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    File: 1335819366.jpg-(100 KB, 1176x749, Le animu.jpg)
    100 KB Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)16:56 No.65113967  
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)16:58 No.65114074
         File: 1335819503.png-(361 KB, 651x961, Le Naruto.png)
    361 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)16:59 No.65114114
    you smell, fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)16:59 No.65114121
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:00 No.65114138
    >le niwaka face
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:00 No.65114148
         File: 1335819624.png-(217 KB, 651x481, Le slut.png)
    217 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:00 No.65114154
    upvote XD
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:00 No.65114170
         File: 1335819655.png-(44 KB, 500x500, sadfrog_dubs2.png)
    44 KB
    le sad hulk when no dubs
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:01 No.65114175
    We already had this thread today, and it was just as awful then as it is now.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:01 No.65114186
         File: 1335819678.jpg-(39 KB, 500x512, rasengusta_o_174964.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:01 No.65114206
    Fuck off Justice/Parky. Your IRC idiot friends really fucked up when they got you onboard.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:01 No.65114207
         File: 1335819707.png-(211 KB, 500x375, 1335782102968.png)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:01 No.65114209
    OP, you are a scholar and a gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:01 No.65114214
         File: 1335819719.jpg-(33 KB, 410x303, sage to death.jpg)
    33 KB
    Reported everyone in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:02 No.65114216
         File: 1335819723.jpg-(79 KB, 500x396, Le Bleach xD.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:02 No.65114218
    There's anime that's not moeshit?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:02 No.65114224
    >le sad hulk

    I'll admit that I laughed at that.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:02 No.65114229
    even yourself?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:02 No.65114245
    IRC retards thread?

    IRC retards thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:02 No.65114246
         File: 1335819769.png-(80 KB, 500x408, tumblr_m1k0x1HrTR1qlnfp6o1_500.png)
    80 KB
    You forgot le monkey face.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:03 No.65114257
         File: 1335819784.jpg-(363 KB, 640x732, your-a-disgrace_o_188488.jpg)
    363 KB
    Forgot your sage.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:03 No.65114264
         File: 1335819798.png-(48 KB, 500x500, 1335476285609.png)
    48 KB
    Spurdo hijack
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:03 No.65114274
    Like this post if your cry evertiem
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:03 No.65114283
         File: 1335819827.jpg-(9 KB, 181x274, kaicho get.jpg)
    9 KB
    That le feel when you get dubs
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:03 No.65114286
         File: 1335819833.jpg-(50 KB, 500x502, 1335557358373.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:04 No.65114304
    Why the fuck do they use 'le' so much?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:04 No.65114307
    >le niwaka face

    I smiled. Not bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:04 No.65114334
         File: 1335819896.jpg-(223 KB, 918x938, 1321494540048.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:05 No.65114340
         File: 1335819905.jpg-(89 KB, 640x480, 1335710760833.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:05 No.65114342
    Reddit has a large fanbase in Canada and France
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:05 No.65114355
    They don't. /v/ and /b/ love it, though.
    >> Okuu !!Jq0MHPvHhpb 04/30/12(Mon)17:05 No.65114357

    I hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:05 No.65114358
         File: 1335819936.png-(144 KB, 680x526, 1331387681100.png)
    144 KB
    le sagemaster xD
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:05 No.65114361
    Speaking as a former redditor

    They fucking don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:06 No.65114370
    Elderly ET with a propeller on his face?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:06 No.65114381
         File: 1335819974.gif-(17 KB, 633x769, 131929779764.gif)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:06 No.65114400
    Take your Reddit shit back to /v/ and /x/, where it belongs.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:07 No.65114416
         File: 1335820030.jpg-(230 KB, 450x660, hipster..jpg)
    230 KB
    I know you guys are only ironically cancerous. But if you ironically stab yourself in the eye you still bleed.


