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Found this, hows The Girl Who Leapt Through Time dub?
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The Dubs might not suck but the original is always better.
Also, watching dubbed FMP means you're missing out on the greatest laugh in anime ever.
Once again, leaving out Ghost Stories.

What the fuck.


The voice actors actually made the anime GOOD.
>No Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate

I don't remember disliking it.
Paprika should be on there.
G Gundam and Outlaw Star both had good dubs. fuck those two are instances when I prefer the dubs
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Fixed it for you.
Where The Big O?

Steven Blum's voice makes any dub good.
>Clannad dub
>not fucking awful

You put that in as a troll, didn't you?
I approve.
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>good dub

>Watching Hellsing Ultimate dubbed

>Steve Blum
>Good at anything

Surely you're joking.
>dubbed FMP

you mean the dub where nobody could pronounce anything for some reason even for a dub?


Uh, no.
>Totoro listed
>doesn't mention which dub
Also, add Nanoha. Just so dubfags listen to it and make their ears bleed.
sure is weeaboo jimmies gettin rustled in here
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>implying dub Shishio isnt damn near perfect
I want to kill whoever decided toonami coming back should have been anything but an april fools joke so /v/ can leave
>murrica thread

/v/ pls go.

Also dubs are cancerous.
I actually love or like a lot of dubs, but almost none of those are good.

Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Howl, FMP, and Cromartie are about the only ones at all that are even tolerable on that image.











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>Spice and Wolf
Stop thinking everything is dubbed by 4kids elitist faggots
At least 4kids is comical in comparison to the original release. The rest are just shit.
i bet you don't even listen to people speaking English weeaboo. cry some moar.
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If you don't want to hear people speaking english then move to Japan or any other country while the rest of us live in a place where we can understand what people are saying.
I agree, 4Kids made Yu-Gi-Oh GX better.

You sound slightly upset. Have some quality dubbed material and relax.
All dubs are bad, no exceptions
In order to get into anime at first, I watched dubs. Perhaps through coinicidence or sheer luck, I watched the only 3 dubs I've ever considered good or acceptable: Bebop, Cromartie, and Lupin. Several years later now, I've watched all of them again un-dubbed, and the only one that I actually appreciated the English version more had to be Cromartie High.

It's been a long time since then, and I generally instinctively avoid dubs like the plague. I watch most anime subbed, but a few years back I started learning conversational Japanese, so once in awhile I'll try watching something without subs.

Subs, I've found, can be just as hit-or-miss as dubs. As everyone knows, some subbers are fucking morons while others seem to actually know what the fuck is going on. In the ends, it's all just >opinions.
I bet you loved watching Naruto dubbed.
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I believe the upset one is you because weeaboo fags like you amuse me when you act elitist
>Azumanga Daioh
>Probably the only SOL series with a watchable dub
>Bamboo Blade
>Probably the only dub that will make you HNNNG

Why the hell do you give a shit what I watch. You fags are the reason why /a/ is even worse then /b/
>No Big O
>No Baccano
>No Gurren Lagann
>No Paranoia Agent

THese are all great dubs. Baccano and FMA may be even better dubbed than subbed.
How about FLCL? That dub sounded pretty good to me. Oh! Excel Saga had a pretty great dub as well.
>Gurren Lagann
I agree with you ONLY because of the Anti-Spiral's English dub voice.
>Bamboo Blade dub
>missing out on Hirohashi Ryou
Just anti-spirals? You didn't like Kamina and Simon's hotblooded speeches in English?
I think /a/ should be renamed to weeaboo elitist because that what it is nowadays
Dubs are always better, unless they are distractingly bad because they allow you to actually look at the pretty animation / art instead of reading subs.

