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>"I don't buy R1 DVDs because that money goes to the middle man! I'd rather support the studios directly!"

>Implying the hundreds of thousands that licensing companies regularly paid for anime wasn't a HUGE source of income for the Japanese studios
>Implying more than 1% of people on /a/ actually import R2 DVDs

I don't give a shit if you pirate anime. What bothers me is when you faggots try to claim that that buying R1 DVDs doesn't support the industry. That is a crock of fucking shit. You are a fucking thief and a parasite who steals the hard work of thousands of working professionals and trying to downplay the role of licensing companies won't change that.
i pirate because im poor
I don't give a fuck.
they may be right. royalties chop off so much that the studio makes nil.
I don't give a fuck about your moralfaggotry and you making a thread to rage and be an attentionwhoring dickbag won't change that.
>"I don't buy R1 DVDs because that money goes to the middle man! I'd rather support the studios directly!"
That is literally how it is.
cry more bitch nigga
If they can broadcast ongoing animes to my country translated/subbed then I'd stop

greedy motherfuckes
ur a faget
I have a sub to crunchyroll. That's the only kind of business model I'll ever support. There's no way I'll ever pay for dvds or anything like that, simply because I don't want stuff cluttering my apartment.
I pirate because its logically stupid to pay money for the product you can get for free.
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I've been buying R1 (with some R2 here and there) dvds for 7 years now. I have a pretty sizable collection now but it sucks that the American Anime industry is a soulless husk of what it once was. I really do like dubs, I love owning physical media and I love supporting the companies that make my hobby a reality.

That said, OP, you have to understand that a large portion of /a/ is made up of young fans who grew up watching anime on the internet. They are ungrateful little shits who think they are entitled to free anime forever. It sucks because it is people like them that will drive the governments to royally fuck up the internet in the near future.
dude that's a bullshit excuse.

I buy stupid shit with my disposable income, like 37" chinese gongs and shit.
I bang on the gong every morning to lets motherfuckers know I'm about to fuck the day it its ass. aw yeah.

P.S. OP is a faggot
Frankly, this.
You realize that the Japanese studios got shit load of money from US companies from shows that sold badly/not at all in Japan, right? US anime companies have been a huge source of revenue for the anime studios. Stop deluding yourself.
Why sending some money to the studio directly?
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>buying anime
That's fine and I understand not wanting to have hundreds of DVDs/manga volumes cluttering your home, but streaming services are simply not profitable at the moment.
So you want me to spend $1000 for a BD boxset that is just an upscale.

Fuck you and Japan sideways.

If I was in Japan I would have literally stolen the boxset because the prices are fucking outrageous.
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>Buying Anime
Why English?
>Implying the hundreds of thousands
Hundreds of thousands what? Cents?
Get out Steve Blum. You got your pseudo-Toonami, now fuck off back to ANN.
>huge profits
you are deluding yourself, the DVD distributers barely have any money at all to pay anything. The 90% of money from overseas comes from TV anime licensing. Which in most cases means kids anime.

And even that said - most channels dont buy anime to air not because they dont like it, but since Japan demands insance prices for them, totally not worth purchasing the air rights.
Why not*

I mean,most releases have thousands of downloads in Nyaa alone if everyone gave 1 dollar per episode the studio would get huge profits.

And then there is 'this guy'
I don't download DVD or BD rips, only the ones aired on TV, so I'm not hurting anyone.
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>You are a fucking thief and a parasite who steals the hard work of thousands of working professionals and trying to downplay the role of licensing companies won't change that.

At least I'm not poor, so I can buy all the merchandise that I do. With saying that, I'll now inform you that I don't give a fuck. Sage.
ADV paid $780,000 for Air Gear alone. Go fuck yourselves you stupid cunts. You know fuck all about the industry.
same with VN and game translation.
>We want to bring your game to foreign market! We will translate and market it by ourself and pay you royalties!
>No! Fielthy gaijins! Pay a million for VA fees and license.
>but but... your game will never sell that much!
>we dont care, fielthy gaijins!
japanese generally dont seem to give a fuck about anime/games sales overseas at all
Enjoy your anime aimed at people who do buy anime-fujoshi and otaku who want to watch cute girls doing cute things.