    Written from my iPhone
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:07 No.65114421
         File: 1335820034.jpg-(56 KB, 834x557, black_power.jpg)
    56 KB
    You tell him bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:07 No.65114427
    >back to /x/
    Oh god, you're cruel.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:07 No.65114442
         File: 1335820062.jpg-(54 KB, 500x575, tumblr_m0c7i5aKjF1ql28j5o1_500.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:07 No.65114444
         File: 1335820064.jpg-(12 KB, 248x249, dubs.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:07 No.65114450
    >Former redditor
    >Implying you can ever wash away the stain left upon your soul
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:08 No.65114458
         File: 1335820088.jpg-(50 KB, 794x480, 1333232757189.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:08 No.65114459

    Come on bro that's cold, what did they do to deserve that
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:08 No.65114472
         File: 1335820105.png-(77 KB, 296x356, 222.png)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:08 No.65114487
    It doesn't piss /v/ as fucking hard anymore. So now I guess the trolls moved here.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:08 No.65114490
         File: 1335820124.png-(107 KB, 754x289, Capture.png)
    107 KB
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/30/12(Mon)17:09 No.65114524
    Have you not been to /x/ recently or what?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:09 No.65114533
         File: 1335820181.jpg-(127 KB, 462x760, 1334498162522.jpg)
    127 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:10 No.65114557
         File: 1335820224.png-(115 KB, 294x294, 1325964728645.png)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:10 No.65114562
    No, I meant the guy you told to go to /x/
    But actually I stopped regularly browsing /x/ shortly after the guy who dumped Junji Ito left
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:10 No.65114563
         File: 1335820229.gif-(2.69 MB, 500x281, KillThread.gif)
    2.69 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:10 No.65114569
         File: 1335820244.jpg-(35 KB, 500x428, tumblr_lsm4niuXgm1ql28j5o1_500.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:11 No.65114615
         File: 1335820294.png-(90 KB, 641x481, 6nFw1.png)
    90 KB
    >> Komeiji !A4NtZSR4vE 04/30/12(Mon)17:11 No.65114624
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:11 No.65114633
    [ ! ]

    [ - ]
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:11 No.65114634
    Reddit fags would fit in perfectly if it's even half as bad as I remember.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:12 No.65114657
         File: 1335820352.jpg-(15 KB, 200x267, 178.jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:12 No.65114660
    reddit's "le ..." comes from the old 4chan meme "le sigh"/"oh no you le didnt"
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:12 No.65114666
         File: 1335820367.jpg-(110 KB, 412x600, 1319207554939.jpg)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114682
         File: 1335820383.png-(196 KB, 651x961, vkxm2.png)
    196 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114686
    It's hard to tell the difference between the fake ones and the ones Reddit actually made.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114689
         File: 1335820398.jpg-(200 KB, 816x816, 1335745939942.jpg)
    200 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114691
         File: 1335820400.jpg-(45 KB, 500x574, 1335211947562.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114695
         File: 1335820402.jpg-(59 KB, 261x223, 1216870168131.jpg)
    59 KB
    So this means that all anti-moefags on /a/ are actually reddit users?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114697
    Front page right now:
    >summon a succubus troll thread
    >Zombie Desk Car thread
    >vomit-chan general
    >grimdark stupid shit errywhere
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114713
    Oh Jeez.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:13 No.65114718
    lel dubs
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:14 No.65114727
    >go to /x/
    >first thread that pops up is >>>/x/9999627
    Yep. It's still bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:14 No.65114734
    What's the point of shitposting?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:14 No.65114740
    I know, I went to go look a while ago.
    Mods don't even touch /x/ anymore. So many horrid tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:14 No.65114741
         File: 1335820466.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 54 KB, 256x256, haha.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 54 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:14 No.65114752
    I want /v/ to leave.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:14 No.65114756
    Either that or /v/irgins
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:15 No.65114776
    Actually most of the /r/anime are moefags.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:15 No.65114777
    And i really used to like that Jean Reno picture. Why does Reddit have to destroy everything?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:15 No.65114805
         File: 1335820554.jpg-(316 KB, 1583x1099, shameful.jpg)
    316 KB


    I was gonna disagree, but after checking back there... yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:16 No.65114808
    go with the flow
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:16 No.65114816

