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Only appropriate.
Hi folks. Aqua Lion Newfag here. On the suggestion of the last thread, I'm gonna watch the show and post after each episode. Figured it might be fun for you guys to watch someone who hasn't seen any of it stumble his way through it. Unless that's annoying. Anyway, I'll keep going till you tell me to stop. Gonna start episode 1 now.

Good luck, anon! You're in for quite a ride!

And try to doge spoiler as much as you could. ;)
You ever notice every picture of Kawamori, he's making that fucking troll grin?
Have fun
That's because he is, and he knows it.
Get out
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Loving the week long specula and how far its gotten, shits deep yo
As someone who stopped coming to threads outside of new episodes, I was surprised just to see how active things have been.
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It was a good week
I want that Rin daki.
Too late. It's Kawamori's now
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Best girl to advertise your booth? Fuck yes.

I think they vaguely hinted at it but people probably just thought of it as reincarnation shenanigans instead.

Then how recent was the magazine?


God fucking damn it.


If Mikono had her hair down all the time I might actually like her.
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Seems she gave something to Amata.

If this was actually in the show I'd feel more confident about her winning. But it's not, so yeah.

Unless we get it next episode.

Must be her virginity, that slut, and in an alley too. Have you no shame?

I would personally find it to be the funniest thing if it turned out like this. Could be a diverging point though.
The manga is PURE Mikonofag pandering.
Figures they'd bust out the "We met in childhood that means RABU" shit.
Bets on Amata/Kagura remembering that?

I'd love it if they pulled something like Onegai Twins where the anime and manga have opposite endings.

That way everyone wins.
It would make perfect sense if that was actually Kagura.

Anything to do with a SECRET PAST between two characters would feel like an asspull at this point. I hated it when Biscuit Hammer did it and I'd hate it here.

The only person's past I think we'll see next week is the truth about Amata's. His memory's been fucked with hardcore.
Who knows maybe it's the intention, like those AU mangas for the loser of a LN series (Sena and Kuroneko).

That machine totally broke because there was nothing to probe. Kagura is the one with the specificity, probably. Amata only has vague feelings.
>Kagura is the one with the specificity, probably
Wait what? Amata has his full memories. Kagura was the one who was fucked with
I can't believe this man created Macross Plus, then Macross Frontier and now this...

It's like he got some brain tumor.
I doubt it. Amata has memories of his mom and everything. They are just messed up.

It's Amata. We only see him in those clothes during and after Alicia's disappearance.


I dunno, I bet Zessica was at Amata's orphanage or something.
>Zessica was at Amata's orphanage or something.

So we get FFVIII orphanage ending?
I'm sorry, but did you not see Genesis? Or Earth Maiden Arjuana?

Or Basquash?

>It's Amata. We only see him in those clothes during and after Alicia's disappearance.
But we see Kagura in those clothes as well

But in a way that doesn't feel like a complete asspull? Sure.


Kagura warped to Altair or something soon after though. Or something.
Honestly either of the "they met as kids" would feel weird at this point. (Ironically, you can only do these kind of things at the end of the show). I can kinda ignore the manga since it's doing something way different it looks like
>But in a way that doesn't feel like a complete asspull? Sure.

Meh, I was just kidding. Would still be hilarious if really happens, though.
But all we know is that Mykage found him on Vega. I don't think we saw what happened after the split. Though they will show that next episode I bet
They met 24,000 years ago. Meeting as kids isn't that big of a deal
I wihs the preview for next episode had showed a hint of confirmation about getting Amata's past.
Wings of revival doesn't tell to much either.

That's how EVOL rolls.

Remember the last episode (20) preview? Yeah, misled a lot of people didn't it?
BUt the thing wit this preview is that it shows a lot of things that must be chained in some way.

All of the previews except the Banana one have done this. All of them.

Don't trust the previews, they're either complete bullshit or full of meaningless fluff.
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Next episode is gonna rock your socks and your anus. Hope you're prepared /a/

Is Zessica dead?
Will Amata have a change of heart and return Zessica's feelings?
Or will Amata continue to whine "Mikono-saaan" for the rest of the show?
What is the story behind Amata and Kagura?
What is the true past?
Will Aquarion of Genesis awaken?
Will Mikono return Kagura's feelings?
Will Kagura betray Altair?
What is the promise Zessica made to Kagura?

I think we will get answers - or at least begin to get answers - to many of these questions! Pull up your socks and tighten your asshole!

Showing random scenes of people in vectors and Crea being herself means nothing.

The only indications we have of anything actually happening are a roughed-up Kagura holding Mikono and Amata going through the Dimensional Gate, both of which could very well happen at the end of the episode.
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>promise Zessica made to Kagura

Dammit. I meant Mykage.
we'll have some Shrade pretending to die again too
itt: Zessicafags in denial
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lol, I troll you
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Why is Mykage so happy and pink?
He¡s getting amata to Altair/Atlandia, and he has the wings of the sun.
It's one of Spicy Oni-chan prophecies
Shit's always Red and Black in his visions

Oh yeah, Shrade survives too, obviously.

So all we really know is that:
>Kagura gets into a fight, meets Mikono again
>Amata gets back into a vector and somehow gets drawn into the Gate
>Shrade gets back to Neo-Deava safely


It's not in the show, yet. If they had showed that scene as early in the show as they did in the manga, you might have a better case.


Honestly, I think Altair is Mars.
>Honestly, I think Altair is Mars.
They've confirmed it's a different dimension a few times. Atlandia in the original was one too.
Episode 1/2:

-Does he yell everything he says? ...Did he just jizz his pants?
-I wonder if that school is a giant robot.
-Wow Zessica sure does crave cock. Or am I reading into this wrong... Stonking great tits though.
-Oh... so her hair thing was a bunn-... cat?!
-Dude! Metal fist dude is my favorite! Male Biribiri?
-Those defense cannons aren't worth a damn.
-Generic black guy.
-Zessica is a minx.
-They wear chastity belts on mecha?
-Wait are these three person mechs?
-Oh... they were combined. And... warped out? Weird.
-What the fuck am I watching.
-Bitch let the man fight! Stop whining like a mewling quim!
-Zessica is my favorite now. Bitch slap of death.
-That evil dude is totally the voice of Simon from Gurren Lagann.
-Corsair guy seems important.