I haven't actually heard many DISTRACTINGLY BAD ones like, say, Bible Black. I think /a/'s dub standards are way too high.
It's not elitism, it's basic standards. There's a reason why people who have watched upwards of ten shows watch subs almost exclusively. Sure there are decent ones out there, but the quality varies hugely. There's really no point going through them all to figure out which are good. Dubs are usually a safe bet. Name the last show you've seen with decent production values that had bad voice acting.
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F*ck off weeaboos
Golden Boy. Probably the only dub that beats the original.
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Because you are being a idiot and suggesting people to move to a place they basically hate and only want to watch what they produce (and people fansubbing it).

Me I don't give a fuck what people watch. If they watch dubs then fine. But if they want to come on here and have a legit conversation about watching something dubbed then they might as well chuck themselves off a cliff.

So take a deep breath, and calm down.

And yes I preffered K-ON! dubbed than subbed. Mio's voice annoyed the fuck out of me
*Subs are usually a safe bet
The Clannad dub was dog shit.
>don't suck
Pick one.
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I thought it was real good, except for them MAKING FUCKING BOBBY HILL SUNOHARA.

I felt the voices weren't right for them. Most of the subs got the speeches right, anyways.
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Dubs thread?
Simon's speech was so much better in the original. I couldn't unhear Gohan when listening to Kamina.
No, you fuck off.
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>No Witch Hunter Robin

It was actually better than the original, IMHO.

Add Cromartie High on there, you fuck. The only thing better about the original was Mechazawa, but even then he was fucking brilliant in the dub.
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Wendee Lee is your Queen.
Even though you're trolling.

>implying any country can do anime better than Japan
I'd rather watch the worst cartoon ever than the best anime ever f*gg*t
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>forgetting hellsing

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>People responding to obvious trolls

Mcglynn would like to have a word with you.
The problem is that most dubs from the 90s were fucking terrible and have left a sour taste for anime viewers. Over the years dubs have improved drastically, and I have seen very little modern series with a terrible English dub. I usually watch it in English if it's like Baccano, where the series takes place in America, and usually go for Japanese if that's the setting, unless the English track is really good. Anything that's not an English or Japanese setting, I just check to see which version is better.
>not horseshit
sure is summer in here, get back to your retarded tuuunameh threads you fucks
Book of Banntora has a pretty damn good dub.


Sorry, Spice & Wolf dub > sub, just because Holo sounds so... regal and educated... in the dub... exactly like I imagine her character should.
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> watching anime dubbed
> believing some anime is better dubbed

What is it with Americans and not wanting to read.

Dubs are bad and you are a faggot for liking them
I do that, but with more broad strokes. If its in a generally Western setting, I'll watch it dubbed unless its just really bad. If its in an Eastern setting, then I'll usually watch the sub even if the dub is good.
Sorry but if I want to read I'll crack open a book
dubs of 80's OVA's have this charm to them for some reason.
>that don't suck

Doesn't exist.
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kakko ii hanashi, ken-sama.

i'd rather crack open a bear
>Muhrrikans think their dubs are good
Even now spics still do a better job
>not babby's or babbys' if plural
Pretty sure the plural is babbies' bro.
>dubs that don't suck
>Azumanga Daioh

The trolling is obvious from the thumbnail alone.
Gotta love Summer.
babby isn't even a real word, so if it's babbies or not is not for us to decide even if it is the norm for -y words
lol what
While sometimes other countries can make some acceptable dubs, americans dubs are just a joke.

In any case, dubs shouldn't even exist.
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>Nurse Witch Komugi
Any dub that replaces Halko is automatically better than the original sub. Good god, what a terrible voice.
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What is it with weeaboos and wanting to read their TV shows?

If you genuinely think there are no good dubs, you just don't know that much about anime.
I loved girl who leapt through time dub, these are also good
>spice and wolf
>cowboy bebop

steer clear of these dubs

welp that's my opinion
Clannad dub...iffy, Sub is like 3294573209475 times better. I found Nagisa to be annoying in the dub, and Tomoya sounds like the VA didn't know wether or not to take his material seriously throughout the whole thing.
Don't listen to them, /a/ is just hot'n'cold for dubs.

There are none superior to the original.

If you genuinely don't believe that, you just don't know anything about anime.
Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the best examples of how a dub can be superior to the original.

