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On Sunday we rolled out new HTML for 4chan's imageboards. The new code validates HTML5/CSS3, the design should appear exactly the same, pages should load slightly faster (especially long threads), and extension/user script/archive developers should have a much easier job parsing our pages. This is the first time in approximately ten years that it has been updated.

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Even the nipponese know we're terrible
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And they're the same.
What are they saying?
I just LOVE how DeviantArt girl is looking at Mr. 4chan.
Wait, are they hating on /mlp/ or liking it?
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When somebody said "4chan", there is a 95% chance they talking about /b/, you know?
This doesn't seem particularly accurate. Even 4chan these days is far more mainstream.
>this is what reddit fags think they actually look like
TvTropes would be an irritable young police officer.
Looks like they were talking about 4chan in general.
I forgot Digg even existed.

It's lower than Myspace tier.
>TvTropes would be a closet pedophile
tvtropes is ran by a 60 year old control freak.
Google looks kind of hot.
No, it'd be an incomprehensible mass of flesh that's into all the fetishes. All of them.
The guy went paranoid when people called him out on it and removed anything which contains characters under the ages of 30.

This is exactly why /a/ abandoned that place, holy shit it went down hill fast.
>Dat fucking Nico Nico
facebook seems like the kind of guy that I could be friends with
The first few posts on the other side:

OP: Thread title: 4chan threads
It's pretty entertaining to read them. I can't post though.

Toshiaki: It's English and I don't know English.

Toshiaki: I envy them because they can have guns over there.

Toshiaki: There aren't any Toshiaki who can't into English, are there?

Toshiaki: What exactly do they like about Upotte?

Toshiaki: I don't understand English, so I'm just enjoying the atmosphere there.


Toshiaki: Is there any gaijin penis to see or what?

Toshiaki: You really wanna see that?

And so on...
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Problem Japan?
fuck off normalfag
I feel so naked on an image board without extensions. Do they have them too?
>4chan is shit. Dirty gaijin board.

which one of you did this?
>Is there any gaijin penis to see or what?
They get right to point don't they.
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what is the loli hentai they have posted?
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Please translate the rest.
Not to mention the DeviantArt chick, by average she should be 100 pounds fatter and hideous looking.

But they all look good except for 4chan, that's the joke.

What's with the rage comics? They think we like them or something?
They aren't really insulting anything... they're just talking about us.
The OP's picture was drawn like 2 or 3 years ago
I know.
It still needs to be removed.
I don't even think Myspace was relevant even 2-3 years ago.
I wonder what they think about image macros.
4chan looks like Ron Jeremy.
notice how deviant art is contentedly staring at 4chans wrinkly package, the slut
Sounds exactly like your typical police force.

>Today, the Minister for Stupid Ideas implemented another raft of useless directives designed to decrease efficiency, increase police workload and alienate the public still further. Here's a pointless 10-second clip of him congratulating himself smugly

If you're talking about 4chan, it's gotta be Inuboshi
I don't understand what's interesting about that (the pomf)
One of them must have stumbled into /a/ because he posted a picture of "that feel" guy and asked.

>What is the point of this guy? Why do I see him posted so often?

If only they knew...
>not a bored housewife

aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh I fucking lost it
It's from the 2chan thread, retard.
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Why doesn't someone post a link to this thread there?
someone who can post there should tell them what it means. and then direct them to this thread.

They already know.
Hello Chileball :3
Why isn't Myspace a rotting corpse?
why don't you lurk the fuck more?
Threading OP
Why homo is 4chan loving?
>that feel when they think you have no taste
4Chan is everything under the sun and beyond.

It would be difficult to precisely classify 4Chan since there's so many people and topics here.
>4chan is shit. Dirty gaijin board.
This was one of you faggots wasn't it.
Hah! I remember diggit

A never ending cycle.
No, that's not the implication. The implication is, WHY do we post POMF a lot?

It's probably the same way we feel about them posting KITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in just about every post for no reason.
>I don't understand what's interesting about that (the pomf)
I wish I knew as well japanese anon
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We don't post it often.

Google translating this thing in Chrome draws hilarious results and I highly recommend it.
Likewise, when people are talking about reddit, 95% chance they are talking about r/atheism or r/adviceanimals
kita is the default response if you don't enter any text. It basically says "it's here" or "I came"
>It's probably the same way we feel about them posting KITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in just about every post for no reason.

It's the default empty text moron
ahaha oh wow

even glorious Nippon knows the difference
fack amerikan
It used to be spammed everywhere for no particular reason
I love reading futaba's 4chan threads. It gives me a whole new perspective on shit I take for granted because I've been on 4chan so long it feels normal at this point. Watching them talk about MLP and furries and stuff without the absurd vitriol that kinda shit gets here is eye-opening
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I wish I could make friends with a Japanese nerd.

I am so bad. Kill me.
Weeaboos are not welcome here.
Yeah fuck off with your chinese cartoons.
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>that feel when they don't understand
I can be your friend.
yeah, also NERDS, nerds shouldn't be on /a/ too!!! I mean, they're all asocial and stuff, fucking faggots.
Get those nerds off my internet and the weeaboos off of my 4chan
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Fuck off OP, /a/ is full of cute little girls. How dare you insinuate we're all ugly, you fucking cunt.
anyone can do that hsit, you fag

You're not Japanese. You're just pretending to be :(
The comment was that it's fun to watch the images of EU vs America.
They are trying to think, not to feel.

looks like they have the same views on 3dpd and sluts as we do /a/
Nerds are cool, weeaboos can fuck off.
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Seeing these threads about japanese boards reminds me a while back when we all were watching japanese webcam streams.