Overall impressions: Wut.
you mean like how sheryl and alto also met in the mango.

try again.

screaming "not canon" seems to be the new rallying cry of your ship as it sinks with each new scrap of info
>Did he just jizz his pants?
Best scene
>Wow Zessica sure does crave cock

I doubt your body is ready to handle the flood of Zessicafags coming your way.

And just you wait. Shit gets better with every episode(until like 15, then filler everywhere)
>Atlandia in the original was one too.

Atlandia was on Earth!

It just had some screwed up physics, but it was still on Earth, which was why the death of the Tree was bringing everything with it including NeoDeava and the rest of human civilization.

The Dimensional Gates are pretty clearly gates that warp space.

Altair is just far away.
Everyone thought she was a slut to start with. Even Zessicafags will admit it
>Altair is just far away.
As far as Altair and Vega are.
>They've confirmed it's a different dimension a few times

[citation needed].
>-I wonder if that school is a giant robot.
I've been thinking this for weeks.

It looks like Tauburn.
>dimensional gate
>Altair being a reflection of Vega even in the OP
>implying OP is canon

besides like the anon above said, dimensional gates are gates that travel through spatial dimensions.
>implying OP is canon
>shows Amata and Kagura being the same person in different worlds
>And just you wait. Shit gets better with every episode(until like 15, then filler everywhere)

Hijink episodes have always been crucial part of Aquarion - whole eps 7-9 run can be considered "filler" too - and the main story does always move a little forward even in the most standaloneish episodes. So I wouldn't really call them filler.


lol, yeah.

The school does look like Tauburn a bit.
Yeah, after episode 1/2 I had no idea what the fuck i was watching either.

The most I can say is there are parts that you should NOT take seriously in this show.
>Altair is just far away.

Yeah, Mars is actually pretty fucking far. It would take them weeks to get there via conventional spacecraft and we don't even know if they have access to that kind of technology.
Manga, VA spoilers, everything is pointing clear for the best girl (mikono you faggots) to win. Let the slut rest in her rocky tomb.
Wait until tomorrow before you troll

The manga isn't the show's canon, though. It doesn't even have the same writers.

>VA spoilers

Those are from a magazine though. We don't know how recent that is.

And look, given that Kagura is with Mikono next week while Amata is on his way to Altair...
>best girl
>Amata's VA hates her

I don't think Zessica is going to win either, but it's going to be damn difficult for Mikono to win just the same.
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Wait, this color scheme....

A mindfuck vision, I hope.
I don't really care about this show anymore. The only things I want to see by the end are Kagura and the annoying one dimensional fujoshi girl dying.
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>I want to see [...] the annoying one dimensional fujoshi girl dying.
>and the annoying one dimensional fujoshi girl dying.
She's already won her Aqua Lion, her role is fulfilled.
Am I the only person who REALLY likes Amata's character design?

It'd be even better if he wasn't such a faggot.
Someone really have to explain why the writer would write mikono like the was she is to the point even the writer hate her?
Episode 3:

-Rare Iguanas deteriorated? God, this show is rife for word replacement isn't it.
-Oh fuck, lolfang indeed... Jesus she is stacked.
-Cayenne Pepper needs to stop being so grouchy.
-Berlin... *snerk*
-He broke the robo hymens. All of them.
-...Corsair dude just likes to cosplay doesn't he?
-Mix is a lesbian huh?
-This dude drills holes of desire... *snerk*
-Andy Warhol?
-Wow... right into her ass.
-Black guy is mad he got replaced.
-Atomic bellyflop. OTL.

Overall impressions: He thinks with his crotch huh?
>Am I the only person who REALLY likes Amata's character design?
I like it too.

>It'd be even better if he wasn't such a faggot.
But he's not....
I assume that since she's such a pivotal character, they can't go too in-depth with her without revealing plot content that should be saved for the end, similar to Amata.
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>Rare Iguanas

The only explanation is that she's supposed to be unappealing. But that would be too clever for an anime.

>Andy Warhol?


I look forward to when you get to the date episode, it's where the show really gains an identity of its own.
>-Berlin... *snerk*

Heh, glad to love that one too. I had to pause the episode for a good minute there.
Sides hurt too much.
let be honest in term of chasing a girl, he is doing his best. it that the girl has daddy issue and is weak hence noone blames it on her
>Those are from a magazine though. We don't know how recent that is.
It was like a month ago. And they weren't spoilers. People need to stop spreading that around
> glad to love that one too

*glad to see someone else love that part too
peple refuse to see the obvius
mmnga shows mikono amata meet when kids
they ment to be together
va just mad that mikono wins

So Amata has mommy issue, while Mikono has daddy issue.

What a perfect match.
NOW we've got an EVOL thread
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>implying that the manga is canon
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You make every EVOL thread complete.

Do you know that?

He's a withdrawn weakass. Granted, it's well-justified, but it doesn't make him any less unlikeable for me.

Why can't we have an anime as fun as EVOL with a main character like Yamagi Kazuma or Juuzawa Juu?
The problem is that Amata only wants to fuck the image Mikono gives of his mom.

This guy is gonna be intolerable when Mikono wins.


Then it would be about the time he was recording this episode or so.
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even if the writer did that for a reason why would she tell us? Surely it would be better for the views to think about it instead of saying "yeah i hate her too"
the show barely pass 10cm of mikono as a character. I mean all I need to know about her as a character can be summed up with the word indecisive

Yagami, rather. How the fuck did I type Yamagi?
>He's a withdrawn weakass
But he's not at all.

Except that's not true.

Yes, the guy has issues about his mom but it's about him leaving her, not because he wants to fuck her. I don't know why you guys insist on this idea.
He looks like that guy from that doujin where he keeps fucking the girl and he keeps looking at us with a stupid grin on his face all the time.
Your keyboard just keeps getting worse. I thought only your shift key was broken.
He wants to fuck Mikono because she looks like his mom. That's about it for his unnatural attraction to her.
>He's a withdrawn weakass
No, that was Jin. Amata is like...the opposite of withdrawn without being over the top about it

"Bland", maybe? There's little that can be said about him other than "cares a lot about his friends" and "has an oedipus complex".
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That's not really true. He has abandonment issues, but people seriously overdo the mommy issue shit. And Amata does actually have a past with Mikono.
>And Amata does actually have a past with Mikono.
He met her and instantly fell in love with her, that's about it.

>And Amata does actually have a past with Mikono.

Don't count the manga so soon.
>And Amata does actually have a past with Mikono.

Assuming she's Sylvia, sure.

