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05/08/12(Tue)18:06 No.65486343 File: 1336514764.jpg-(47 KB, 405x334, 1333230920409.jpg)
 Pokémon needs a new MC.
who is so naturally skilled at being a trainer that he wrecks
everybody's shit without even trying, but he couldn't care less about
it, all he does is fuck around every town he happens to walk in to,
talks with everyone he either finds interesting, or people who look
great to hang out with.
In the end he has shitloads of pokemon
that either didn't pull off a big fight due to his character, or that he
persuaded and messed around with big time that they started to follow
him eventually, because he's so GAR and easy going that everyone who
happens to get in touch with him can't get enough of him, that or people
outright hate him.
The rival is a real experienced try-hard
trainer who gets shit done the hard way, and happens to beat him quite
often, but in the end he just realizes that the MC is just not trying,
always messing around with his pokémon, or climbing trees.
Pokeprofessor is just some old man who constantly keeps hinting about
how much potential the MC had as a kid, defeating skilled trainers who
happened to cross his backyard, after they saw him fall of a tree.
Team Rocket crew are just a bunch of adolescents who trick the naive MC
into helping them with crimes, which always ends up failing due to the
MC accidentally messing it up afterwards. |