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Hello again, gents. I do hope you're in the mood for a Lupin III Music thread. There was an unannounced hiatus last week, but tonight we're back to our regularly scheduled programming. Like always, grab yourself some bourbon, a few bent cigarettes, your trusty Walther P38, and go rob a bank. It's time for Lupin the Third.

In this thread I'll be providing download links for and samples of Lupin III's wonderful music, torrent links for the different anime series, and more. Whether you're a newcomer to the series, an old, diehard fan, or just someone interesting in picking up some nice, jazzy tunes, this is for you.

So please, drop in, make yourself at home, and I'll be happy to accommodate you in all your Lupin related needs. Of course discussion about all things Lupin, new or old, is always encouraged. I hope you enjoy your stay.
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Now, before anything else, here is the DDL link for my own personal compilation of Lupin III music. It contains 33 songs from about 18 different Lupin related albums, all of them favorites of mine. It's meant to provide a good sampling of the kind of music Lupin III has to offer. So if you're curious, and by now you should be, download it, take a listen, and I promise you won't be disappointed.

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Next, here are a few links that will cover all your basic Lupin needs. They're torrents for the first Lupin III series (720p, though also available in 1080 and 480), the entire second series (with the first 79 episodes both subbed and dubbed), the Castle of Cagliostro, and the Secret of Mamo. If there's any of them that you haven't seen, I would highly recommend that you give them a twirl. There's all classic, and quite enjoyable.




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Here is the link to my mediafire folder, which contains multiple albums for download, along with a couple singles and my fanart collection.


They are far from everything, and these albums are not complete; I had to upload them myself, and I don't have every single track from every album (mostly because a lot of songs are repeated on them, and I can only handle so many renditions of the same song). But, download them anyway if you're interested, and if you fall so deeply in love with them that you can't stand it, or if I am missing a personal favorite of yours, then you can DDL or torrent the remainder.
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Here's a quick link to download the episodes of The Woman Called Fujiko Mine. This weeks episode was another good one, though it was arguably the darkest episode of the series so far. However, if seeing Lupin cook Jigen a homemade dinner in a pink apron doesn't warm your heart, I don't know what will.

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Now, returning to the music, here is a site with a great many Lupin III albums on it. Unfortunately, with the fall of megaupload, many of the download links are down. However, many are still up, so feel free to look around and download any full albums that interest you.


Here are two torrent links as well. They’re massive, but you can selectively download songs and albums from them, so it’s not nearly as intimidating as it seems.

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I've also uploaded the OP of The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, New Wuthering Heights, to mediafire. It's in both mp3 and m4a format there, so take your pick. You can find it in the folder link I posted here: >>66263076
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I also uploaded a little song by Seamo called Lupin the Fire. I like it, maybe you will too.

Here's a link to listen, and like the OP of the new series, you can download it from the folder link if you like it.

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Finally, now I'll start posting samples of specific albums, and the download links that contain them. To begin, here are a 2 absolute favorites of mine, and I know I'm not the only one who loves them. These two are included in the compilation.

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Next it's time to show Takeo Yamashita some love. He composed the music for the first anime series, which aired in 1971 and ‘72. The music is quite different from the work of Yuji Ohno, who did the music for virtually everything else up until the new series airing now. However, even if they’re old, they’re still great and are a real throwback to the funk of the original series.

Available for download here (along with the Rebirth album and some misc.): www.mediafire.com/download.php?6ffe93h7g4kjhf4
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Just in case those last songs didn't convince you, here's a song from the Rebirth from '71 album, re-compositions of the original songs, which are quite fantastic. Unfortunately there aren't many samples, so you'll have to judge from this one, excellent track.


You can download the whole album here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/w8qiwr
Or you can download the portion I uploaded here, along with his other album and some misc. stuff: www.mediafire.com/download.php?6ffe93h7g4kjhf4
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Here's two tracks from the exquisite Lupin III Jazz Bossa & Fusion album. Take a listen.

Available for download here (along with the Jazz the 2nd album): www.mediafire.com/download.php?69dzp5p1bp17242
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Here we have the first Punch the Monkey! album. They are remixes of the original music, done by a wide variety of bands and artists. They all are excellent, and quite varied in content, I would say. There's something in them for everyone to love, or, you may just love it all.