Same goes for Golden Boy.
Besides some language barrier problems, the Beck dub is really well done. I'm assuming that's your problem with it.
OP forgot to mention Outlaw Star. That's Cowboy Bebop levels of good dubbing.
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old cyberpunk dubs are the best

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>implying an inductive inference can ever match an empirical observation

Try again brah
>implying dubs aren't good

Yeah, I thought they had better english in the sub to be honest
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Read through entire thread
>DUBS that don't suck
>Haruhi Suzumiya voiced by Wendee Lee
>Wendee Lee
The sound of me pissing blood out of my ass sounds better than her.

Granted that everyone else was a pretty good cast

welcome to /a/
>Clannad dub
You can't be serious.

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About four months ago, I would have agreed with you, but hot damn if he isn't good in Korra.
Not anime, but still.
At long last, Steve Blum finally doesn't suck cock every single time.

Show me one empirical observation of a dub being superior to the original.

le brah
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Weeaboo fags xD
Check those digits.
>Dokuro-chan dub

Nigga what?
I just find American voices fucking annoying. They really just grate on me. English dub VAs are ten times worse. They have quintessential American accents. I could probably forgive it if they didn't have retarded pronunciation for Japanese names. How does one pronounce literally every name incorrectly?
4/10, I'm pretty mad right now.>>66303043
If they can't pronounce simple names they might as well change them to more english friendly like Mike and Jessica.
The dub is horrible. All American dubs are horrible. How you can live with such a shitty quality is beyond me. There are countries who actually have talented voice actors, but the USA isn't one of them.
It's against the shit tier dub, not the anime.
Americans can't VA to save their lives.
You may think so, but others disagree.
I suggest you go on a magical quest to conquer the world and force everyone to think the way you do because you seem pretty asspained about people enjoying dubs better than the originals.
im very aware of that
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>I noticed how people are willing to bash an English dub when they pronounce Japanese words/names incorrectly, yet they seem quite accepting of the fact that in Japanese dubs they pronounce English words/names incorrectly

This is usually my biggest issue with a lot of dubs, when the names are really Japanese and they just sound awkward when spoken out loud, and then it's all downhill from there.

On the other hand, the Baccano dub had the correct accents and language for the location it takes place in, and it's one of the reasons I liked it so much. The dub actually sounds natural. YMMV I suppose.
>no Golden Boy

It's only dub that's better than sub
>There are countries who actually have talented voice actors

Actually they do have good voice actors, but like every respectable voice actor they just don't work on dubs.

Dubs are a shitty marketing tool aimed at peasants. Proper dubbing is impossible.
Nope. It's just anime VA. They are always failures of the industry and can't get any VA job besides dubbing anime.

I seem asspained? I was merely stating my opinion.

I don't care if people have a (as I see it) inferior experience.
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>American accents
Protip: Americans don't have an accent. Why do you think Brits sound American when they sing?
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>Americans don't have an accent
0/10 See me after class.
A lot of Gundam dubs are pretty good
I mean, yeah they suck, but a lot of them fit really well
Thinly veiled recommendation thread ?
The dubs I have watched are:
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Outlaw Star
Big O

The first is just better and the second 2 were due to lack of choice and toonami.
Honestly(Oh boy, people aren't going to like this), I try to always watch dubs over subs... And the main reason is pretty much because I don't like reading subs on anime.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because I'm lazy or something stupid like that... I think it's more along the lines of because I heavily prefer manga over anime. All times, every time.

With manga I can take my time reading, enjoy the art, and all that jazz... But when I watch anime subbed I feel like... I'm not giving the animation the full attention it deserves, and by an extension the people who slaved away to animate it.

Yeah, there are PLENTY of shitty dubs, and if I really want to watch an anime that has bad dubbing, I'll suck it up and read subs... But unless I ever learn to understand Japanese, I'm always going to pick dubs.