>goddamit why did I spend so much time watching Train-kun
There's a reason why their anime boards are called "2D" and "2D Live" moron
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Serious question.

Why is the 2chan url prefaced with the month?
Bring back Train-kun! Why have we stopped? Those were some of the best threads on /a/.
>dat earthquake arc
I'm still depressed.
It's the server. If you wouldn't be so new, you'd know since 4chan used to have that.
Do they?
The lack of backlinks in there bothers me.
It's just the name of the server.

Similar to how 4chan used to have several different servers like zip.4chan.org. In this case we are watching to one of their /b/ boards on the may server

I still watch the cam, it is quite soothing when I'm tired and don't want to do anything.
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Seriously guys. How do you make friends with someone from Japan? Hell I don't even care if they're actually Japanese, just someone living there.

I intend on visiting Tokyo sometimes during my trip to the far east and I'd like to be able to hang out with people and not feel too lost in the city.
Lets do this

Actually it might be night time over there by now.
>How do you make friends
You don't, fuck off.
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Maybe it's because you love your station
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All of them should be redirected to >>>/b/ then.
You don't.
They're posting some sort of animals on this board. What are they?

I don't get what's funny about MEGA MILK...

>They're posting some sort of animals on this board. >What are they?
[posts MLP picture]

[posts MLP picture (girls version)]

I think, the first time I went to 4chan, it was full of Sailor Moon.

>[MLP picture]
Oh, that's so cute.

>Is there any gaijin penis to see or what?
If you really want to see gaijin penis, I think Tumblr is the Mecca of gay porn. Also chat roulette.

>[MLP picture (girls version)]
That's cute.

>[Europe vs. America picture]
So it's kinda like Kantou vs. Kansai?

Is 4chan a rip-off of Futaba? They are kinda similar, aren't they?

>They're posting some sort of animals on this board. What are they?
It's an American anime for schoolgirls.
Think of it as the American PreCure. Their threads are as fast as the PreCure threads here too.
It's probably why they even got their own board.

We Japanese like magical girls.
The Western guys like female fur.
Don't know which is better.

The owner of e-hentai likes MLP too. His forum avatar was one.

That fucking pedophile.

Then they should like Gaoru too.

They like fur? Well, okay, there are people in Japan who like fur too, but I don't think there's anyone here who likes fur the best.

>The owner of e-hentai likes MLP too.
Can't forgive him for deleting all the delicious loli. Although his site would probably have been shut down if he hadn't.

(Don't know if any of this is entertaining, I'm just translating random posts I see.)
"> Speaking of 4chan star dog
Why is that interesting, but I do not know"

comedy gold
What do you think they're reading?
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belive it or not,they know how to 
change their keyboard settings to
 half width alpha numeric,クソバカ
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So it's completely impossible to meet new people, ever?
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There are threads sometimes. When I'm bored I look around for unsecured cams too, japs are really paranoid as hell since most of those cams are japanese.
I hear lurking /a/ helps.
Their /b/ boards are much more similar to /a/ than their 2D boards are.
>4chan being judged off of /mlp/
this is a sad feeling
Is it safe to do this again? Didn't the mod delete the last thread?

Oddly enough I used to leave this on when I was sleeping. Waking up to the sounds of activity at a station was amazing.

>Dat chime song

This dude is a bro, way to stand up for yotsuba!
Who cares?
>>The owner of e-hentai likes MLP too.
>Can't forgive him for deleting all the delicious loli. Although his site would probably have been shut down if he hadn't.

Newfags don't know about my sadpanda
mods are just butthurt newfags anyways
Ask them if Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't enough.
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how dare they insult our free and complex community. if they were to ask me; we, /a/ are both the little girls and the niggas rolled into one
Why are they torturing themselves by going to that board?
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I onced put on the train cam during r/a/dio when it was playing the train train song, It was amusing to see a big steam train roll in.

Eh, I don't think they go out of their way to delete it.
>I intend on visiting Tokyo sometimes during my trip to the far east and I'd like to be able to hang out with people and not feel too lost in the city.
Just visit with a fucking friend. Or girlfriend. Or a female friend. Any woman will agree to go to Tokyo if you invite her.
They need to know about exhentai. Those poor fuckers.
They don't understand.
They just think it's cute and that we like fur.
We're lucky if a janitor even shows up
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Do a few internet searches.
There are lots of places you can go to find pen pals. They like those kinds of things because it's a good opportunity for them to practice English.
A large portion of the traffic to e-hentai is from japan
>Can't forgive him for deleting all the delicious loli. Although his site would probably have been shut down if he hadn't.
>they didn't know about sadpanda

my little nip can't be this new
They don't know about the wonders of sad panda?
>Toshiaki: What exactly do they like about Upotte?

It's the best anime this season. Goddamn, Japan.

what a terrible shoop. Just look at how quality difference between the black guys and the rest of pic. At least put a mask over the whole pic to make it all look as bad as the guys so it matches.
Oh no, our glorious Japanese overlords! We must tell them the truth!
Ask them to post suji.
Alternatively, throw yourself into the thick of things.
Someone should show these poor nips how to access exhentai
I am a girl, I know Tokyo is a lot more safer than places in the UK but I'd like to not be completely alone out there.

Also I doubt I could afford to pay for someone else to come with me.
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>they think we all like ponies
>they don't know about sad panda
This is awful
Well don't go just yet and save up money? And why would you pay for someone?
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Oh wow.
Prepare yourself for the rush doc.
more translation please
I feel so bad for them about that actually. Not like I can effectively tell them how to do it.
Why do they have even more normalfags than us?
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Well I won't be going until next year or so anyway as I'd like to take a couple of grand with me so I can have lots of fun.