>but people seriously overdo the mommy issue shit

You'd have to be blind to not see the similarities between Alicia and Mikono.
Zessica is the next Sayaka

Sayaka served a narrative point though. Zessica serves no point at all if she doesn't win.
I meant as Apollonius
She'll serve as much point as sirius did.
Reincarnation shenanigans don't make people all in love.
Apollo and Sylvia were relally tsundere and fell in love, profressively, after getting to know each other and spending some time together.

No one honestly expected Sirius to win.
They have spent time together and gotten to know each other? It's been a stagnant relationship, but there is something there. I don't like the two of them together, but people are really downplaying their possible feelings for each other.

He's spent just as much time with Zessica.

Zessica has actually confessed to him, she has kissed him, and she, unlike Mikono, would wait 12000 years for him.

I think the major indication that Zessica might actually have a chance is that they didn't write her out of the running after the banana episode. That was a perfect time to do so.
Episode 4:

-So he piloted the Aqua Lion and got robo hands. I fail to see how this is a bad thing.
-Zessica wears the shortest shorts.
-I keep expecting to hear "KIMI WA DARE TO KISSU O SUGU". Fucking Macross Frontier.
-A girl filled his hole with something hard. Wow.
-Fucking hell Cayenne Pepper. Calm the fuck down.
-Shrade gives no fucks.
-Neo Koalas? First Rare Iguanas and now this...
-Crotch lasers.
-Corsair is fucking fabulous. Fudo or whatever.
-<Mikono> "You know onii-chan, it hurts to have your hymen torn."
-He got fisted.
-So much for the Berlin Wall...

Overall impressions: Love is forbidden.
Your episode summaries suck dude. Stop it.
><Mikono> "You know onii-chan, it hurts to have your hymen torn."

Ahahahaha. I remember how awkward that gattai was.
>Sayaka served a narrative point
Sayaka had a point?

Eh? You mean the overall impressions or the whole thing? I thought people were enjoying them but if you guys want me to stop I will. I'm still not sure what to think of this series. Infinity punches are p.cool but Mikono is getting a bit insufferable.

How unfunny can you get?

No, don't stop, they're hilarious and serve to remind me of why I watched the show in the first place.

>Mikono is getting a bit insufferable.

Just wait.


Her story served to show us what happens to the average magical girl.
>Her story served to show us what happens to the average magical girl.
So she had no point at all

It still had a point, dude.
I'm not going to argue with you. I do agree with you and hope for Zessica end. But I'm not going to be surprised how it ends up if it does go Mikono end.
You mean something that we saw with the other characters?

You got my hopes up you fucker.
Don't listen to faggots. Keep doing them please

I'll try to do better. If after this next episode you guys still think it sucks I'll just watch it in silence. Was only doing this on a suggestion from the last thread. It's my first time watching it.
I can't wait to see what you say about next ep

Ignore troll, continue your fabulous journey.
>yfw then have beach episode where kagura and zessica are trapped on a island and they have to gattai to get off the island

que every sunrise mecha. God i hate this trope so much, specifically it's use in seed/SD and CG
I'm enjoying it.
And Godannar. Yea pretty much every Sunrise mech show.

Eh... you guys do realize that EVOL is not done by Sunrise, right?
But they already did the island episode....kind of. It was shenanigans

And this is Satelight, not Sunrise

my bad anons, I could have sworn kawamori had done sunrise bullshit. well what's going to happen is we're going to get the, let's wait another 12,000 years for the resolution of the lovestory trope, or the lovers never get good end trope that kawamori loves
>let's wait another 12,000 years for the resolution of the lovestory trope, or the lovers never get good end trope
I would hope that we didn't get a repeat of Genesis' end. I'd like it if he just let Apollonius and Cellliane or even just the characters end the legend because fuck, it's been 24,000 years. Stop keeping them apart
I'd be surprised if Apollo/Silvia didn't get a good end. Though that means Mikono gets a good end.

do not want, she has done nothing but waffle about kagura the entire show, and be jealous of that amata has a penis
Well, they wrote her that way. They even said she's at the mercy of fate/circumstance, and her whole daddy issues spiel probably doesn't help.

Though I'm still calling an AmaguraxMikono end. Imagine the flood of butthurt that will spew forth from everyone.
Episode 5:

-Oh... it's Holland. No wonder I knew that voice. You're a p.cool guy Fudo.
-Loli chairwoman?
-So... the hole in Zessica's shorts is for a tail isn't it?
-Wow... that girl comes with a bag over her face by default...
-No one in this world knows what a fucking cat is do they.
-Poor Robohands...
-"You'll fly for anyone!"
-Stink deliciously?

Overall Impressions: Why is MIX the only one who doesn't have a normal name?
ep 21 would have been so much better, if Amata went beserk when zessica died. The fact that he just floats to the ground is dissappointing, I know there are 4 more eps, but god damn it would have been awesome to see the wings again, and have him attack the cherubim head on. It's obvious next episode will be a return to the "MIKONOOOOOOOOO-SAN!!!!"
yelling beta faggotry

>No one in this world knows what a fucking cat is do they.

Everyone but Amata.
Watch it and don't blog about it.
>Why is MIX the only one who doesn't have a normal name?

Because she's the best girl.

>Why is MIX the only one who doesn't have a normal name?

Because it's a joke. A really bad joke.
That word
I do not think it means what you think it means
Also I bet you're a Mikonofag
no they just wanted to use her name as a title and allude to the xx xy thing
The butthurt would echo for years to come.
They aren't showing his wings for a reason, even then he rushed as fast as he could to the place of the accident to save Zessica.
>if Amata went beserk
Not that kind of protagonist
His wings should show up again soon. It's annoying me they don't draw them.

>Mikonofag being used as a general insult word

I like this trend.
Even Shu went berserk
Shu was mindbroken and betrayed by everyone and everything.
Yes, but Amata is not Shu and is not going through the same thing.

(also, I cannot believe people think she's dead. Or that anybody just dies like that. Or that Mykage would even want to kill her like that when he had multiple times to do it if he wanted to)
Amata didn't think she was dead. He was running to go help her, not crying she was dead. I don't see anything wrong with his reaction there.
>Or that Mykage would even want to kill her like that when he had multiple times to do it if he wanted to

She was getting in the way of the old legend this time
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As I posted in the last thread:

Zessica is the seed for the new tree of life. Mykage needs her to birth more angels. He needs Taiyou no Tsubasa to pollinate Zessica.
Also pretty sure Mykage is Otoha.
>I don't see anything wrong with his reaction there.
I never said there was
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brace yourself

Since they don't show his face it could be either Amata or Kagura. If it were Kagura then it may explain why she needs to apologize.