You brought this on yourselves.
Steve Blum is a cool dude, he'd never say some bullshit like OP.

Korra has a fucking all-star cast of VAs. I know this isn't animu but fuck this is the first thing Nickelodeon has done right in a long time.
It's good that Brandon Keener is getting more rolls outside Mass Effect, he is a down to earth dude and is really nice to his fans.

Anyway, back on topic. OP is a faggot
That's less than the total profit from one volume of Bakemonogatari.
you mean
>enjoy anime made for japanese
that always was this way
>Enjoy your anime aimed at people who do buy anime
I will. Thank you.
>Paying that much for such a shit series
Meanwhile they only paid 20k for a good show like UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie.
But I do enjoy that stuff
I'd buy R1 BDs if they would release shows that I like, such as LoGH. Right now there just isn't much that interests me.
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>Enjoy your cute girls doing cute things.
liscensing companies tend to be shitty and knock off quality where-every they can, charge more for manga with xerox copy images, its a whole shit stained mess, The only DVD I considered buying localized is madoka, and they did an excellent job, they still wont get a penny however, untill I know for a fact there's not a bunch of adverts in the beginning. they did that shit to Azu and I have not bought a DVD since.
I've been buying DVDs for longer than that, but you're right that the industry has gone to shit here.
The thing is these days we've reached the point where the fansubs are often objectively superior to the R1 releases, and they're free. I buy less of the media itself than I used to. It boggles my mind that there are still DVD-only releases for shows that aired in HD. I don't mind the idea of services like crunchyroll. I do specifically take issue with crunchyroll's origins and generally refuse to give them any of my money.
Personally, I'd rather see more releases like Madoka. Where it's expensive (though not much worse than the old days of Pioneer DVDs) but the release isn't fucked up in some way and is still cheaper than Japanese imports.
If there were better legal methods here, I'd use them.
>oh man, the remote is so far away, how can I skip these adverts?
Too bad Air Gear did nowhere near the amount of sales that Bakemonogatari. Too bad almost no anime does.
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>Enjoy your cute girls doing cute things
I do. It's the only thing that can sooth the darkness in my soul.
No, he isn't. The only thing that makes him better than that Vic asshole is that he isn't a creepy piece of shit. R1 industry is irrelevant, if I want to support a show, I'll import the BDs and pay extra for a quality product.
Apparently here in America they're adding a 20-second unskippable piracy warning to the beginning of every DVD.
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>The only DVD I considered buying localized is madoka
Figures that the kind of cunts who pirate everything and rarely support the industry are Madokafags.
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As someone who works in an IP law firm, let me share my two cents on piracy:

If it costs next to nothing to make a copy, then do it and give it to whoever you want or take it from whoever gives it to you. Sharing has been a part of humanity's animal nature since way before this crap with copyright, and no lazy-ass has-been inventor, creator, or artist is going to stop me from sharing because of a set of outdated fuck-face laws.

Furthermore, copyright was originally intended to foster innovation because it gives people incentives to create, but now, it's doing just the opposite and it kills as many innovations and evolutions as it does help support them.

So if you're a pirate, keep doing it! Keep pirating! Keep sharing! You're going to be the impetus that keeps the world moving by bring to light a major problem. And if you're a copyright holder hellbent on stopping the pirates, know that you'll have better luck stopping the sun from rising and you're better off spending your energies on a different business model for your junk to make money.
Too bad almost no anime gets that high of a licensing fee.
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The colors that you chose for that graph...

This is why I wish Korea was the figurehead of anime instead of Japan.