Also I don't really know anyone who would want to go with me without me paying for them.
because you're reading their /b/
>it's safe
>let's get some random dude to rape me

Spot on.

Why are Japanese people racist?
I wonder why? (sarcastic)
someone with a decent grasp of japanese needs to remind them that we're all young schoolgirls here
>I know Tokyo is a lot more safer than places in the UK
But that's wrong you retard, most major cities are unsafe if you go to the wrong places.
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They have shit taste in anime while we like good anime.
They are mad
> You're all single pig virgin asshole roughly if / a / (anime) ノ 4chan.
> Guy that I have watched and she is very unpopular.
> Or Even What does three-dimensional, three-dimensional or just a bitch What

Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Wait, they actually use sarcasm?
Posting is for jap. ip only, aye?
I'll go with you.
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Who will tell them?
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We're not ALL young schoolgirls.
Some of us are older schoolgirls, after all, someone needs to watch over you.
Depends on the board. I don't see why you'd want to post on Japanese /b/ anyway.
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get raped.
I just don't want to risk getting mugged or something.
Pick unrelated right.
> Or Even What does three-dimensional, three-dimensional or just a bitch What
Nips use sadpanda as well, they download our torrents too.
..i don't think so
Basically it said most of /a/ are all fatties who hate people who have a girlfriend and think 3D girls are all bitches.
No it doesn't, it depends on the site.
Why do we want them there? The servers are shit if they got a surge in traffic they might completely die
Why doesn't 2chan have 2chan x or something. Do these nerds click "riro-do" every fucking time?
>while we like good anime.
Does he mean "what does 3DPD mean?"?

Would you?
Well what kind of things would you do in Tokyo? I really have little knowledge about the city but all I know is there is one bar I really really want to check out in the night.

I'd love for someone to just show me around though! It's more exciting when you don't know what to expect!
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>most of /a/ are all fatties
Most of /a/ is lanky wimps, but the rest is spot-on
There is only one board that allows non-nips to post on futaba and that is the IPv6 trial board which is essentially /jp/ with even more shitposting
Pretty damn close to the real thing, actually
Because 2chan is even slower than 4chan, but they do have a similar app.
They do have them but only for chrome.
You do know that exhentai has japanese uploaders as well? I think a number of them know how to access exhentai.
What are you even implying here?
I have never been to Tokyo, and I know nothing of the city, I just saw that you were in the UK and wanted to go, and I do to.
Depends on where you live, I guess.
It's pity, they are poor people who can't even supress their pedophiliac urges, wht wouldn't you?
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>mfw I discover that Japan hates it when gaijins access their internet.
Some of them might just start uploading or serve translation requests.
I'm assuming that Japanese using western sites are not the dumb masses, just like the other way around.
wrong post quoted my bad.
>using a botnet
We're not all fatties, and we don't hate people who have girlfriends, we just pity them.

At least they got the last part right.
>nigger nigger言ってる4chanに言われたくはないね
What niga are they talking about?
That 3D girls are all bitches.
There are japs on there already a large portion of ehentai's traffic is from japan if they can't figure it out tough shit.
God damnit, I want to be able to read their threads but Google Translate is so horrible it makes no sense.
Japan itself is a botnet
something tells me it has something to do with niggers
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Pick one.
pic unrelated
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when a japanese person does something anime related, it doesn't looks bad as when an american does something anime related. just watch american convention videos on youtube, it's enough to make you puke.

picture related.
>The servers are shit if they got a surge in traffic they might completely die
Are you retarded? A handful of elevens wouldn't make a percentage of difference on 4chans daily traffic.

I live near Bristol!
I'll admit though I dunno if I'd be able to travel out of the UK with you since I will be visiting family via Austria and Hong Kong. It'd be up to my family if you were allowed to come.

Tokyo would be a trip by myself though.
How are they supposed to figure it out?
/mlp/はMy Little Ponyの板でBronyが集まっている場所


This gave me cancer
Exhentai can barely stay online as is.

How did 4chan first find out?
Yeah, didn't think so.

not my fault they can't understand english.
Try to understand posts before replying to them , goddamn.
Well, I'm in London.
pics or it didn't happened
But using the word think doesn't imply it's not true.
Are you a fattie?
Basic Japanese + Rikaichan, dude.
>Oh, that's so cute.
Ponies (MLP) is the only anime that's listed in the "Creepiest fandoms" chart.

Wait a second... What is Sonic doing there?

Are western Sonic fans that creepy?

Well, all they do is make gay porn out of it.

Oh, I get it.

Why would you do that?

>Are western Sonic fans that creepy?
That only means that the creepiness of the Japanese fans has expanded to over there.

>Well, all they do is make gay porn out of it.
Seriously? I guess, furrrr is one of the few fetishes where we Japanese can't keep up with the Western guys.

I heard they like that yellow fox fella the most.

[posts picture of Starfox]

[posts picture of Tails]
This one, huh?
If Japanese fans like animal characters, they turn them into humans and draw them like that. The western fans like them as animals. That's a whole different level.
>Exhentai can barely stay online as is.
How long until that furry puts it down completely?
It implies it's just an opinion, while it is actually fact.
You don't need pics, nerd guys tend to be skinny as fuck. Not fit but fat either, just skin and bones or maybe skinnyfat which is even more disgusting than being just plain fat. I always forget to eat. Nerd girls on the other hand are landwhales.
>Planning a trip half way around the world with a stranger from 4chan

Sounds legit.
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Here's the creepiness of fandoms list.
>[posts picture of Starfox]
I laughed pretty hard
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I like browsing /40/ :3
oh wow
>Seriously? I guess, furrrr is one of the few fetishes where we Japanese can't keep up with the Western guys.
And I'm very grateful for that

Why not? Meeting new strangers is always fun.
I've been stocking up on manga for ages waiting for the inevitable
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I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;a
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.