    Komeiji, you leave too.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:16 No.65114820
         File: 1335820575.png-(83 KB, 650x527, 1335710464144.png)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:16 No.65114831
         File: 1335820586.jpg-(232 KB, 696x720, 1335331292737.jpg)
    232 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:16 No.65114837
    There was a time on /x/ where you got autobanned for telling faggots to go back to /b/.
    Place is condemned.
    Greenoval archived it, and dropped it after a month.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:17 No.65114864
    "It sounds French if you say "le"" is older than 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:17 No.65114876
         File: 1335820649.png-(211 KB, 651x961, 1335716208594.png)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:17 No.65114887
    i want /v/ to leave
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:18 No.65114912
    saying i want /v/ to leave will only make them cum harder here
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:18 No.65114919
         File: 1335820714.jpg-(57 KB, 400x285, 1335542466753.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:19 No.65114957
         File: 1335820770.png-(410 KB, 640x1300, 1335710808366.png)
    410 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:19 No.65114966
    That doesn't even rhyme.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:19 No.65114970
    Huehuehue le monkey face!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:20 No.65115000
    Suddenly Cirno
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:20 No.65115015
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:20 No.65115018
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:20 No.65115019
    >monkey face!

    Dats racist.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:21 No.65115037
         File: 1335820882.jpg-(110 KB, 651x1441, le hentai.jpg)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:22 No.65115074
         File: 1335820939.jpg-(74 KB, 731x508, 1329169990066.jpg)
    74 KB
    We dubs thread now.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:23 No.65115099
         File: 1335820982.jpg-(22 KB, 246x310, GiveUsOurDubs..jpg)
    22 KB

    Isn't using 'le' more of a 9fag theme.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:23 No.65115111
         File: 1335820995.jpg-(31 KB, 460x462, 1322542275147.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:23 No.65115122

    >Das me
    Der Because there are no females on the internet

    >Das girl
    Die girl

    >Das Reich
    Da- oh wait nevermind

    >Confirmed for not knowing shit
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:23 No.65115137
    Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:24 No.65115151
         File: 1335821048.jpg-(2 KB, 300x57, Check my captcha.jpg)
    2 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:25 No.65115195
    I believe that's le point.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:25 No.65115204
         File: 1335821113.jpg-(97 KB, 430x320, 1325091792177.jpg)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:25 No.65115217
         File: 1335821135.png-(238 KB, 651x961, 4f1007b91861334601008098.png)
    238 KB
    Lik dis if u cry ery tim ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:26 No.65115255
    i want /v/ to leave
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:26 No.65115282
         File: 1335821214.jpg-(67 KB, 597x600, 1322540781614.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:27 No.65115304
         File: 1335821242.png-(1.21 MB, 761x741, mad_dubs.png)
    1.21 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:27 No.65115307
         File: 1335821246.jpg-(436 KB, 461x4580, Yes-I-have-been-taught-better-(...).jpg)
    436 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:27 No.65115320
         File: 1335821265.png-(188 KB, 825x425, 1294890795586.png)
    188 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:28 No.65115332
    >this is what /a/ actually thinks reddit is like
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:28 No.65115333
         File: 1335821286.jpg-(45 KB, 320x294, 1327613714327.jpg)
    45 KB
    Check it out, my name is Guy Doubleson.

    I'm a 22 year old American Dubtaku (Doubles fan for you singles). I draw doubles on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Doubles games. (Double Dragon, Final Fantasy II, 999)

    I train with my pointing finger every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through scripts because it is posted over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my pointing license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

    I speak Doubles fluently, both Czech and the Dublin dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Doubles history and their getting code, which I follow 100%

    When I get my Doubles visa, I am moving to 4chan to attend a prestigious board to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an getter for /a/ or a doubles guy!