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>Why do you think Brits sound American when they sing?
Death Note has a great dub, but missing Mamoru Miyano isn't worth it.
>Fate/Stay Night
Its also a pain in the ass if multiple people are speaking at once.
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>G Gundam
>only in tolerable tier

Domon's VA is the best VA on Neo-Earth.
I only watch subbed anime because americans sound like shit
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You know what subbed anime is better than dubbed anime, but in the end it's just about preference, I'd take Black Lagoon and Ghost stories dubbed over subbed any day and vice versa for Horizon or Madoka.
But that's just my opinion and if you ask me any dub can be good it just takes the right VA and so far their are only a few good English ones, it doesn't help that we're so used to hearing a high pitch voice in a female character and we all know how "adorable" that shit is in English.
In the end Anime is better in Japanese, but that does not mean English dubs can't be good.
>that part when four people are speaking at the same time

not that the dub wasn't absolute shit, but damn if that shit wasn't annoying

Bullshit. Domon's dub VA's voice cracks all the time, like he's going through puberty.
>watching anything other than the original version

Holy shit, you really are uneducated retards.
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>dubs thread
I don't mind certain dubs but I never understood why people liked FLCL dubbed it just sounded annoying to me.
So close yet so far.
Anybody got that macro with Stephen fry being classy, a man who watches movies, anime, whatever the fuck in it's original language and then the uneducated pleb who needs dubs?

Wish I saved that shit.
I have always disapproved dubs, but PSG is a different story. I guess it's very fitting, huh.
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>accidentally download a dubbed episode
>mfw I hear my waifus dubbed voice
>mfw I'll never be able to unhear it
It always amazed me how such a terrible show could have such an incredible OST.

That's because he's so badass he can't contain himself. Plus how can you say a dub is only tolerable when it has shit like this in it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43LCg8F2T4k

That's awful.
Are you sure you're not just comparing the OST and the other aspects and over rating the OST because of how shit everything else is?
Also prepare for shitty Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt Cosplay, and I mean the Characters not the series.
CAPTCHA : general Reggret
I personally liked Saikano's dub more than the original, though the voices were still kinda shit in both.
The show's awful, it can't be helped.
How's the Excel Saga dub, by the way? I was thinking of watching it, but I've had people recommend it to me in both languages, so I've been putting it off for a while now.
I found PSG's dub to be quite likeable, which was a surprise considering how much I was against it getting a dub in the first place.
>dat Joel McDonald as Brief
I'm actually enjoying the funimation dub of One-Piece
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>enjoying One Piece
God you weeaboo faggots irritate the hell out of me. Grow up neckbeards. You're not better for liking the japanese dub more.
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>Japanese dub
>where is Golden Boy

Holy shit, you forgot to include the one show where the sub completely outshines the sub.

In cases like Bebop and Baccano, they have amazing dubs, but the sub versions also feature equally amazing voice work. It he case of Golden Boy though, the sub voice are really bad.
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>Dubs that don't suck
That's a good one, OP.
>no Zeta Gundam dub

Plebs. It even has the best not!Char voice actor Tom Edwards
Enjoy earcancer, illiterate scum.
>hating the way americans sound
It'd be fine if it was done by anyone else, but listening to that shit is as jarring as seeing a chinese kid talking with a camden accent.
>Clannad Dub

Fuck no. They got Tomoya and Kotomi somewhat correct. Everyone else was horribly miscast. Kyou and Tomoyo sounded like they were 35+ years old.

The dub was shit. This chart it shit.
>Implying he's not using the correst term
Just because it's Japanese, doesn't make it any less of a dub.
Anime is dubbed. The characters themselves aren't actors. Don't you feel better for knowing that?

The Zeta dub was horrible. So wooden and amateurish.

If it can't be translated into English it means it's a shit show that nobody should watch.