I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.
The one who posted Milky Holmes picture is surprised that we know about it when even in Japan they just got the info.

How slow does this guy think information travels in internet age.
no, but we won't know if /a/ is fat unless we investigate. considering most of 4chan is american (except for /int/) then there is a possibility.

on the other hand, 2chan being japanese doesn't mean they are not fat. how many of them are NEETs?
I like to think that there are decent people on /a/.
Patchu looks sad, you should cover her up a little
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I hope you like raep

People on /soc/ are usually very creepy and perverted and no one has any real interests. I want to meet someone I can have an actual discussion with and maybe some fun.

Not look at naked chicks and penises.
Not everyone from there is like that, you know.
being hikki doesn't make you fat

I usually go about 14 hours a day without eating
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うぽってと戦国コレクション神アニメです!BUY BLURAY PLEASE!
>implying they are reading this thread
/a/-born weeaboos are kind of like an utopian breed of Man living in the year 2050, while the japanese otakus are like some forgotten medieval town.
The funny thing is that the next step of human evolution must get its' daily fix from the medieval town.



In 4chan's /a/ there are only virgin pigs.
They hate people who have a girlfriend.
For them, if it's 3D, it's bitch. (3D=PD)

that sums pretty much everything...

I've browsed there so many times and occasionally posted and guys just want me to webcam or talk dirty to them via mic.

That's not what I wanted. Sorry.
Just get the fuck out. /a/ is not for meeting people.
>I usually go about 14 hours a day without eating
You could probably eat more. You just have this type of body. Others would actually eat more if they went 14 hours without food, because they're really hungry when it's dinner time.
Life must be hard as a female on the internet.
Are you underage or just...special?
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>mfw monster girl pictures
the word is 'hikikomori', why do people get this wrong all the time?
A character from that new Dr Seuss movie.
Please don't whore yourself out for attention on an anime board. That's what /soc/, /cgl/, and /b/ are for.
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Sorry I didn't mean to offend.
This thread isn't really /a/ related though anyway.
Because it's easier to shorthand it.
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Seriously get the fuck out.
> I want to meet someone I can have an actual discussion with and maybe some fun.
thats not what /soc/ is about
Fuck off you dirty jap
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because we like shortening shit. does it bother you?
>People on /soc/ are usually very creepy and perverted
You do realize you're on /a/?
don't use the word nerd. hipsters use them and makes me sick just as when I hear someone say they are "otaku". even faggots are starting to refer to themselves as weaboo.


Exactly, so why are people telling me to go there?

jap = 3 letters

japanese = 8 letters

Quicker and easier to just say "jap" or "eleven".
Because we don't want you here.
Yeah I know, people should say pocket monsters instead of pokemon, and super famicom instead of sufami, idiot.
Because you clearly don't belong here.
Because /a/ is even less about it.
are you autistic? they just want you to stop posting because they think you're an attention whore
All she's done is blog about wanting to go to Japan and making friends on this site of all places
because you are attentionwhoring and not actually interested in discussions
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America : Sonic and bronies.
don't use (。◕‿‿◕。) then. it's for gaiafags
Attention whore anon go to >>>/trv/

Other anons please stop responding to him.

I always thought /a/ was nice. I'm really sorry I didn't mean to make this mistake. I hope you can forgive me.
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I think that covers just about everthing.
>Why are Japanese people so racist?
Well, I wonder why...

Hey, the 4channers are making racist comments about black and yellow people all the time!

Uh... we do too.

There's racism to be found everywhere in the world to a greater or lesser extent. The Japanese aren't that racist actually. In the internet, we discriminate Chinese people a lot. But other than that, we're normal.

I don't want to be called racist by 4channers who keep spamming nigger nigger.
>are you autistic?
>is female
>posts on a misogynystyc/misanthropysyc board
She offered to take someone for a trip, if i got that right, nothing "attention whoring" about that, i think.
see >>66004580
I think it's some 45-year-old English homosexual trying to lure an unsuspecting Anon into his web to rape him.
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なのか。meduka a shit!
That's not exactly attention whoring, it's just being new.

>I always thought /a/ was nice
Never was and never will be.
>I don't want to be called racist by 4channers who keep spamming nigger nigger.

Shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.
>meduka a shit!
What the fuck did you say to me faggot?
I've always wondered why people say Japan is more racist than other countries, but it's not even the case because everyone is fucking racist.
>I don't want to be called racist by 4channers who keep spamming nigger nigger.
I thought japs don't have sense of humour.
Back in your hole foul beast.
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/a/ was never nice
INB4 internet hate machine
>In the internet, we discriminate Chinese people a lot. But other than that, we're normal.
I think they discriminate Koreans a lot more. But I guess that is so natural for them it’s not worth mentioning.

>I don't want to be called racist by 4channers who keep spamming nigger nigger.
Good point.
Fuck off

Thank you, I completely forgot that board existed. I'm sorry to have bothered you with my dumb shit.