    I own several suits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to /a/ so I can fit in easier. I bow to my mods and oldfags and speak Doubles as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

    Wish me luck in /a/!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:28 No.65115346
         File: 1335821323.png-(56 KB, 132x167, 1294366755748.png)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:29 No.65115360
    better change your name to Trip Tripleson!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:29 No.65115382
         File: 1335821371.jpg-(17 KB, 247x204, NiggaYouWentFullDubs..jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:29 No.65115395
         File: 1335821393.jpg-(21 KB, 335x356, 1322771256953.jpg)
    21 KB
    dubs are for scrubs
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:30 No.65115399
         File: 1335821400.jpg-(44 KB, 397x393, 1328986527668.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:30 No.65115421
         File: 1335821429.jpg-(30 KB, 306x162, peter piper picked a peck of p(...).jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:30 No.65115422
         File: 1335821433.png-(60 KB, 681x385, chrono_trigger_mama_crono_part(...).png)
    60 KB
    Remember guys, report and ignore.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:30 No.65115439
         File: 1335821454.jpg-(13 KB, 236x285, 1318924698514.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:30 No.65115443
    if you guys this Reddit is a stinking shit hole... you definitely haven't seen the people who post on imgur. Holy shit, faggots, all of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:31 No.65115444
         File: 1335821460.png-(263 KB, 366x494, 1325454467.png)
    263 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:31 No.65115459
         File: 1335821477.png-(199 KB, 480x480, DubsEleven.png)
    199 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:31 No.65115485
         File: 1335821511.jpg-(8 KB, 320x272, 1322609008457.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:32 No.65115509
         File: 1335821542.jpg-(42 KB, 532x483, 1283737544821.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:32 No.65115517
         File: 1335821550.gif-(202 KB, 450x407, 1327638539680.gif)
    202 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:32 No.65115533
    It's already been taken over. It's basically /soc/ now.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:32 No.65115534
         File: 1335821573.jpg-(39 KB, 360x360, RosesDubs..jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:33 No.65115540
         File: 1335821585.png-(238 KB, 441x484, 1322552822177.png)
    238 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:33 No.65115542
         File: 1335821588.png-(212 KB, 651x721, 684943d8-eed1-4052-bef5-d321b5(...).png)
    212 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:33 No.65115555
         File: 1335821606.jpg-(11 KB, 251x251, 1328143970166s.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:33 No.65115569
         File: 1335821627.jpg-(59 KB, 300x300, red sun.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:33 No.65115571
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:33 No.65115580
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:34 No.65115591
    >It's basically /soc/ now.
    What? How?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:34 No.65115597
         File: 1335821664.jpg-(5 KB, 236x285, 1322722798126.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:34 No.65115601
         File: 1335821669.jpg-(58 KB, 476x353, 1272208361660.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:34 No.65115603
         File: 1335821670.jpg-(321 KB, 500x770, 1329791008360.jpg)
    321 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:34 No.65115606
         File: 1335821678.jpg-(12 KB, 225x225, garyiscool.jpg)
    12 KB

    so many Doubles... I... I want them all
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:35 No.65115623
         File: 1335821706.jpg-(42 KB, 240x240, Dubs.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:35 No.65115624
    I want summer to leave
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:35 No.65115633
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:35 No.65115646
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:35 No.65115649
         File: 1335821752.jpg-(65 KB, 409x441, 1301537264085.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115656
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115658
    Son of a bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115660
         File: 1335821771.jpg-(115 KB, 644x714, 1267962139264.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115661
    Best post in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115669
         File: 1335821783.png-(66 KB, 148x173, 1334535803122.png)
    66 KB
    It is le summer already and le reddit will take over /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115691
         File: 1335821812.jpg-(186 KB, 853x1440, 1323316447087.jpg)
    186 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:36 No.65115692
         File: 1335821813.jpg-(26 KB, 320x240, 1335381263053.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:37 No.65115695
    together with krautchan
    >> THIS FUCKING THREAD Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:37 No.65115705
         File: 1335821835.jpg-(24 KB, 200x200, FAGGET.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:37 No.65115718
         File: 1335821852.jpg-(118 KB, 581x470, AzkabanDubs.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:37 No.65115724
    I knew that the komeiji hate was going to unite the /v/ermins on the board.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:37 No.65115725
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:38 No.65115754
    request: arrest these doubles
    inb4 /r/, fuck you
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:38 No.65115758
    what's krautchan?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:38 No.65115775
    >hey guiz i was wondering if someone could give me a fortune reading?!? i really like this guy in my class! im 15, scorpio, my favorite color is blue!
    >repeat for 200 posts
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:38 No.65115779
         File: 1335821920.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 41 KB, 256x256, 1328459913184.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 41 KB
    What's the formula to get doubles?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:38 No.65115783
    Now that is what's called a get. A long forgotten art amongst dubs fags
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:38 No.65115793
         File: 1335821934.jpg-(35 KB, 443x414, tomokodubs.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:39 No.65115811
    Thank god you /a/ss-hats have to deal with the dubfags now.