What the fuck do you guys do if your gf or friends come over? do you show them your shit in Japanese so they think you're some kind of weirdo who gets off to ching-chong high pitched pedo voices? Oh wait, it's probably because you don't have gfs and friends, so it's no problem, but to people with a life dubs are way more convenient. What do you want that you fags are so vehementally against dubs? /a/ to be your secret club that's only for losers like youreself? I'd be ashamed to tell anyone I'd be using 4chan if that was the case, so fuck off and deal w/it faggots.
This is the first time I ever hear of bamboo blade or komugi.
This thread is filled with weeaboo faggots that have their heads shoves so far up their assholes. They've actually convinced themselves that all DUBs are bad and that it is impossible for DUBs to be good. Excuse me while I die of laughter.
Kyou voice i liked she sounded like an honest tsundere quite aggressive but could pull of shy

Dub refers to any instance of audio being recorded separately from video.
>Dubbing is the post-production process of recording and replacing voices on a motion picture or television soundtrack subsequent to the original shooting.
Are you retarded, son?
Death Note might be decently dubbed, but it's a shame it's hackneyed and shit.
4/10, it was a decent try.
My biggest issue with clannad's dub is most of the voices to match the characters.

The voices themselves are fine, but it just sounds so off.
gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.

she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"

he said "NO.."
da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.

boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.

she was ded.

he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)

xxx~*...LIKE DIS IF U CRY EVRY TIME...~*xxx
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The same way you enjoy junk food.

I also enjoy Naruto and Death note, though I watched Death Note subbed. I'm fully aware that they're shitty anime compared to the rest, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying for what they are. Shallow entertainment. The same can be said for Dragon Ball.
can't sage the truth.
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Too obvious

That's fucking awful. The voice acting is a joke.

|KAWAII TRUCK | ‘|”“”;.., ___.
|_…_…______===|= _|__|…, ] |
.”(@ )’(@ )”“”“*|(@ )(@ )*****(@





With the exception of Tomoyo, Nagisa, Sanae, Fuko and Misae, yeah, best girl.
>your gf or friends
Fuck off back to /soc/ you disgusting normalfag piece of shit.
Why the fuck would you show off your moeshit chinese cartoons anyway?
Your a faggot.
I enjoyed Welcome to the NHK's dub

It's funny that you say that they're shallow entertainment. I adore all three. /a/ just shuns anything that is remotely overwhelmingly successful. Naruto? pffft. Dragonball? pffft. Death Note? BAHAHAHAAHA. ONE PIECE? DON'T GO THERE SON, THAT SHIT IS TERRIBLE EVEN THOUGH ITS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SHONEN MANGA FRANCHISE OF ALL TIME. Seriously /a/, I think its time to grow up. You just not better for liking random anime that no one fucking likes. You just aren't. You can like it. But you're not cooler for hating on something like One Piece just because its successful. One Piece, Dragonball, and Naruto are kick ass.
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>Not shitty dubs threads.
>200+ posts
>No Gunsmith Cats.

Have you faggots learned NOTHING from me?
Because I don't watch moeshit but shows with a bit more substance you know? Keep projecting faggot.
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>Americunts defending their shitty overused "voice actors"
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Unless you're actually moonfluent, the only context the "dubs are never good" mentality makes sense in is if you're a massive seiyuu nerd. Which it can be easy to become once you've seen at least a few dozen shows or just hung around here long enough. Still, I get tired of having to go back and replay scenes twice in a row, once for the reading and once for appreciating the details of the animation.
>more substance
Back to /v/ with you
They're children's programs. "Anime fans" in the west eat this shit up because they're retarded. If you're watching that kiddieshit, maybe you should grow up.
I cringed on how bad it was