Available for download here (along with the other two PtM albums): www.mediafire.com/download.php?49l3syn6qbc1lv1
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Next is the Lupin III Jazz the 3rd Funky & Pop, another great album. Don't let the name fool you. It's classy as can be.

Available for download here (along with the Jazz the 1st and Another Jazz albums): http://www.mediafire.com/?3ptnrorazt1b9b3
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Here we have a few stunningly classy songs from the Jazz the 2nd album. Possibly my favorite of all the Jazz albums.

Available for download here (along with the Bossa & Fusion album): http://www.mediafire.com/?69dzp5p1bp17242
Thank you for doing this again
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Next up are two wonderful songs from the Another Jazz album. There’s a lot to love about these songs. In case anyone's curious, the songs by Lileth that were featured in the special "$1 Money Wars," also called "Missed by a Dollar," are included in this album (though a couple also featured in it are in the Jazz the 2nd album above).

Available for download here (along with the 1st and 3rd Jazz albums): http://www.mediafire.com/?3ptnrorazt1b9b3
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And finally, bringing up the rear, here are two more tracks from the Punch the Monkey! albums. An excellent way to close out the samples.

Available for download here: www.mediafire.com/download.php?49l3syn6qbc1lv1
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Here is my collection of Lupin fanart, and also a bunch of album covers, for anyone who cares. However, the content I'll be keeping the thread afloat with isn't in here, so make sure you stick around.

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Absolutely. I'm glad to be of service.
Really enjoying the new lupin series, didn't expect all that lewdness though.
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Anyone has the full version of A woman named Fujiko's ending?

Because that tune along with teenage Fujiko makes me diamond hard. That and the fact that she was raped by a noble dude with an owl for a head.

Fujiko's that hot.
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Well, they did say it was going to be "sensual." It's good to hear your enjoying it.
I remember downloading this the first time.

Not bad. Not bad at all.
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I don't believe the full ED has been released yet. I could be wrong, but I'm positive that when it does come out the front page will be flooded with it.
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I'm happy to know you enjoyed it.
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for you OP
You are a Godsend!
Actually, a full 4:19 version of it was uploaded to youtube not long ago (got copyright raped soon after, obviously). I ripped the audio from it but it's 7.91MB, you want me to MF it or something?
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Very nice, and thank you.

Are you the same person who posted this in a previous Lupin III Music thread? If so, welcome back, and if not, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Done one way or the other.

NIKIIE - Duty Friend (4:19)
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That would be wonderful. I could add it to the Music Folder along with the rest of the Lupin Music, and use that until we can get a hold of a better quality file.
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I'm slowly working my way through the first season, and loving it.

I think Beware of the Time Machine is the one I enjoyed the most so far.

Any word on when the new serie's OST comes out?

Also, is Lupin wearing Oscar's shoes in this scene?
>Are you the same person who posted this in a previous Lupin III Music thread?

yes, and I can't believe someone saved that picture.
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Thank you very much. It is now in the Music Folder here, along with the other music: >>66263076

And a quick link: http://www.mediafire.com/?pq9qm14p4ravwrb

The quality is pretty good, actually. I expected it to be a little lower, since it tends to be so for me when I rip things from youtube.
My apologies for that PNG.
I did set it to rip from the high quality version of the video, if it makes any difference.
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Welcome back, then. Of course I saved it. It was great to see a Walther outlined in front of one of my threads on someone elses computer.
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I'm glad you enjoy it.

I haven't heard any news on the OST release, but I am awaiting it with the enthusiasm of a hyperactive nine year old on the night before Christmas.
That's a lot of Lupins.
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It is indeed. Welcome to the world of Green vs. Red. That, or episode 19 of the first series. There were a lot of Lupins there too.
Where is fat Lupin (second to last picture) from?
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I've been making high quality screencaps of the first series just because. If you've got any old, lower quality screencaps you'd like a new version of, just let me know and I can make it for you.
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I'm not entirely sure, but it may be from episode 96 of the second series, in which a guy fattens Lupin up so that he could eat his brain.

The one I'm most curious about though is this guy. I have no idea where's he's from.
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You're fucking awesome.