    love /v/ check them
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:39 No.65115835
         File: 1335821986.jpg-(97 KB, 823x740, Eternal Summer.jpg)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:39 No.65115839
         File: 1335821989.jpg-(65 KB, 563x439, 1293034048967.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:39 No.65115840
    Oh dear. That's worse than I expected.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:39 No.65115844
    Does /v/ have XXX again?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:40 No.65115856
         File: 1335822019.jpg-(10 KB, 285x237, 1335198861030.jpg)
    10 KB
    oh baby
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:40 No.65115865
         File: 1335822031.jpg-(73 KB, 466x467, 1265791568249.jpg)
    73 KB
    Chесk em'
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:40 No.65115873
         File: 1335822039.jpg-(52 KB, 617x725, 1335731560405.jpg)
    52 KB
    >this thread
    I want /IRC/ to leave
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:40 No.65115876
    But this is the right way to use dubs. Nice repeating digits by the way.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:41 No.65115914
    Even better, the post number skips numbers than end in doubles that aren't 00
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:41 No.65115918
         File: 1335822088.jpg-(33 KB, 137x234, 1318801020001.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:41 No.65115937
         File: 1335822110.jpg-(16 KB, 458x451, 1335382993939.jpg)
    16 KB
    Those dubs are wasted on you. Looks like they are too stronk for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:41 No.65115938
         File: 1335822111.jpg-(62 KB, 400x580, 2dubs.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:42 No.65115951
         File: 1335822129.png-(145 KB, 550x599, 1287668014771.png)
    145 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:42 No.65115963
         File: 1335822145.jpg-(210 KB, 1280x720, 1318856151113.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:42 No.65115968
         File: 1335822148.jpg-(42 KB, 300x248, 1335589139769.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:43 No.65116013
    epic get>>65115555
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:43 No.65116029
    Go away KoG
    >> SERBIA THREAD SERBIA THREAD 04/30/12(Mon)17:44 No.65116050
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:45 No.65116103
         File: 1335822330.jpg-(105 KB, 1280x720, Phantasm011.jpg)
    105 KB
    kimi to (hai) issho ga ichiban (iei)
    suki yotte motto gyutto ne
    kimi wo (hai) atarashii basho e to (iei)
    ruranra! okurenai de ne
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:45 No.65116104
    what happened to this thread? What happened to /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:46 No.65116132
         File: 1335822370.png-(102 KB, 651x481, Le v users.png)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:46 No.65116137
         File: 1335822374.gif-(104 KB, 320x471, 1328792241800.gif)
    104 KB
    Woah woah... this is the most cancerous thread what I've seen this month and maybe this year... I don't even sage it or report it how it is beautiful.. Let's add some more cancer.. pic.related this is my slut
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:47 No.65116214
         File: 1335822473.jpg-(16 KB, 198x185, 1324181761686.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:48 No.65116228
    You're right, it's much worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:49 No.65116276
         File: 1335822560.jpg-(40 KB, 426x361, 1334537757096.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:50 No.65116333
    check these bad boys
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:50 No.65116339
         File: 1335822629.png-(472 KB, 651x1441, 1334496545675.png)
    472 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)17:50 No.65116340
    Russia hijack

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