Only voice I'm willing to let slide by is Tomoya's

>weeaboos being their usual arrogant, ignorant, neckbearded selves

Your point, anon?
summner s n fool swun! HOry shet de bord iss fool off shite!!! XDXDXDXDDXD le cocks le newggaffgs le faggs le reddits s herre ssummer! XDXXDXDXDXDXXDDDDDDD me so ioronicco n so cule!
>implying ignorance
It's funny because you have absolutely no evidence for that.
Omg hai ^___^ I’m Kiritsugu-chan and I absolutely luuuv X_____X JUSTICE <3 and my fav is killing defensless wheelchaired men XDXDXD!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot target KAYENTH-CHAN !! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN DEFENSLESS IN PERSON!!! Supa pruod desu!!!!!!!! ^______________________________________^ When I walked onto fuyuki =^____^=I looked up and saw…KAYNETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333!!!! “lol what a coward OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA OPEN TARGET KAYNETH-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled `____´ then he turned fried then un-fried! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how contradictory I am *___* he grabbed my geass contract and signed it XDXDXD supa tactics desu ~_^ then I pulled him behind da building o_o and started to comfort him!!!!!! [OMG!!! HE TASTED LIKE DEFEAT!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< *(^O^)* *(^O^)* *(^O^)*] then I saw some baka chivalry RANSA watching us and I could tell he was cursing us with his eyes!!!!!!! [ -_____________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (o_o) (o_o) (o_o)] so I thought “UH UH BAKA RANSA THAT’S YOUR FAULT WHY DON’T YOU GO BE CHIVALROUS IN THE GRAIL CAUSE KAYNETH SAMA BETRAYED YOU CUZ OF ME!!! (o_o)” then kayneth closed and talked to me =^____^= and said dat I wouldn't ever hurt him again!!!!!!! ** (XOX)/ then i signal my gorilla warfare specialist to fireXDXDXD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YPAAAAA!!!*^)* *(^O^)*BOOM *(^O^)*BOOM(^o^)(^o^)(^o^) supa mercenary desu~~~~
>reasonable argument refutes their shitty point
>spam the thread with reddit shit
Here you have your underaged b& defending his Wan Piss dub.
Because you can't easily listen to those shitty dubs on youtube.
>not being able to do both at the time
>implying animation heavy scenes are usually dialogue heavy at the same time
>implying TV anime had that great animation in the first place

You'd be right if One Piece wasn't practically dead in the West due to the awful 4kids dub and the majority of its success is in Japan, where one the last volumes of Manga in particular sold around 40 million copies. 40, fucking, million. Kiddie shit? Excuse me while I laugh at how you think you're a real man for watching cartoons.
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Princess Tutu

Mr. Cat

Thank you for playing.
To be fair, I was wrong to pigeonhole them all into one box. In my opinion, both One Piece and Death Note are a few tiers above Naruto. It still doesn't change the fact that they have some pretty glaring flaws.
Death Note holds your hand far to much and comes off as pretty pretentious at times. With Naruto, the gateway anime copypasta, while overused pretty much sums it up.

Is assuming all dubs are bad not ignorance? Do you even know what ignorance is? Try harder 2/10
loll watt niggu i no u luurrve3 dubbies n sum wan pissu i no supa redditu derp derp depreppdppepperdoctorpepper! me maddu me so harny! le reddits s herre xdxdxdxdxdxdxdXDXDXDXDXDDXXXXXXX!
Justin Bieber has two billion hits on YouTube. What's your point?
How is the manga related to your shitty dub?
>40 million copies
Manga is mainstream in Japan.
>implying assumption
I have no argument, I'll just imply it's a troll!
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My girlfriend is sub-only. Our mutual closest friend is dub-only. It's like an /a/ shitstorm every week.
Gunsmith Cats. They're from fucking Chicago. Watching it in Japanese, despite the classic "made in Japan" argument, is fucking insulting. Not to mention the Japanese voice actresses sound like men with their balls cut off.

Hellsing. Again, English-speaking country. The Japanese makes a valiant effort, but half the effect of the lines they deliver is lost without the accents and native language of the setting.
I will because /a/ obviously hates anime that isn't complete weeaboo shit in Japanese with girls everywhere because they can't get any irl. no reason for me to be here.

good going /a/, that way your going to lose all good posters who actually want to talk about good anime and only moefags with shit taste remain.