Merci beaucoup.
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Okay, I found a higher quality version of the ED, Duty Friend by NIKIIE. I uploaded it to the Music Folder here: >>66263076

Here's the direct link to it: http://www.mediafire.com/?lhvlrohk2a3v7nx

Also, I'm removing the previous version, so this link will no longer work: >>66264216

Thanks again though to the /a/non who uploaded it before me.
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I'll be back in a bit, everybody. I need to go make myself something to eat.
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And we're back.
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Holy shit, you're good.

My penis thanks you.
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Why thank you.

And your penis is welcome.
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I thought I'd repost this from another Lupin thread the other day in which people were expressing a fair amount of discontent with the new series, since a fair amount of people seemed to agree with me:

It makes me sad to see so many people down on the new series. I understand why many dedicated Lupin fans don't like it, but it's too bad that so many aren't able to take the same enjoyment out of it that I am.

I agree that the tone is very different from the original anime, and even different from the manga in that the manga did include murder and rape all over the place, but usually in a very joking way (though at times Lupin still murdered guards and such and then kept walking without a single joke being made, rather he just straight killed them).

However, even though this series does include new elements that weren't present in the franchise before, namely Fujiko's fucked up past and other more serious themes, I'm still able to enjoy it greatly. To me Lupin III is a very multifaceted entity, and isn't defined by anything other than its five central characters, and even they can change drastically between different specific incarnations.
To me Fujiko's fucked up owl-filled past may feel serious, but in my opinion it isn't meant as a justification of who she is, rather just one director's personal exploration of a theme or idea she found interesting that isn't cannon beyond this specific series, just like the rest of Lupin.
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I want Lupin to explore different themes, have different styles, different tones, and different stories. Lupin has been around for 45 years now, and chances are it's not going away any time soon, so I am fully looking forward to new Lupin specials, movies, and even another new series 20 years down the line. In my opinion if the franchise only stuck with one interpretation of Lupin for 45 years the franchise wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable, and I'm happy for it to explore new things in new dimensions, since all it does is expand who will be able to enjoy it, rather than simply making it appeal to only dedicated fans of one specific interpretation.

Basically, I think the new series is more enjoyable when you simply watch it on its own terms, rather than constantly comparing it to your own nostalgia-filled favorite series from the past. It's fine if you prefer the older series to this one, but just understand that Lupin is incredibly multifaceted, and there is no "one true Lupin" that all other Lupins should be compared to.
So, is there any speculation regarding the owls? I was kind of surprised they seem to be taking it completely in that direction.
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Here's a treat for all of you, granted you haven't seen these already. Busterbeam has been scanning the first volume of the second Lupin III manga by Monkey Punch and posting it, so I am pleased to present the first chapter of Lupin III: World's Most Wanted.

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>much lower bit rate, sounds audibly less crisp, file size is even larger?
I'm not sure what's going on here but I'm not sure I like it. Sticking with >>66264040's for now.
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I'm judging that Fujiko was probably drugged and raped several times by the Owl Count considering her mood changes each time she recalls those events and how utterly fucking bananas those recollections actually are.

The ending also implies she was objectified as fuck in her childhood.
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Hmm. I still prefer that version, but I see where you're coming from. I guess we'll all have to wait for a more official release, rather than making due with various ripped files.
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Forgot to link in that one. Oh well.
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Luis Yew Armeid (LYA, teased since the very start of episode 1!) was clearly part of some kind of cult or society that themed themselves around owls.
Ep 6 refers to their "recording" everything about Fujiko, so perhaps they were conducting some kind of depraved scientific research on her? The nature of it is unclear.
However they seem to have wanted Shitoto to tell her the date of her death...and presumably tainted her whole life with fear just like he did the dead boss.
Even MORE weirdly they wanted to see if Lupin was the "right man for Fujiko". These guys must want to have a hand in every aspect of her life for some reason.

The message at the beginning of ep 1 says that Fujiko has had her "tail feathers of love torn off", and that "the overcast skies you look up at are painted from my palette". The message in ep 6 says "both despair and ecstasy are part of the elements that compose a person". The whole "death date" thing...plus apparently molesting her...

It almost seems like they just wanted her to be as miserable as possible.
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And that's the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.
I've wanted to read the lupin the 3rd manga, but it seems nonexistent
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It's not in print anymore, so the only places to get it are either the library, or ordering it online.