Fucking when.
Looking at this thumbnail I thought her shirt was drawn all the way down instead of half way to her nipple. Christ that design is stupid.

I could brace myself, but I'll never be ready anyway.
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zessica is only be useful when she's being bred like an animal

what a typical woman
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>-So... the hole in Zessica's shorts is for a tail isn't it?

Oh god I wish. Neko Zessica would win every aqualion by default.
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Visual of Apollonius' two halves and why we say Amata was Aquarion.
They never did explain what was the deal with this

I'm not really seeing what there's to explain. A cat is a cat in the same way tree is a tree

The only thing I can see that all of the "cats" have in common is that they have whiskers.
but it's not out of character for amata to go beserk, look at all the interactions he's had with kagura, if anything this was the chance to show that he may be wavering on mikono if he was going to now would be now.
How'd Amata's wings end up on his feet anyway?
24,000 years later, the idea of "cats" degenerated
>but it's not out of character for amata to go beserk
Name one time he has gone berserk or hinted he could go.
anytime he's faced off with kagura over mikono, etc. And beserk is not really the right word, but beserk as in terms of beserk for the show, aka full of emotion
Berserk for the show is Andy solo'ing Altair's HQ, Amat just rises a bit and as far as Zessica is concerned, he went back to her as far as he could.
it is hinted that his mother had flight ability as well.
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Berserk is shrade killing civilians
I want a continuation of the detachment wing scene without Pepper ruining it with bullets

But they weren't civilians.
>-That evil dude is totally the voice of Simon from Gurren Lagann.

If you mean Kagura, he is not Simon from TTGL. His most recent good role from a good show has to be Banager Links from Gundam Unicorn
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Never change, Zessica.

My question is when Kagura is going to get that scar.

...Why DOESN'T Amata think that they're cats?

>not a good show
what is tsuritama?

I think real berserk is Andy making a black hole in Aquarion
We went over this last thread. It's clearly a reverse jackhammer.

Zessica is kind of short, isn't she? I never realized.


noitaminA. This season. It's about fishing and space aliens.

>...Why DOESN'T Amata think that they're cats?

Not sure but he always had this reaction whenever someone mentioned cats. Maybe he was slowly going insane.
Upon further inspection it looks like she's pinning him down after he starts floating away
Think she's short now? Go look up her actual height. I'm sure we'll all get a good laugh.
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>Zessica is kind of short, isn't she? I never realized.

Yeah, well...
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>>66304840 Zessica is kind of short, isn't she? I never realized.
It's really noticeable when she stands next to MIX.
>Zessica is shorter than Mikono
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You never noticed?
>152 CM
Another reason why Zessica is best girl
She isn't a towering monstrosity like Mikono or MIX.
I guess not.
My brain has always placed them around the same height.

looking at Zessica's height. damn. Take her boobs away and have her dress less revealingly and the physical resemblance to Ranka gets uncanny.

Kawamori you lazy fuck
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>Mix is as tall as some of the guys
Makes sense, guess I never noticed that be-
>Molloy is as tall as I am
This is a first.
Except for the whole part where Zessica's personality is way better.

You guys grossly exaggerate how tall/short the cast is. Roughly:

>Amata, 5'5"
>Mikono, 5'3"
>Zessica, 4'9"
>Kagura, 5'8"
>Shrade, 5'9"
>Cayenne, 5'9"
>Andy, 5'7"
>MIX, 5'6"
>Yunoha, 4'6"
>Malloy, 6'
Zessica is more than 20 cms shorter than me, that's fuckshort.
Amerifat much?
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I said physically. You're also implying silly implications about internal ranking of Superior Green characters but I'll let it pass this time
>superior green characters
Ranka was the inferior girl.
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Wait, do the nips also like Zessica more than Mikono?

Also how late do I have to stay up tonight in 4chan time for the new episode
It airs in 18 hours.
What the fuck why is everyone 5" shorter then they look.
Giant anime heads?

>Wait, do the nips also like Zessica more than Mikono?

That's the impression I get.
Actually, the guys look pretty good, now that I look at it. The girls, though, do have some head = ribcage going on.
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>watch da aqua lion episodes 1-3
>Zessica is hilariously lewd
So when does she become a pure maiden?
Is when you start to compare her to the main heroine that her pureness comes to light.
The more you guys hate Mikono, the more there is for me. Enjoy your cum-stained Zessica
At least she's not into bestiality.
I'm not interested in picking a side for who wins the Aqua Lion, but it'll be hilarious if Zessica doesn't win in the end.
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It just hit me that I don't even find it weird that Shushu is a cat any longer
>but it'll be hilarious if Zessica doesn't win in the end
It'll be predictable, Mikono winning is the basic, most natural end. Me Sylvia, also first girl, you Apollo, let's fuck.
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Oops, meant to quote >>66306533.
But Mix has a penis now.
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They made a nice combo, but Inori was waifu of the year.

Have you forgotten where you are?
A gigantic horse cock. Big Bang indeed.
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>Big Bang indeed
Inb4 Andy's actually been digging holes this entire time because he was looking for someone to fill them.

Zessica and Amata are both really short, even for Asians.
I'm not sure what you're implying here
Only because of that Kerrigan Queen of Blades scene. That really was where she changed from autistic slut to badass waifu. I guess the question is, will Mikono have some sort of scene here soon that changes everyone's mind like Inori did? It'd be a big game changer.

It would if reincarnations weren't at play, if Amata were Apollo things would be more straight forward.

Asians. It's always like this. Characters that are considered very tall are usually only like six foot.
What if MIX can be turned back easily, but doesn't want to be? She remembers everything about her old life and still loves Andy, but wants to remain a man?
>Only because of that Kerrigan Queen of Blades scene
And the ending, her last scene with Shu was the best executed one in GC, which isn't saying much, but still.

Too bad she was never this cool again.