I hope you all have a nice day.
meguca is suffering. Meduka a shit!
> we discriminate Chinese people a lot
チョンrefers to koreans.
I remember when one huge 2ch anime general thread found out about /a/. Nips then freaked out, because they found out that while /a/ has a number of people who can decipher moonrunes, 2ch can't into English at all.
Hope you find a travel buddy that won't violate you.
Nobody wants to get to know you on a personal level on /a/ and nobody cares if you "make a mistake". Stop apologizing and just post about /a/ related things already or go elsewhere.
Please just stop they are gone there's no reason to prolong this stupid shit
Oh, right. My bad. What was their derogatory term for Chinese again?
sauce on this:

That would make more sense. It seems to me like Japanese people have far less hate towards Chinese than the Chinese have towards Japan.
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>I don't want to be called racist by 4channers who keep spamming nigger nigger.

Why are the nips so butthurt over being called racist? /a/ is /nazi homolust central/ and noone here gives a fuck.
Oh quit it. The idiot is long gone.
Now that I got that off my chest,
2ch is the normalfag site. Pretty sure Futaba has some Engulishu speaking people.
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So why didn't meet with the futaba creator?
Translate every post on the Futaba Channel for the next ten years, thanks.
Not sure if it’s still in, 支那人?
Different culture, duh.
No fuck you
inB4 4chan discovers meduka witch talk before elevens
It's more like, 'why are you calling me racist when you are racist yourself'
> not recognizing sommersault
Well on the internet it's about the same in every country but in real life if an asian comes to America our Europe the majority would treat him normally but I've heard a lot of things that if you go to Japan people will shun you a lot. Like trying to talk to people in an arcade in Japanese and they will completely ignore you.
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ai kyant spiiku ingurissyu soorii
How did the elevens take it? If they even cared at all.
Is the dude in the top left Idra?
That's not the best example, talking to strangers isn't really a part of their culture. Also people at an arcade wouldn't be very sociable.
I live here (area 11) for almost 2 years now and I never had one racist encounter.
Especially older people just start talking to you out of the blue. I had a lot of conversations about a lot of different topics.
koreans, chinese and philipinos
you can see by checking the japanese embassy and see it's harder for pinoys to get into japan
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Go back to getting raped by sandniggers, Kud.
He was showing this during cultural exchange and as an example of one of the Japanese related 4chan boards
That seems nice. I guess it depends on where in Japan you go and stuff. I'd think bigger cities were completely used to foreigners.
I would like to see Taiga and Komeiji banned. Forever.

Those two just tick me off.
So the people that do all the grunt work for their cartoons are met with hate?
That's nice? Why are you living in Japan, if you don't mind me asking? Did you just find a job there and move? Where did you live before?

Please don't tell me you are an English teacher...
If you talk to them in english, of course they will ignore you. I had endless encounters of this kind. People even run away. The world looks different if you go with japanese.
I like to see you banned.
komeji is nice
The difference between the American internet and the Japanese internet:

Americans: Fuck you, you're a faggot, stop posting!!

Japanese: Sorry, but you're being rude which must mean that you're a highschooler, come back when you're 18. Thank you, goodbye.
Are you Asian, black, white or Arab?
>Just visit with a fucking friend. Or girlfriend. Or a female friend. Any woman will agree to go to Tokyo if you invite her.

You can't stop my love for all of you. I've been here for 5 years, and I plan on being here until the day I die.
They're just poor trolls can't you ignore them? Komeji isn't even a problem most of the time it's just the retarded fucks that follow him around.
But my posts are generally like how you describe a Japanese poster.
what are digg and reddit? i actually don't want to know.
What if someone shortened your life span?
no; we meet 2channals creator, 2chan creator is a fujoshi or so the legends say
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There's this guy on 4chan who starts a good morning thread with this picture every morning, but he gets ignored most of the time. I feel for him.
I like that guy.
There’s no way you don’t know what Reddit is by now given how they are shat on by 4chan every day.

Not knowing Digg if you just started using the Internet a year or so agowould be normal though.
Toshiaki is a bro
Haven't seen a ohayou thread in a few days now.
i wouldn't even be in an arcade because there are none of those in germany
Oh man those elevens are funny. I really like how the view the world way differently compared to eurofags for instance. Racism here in northern europe means hating the fact that government brings somalian warchild rapists to enrich our culture. To my understanding japs shit themselves when they see a black dude on the streets, they wouldn't like to have some somalis raping their wimminz. They also are horrible at foreign languages which is kinda understandable and increases the cultural gap. I still consider them kind of an enclosed culture.
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Digg, I'm not sure.

Reddit is filled with liberal atheists making unfunny jokes and using emoticons, but they aren't so different.
someone in that thread finally linked us.

Thanks, now I am going to go out of my way to post in those threads.
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>If you talk to them in english, of course they will ignore you.

This is the problem with Americans. They never bother in learning other languages. They just go wherever the fuck they please and start talking to you in English like you had an obligation to know their crappy language.
In my country: American = uncultured swine.
European tourists at least bother in knowing some Spanish.

This guy is wondering about when blacks fap to anime characters but I can't translate the rest. Halp.
Digg is pretty much reddit, except no one visits it.
Why would you learn another language?
It's just a waste of time.
you are speaking english right now, on an american board
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They know about our brown threads.

Are you guys blind
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Strange. I am a liberal atheist, and yet I hate Reddit with a passion. I guess it's because I was on 4chan first. Fuck Reddit.
Digg is a site similar to reddit except that it's completely dead now and all the shitty users have moved on to reddit. Reddit originally wasn't so awful but digg died and the userbase which was mostly meme spouting /b/ rejects invaded reddit.
He says black people only fap to anime characters after painting them black.
What is the one on the lower right supposed to be?
Heh, that’s a funny misconception.