However, there is good news. I've got several Lupin mangas in my possession, courtesy of the library, and I intend to scan as much of them as I can. The bad news is that my scanner is making the whole process much more difficult than it needs to be. I was hoping to have a full chapter scanned before this thread, but I wasn't able to manage it, so for now you'll have to make due with this teaser. It's the first page of the first chapter of the first Lupin manga.
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Fujiko sure was brutal at the end of the latest episode, electrocuting the guy and just watching him die a horrible, firey death.
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While we're having a Lupin thread...

Can someone tell me which OVA/Specials are good? I've seen the first and second series and I'm watching the new one, and I've already seen Secret of Mamo, Castle of Cagliostro, Lupin Vs. Detective Conan, and Sweet Lost Night.
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She sure was. At least she looked great while doing it.
Basically don't mention anything to Fujiko that makes her have tripped-out flashbacks to being raped by owl men.

Or...be a security guard who isn't easily seduced by tits.
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Who's the sexier motherfucker, Jigen or Goemon?
Goemon? more liek MOEmon, amirite
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But of course. My personal list, given off the top of my head, would be:

The Fuma Conspiracy
Mystery of the Hemingway Papers
Orders to Assassinate Lupin
In Memory of the Walther P38
$1 Money Wars (very recommended)
Alcatraz Connection
Episode 0: Fist Contact
Operation Return the Treasures
Seven Days Rhapsody
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You are right, indeed.
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>that gif

>You just fucked with the wrong thief
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It's difficult to say. They've both got their own unique appeal.
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So, do people want me to post another chapter of the manga? I most likely will anyway, but it's good to hear that people are interested.
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You are correct.
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Definitely, go for it.
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Go on, go on.
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I never watched Secret of Mamo until recently.

Shit is brilliant.
>that portrayal of the characters
>seeing into lupin's subconscious
>oh shit, jigen killed mamo, the movie's more or less over right?
>my face during the entire last act
>that resolution
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Alrighty then.

Here we go.
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I bought the Punch the Monkey album on vinyl the other day. I'll be sure to give you the good pics when it arrives
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That's awesome. Which one though? There are about 5 of them.
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You're welcome. You should also check out the movies Dead or Alive and Farewell to Nostradamus. However most people have little good to say about The Legend of the Gold of Babylon, the only Pink Jacket movie or special.
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The first one then. Very nice. Very nice.
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And that's the end of that tale.

And don't worry folks, Lupin will be back on his feet in no time. He always is.
>I've heard of a hard-on - but this is ridiculous!

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Everybody loves Jigen. And for good reason.
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He is a sexy motherfucker.
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That's a good part of it, yes.
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He also looks like he'd be very cuddly.

And someone on another board said "he looks good with a dick in his mouth", but I wouldn't know if that was true or not.
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Well it's no secret that people around here sexualize Jigen. Whether or not Jigen approves of it is another matter.
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1.07 MB

I'd hit it.

And so would Goemon.
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435 KB
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232 KB
I've missed these for a few weeks. Good to see them again.
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992 KB
I have gifs.
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130 KB
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768 KB
So folks, who here is up for another chapter of Lupin III: World's Most Wanted?
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2.91 MB

Oh, oh, oh, I am!

I love this one.
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722 KB
You've got to love how Lupin is walking in that second page.

Post away, my good man.
In that case, welcome back.

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223 KB
"Lovin' You" will always be the best Lupin song (besides the main theme.)
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724 KB

Excellent taste. It's an all time favorite of mine as well.
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432 KB
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727 KB
I second this.
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767 KB
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2.6 MB

>It's way too big to go up his...

How lewd.
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704 KB
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1.58 MB
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746 KB

>Fucker's some sort of wizard

Makes me laugh every time.
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627 KB

Where did my gif go.
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734 KB
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618 KB

And... scene.
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1.71 MB
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1.07 MB
>Dat filename
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531 KB

Jigen looks like the Grim Reaper from that old show on cartoon network.
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640 KB
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185 KB
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181 KB
I think Fujiko looks at her best here. She varies a lot in appearance, but it's very hard to beat her design in the early second series.
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548 KB

I liked her design in the first series better. Less cartoony and much more beautiful.
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343 KB

When in the first series though? Her design varies quite a bit within each series as well.
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Aw man, I'm out of gifs.

Here's some Goemon.
I like her in this picture the best.
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961 KB

I'll post the .gifs I have left.