Man, GC could have been so much better had they put real effort into it instead of just copying Geass and other Sunrise works the whole way through.
Wait a sec. MF is still selling IS dakis?
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So I suppose now Amata/Kagura are somehow the same person, and they're both reincarnations of Apollonius/Apollo/Solar Wings? I don't fucking get it.
I have a vague feeling they're about to revert Mikono's character to it's former state because [things happen]. I hope I'm wrong.
Then Andy should obviously turn into a women.
I think that would kind of contrast with her image. But hey, Andy would probably be like "fuck it"
>So I suppose now Amata/Kagura are somehow the same person, and they're both reincarnations of Apollonius/Apollo/Solar Wings?

Someone post that final shot of her from like the last five seconds.
Took a break to unbox my Nirvash and TheEnd.

Episode 6:

-It seems like everyone from the evil world is disturbingly fabulous...
-I'm starting to understand. Robots make you orgasm, music kills you.
-Neo Diva and Neo Koala...
-Is Mikono retarded? Dude calls her stinky and a wench and she wants his dick...
-Amata is retarded too I guess...
-Loli olev Pianoman.
-Somehow I doubt they'd kill off Shrade so early.

Overall Impression: Trying to figure out who isn't retarded in this series is trying.
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>everyone from the evil world is disturbingly fabulous...

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>mfw the crazy9 doujin hasn't been translated yet
>Is Mikono retarded? Dude calls her stinky and a wench and she wants his dick...
No, that's a realistic representation of a 3D woman.
>Dude calls her stinky and a wench and she wants his dick...

My friend's girlfriend loves him. Women just like shit like that, I dunno why.
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>mfw that one doujin of Amata fucking Mix

Kagura calling her smelly is a clue from the previous series.

Apollonius had put half of his soul in Aquarion, when he died his other half reincarnated into Apollo. Apollo and Aquarion's soul went back together and were born together in Amata. Somehow the soul split again and you have Amata (Aquarion) and Kagura (Apollo).

They both have the same soul but they're not truly the same person, at least not anymore.
Episode 7:

-Pianoman lives. Not shocked. Loli still olev(Or should I say evol HYUKHYUKHYUK) Shrade.
-When does Zessica get to "form the head"?
-Andy Warhol should just paint some soup cans already.
-MIX is against mixing. Dohoho.
-God DAMN Zessica has some big bangs...
-Does Cayenne ever get the pepper out of his ass?
-Mikono is a masochist isn't she?
-I just noticed Zessica doesn't wear panties.
-This is seriously Angel Grove syndrome. Why the hell would anyone live in this city. It's ALWAYS getting blown up.
-Oh hey, Zessica got to be the head. Question answered.
-So I'm guessing girls aren't allowed to be good at being the head.
-Why is the loli invisible?
-Is every gattai going to end up with orgasms?
-Wait what? They actually have lasers that are made of light and not magically something physical like EVERY OTHER SCIFI EVER?!
-She's a dazzling new rare iguana alright...
-"He'll fly for anyone."

Overall Impression: When do I get to see Lions?
>-Does Cayenne ever get the pepper out of his ass?
Yeah. Don't hold your breath waiting though.
>-Is every gattai going to end up with orgasms?
What's the difference?
>When do I get to see Lions?

There's a hot spring episode for the Aqua Lion, don't worry.
Seriously though, Zessica isn't wearing underwear. Why does no one at the school notice this?
More like she's wearing only underwear.

Maybe they don't want to be distorted in the face.

What's underwear? Is it some type of cat?

All I'm saying is a stiff breeze would be enough to "gattai" her if you know what I mean.

Starting episode 8.
>through pants
What do you have to take to achieve that level of Aqua Lion?
Stop blogging about what you just watched.
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Either I'm seeing Aquarion in everything now or this is totally Vampire Mikono.
I meant Succubus.

Not perfect enough
>implying she is not a succubus in the show
>Her love is the same as death

Yeah, I don't think it's Aquarion. She'd look good like that though.
Is that Cardfight Vanguard?
>Is every gattai going to end up with orgasms?

That's what gattai is, so, yes.

They notice, they just don't comment on it. It's rude.

Suddenly, she's improved.
chinese girls never win in animu
I'd say go to episode 9 and then you'll know if the show is for you if you aren't enjoying it.

Cause the thing about Aquarion is this : You have to like the side characters to like the show, cause the writer is one who tends to sacrifice main character screentime for the sake of better side characters
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>Shit character
>Shit personality
>Shitty motive (he's human)
>waifu of the year

To be honest, Aquarion EVOL feels more to me like a story with a full cast and a main plotline that only involves a few of those cast members directly.

It's among the main reasons that I like it so much. I found Genesis much more disjointed.
I hate how all you Guilty Shit fags keep tricking me into thinking that if I like Aquarion EVOL, I'll like Guilty Crown, but no. Guilty Crown is shit and the characters are horrible. Stop trying to trick me.
Episode 8:

-"What color are my panties?" YOU AREN'T WEARING ANY ZESSICA!
-No women on the entire planet? No wonder they are so fabulous.
-Zessica's boob window is amazing.
-Clothing shredding attack.
-Zessica feels missles through her exposed skin. Clearly she should fight naked from now on.
-Everyone get naked. Even Pianoman...
-I swear to god if Fudo gets naked...
-Zessica wants to win the Aqua Lion so bad now...

Overall Impression: DOUJINS WHERE

Ah, episode 8. That was some entertaining shit.

It's like Star Driver in that sense.


GC was pretty entertaining. I enjoyed it. Cruel ending though.

No mention of one of the best insert songs in teh show?
>-Zessica wants to win the Aqua Lion so bad now...
Oh man
You do not even comprehend how much Zessica is going to want to win the Aqualion.
I have no idea what sort of retard would suggest such a thing. The only relevance between the two is the copypasta of the VA cast. That's a fair chunk of relevance, but the shows are nothing alike besides that one thing.
>GC was pretty entertaining
If you're retarded
oh man I caught up from episode 1/2 when it aired yesterday, so your posts are especially hilarious.

Zessica should win the Aqua Lion, but won't
Looks I'll be missing the livestream tomorrow. I hope you guys can link to the newer threads when the previous ones get maxed so I can see them in order when I get around to watching it.
Seems things are starting to die down.
And it's not a bad thing.

I think Aqualion Newfag might have taken a break or something.

Really, we're all just waiting in dread for when Zessica loses the Aqua Lion tomorrow.
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It seems as if we should stoke the fires of discussion around here.

What's your favorite aspect of EVOL? The discussions and speculah that you partake in with fellow anons, or the show itself with its wacky cast and gay space angels?
He stopped because noone cares to comment on his post anymore.
I rather enjoyed his posts. Recapped me of earlier episodes which may or may not be relevant later on.
>dreading a slutty mary sue losing in a show
sure is summer



Yeah, me too. I was quite enjoying it.