You know as well as I that that isn't a very good example. A better example would be to cite his album sales, considering when you click on a youtube video, you're not paying for jack shit.
dance dance summner dance dance summber evarlastin sumner sumner!
>paying for anime

You know where this is going don't make me say it.
>I will
Good. Don't come back.
>shit taste
>Only you talk about good anime.
Get the fuck out! No really, get the fuck out! Scum like you do not deserve to be on here. Fuck off. NOW! Too bad I cannot sucker punch your arrogant newfag asshole in need of a good lurking. Nobody lurks anymore! Holy shit, I pity 4chan if this is what it has come down to!

That's my point though. Why does /a/ suddenly hiss at the popular shit? For christ sakes its getting old. This board wasn't always this way.
It was always this way. Now fuck off.
The shows may take place in the US, but it's a story told from a distinctively Japanese point of view. The characters are also designed that way.

Said native language and accents are something that were added later by the dub. It wasn't something the Japanese authors and directors considered because in most cases they can't even speak fucking English, let alone tell one accent apart from another.
>pls stop spamming my nurutu threads ;_;
Reverse troll in a troll thread, why is everyone getting mad?

I love how moeshit eaters think everyone else are shounenfags. You're just as bad as Nurutu-fags if you think K-On and Hidamari are all there is to anime.
None of this provides any evidence that the sub is better.
You said you were going to leave.

No, he's competely correct. /a/ is filled with weeaboo faggots that obsess over pretty unpopular anime in addition to being completely ignorant and intolerant. Key word is INTOLERANT. It's just the sad truth.
Nah, there's also Strike Witches.
>moeshit eaters
I'm totally not from /v/ guys!
Please, just stop using that word. Just stop. Please do not shit up this board anymore than it already is.

Too late. This board fucking sucks.
ikr? non-big3 anime is le shit xD
>Someone spammed his newfag thread.
In short, you are the intolerant one.
You're not on /v/, son.
bigg 3 s amazin dose who haet it r juss haeters! XD u le mad! xd
If you can't understand why /a/ is "intolerant" then you're probably part of the reason.

>Thinks I'm the "moeshit" guy

>1 week later
>Toonamitars still mad
Sorry, I'm just venting in a shit thread. Most of you are decent posters, but some of you really are the scum of this board.

Great justification. No, really. Brilliant.
>You're just as bad as Nurutu-fags if you think K-On and Hidamari are all there is to anime.
This. They only like their girl shows because they're fags with shit taste who haven't watched a good show in their life.

This is true too. I've just come in here and everyone was whining about dubs and I think someone was even banned for starting a thread about Bleach. What the hell is wrong with you people? It even has samurais and is probably one of the best action anime I've ever watched. /a/ is probably the most no-fun-allowed board on 4chan I've ever seen and it will probably be dead soon since people are going to leave once they hit around 21 - 23 because you don't really discuss anime for that long and no new posters are going to join. good riddance.
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Toonamitards are just product of perpetual summer. 4chan is too popular for its own good. All the shit elements have invaded and there is no stopping them anymore. Actually, all the decent posters have left, everyone who remains are the cancer and the shit. Including myself, for I still come to this ripped apart and slaughtered board, no matter what my common sense tells me.
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>It even has samurais and is probably one of the best action anime
This fucking nigger.
Holy shit, stop being such a drama queen.
Bleach sucks. It is good to make fun of, but it sucks. Watch what you like, but please broaden your horizons more, there is a world of decent anime out there beyond Kuboshit. I admit, it is popular, but just because it is popular does not mean it is good. Of course, many people started out watching Big 3, but if they are perpetually stuck in that world, I really do pity them.
Where would decent posters go? Do you know a better place to discuss anime?

Thank you
Le reddit.
Yeah right. Keep watching your moeshit.
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There, now you can discuss your "best action anime" in peace.