Which might not be all that many.
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485 KB
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125 KB
I agree. 2nd series Fuji-cakes is the best.
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80 KB

My pictures keep getting eaten..
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988 KB
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197 KB
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221 KB

I don't know.

But dirty Goemon is best Goemon.
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1.61 MB
I noticed something when re-watching an episode of the green jacket series today. That man is reading a MAD magazine, by which Lupin III got it's inspiration...
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129 KB
Nnnnnope, Lupin threads that start with musicfriend are untrollable.
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180 KB
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1000 KB
I'm actually out of .gifs already (some are apparently posted elsewhere right now, so I can't post them here).

However a quick advanced google search produced many .gifs to post.
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200 KB
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943 KB

Nice catch.
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193 KB
Good thing it isn't a troll then.
>the dub of the new series probably won't have Michelle Ruff doing Fujiko's voice

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160 KB
ummm didn't the inspiration come from the original Arsene Lupin novels?
>the new series
Couldn't give a lesser fuck.
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596 KB
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144 KB
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15 KB
just a thought... but isn't Fujiko the original titty monster?

I can't recall any big titted babe in anime before her.
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183 KB

>Dat curly haired Goemon

10/10 would HNNNNNG again.
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989 KB

The idea for the character's heritage did, but most of the style and plot elements came from Western comics like MAD.
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This looks to be a classy thread for classy gents. I think I'll stay a while.
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You are correct. Welcome.
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1011 KB
What's that? You were expecting Lupin?
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I hope you will.
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186 KB
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>Old Lupin = substance over style
>New Lupin = style over substance
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1005 KB
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I've been reading the original novels lately. All available on kindle for free.

They are quite amusing. 19th century trolling is classy as fuck
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178 KB
Dear whoever keeps trying to thread shit
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295 KB

How lewd.
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865 KB
>Dear whoever keeps posting new Lupin pics
fixed that for you
Red Jacket series is still best series.
Also glad to see /a/ still likes anime that's not moeshit.
All three originals series are best series. This new series is the only one that sucks ass.
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We do not speak of Pink Jacket.
Then stop talking about the new one.
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123 KB

>Laugh it up now, wise guy, cuz the place you're going the only ones smiling are the worms!
>Oh no! He's going to sentence us to 20 years up his butt!

It's crass and immature, but it's still my favorite line of dialogue from the dub.
Actually, I don't think Woman Named Mine Fujiko is that bad. It's hardly Red or Green Jacket, but it's not bad. My biggest complaint is that for still having Lupin III in the title, it needs MORE FUCKING LUPIN.
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Fujiko Mine>Pink Jacket
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102 KB
Holy shit, that's amazing.

Is it basically like the RJ episodes where they stopped giving a fuck, but expanded to a whole series?
>Implying the new series isn't exponentially better than series 3
I'm going back through Red Jacket and yeah the dub has some amazing material, even if it is crass and immature. And of course, if you like crass and immature on /a/, dickheads will tell you to gb2>>>/v/.
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I want you to stop, look at the last two Lupins in that picture you just posted and realize that you are wrong.
The bottom Lupin is the single shittiest drawing of the character I have ever fucking seen.

Lupin looks awesome in the new series.

Your taste is shit.
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Aside from the shading, it's not as bad as Pink Jacket.

Pink Jacket's picture is a good frame, to Iu Oppai's picture is a terrible frame.
>aside from shading
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357 KB

Now, now. You are free to feel that way, are you are free to express your dislike of the current series, however there is no need to keep doing it just because someone disagrees with you, and no need to employ angry insults to make your point. Most of us are simply here to enjoy a good Lupin thread.

Butchering? The new series has been mostly good. The latest episode is fantastic.
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57 KB

Are you that guy from the /co/ thread that one time? Because you're certainly as mad as he is.

This post's message also appllies to angry posts in all caps.

>mostly good
It hasn't stopped looking like shit smeared on a canvas so NO it hasn't been "mostly good".
>thread going well
>suddenly everyone decides it's a good idea to start talking to the same comically exaggerated whiner that has been trying to shit on every thread about the new show with the same hyperbolic nonsense for weeks

Well, it had a good run, see you all next time.

You are literally the only person with that opinion.

Enjoy your loneliness.
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995 KB
The lewdest.
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I think it looks perfectly okay.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Apparently they were given about twelve dollars and a stick of gum to make that series.