Kind of both, really. I haven't enjoyed myself with a show this much since, uh, huh. Not really anything.
Both obviously.
We should also get some more Fudo shoops. We can't have exhausted all of the amusing places for him to appear.
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This is going to be one interesting family reunion.
Damn Amata tone down the guyliner
That reminds me, what do you guys think is Izumo's power? It seems to me as if its power nullification, based on what he did to Amata.

Not as bad as Izumo's.
Anyone knows when the episode is out?

Tomorrow, around 1:55 p.m. ET.
Is MIX a trap?
They will never be a happy family.....

Yeah, seems like it. He was able to suppress Mykage's wings and did the same with Amata. Kind of a neat power if you think about it.
izumo isn't the father, his right hand man is, he's seen in the meeting, his hair style/color match amata, and the way he addresses amata doesn't seem fatherly
It also explains why Mykage hasn't simply gone "Fuck it, this world is mine" and try to kill Izumo.

Something like that, he was able to hold Mykage's power back. With Amata it kinda looked like it wrapped around him? I'd need to rewatch that scene to be sure.
Assuming Izumo is the father, don't you think it'd be pretty hard to be "fatherly" to your own son after not seeing him for 10+ years and having that exact son also remind you of your comatose waifu, as well as him being a Vegan?

Well, it seems like Mykage was genuinely interested in all the search of the true eve in the beginning, but then he heard about the possibility of the solar wings being on Vega at the time he completely forgot about his initial mission and proceeded to mindfuck Kagura to get his beloved wings of the sun. He's not really interested on Altair's well being or in Altair at all. But yeah, Izumo's power put him in a lot of disadvantage...

Amata is essentially a stranger to him, I wouldn't expect him to be fatherly.
no if you go back to the izumo dead altair shit, he's sitting next to someone that has the same color hair and same style as amata, it might be a redherring but I feel that if izumo was his father, he wouldn't refer to him as the winged BOY, even if he could possibly be the father, i'd think that he would say different words to refrence it

Izumo didn't even start talking about Amata's father until he heard the name "Amata", he knew that name from somewhere.

Well, in the last episode it seemed like he was aware that Kagura was a split personality of Amata, it makes me wonder why he hasn't realized that he's actually quite close to the wings of the sun (donut analogy, anyone?).
Wouldn't it be an asspull to make the father of the protagonist some cardboard background character seen how many fucking episodes ago? As opposed to his mother who is a famous actress as well as something of great importance to Izumo/Altair as a whole.

As for him calling Amata the winged boy, see >>66312572

They're essentially strangers.
The donut analogy is exactly what I was thinking of in regards to that. Glad I'm not going insane.

Since that dream seemed to be his doing he knew about Amata and Kagura's connection, at least by last episode. Perhaps Amata has been protected somehow? I don't see why Mykage would take just Kagura and not both, would have made his job much easier to have tamed both from childhood.
>cardboard background character

It's called a subtle hint, moron.
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I don't really have a point for this, but I wanted to list these points out about our two main heroines mostly for my own benefit to organize my thoughts.

>Met Amata first, and has 20 episodes of fixation on her
>Hasn't returned to tell Amata whatever it was yet
>On the OST cover
>Held hands and danced in the air with Amata
>Probably a reincarnation of Celiane through Silvia
>Looks like Alicia
>Daddy issues to match Amata's mommy issues
>Design elements that call back to each other (wings on feet)

>Met Amata after he'd already become obsessed with Mikono
>Already confessed
>Some official art maybe?
>Kissed Amata
>Most likely not a reincarnation of anyone significant
>Fighting fate
>Doesn't remind him of anyone
>Backstory is ???? right now
>Clothes that sort of look like Celiane's armor

Even with last week's moment, in terms of winning the Aqua I think Mikono has more factors in her favor currently. However, as another anon pointed out a couple of previous threads ago, the narrative seems to be pushing Mikono away from him. While Zessica has been trying to become Mikono and what Amata's looking for, I feel like Mikono's been growing tired of the passive little princess image Amata was projecting on her and trying to move away from it while growing a spine (and becoming Zen?).

Anyways, as a personal opinion, I hope Mikono wins, just to spite the Zessicafags. Barring that, fourway orgy end.
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It'd be a subtle hint that would be pretty stupid at this point, if not horrible writing. And please, call me more names. Like smelly wench.
mommy end>Zessica end>Kagura end>Andy end>Mikono end

Because Kagura doesn't have any memories, he practically started as a completely new human. Because of wild-like and impulsive personality he was more easy to manipulate than Amata, who knew who Alicia was and was a threat if he found out that she was somewhere in Altair.
Izumo would have realized who Amata was so Mykage couldn't take him and use him. He also could have been protected by Zen all along.
So Amata should go for MIkono cause of destiny and fate and she looks like his mommy?
Ok then
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I'm curious of how much of Amata's memories have been screwed with, they were quite off during that brain scan and he even fried the machine.

Ah, forgot about Izumo. He really is the thorn in Mykage's side, isn't he?

From a neutral point of view, yes, she seems to have more points in favor just because she happens to fit Amata's expectations. I always saw his relationship with Mikono like, his way to make up for not following his mom? He always projects her into Mikono, and is always trying to get her attention, and so far I think is his way of redeeming himself for not being brave enough to follow her to Altair? Is like "I may have let you go before, but I won't make the same mistake again!"

It's funny because Kagura's way to Mikono is more like "Want it or not, you're my smelly wench and you're gonna like it and we're going to be happy and you can't do anything about it", which is, pointed by Yunoha, more forceful and aggressive. Have someone noticed that he doesn't even think of asking Mikono whether she wants to be with him or not? He just takes her against her own will. I always thought it had something to do with Amata's feelings when he couldn't follow Alicia, like "This time I won't let you go bitch", something like trying to make up for his cowardice? Instead of asking, take it forcefully, IDK somehow...

And I don't think Mikono is trying to change for the better. Yes, she might have been trying to grow a spine but it was 20 episodes later that she just decided that she could do things by herself. It wouldn't be so annoying if she had tried to change from the beginning.
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Seems like a lot. The Aquarion watching him and taking away his mother are kind of interesting if he's a giant robot. Taking away his mother, he just blames himself? Maybe 2deep.