American is the most important language in the world. If you want to speak to us or we speak to you, you learn it.

Suck my dick.
They don't know that everyone loves brown threads? They are missing out on so much.
No it's not.

Reddit was always full of idiots that took themselves way too seriously.
>when a japanese person does something anime related, it doesn't looks bad as when an american does something anime related. just watch american convention videos on youtube, it's enough to make you puke.
That's because you are not used to seeing Asian people. For them it is the exact opposite
I don't, you're brown aren't you?
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I don't understand how the Japanese don't like Upotte.
Mobage town
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>They think it's only black guys fapping in brown threads.
Everyone? It's a small dedicated group.
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I wonder if black people shop anime characters black before they fap to them...
Why do I keep seeing that as Hadena?
They don't like guns like we do.
They don't?
It was considerably better before digg died.

>Gundam AGE
Current generation cannot relate to colony wars because of life in Japan.

Current generation cannot relate to guns because noguns.
I will enjoy your butthurt when you have to learn chinese.
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What do they think of Ellen Page?
I was under the impression not even black men liked black woman.
Because nippon hate freedom.
Fuck off
What about all their gun otaku?
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Now that just pisses me off.
I think she belong in >>>/tv/
You mean it wasn't full of rage comics. It was always pretty awful, and essentially, discussed the same things they do know. Always reminded me a bit of /r9k/.

Otaku will only be otaku, unfortunately.
Nope. I think my dad would have killed me by now if I was (racist bastard).
you're thinking of americans
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who gave them the data from yesterday's poll thread?
Nigger please. Upootie is a piece of shit. Stop displaying your bad taste.
>You mean it wasn't full of rage comics.
And those awful advice animals and whatever other shitty memes they have picked up over the years.

I'm Finnish and English is considered the "default" language in most of the world. I expect other people to learn it too so no matter who I meet we can communicate in English instead of me having to learn a hundred different languages to speak with everyone.
how do we post in their channel?
Disregard that last bit
I wonder if afro americans paint anime characters black, if they fap to them.

First you need a japanese IP.

well, that's never gonna happen
Misogyny is rife on all of 4chan, what did you expect?
wait, is majires their komeji or something?
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wow that's very witty.
Why would the elevens even want to use sadpanda? Dont they have their own higher quality version?

I refuse to believe a filthy horse-fucker made a site better than theirs.
You know that conversation ended like 30 minutes ago right? Please read the thread before replying
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Why is Taiga such a slut?
I'm japanese and racist

because I can't speak english
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” - Charlemagne
Are you retarded?
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>hates pony
Why do you hate happyness, anon?
Typical amerifats thinking the world revolves around them, because they are planets themselves
Have they commented on this yet?
I study here. and I'm white man with beard and long hair.
no neckbeard though and also not fat.
"I quote random people to seem deep and complex" - Anonymous
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>Replying to attention whore tripfag like Taiga

>I'm Finnish and English is considered the "default" language in most of the world.

Except that's wrong. English is the "business" language, not the default language. That's stupid. The "default" language is whatever language is recognized as the official one in any given country. People who have no intention of leaving their country usually don't bother in learning it.
If you're visiting another country, you should at least know the local language. You can't just go around speaking English and expecting people to understand you, That's just plain rude.
I once had an American tourist asking me for directions, and I told that rude fuckface "Sorri I cant spik inglish".
Ours has uncensored versions.
I dunno, but I assume it's the same reason a fair portion of NyaaTorrents' traffic comes from Japan. I guess nobody compiles and archives everything it all in the same way.
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>entire world can learn to speak English, one of the easiest languages in the world
>Japans can't
>the entire world is at fault and not the Japs
Yeah, right

inb4 butthurt college dropout yuropoors who failed their English exams, claiming it is supa' hard
Japanese have a serious obsession with copyright, so there are few japanese sites that upload like that, and they`re usually really small too.
They use sad panda and nyaa a lot when they want to pirate.
I think they used it to argue that there are little or no koreans on /a/
>People who have no intention of leaving their country usually don't bother in learning it.

But that's wrong. Anyone who plays video games or uses the internet learns it.

Who is this girl ?

She is so cute
Who are you quoting?
Why do they hate koreans as much as they do?
Atashi no Pico
You sure told him!!
How manly languages do you know besides English?
English is taught as a second language with a completely different word order and pronunciation in Japan, one again americunts thinking they are they entire world.
Boku no Google supports image searching now
It's true
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But the Japanese have a very close media system and use little or no english even on the internet.
"American is the only language that matters" - Anonymous
How does that show anything about the number of Koreans on /a/?
Well-adjusted people don't use the internet or play videogames. They're busy working or taking care of their house and family.
Stop replying to pathetic attempts to stir up shit.
Please go somewhere else with your piss-poor attempts at trolling.
Native Spanish speaker here, I had no problems with the different pronunciation or word order when learning English.
It's Chitanda Eru from Working!

They don't seem to know this thread is here, bro.
pick both?
Hiroyuki is a bro.
Percentage of asians on the board I guess.
Could someone translate this?
Oh wow.