It's only when you don't have to make a profit that you're absolutely free.
Worse is animation, design AND writing.
And for you fuckers who say its because the show more closely resembles the original Monkey Punch comics, JUMP OFF A FUCKING CLIFF. Shit looks nothing like the original manga.
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I still think that's implying that pops can't get it up. No one else thinks so.
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Well, in an attempt to placate the citizens of this thread, I will now dump another chapter of Lupin III: World's Most Wanted.

>twelve dollars and a stick of gum
And they still had better animation and designs and writing than this shit new series.
I liked how they took that kind of goofy moment, and then turned it sinister two episodes later (Oscar flashes back to it during that scene) without actually modifying it at all.
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I think we should only compare the new series to the old series if it's trying to be like the old series. As it's trying to be different, I think we should try to treat it as a different show altogether. It'd probably be more enjoyable that way.
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Isn't that the point? Zenigata says outright he knew she couldn't feel a damn thing and was playing it up. That's meant to imply his dick is small, old, and flaccid, right?

And he doesn't give a fuck because NOT MY POPS.
>As it's trying to be different, I think we should try to treat it as a different show altogether
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Indeed. People should direct their attention to the message here:
That's a given. Every rational individual in this thread who has actually watched any Lupin in their lives understands this completely.
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I fucking love this one.

I think I'm gonna scan another right now. perhaps the Melon Cop introduction chapter, since it's pretty funny and cool.
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50 KB
Sure is same angry fag in here.
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25 KB

How about you scan ALL the chapters?
This style btw is the same shitty ass un-unique style thats been used in dozens of other shit series these days.
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716 KB

Please, sir. You've made your point. We understand that you greatly dislike the new series, and that even saying "greatly dislike" is a gross understatement. However, people are trying to enjoy the thread, so please either be quite or leave.
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I don't know. Episode 2 and episode 3 are pretty amazing as Lupin media. It ties the series back to the franchise.

It's just that the rest of the series is kind of bad. I can appreciate where they were coming from, but at some point goodwill runs out.
As long as someone keeps posting pics from the new series they're already ruining this thread so I'm going to keep fucking ruining it too.
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I'm glad to hear it. I'll be looking forward to it.
>kind of
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106 KB
I think part of the reason I compared them and fueled some of the 'this is too different' arguments is that people said this new series is exactly like a Monkey Punch manga. it isn't, because there's not nearly enough comedy and it's just focusing too much on only being dark and serious. episodes 1 and 5 are more easily comparable since they managed to have the right amount of light-heartedness and adventure, but the rest not so much. and now the childhood rape thing will bring a very dark undertone to pretty much everything Fujiko does, giving the series even less avenues for humor.
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130 KB
Name 2, and post examples.

you can't
>Episode 2 and episode 3 are pretty amazing as Lupin media
>It's just that the rest of the series is kind of bad.
Wow what, episode 3 pales compared to 1/2/5/6/8
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743 KB

Please do not ruin the thread for everyone else simply because you have a different opinion.
Samurai Champloo and Afro Samurai, two shitty anime I might add.
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690 KB

>Until I have felt every gratitude in this house

I like this Lupin the best.
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744 KB
>Hating on episode 3
Whoa son, you sure you want to start this fight?
Kidding, of course. I happen to really love Episode 3 but I can see why other people would think it's kind of useless and unnecessary.
aside from heavy shadows, none of those shows are similar in style.
stop replying to the guy. he makes posts like that in every Lupin thread (like literally he was in EVERY SINGLE ONE I've seen for the past week using the exact same words and writing style). if anything it seems like he's trying to reverse-troll the people who dislike this show since he's so over the top about what he's saying, even by 4chan standards.
Do you have a fucking reading problem?
See this >>66271722 ?
THATS ruining the thread.
You want a thread for that faggot ass series make a different one, this is for Lupin the 3rd. Not that abortion of a new series.
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645 KB

I didn't like it too much, the engrish bugged me. But Goemon was in it so it was cool.
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The end. Hope you all enjoyed it.
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109 KB
Thread has been killed by autism and is unsalvageable.
Thats a funny way of spelling Mine Fujiko
Anyone know a good place to get some good scans/a physical copy of the manga?
File: 1338012144480.jpg-(172 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Lupin the Third Mi(...).jpg)
172 KB
Appearantly its hard as shit to find.
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812 KB

He's been in these threads before. I know there's not point in arguing, however whenever someone makes a polite and reasonable request to someone, and get's yelled at for it, it only ever further discredits the latter party.