Oh wow I just realized that his entire relationship with Mikono is just him trying to redeem himself for what happened to Alicia.
I never quite understood why Aquarion is shown taking Alicia. Didn't Pepper-kun have a vision of it killing Mikono during the Wedding in Mourning Clothes?
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>I always saw his relationship with Mikono like, his way to make up for not following his mom?
That's what I always got from it.

In his vision of her running toward Aquarion and getting blasted she was a child.

Which is sort of why I think Mikono is a dead end for him.

However, it's going to take some mighty fine writing for him to turn to Zessica at this point... if she does "win", it'll be because Mikono loses.
Really? I thought Pepper said that he's been having that vision since she was a little girl.

He fell for Mikono at first sight, wouldn't be that far fetched for him. At least with Zessica they already have a foundation of a friendship.

She's a child in the actual vision, can't remember the actual episode number. I think it's the one where Fudo hijacks the boat and brings her back.

Well, not a mikonofag neither zessicafag but there's the possibility that:

From Amata's side: Will finally get over his mommy issues and he may or may not find a real reason to like Mikono as person and not as his projected image of his Alicia

From Kagura's side (also part of Amata): To find a real reason to like her as a person too, and not because she's the reincarnation of your past lover. He being stuck in the past doesn't portray him in a good light.

And because Mikono has yet to apologize to Kagura, that might have an influence on how everything turns out.
If Amata does end up going for Zessica it'll be a hell of a lot more subtle attraction than MIKONO-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, that's for sure.

Jesus, I'm crying tears of lol.

I hate when I arrive to /a/ this late in time. So much fun lost...

He even said this past episode "I won't lose anybody I love again", he's projecting a lot. I think Alisia isn't the only place where he gets his abandonment issues, some of it comes from Kagura. Alisia left him and then his other half did as well leaving him all alone. His soul has always been left behind, first in the Aquarion and now all of this.

With Kagura's forcefulness I think a lot of it comes from 24,000 years of frustration and Apollo's promise being engraved on his soul. Wanting Mikono is primal for him.

From a certain point of view, it'd be awfully less creepy and more healthy relationship than dreaming that you rape the girl that looks like your mom. I think if he would end with Zessica it'd be a way to move on with his life and finally let go of his problems since Zessica doesn't look anything like Alicia, isn't stuck in the past and... and I don't think I have to explain myself further.
They are already a lot more equal and natural than Mikono-saaaaaan, even just as friends

> With Kagura's forcefulness I think a lot of it comes from 24,000 years of frustration and Apollo's promise being engraved on his soul. Wanting Mikono is primal for him.

Which is... Kinda sad, seeing how everything has turned out so far? Mikono doesn't even remember said promise, and when he tells her that she's Sylvie she flips and completely rejects the idea. And even with all the reincarnation and promise thing, it doesn't look like enough of a reason mainly because Kagura doesn't know anything about her as a person. He, as Amata, keeps projecting his image of Sylvie on her without actually knowing her. Of course, is not his fault since he has far more obstacles than Amata and can't just talk to her so casually like him, so I don't blame him for that. But still, it's kinda disappointing...
Isn't it kind of interesting that Amata is so obsessed with Mikono, who reminds him of his mother, who became famous for playing Sylvia?
I hope the last episode ends with everyone telling amgura "Congratulations"
>Of course, is not his fault since he has far more obstacles than Amata and can't just talk to her so casually like him, so I don't blame him for that.
He'd have a pretty hard time talking to her normally anyways. He's practically feral and talks in opposite. I'm not even sure he could function in human society at this point. That's how bad Mikage screwed him up.
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My dear Watson, Amata's the one projecting his mother, Alicia, into Mikono.

Kagura is projecting Sylvia, the character played by his mother, into Mikono.

A very interesting case of Oedipus complex, indeed.
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I'm expecting some development starting next episode, I think a lot of his and Amata's issues should be getting settled. At least he looks quite a bit more sane in the preview.
It's kind of creepy when you think about.

I'm also confused about what Amata should remember. The 12,000 year old story he was the Aquarion, so he shouldn't really have much memories I guess. Mikono saw it once and seemed to remember something, even cried about it.
I want Kagura to explain to Mikono he's Amata. Should be fun.
Having an Amagura ending would make Zessicafags pissed though, because then she would have the full aqua lion's olev while Zessica is either dead or foreveralone

Kagura didn't know Alicia was his mother and Mikono is Silvia, not much projection but more so being dead on.

Would he still talk backwards while doing so?

>It's kind of creepy when you think about.

Again, this is why I'm saying a Mikono ending doesn't make sense thematically. It'd represent Amata just running from his problems and not facing them.

I'm not saying I see a Zessica ending, either, though.

He talked to her fairly normally in 15 once she calmed down and she figured out his double speak. He was able to recount an entire legend.

Well, at this point he is like Apollo, right? Who also was a feral child. But yeah, things are quite more difficult to him.

He seems to be functioning at some level, and like the rest of the cast, his power's secondary effects just activate when his emotions get out of hand, he seemed to talk perfectly when he wasn't around Mikono, so the backwards speech just happens when he's around her.

Mikage seems to have distorted his sense of values, since Kagura finds it pretty normal or at least is used to it and isn't even mad at him.
Amagura end would be such shit in a lot of ways. Not just becasue of Zessica.

Amata turns back into Aquarion. Kagura gets to live with his smelly wench and they finally stop reincarnating and messing with people. Zessica gets to gattai inside of Amata forever. Decent end.

Oedipus didn't know either.

He only seems to talk backwards when speaking about love and interprets Mikono's orders backward. Everything else appears to be normal.
That's kind of weird. Probably Mykage's fault

>Mikage seems to have distorted his sense of values, since Kagura finds it pretty normal or at least is used to it and isn't even mad at him.

I was talking about all the torture with spikes and everything. Something's wrong with him if he thinks that's normal.
If only they went into this in the show in detail.

>Mikage seems to have distorted his sense of values, since Kagura finds it pretty normal or at least is used to it and isn't even mad at him.

Man, now that he remembers what it's like to have a normal parent he must be quite confused. Or finally realizing that Mykage is full of shit and an abusive asshole.
Just a normal day at Mykage's house. Though people in EVOL never have normal reactions to anything for the most part.

But there must be a limit, Jin realized how much of a jerk he was just talking to Yunoha. He didn't knew shit about pretty much everything regarding social relationships until he got to Neo DEAVA, that says a lot.