Where the elevens hang out.
What are you doing?
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Why exactly do 2channers think we're full of koreans and chinese people?
>English is taught as a second language with a completely different word order and pronunciation in Japan

Why would they teach it all wrong like that?

he is basically saying "pls stop"
>one of the easiest languages in the world
It's actually one of the hardest languages to learn if you haven't grown up with it. You probably don't even know it as well as you think you do.
The first kanji is something about "Pleasure".
The rest is something with putting something inside... or perhaps eating?
I'm not sure
Go away shitposter devs

Why are two-dimensional Japanese girls so colorful ?
In regards to their first known language; Japanese, context, learn it.
Pig-languages are fairly common. They allow speakers to have a basic understanding without taking long to learn.
Other than using the same letters, my own language is extremely different to English, hell, the logical structure is much closer to Japanese than English. I wouldn't even have problem learning it if they used romanji, and not a bunch of pictures, I have a poor visual memory

But answering your question, other than my own I only speak English and I've recently started studying French (like a month ago)
Come to /moe/ you will love it! all you need to know is that anonymous are sluts and tripfags = gods
Japanese use Japanese p2p. That's also where most e-hentai uploader have their shit from.
because blank ink is made for squid, baka gajin, squid is food, not ink

piece of shit
We aren't a single country board like they are.
They assume it's full of Korean trolls, because all their trolls before locking down the site to Japan only were Korean.
Because the intention isn't to teach them how to speak English, it's to teach them how to incorporate English into Japanese like everybody else over there does instead.

What context, your post is all wrong. No wonder why you hate English, you can't even write in it.
Where's Something Awful?
On the internet probably
I wish 2chan had just one English-language-only board that we could post. It would be nice to talk to them/give them some English practice; evidently, we're pretty similar.

Yes, there would be an initial rush of shit threads, but after that clams down, i think it would be pretty cool.
hopefully circlejerking away from us

nobody gives a fuck what they do
No, black people prefer white women, while brown girls is a white man fetish
japanese here.
Does /a/ hate japan?
You faggots always say japs or nips or LOLELEVENS HAVE SHIT TASTE etc.
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You what now?
Deader than myspace.
Been irrelevant for like 5 years.
>$1 million a year
I feels bad for moot, he could be on this too if his userbase wasn't so retarded.
They teach it that way because they can only speak Japanese and have no understanding of English, seriously, learn to read.
They do have shit taste, I don't hate them though.
Translating gamecenter
Things would go very wrong. They do have a board which allows gaijin you just need an IP6 IP and the board is full of /jp/ shitposting.

Nope. /a/ loves Japan.

In a very Tsundere kind of way.
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well, that explains it
>he could be on this too if there was a way for advertisers to monetize retardation

FTFY, nobody wants to touch this shithole
Yeah, we hate nips and attention whores
no it isnt
If anyone here actually hated Japan, then they wouldn't come here to talk about one of their biggest money makers.
>1 million a year
>made niconico

>losing money

Come on, step it up Moot.
>nobody wants to touch this shithole
Yeah that was my point.
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It's to late for moot now.
That's silly.
/a/ mostly hates japanese anime viewers, not japanese. They choose awful series. Buy BDs/LNs/Manga that isn't horrible and we will like you a lot more.
Has 2chan suffered the same newfag tumor that 4chan is facing?
We troll because we love.
Not really, but not true hate either.
Canv.as is losing money?
I don't.
I can be your friend.
>People think this is legit japanese person
What does moot even does for a living?

Scam jewish investors?

Poor Moot.

When will he find salvation and final redemption ?
No, no one does.
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Because they got mad that their women actually look nice and that you can be a rich celebrity by being a videogame nerd, not just a social reject. They also hate them for having freedom, similarly to western countries, their buildings don't look like Soviet barracks and that they are happy about their lives.

They are just jealous. Korea is like the Europe to their America. (And by that I mean South America)
Why should Moot earn money? He copy-pasted the code when he made the site and probably works on it like 30 minutes a year.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
I feel bad for moot. He's obviously trying to become an entrepreneur and play with the big dogs in the business but it's just not happening. ;_;
You're saying this as if /a/ didn't cream their collective pants over shit shows.
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they found us out
Moot loses money on 4chan, and can.vas is shit so probably.
Really? I’ve wantted some foregin friend!
>If anyone here actually hated Japan, then they wouldn't come here to talk about one of their biggest money makers.
>one of their biggest money makers
What is that?
Well, being an administrator has it's own set of problems to deal with, programming isn't really a large part of being an administrator.

It would be nice if 4chan had more features, but the userbase seems happy so why should he give a fuck about that?
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Or you know, a fellow /a/non posted that.
Helen a shit.
thread dead?
>It would be nice if 4chan had more features, but the userbase seems happy so why should he give a fuck about that?
The userbase is happy because we've all got 4chan x or some other shit for the extra features.
I'm your friend from holland pleased to meet you!
Ok, I'm kind of glad you guys dont hate japan.

Whenever I see 4chan related threads on futaba I instantly feel like it just a bunch of gaijin posting and making them and all the real japanese just ignore the threads and let the gaijin pretend.
He was the one that tried so hard and so repeatedly. Without moot running his childish schemes, 4chan wouldn't have survived a week.
/a/ - Social
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Came from 2chan. Good morning everyone in 4chan,! A good day
Sleep at night because Japan is another. Good night.
You mean there's a bunch of gaijin on the 2chan thread?

Yeah, I feel that way too.
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Oh, I don't know, just a billion dollar a year industry.
Well 2ch's code is far from worth $1 million.
Why so early?
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Yes, but why did you buy Meduka Magikarp even though it's so bad? ;_;
>letting a bunch of retards do all the work for you
>not a good administrator

actually, that's him being great though it would be great to have some of this shit integrated
/a/ doesn't talk about shounen stuff much unless you mean those guys that spam it to piss /a/ off
They might be able to answer you if you didn't intentionally make it difficult for them to understand.
Hallo from futaba!
Do black men feel strange there are few black characters in anime?
I think I feel strange if anime is full of black.
Good morning to you! Even though the time zones are different between everyone, it will be morning some time, so I'll get it out of the way right now.
I'm not even talking about just shounen material, but Anime and Manga in general.
>Actually replying to Taiga shitposting
>Do black men feel strange there are few black characters in anime?