My favorite episode so far.
I can scarcely imagine the trauma that would cause a person to become such an asspained hater of breasts.
>it seems like he's trying to reverse-troll the people who dislike this show
Reverse-trolling people who DISLIKE a show? What purpose does that serve aside from...possibly...making the people who like it feel better about themselves...?

File: 1338012229529.jpg-(123 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Lupin the Third Mi(...).jpg)
123 KB
Too obvious.
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186 KB
I never did figure out how they got those guns.
You know what else I think it might be?
The whole fucking shitty ass series is done in a style that looks like a fucking opening sequence.
Which would also explain the lack of substance in the show. Its just one long opening sequence.

I figured that Oscar brought them in from the police's arsenal. Of course giving guns to high school girls is probably against protocol, but protocol be damned, we have a thief to catch!

It's Lupin, they don't need to explain shit.
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123 KB
Dat Oscar
That's what happens when you make prequels. This whole new series is just the opening sequence to the manga or the Green Jacket series.
That statement just made my hate for this series increase two fold.
That is not an excuse for shitty writing.
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1.11 MB
File: 1338012557514.jpg-(97 KB, 960x720, Lupin III Series 1 - 03 - Fare(...).jpg)
97 KB
You can always pick up used copies from amazon, that's what I've been doing.
>Dat gay character we made to cash in on the yaoi crowd
The final two episodes (12-13) will be a two-part finale. They're going to try to prevent spoilers for the climax by withholding episode synopsis from this point onwards.
There's plenty of LupinxJigen and ZenigataxLupin already. It was unnecessary.
does the person posting the manga have any dl links?
I'd like to flood the next Mine Fujiko thread I see with them while I call them out for watching the aborted pieces of fecal matter.

But that's always been the case for Lupin... How did Lupin fit in that suitcase? Where did he get that dynamite from? Where did he get that plane from? How did he fit a robot the same size as himself on his personage? But it's not possible to fly to the moon on a rocket propelled by popcorn! Why does Lupin have an infinite supply of Benz SSKs?

The list goes on.
For the SSKs, I'd like to think he stole a copy of the blueprints and gets them custom-built.
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90 KB

That would be me, the OP. I don't have any DL links. Busterbeam is the one's who has scanned the complete manga chapters so far, but in the future, once he's got a full volume scanned, and once I've scanned a volume or two of my own, I'll start uploading them to mediafire. Until then you'll just have to save them individually.
It must be very lonely for that ONE person here who dislikes the new show.

It's a good show, get over it.
In the manga the explanations would be he is flexible, he hid it "someplace", he built it or stole it or some explanation, he took a really deep breath. They shouldn't just go "WELL WE DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN! ITS JUST A FUCKING CARTOON!"
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521 KB

I like to imagine that Lupin went around the world and stole every single original SSK in existence, all for himself, and all the other ones around the world are elaborate fakes.
INFACT in one of the chapters this dude has already scanned Lupin manages to get a jackhammer into his cell but HIDING EACH PIECE BEHIND A FALSE WALL!
Why didn't he just pull it out of nowhere like a cartoon character? BECAUSE THATS CHEAP AND BORING AND LAZY
I'm dropping my theory. Your idea actually makes perfect sense in the Lupin universe.
File: 1338012962780.png-(171 KB, 500x384, 3462432.png)
171 KB
See, that would make for a better Lupin episode than the shit in the faggy ass new series.

Yeah, everything makes more sense in the rest of the franchise.


Perfect. Sense.

Or the Lupin sniffing device Zenigata came up with in Farewell Nostradamus. SCIENCE ON THE MARCH.

Crazy unexplainable shit happens all the fucking time in the Lupin franchise.
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73 KB
Goemon knows what he's talking about.

Also, Lupin shoves his hand in Jigen's face a lot.
Certainly a better storyboard for a prequel series than Fujiko's tits and shitty drawings.

Nobody here agrees with you.
File: 1338013110531.jpg-(393 KB, 960x720, 16357693.jpg)
393 KB

See? He's doing it again.
But they had a PLAN to steal the statue and the DEVICE has no place in this argument!
They have explanations!
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68 KB

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