>Something's wrong with him if he thinks that's normal.

That is his normal, having a gay space angel as your father figure will warp your sense of things.

Yeah, I wonder what will be Mikono's reaction when he sees him.
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I'm more surprised that it didn't warped his sense of fashion.

She doesn't seem to be afraid of him at least, actually she seems rather confused.
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Yeah, she even blushes from time to time (well, that's stretching it but you get the idea...)

For all we know he didn't develop his own sense of fashion until Mykage went to sleep for a couple years, who knows how he dressed when he was 13 or 14.

I bet Mykage made him wear a skirt.
More importantly will we get a NTR manga of Zessica stealing Amata from Mikono?
There will be nothing but vanilla Amata/Zessica with lots of hand holding.
There's that one posted sometime where Amata gets slapped.

Speaking of NTR, Mikono watched that kissu right?
Gonna need sauce on that bro.

Not sure. Maybe we'll find out later.

If she did, she barely seemed upset about it.

Ha ha ha poor Amata.

Now that would be interesting.
Then she didn't see it. Since we all know if anything she's a jealous bitch.

I don't think she'd have the time to be upset about it if Zessica is dead. If not, then we can expect yet more drama..

I wonder if she really is.
I guess newfag went to bed.

No no sorry, Toonami started and... well... I had to watch it. My childhood and all.

I'll try to squeeze in an episode while I watch.
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Well I can guess who won the aqua lion.
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Not Zessica?
Must suck to be Mikono when the guy who's after you thinks you're his mom.

This is what makes the fact that she's going to win anyway so frustrating.
Her interactions with Zessica pretty much the whole show confirm that. It's funny, Zessica probably wouldn't even be in the running if it wasn't for Mikono being a bitch in the first few episodes. She's the one who started the ball rolling, and then her connection power made things even worse.
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I kind of wonder if she really, honestly likes Amata though. The fact that she has "something to tell him" and that they're not directly confirming what that is...
Unless you are dumb you should know. The Yunoha scene implies what she's going to say
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She didn't confirm it there either.
She's going to tell him that she likes him. It should be pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a hardcore shipper.

That face looks more worried and slightly tortured than embarrassed to me.
She's smiling and blushing. She's going tell him she likes him. Not that it's going to work out like that.
>implying implications
Don't assume you know everything, or anything. There's a reason he walks around with a permanent trollface.
This show isn't as hard to figure out as some people think

Maybe in the moment when she said it, she probably was thinking on saying that she liked him, but with all these revelations and everything she may have changed her mind...

That's not a smile.


He's just saying to not expect everything to work out the way you think it should.

Remember the time that MIX turned into a boy?
No one's saying that.

Why make him wait to hear it? I don't get that.

I mean, I get its thematic purpose, but I don't get why she wanted to make him wait to hear it. She's not THAT spineless.

This. Waiting to say something almost always means you don't get to say it or you doom everything, you're basically jinxing yourself.

Especially after your rival has already confessed, and especially when the boy obviously likes you, too.

The million dollar question. We'll find out eventually I guess.
The drama demands it obviously.
No, I totally agree she jinxed herself but seems obvious she was going to say she liked him. Now things aren't going to work out like that. Not sure what's going to happen when she finds out who Kagura actually is

I don't either, I'm not so sure it's a simple "I like you".

On the boat she said that she had hurt both Zessica and Amata and that when she gets back she has to tell him, then starts to say she needs to do something else after that but doesn't finish her sentence. The last part is what's confusing me.
Just got into this show, and I have to say, it's pretty fucking obvious that the viewer is meant to sympathize with Zessica. Seriously, the focus shifts from Mikono to her as the show goes on.

This doesn't mean that Green is going to get Red's cock, but I think the disdain for Mikono is very much intentional

I honestly don't think hooking up with Amata is her top priority or else she wouldn't have put off confessing or left Amata alone with Zessica. Her priority seems to be more on focusing on herself and fixing her own issues.
you would have thought that was the case for Ranka, shows your age newfag, and frontier's been out for what 6 years, lets not remember all the plenty of macrosses where the best girl didn't win

Well, what if she had told him?

"I love you, but sorry, I'm about to leave on a journey to find the Commander."

I think it was supposed to be a promise that she'd come back to him after her search was over. Alternatively, you could look at as a followup to episode 1. Although she said jokingly that she'd wait for him before, this time she was asking him to wait this time.
I explicitly said it doesn't mean Green will end up with Red you fucking faggot, only that the viewers are supposed to feel more for Zessica.
If it's not intentional I'm not sure what the hell they are thinking. Mikono is pretty much guaranteed a decent to good end. Zessica, Amata and Kagura not so much.

But the best girl always won in Macross.
He'd be a lot happier if she told him


Really, she wants to help their comrades first. Her personal matters can wait. Also, reversing situations, etc. While we know, it'd be interesting to see how she deals with the revelations anyway.
But Lucy was the best girl in Plus
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Except for 7. Nobody won there.

That's what pains me the most. She doesn't deserve it, she has been a indecisive bitch since the beginning with no real intentions of improving while everyone else is actually struggling with their own problems instead of feeling sorry for themselves. It's unfair.
It's infuriating though, because Mikono expressed little to no interest in Amata for the entire time the series focused upon her. Every fucking time Kagura showed up though she was blushing like a virgin on her wedding night. Zessica initially saw Amata as nothing but the butt of a joke, but she slowly grew to legitimately like him. The latter half of the series has been focused upon her and her attention has not wavered even once from Amata.

If the shift in focus was intentional and Zessica STILL doesn't get a happy end no one deserves to, especially not Mikono.
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>Why do you keep flattering me?
>What Kagura hears.

I want them together simply for their conversations.

They're a great couple. I don't want Amata in on that.
If Mikono wins just by saying she likes Amata I'll be massively butthurt, that is nothing compared to what Zessica has done and gone through to show her love for Amata
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I'll gladly accept a KaguraxMikono doujin if it means a sequel doujin of AmataxZessica.
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You like this sort of thing?
I like how they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They know we all know he is going to survive.
Bestiality? My word, this is absolutely amazing. That's my fetish fuel right there.
He'll die when nobody expects it

Amata's reasons border more on how he feels about what happened to his mother.

Kagura's reasons border more on what happened to his past self and his 24.000 years of sexual frustration. That feels less creepy that wanting to bang the look-alike of your mom.

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