a K-On ripoff.
Speaking of K-on, heres a cool prank call.
i liked your prank call better
>>66409936cool thanks for the input. what are your 5 worst animes you've ever seen?
check these dubs
>>66407888wow check those dubs dude!!
cool vids, but not as good as these dubs
>>66410149wow u didnt get dubs but i will!
>>66410187wow thats cool :)
check my repeatings dude!!
>>66409890>anime>not animesSo close, yet so far OP...
>>66410310darn so close man....
>akiyama_fan !IO8bwLPiQ6Justice/Park Ranger's latest attempt at a tripcode. Same post style, same limited vocabulary, same named reaction images.Ignore and report.
>>66410599>>66410600>>66410633WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!
>>66410599>>66410600>>66410633>>66410666THIS IS MADNESS! NO THIS IS DUBS! XD
>>66410600HAHA u mad
hi, i am tripfagwuts going on in this thread? o.O
>>66410599>>66410600>>66410633>>66410666THIS IS FUCKING INSANE!
>>66410815>>66410760>>66410689very cool, is this how you samefag? x)
Sup Porkshit Dangler?You couldn't be more obvious you know that?I gave you advice on killing yourself a few months ago, for the benefit of humanity. Why are you still here? You should have died Porkcunt.
>>66410599>>66410600>>66410633>>66410666someone ban these scripters
>>66410599>>66410600>>66410633>>66410666k-on dubs