They are friendlier than Japan from my experience.
Some Veteran from the Korean war metaphorically, cordially invited me to fuck his granddaughter because I was wearing my grandfather's Korean war bomber jacket.
I love South Korea
You missed the point. That's just one volume. And that 700k figure barely even gets up to 12% of that one volume's sales. Let's take, say, the average break-even 3k sales for 1-cour shows (6 BDs). That's still almost double than what ADV paid.
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Those colors
>Kurau: Phantom Memory - 960,000
>Pumpkin Scissors - 780,00
>Tokyo Majin - 780,000
>Guyver - 746,665

Thanks for proving that you're just another /a/ parasite who doesn't know shit about the medium or the industry. Don't even bother replying you stupid cunt.
A bunch of shit anime nobody cares about, your point?
>shit no one cares about
jokes on you op.
i never buy stuff.
Show me where he has said something that makes him a turd and I'll retract my statement.
His voice range is limited, but he is a good English VA.
This is coming from someone who rarely, if ever, enjoys a dub.
Those fucking colors
You missed the point you stupid fuck. ADV paid more for the licensing of Air Gear than what the studio made from domestic DVD sales through its entire run.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about either. Good day, faggot.
And studios get none of that money since broadcasting and licensing rights do not belong to them, unless its Toei or FujiTV.
I pay for CrunchyRoll. And TAN.
And I still buy DVDs/BluRays.

I am the 1%

Shut up Shino.
Another anon who doesn't know anything about the industry and is completely making shit up. Filtered.

That ought to teach you not to be a stupid cunt.
Implying Guyver isn't fucking awesome
I only buy merchandise, if those faggot japs cared so much they'd tax hard drives
You think I give a damn?
Is there something special about them?
ill start buying anime when every single NA release is in BD, and the dubs dont have the same 15 people dubbing them
>>I'm a drop out.
no fucking way, I never would have guessed an underage B& to have not realized all the kiddie corners localization companies take that screw over the customer, it used to be that buying localized material got you half the quality for 3 times the price, even now it's still pretty steep even if its neck and neck.
At the moment I don't pay the A-Ind. anything at all. If they decided to directly release subbed content to where I can buy it (be it digital or on a BD), I'd still pirate most of my stuff but they'd get at least 100 bucks a month out of me.
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You guys are such fags
Can you provide any sources for this?
>not knowing and learning moonrunes
>not buying discs directly from the makers

shiggy diggy wiggy
Because their shit dubs aren't worth spending extra money on to cover their stupid ass expenses. Just slab subs on it while lowering the price--or i'll continue to get it for free.
You're on /a/. This is like complaining to /g/ that they're killing Microsoft for pirating Windows or installing Gentoo. No one gives a shit.

There are plenty of kiddies from ANN and other forums that do buy the DVDs. Which are licensed with a flat fee, so your money never directly goes to supporting that studio for that particular show. Instead, it goes to the faggots at the localization company and they use it to license other, random shows you don't care about.

Fuck off.
Japan still owes us Americans for their attack on Pearl Harbor.

The Japanese PM and I have agreed that my reparations will be all of the animu their nation creates.
The robber is hiding in a modern city.
They also went out of business like a year later.

Dohohoho fuck off faggot.

You think ADV somehow made enough money off that license to make that sustainable? And yet you're arguing like you're the unquestionable king shit of economics mountain.

It's at the point where if the English release is sufficiently shit to where I don't want to buy it I don't give a fuck if it hurts the Japanese company because they let it happen. You want me to stop using HorribleSubs? Stop licensing things to CrunchyRoll for fuck's sake.
Mr, White, in his bed room, with the broadband.

Did I win?
Unfortunately, the companies regularly releasing sub-only are charging more for that than Funimation is for putting a shitty dub on an even shittier show.
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Maybe if they actually made an attempt to do better subs than what you can get on fansubs I'd actually by their pathetic shit.

When a group of college kids can put more effort into their translations, and still make it look more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than a professional company that tries to sell me a bunch of diarrhea in a dvd, then of course I'm going to pick the free, nicer looking one.