So, what's a good anime bro? I'm pretty interested as to what exactly your tastes are, given that you heavily imply that you are better for having such a dignified taste in japanese cartoons.
Maybe I will since /a/ sux and doesn't discuss good shows but only moeshit.
It is a thread beyond repair and beyond hope. Might as well be dramatic.
They either left boards entirely, or went to other places, which I will not shit up by mentioning.
Not a moeshit poster. Just poster who moved on from Big 3, which are shonen, or young man/teen anime category.
There is no good anime. Never was, never will be. It is just varying degrees of shit.

If you really feel that way, then why the fuck are you even here? Why the fuck do you watch anime if its just "varying degrees of shit" to you?

Christ /a/, how do you breed these people?
/a/ won't change for you, so you are better of leaving
Because I am a coprophile. Isn't it obvious??
>There is no good anime
Alright we get it, you don't like anime. Now, fuck off.
>They either left boards entirely, or went to other places, which I will not shit up by mentioning.
If they left the boards, chances are they weren't exactly the kinds of people that define /a/, since these types of people have nowhere else to go. And other places probably wouldn't be as fast as /a/ and thus be boring to people with no life who have nothing else to do but refresh imageboards all day long.

So, no. There isn't really another option. You're either stuck here forever, or you haven't been really part of it in the first place.
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Not even /v/ is this bad
This is what /v/kids would like you to believe.
I know right? You should totally go back there.

Then your opinions hardly have any value here, do they? Why should we care about what you say if you have nothing positive to say about anything? You can be honest and be negative about shit, we all have shit we dislike, but disliking everything doesn't contribute much to a board like /a/.
That is what you think. You are entitled to your opinion. Of course, who is the intolerant one now, if you reject someone who watched enough anime to realize that it is pretty much all shit?
I think you've addressed the wrong post. Also, I'd disagree that all anime is shit and you should avoid using the terms moeshit/moefag if you don't want to be considered a faggot.
Oh I do have positive stuff to say. But sadly, this is kind of a negative thread, buddy old pal. I got nothing nice to say to you, and the whole "If you have nothing nice to say, do not say it" mentality really does not work on /a/, nor should it ever be that way. And so, you will have to read and get pissy about my views and opinions, whether you like it or not. Or, you can filter me, and I would be happy that you did, I do not want my posts to be read by faggots.

You've watched a shit ton of anime and suddenly discovered that to you, it's all shit. What's funny, is that you actually have the gall to believe that you've stumbled upon a realization of fact instead of a realization that maybe anime just isn't your thing. I'll ask again, why are you even here?
>avoid using moeshit/moefag
You are right, those terms are really crappy and do not say anything at all.
>wrong post
I responded to exactly the right post.
>disagree that all anime is shit
You have not watched enough anime then. It will come in time.
The point is of those terms is that nobody should care how they are considered. If I call you a moefag, why do you need to be mad? Ignore it and get on with your day.
>I responded to exactly the right post.
I don't see the connection of what you wrote to the post you've addressed. The post you've addressed dealt with the fact that most people who define /a/ probably wouldn't feel at home elsewhere. You on the other hand are talking about rejection and all anime being shit which doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Pay attention you illiterate faggot. That mentality was not mentioned in my post though I can see how you derped your way into thinking that. There is a difference between that mentality and the overwhelming mentality that "I HATH DECREED ALL ANIME IS SHIT". If you really believe that, why.are.you.fucking.here? You can believe that all you want, but it doesn't make sense why you're here. Having that mentality won't contribute to any discussion here. It certainly hasn't to this one.
Oh no, it is a very gradual process. The more you watch, the more you realize that it is all the same thing every time, just retouched in places to make it a little less plagiaristic. I do not hate anime, I accept that it is shit and keep on watching for the humor value and the value of pointing out what was recycled from where. That is all. If you are offended by the fact that I watch anime, and from experience, found it to be for the most part shit, then too bad.
>You have not watched enough anime then. It will come in time.
I've watched quite a bit, from the first shows I've watched dubbed on TV in the 80s up to when I got into subtitled anime during the late 90s up to now where I still find plenty of shows I enjoy during each season.
>it is all the same thing every time
More of the same isn't bad if you enjoy what is delivered.

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