There are not many black anime fans, probably for this reason, who knows. The ones I know have not complained.

also, note: One of their posters know we love Boku no Pico guys.

oh wow my sides.

no one cares, anime is japanese



Black when feel strange when they enter.
too big wwww
but you can stretch yourself and they won't feel strange anymore www
Might even feel nice www
Mind translating for those of us who can't into moon?
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But I gave it up for music, and a free electric band
Does Japan know about ironic shitposting or is all their kopipe ascii art?
But they sell very little of it most of the time the only thing that actually seems to sell is the shounen stuff
Boku no Pico
I'm pretty sure you mean just the big 3, because I'm fairly sure most of /a/ adores HiatusxHiatus and a whole bunch of other titles on that list. And even then there are a lot of /a/nons who genuinely enjoy One Piece.

Lrn2moon, you fucking retard
I understand that gaijins (you guys) like Boku no pico a lot. It gets recommended all the time.
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Toshiaki here here ヾ(*≧∀≦*)ノ
Sup /a/.
So, which browser do you use??
guys, new thread?
>you guys
Firefox, everything else is botnet.

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>There are not many black anime fans
How long have you been around? There are ton of them
Firefox & Chrome.
It really is a great series.

I have all modern browsers installed for web development, I use Chrome mainly.

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I used firefox since before it was popular.
Let it sink to page 8 at least.
>Stallman and co using Opera
What is this heresy?
Chrome as main browser.
Firefox some site that requires script and RSS.
Stealing Powerpuff Girls wasn't enough, Japs stole Totally Spies as well?
Compared to white fans, they're a minority within a minority.
It's not just because they're a minority race, there are fewer black than white fans. It's just how it is.
Outrageous claims!
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Internet explorer 6
We could use a new thread

also please point out we hate ponies and love boku no pico

nigger nigger

Pale Moon
Stop being so insecure about what some noname japs think of you over the internet

kanna kanna
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>this thread

Boku no pico is a required watch though.
We would never recommend something without having seen it before. It's a matter of morals.
New thread please
I'm sorry, but thinking we like an autistic show about faggoty ponies is probably the worst misunderstanding I've ever encountered. I wouldn't want anyone to think I like ponies, regardless of their origin.
Hi 4chan. 2chan here.
Do you know this guy?
I'm a huge fan of him.
see >>66006417
Fucking idiot.
Too obvious, try again.
This guy is a convicted pedophile.
Arrested for having Child Pornography.
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What is your favorite guy a good guy Soranowoto
>To the people of the foreign country is able to understand Why What satire in Japan, such as Zetsubou Sensei?

Mostly yes, people who begin watching anime may not understand but we are exposed to it over time, and become familiar with it.

new thread
>To the people of the foreign country is able to understand Why What satire in Japan, such as Zetsubou Sensei?

Only when the translator is better than Google.
Sora no Woto is the best Anime 2010 and should get a sequel
What are the best boards in 2chan?
Willing to learn to read and translate for future threads like these.

Yeah, because we all watched more than 200 anime. We are used to your wordplay/homour.
I wish we could have these
>I wa mantle the the の long い ア ji ア of girls の su ra っ と し ta hand, foot and ni floating い た Stirrups の the ro リ portrait ga good ki desu
I think there's an extension for that.
Japanese please ignore
The script I have is not working right with the new html.
There are additional IME dictionaries containing all of these, and more.
Look for 2ch顔文字辞書 on the Internet.
All popular IMEs are supported.
You should be able to figure the rest, if you're fit to use these emotes.
If not, then... tough luck.

I've noticed this thread hasn't been posted in the Futaba thread.
You mean prequel right? Why compromise that ending.
Ah, yes. I forgot about the new html
If prequel then it'll be shit like Star War eps 1-3
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4chan is actually a really nice place, we aren't always like this, they re the bad seed of the board, no all o us are like that, many of us love Japan but not i a creepy way

I'm sorry you have to see this
"Futaba, but I think to learn slang and not suitable in the Bakka"
>still no suji
If anyone has a nipponese ip, I'd appreciate it if you ran ken-sama through google translate and posted it in their thread
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Fate Zero was better FS/N
Ga Rei Zero was better than the manga
Macross Zero wasn't better, but it wasn't as bad
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>Where can I find a loli image of 4chan?
We've already taught them about Ken-sama, so I guess only a fraction of them would be trolled.
Not even mentioning the fact that they're trolled much, much less easily than the average /a/ browser.
Does he mean loli on 4chan or pictures of Yotsuba?
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That makes a little more sense I really don't want to post that though.

"it" being Japan in general
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Wait, what?
Is this nigga serious?
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spoiler because suji
yeah, their reaction to troll posts seems to be gentle confusion, whereas /a/ flips its shit the second you post anything atypical
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I understand that this gets used when an image gets posted without a comment, but what is it supposed to be? Some sort of ascii art? Can't see it resemble anything
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Thank you for replying to me ヾ(*≧∀≦*)ノ

I don't know how to express it in English. I'm sooo sorry (;_;)

...uhh ;_;
It just says "Kita!" which is like "It came!" or "It's here!" or something.
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new thread

Autistic kuudere shit

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