I can understand getting pissed at people downloading this shit for free when it's available in their country, but a lot of that shit isn't even available here, and even when it is, they only get like the first half of it and never dub/sub the rest.
How well does cutting out the TV airing costs and just using the internet to air a series work? The only example I can think of is Candy Boy. That sold okay, didn't it?
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I don't give a fuck about:
- licensing complications
- "supporting the industry"
- ethics or morals

I do give a fuck about:
- the quality of the goddamn thing
- price
- being allowed to actually buy it

Quality is the most important point. If your release isn't noticeably better than the best fansubs, I don't fucking want it even for free. I'm only interested in getting the highest quality releases possible, and I expect professional quality from my translation. This point is non-negotiable and failing to deliver breaks the deal before it's even started.

I also want it at a sane price, meaning no Japan-style extortion. I'm okay with it costing a little bit though, 40-50 for a season box is fine.

Last point is that I obviously need to be able to buy the fucking thing. Funimation has banned all except non-American IPs from their site, so I have to assume my money is not good enough for them.
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And I only ever see Linda doujins with this.
>unauthorized porn made for profit
>any legitimate claim
Though I'm glad LINDA is focusing on dojins, his magazine porn was boroing as fuck.
i'm ok up to the price thing.
that kind of figures would be istant losses, so forget them.

educate yourself(it's the 2nd part of a 3 piece article, but i trust you will be able tu read it anyway)
I'll buy jp BD's of a series I really like. I won't buy R1 dvd's because THEY'RE DVDS and they have ass upscale bd's half the time. Not to mention the cases on R1 shit is crap. Extra's my ass it's just "clean" op and ed that seem to have the karaoke hard subbed on it. That and trailers for a series I've already seen 2 years back.
>I know you love Japanese comic culture, if you so, please never upload our comics, games and animes
>Japanese person referring on anime as animes
Is it true though, do the elevens download shit from English hentai sites too?
If Blurays/DVDs did not cost an arm and leg in japan then i would definitely buy them.
How the fuck do the elevens even get the money for expensive shit anyway? aren't the obsessive types hikki shutins?

money from parents, only answer
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1. Subpar translations with eyecancer yellowsubs.
2. DVDs. FUCKING DVDs. I would be insane to BUY DVDs when I can get maximum quality online.
3. Eurofag. Buying American licensed stuff is not feasible for me and the European market is laughably small so it makes no difference.
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>Japan DVD/bluray release
>several months later
>North America DVD only release

FUCK YOU!! You Japanese faggots want my money, stop jewing the foreign market. You paranoid reverse-import fearing xenophobic bastards.

I think another problem is the amount of time it takes for them to be released. Granted licencing process and production can take a loooong while but sometimes after waiting 2~3 years maybe even longer for some series to come out on DVD/BD you just aren't all that interested in picking them up anymore.
>eyecancer yellowsubs
Your DVD player is broken. Get the shotgun and put it out of it's misery.
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Aspect ratio
I don't give a fuck. If we kill the anime industry I'll just switch to killing the telenovela industry.
No; you still come across yellow subs every now and then.
Yes, if it everybody suddenly stopped watching fansubs, we will go back to the 90'-00's where the only anime you can watch are shounen types dragonball, naruto, yu yu hakushu etc. Then people will once again think anime=for kids.

Then Elevens will be so butthurt when adolescent gaijins moved Kdrama and owned the monopoly due to fansubs.
These threads are almost as pad as lolicon vs. pedo threads.
Check the peerlist on your average torrent and you'll find a good number of them are actually Japanese.

If you disable the subtitles you've got yourself a fantastic encode of the show, and some people use subtitles as a supplement for english self-tuition.
It's not that I want to make sure that animation studios benefit from my purchase, I just want to keep money out of the hands of idiots like Funimation and 4kids.

This is how I feel about manga distributors in the west.

There are several series I'd love to buy physically copies for but I hate, don't trust nor have any confidence in them.
Even if there were no more fansubs, I find it hard to envision teenage and twenty-something males becoming fans of Kdramas.
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>DVD subtitles
>font displayed at 320x240
it's like having your eyes raped

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