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    File: 1335769013.jpg-(98 KB, 480x270, jiroemon_kimura.jpg)
    98 KB I liked anime before it was popular. Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:56 No.65090282  
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:57 No.65090320
    who is that old dude?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:59 No.65090366
    Jiroemon Kimura.
    He´s 115 years old. The dude saw anime being born, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:00 No.65090413
    > jiroemon
    He even has an anime name, oh u japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:01 No.65090429
    I didn't. I liked it after it became popular.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:02 No.65090475
    Japan, y u so old?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:05 No.65090524
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:06 No.65090535
         File: 1335769587.jpg-(298 KB, 595x842, yui_bra_strip_cute.jpg)
    298 KB
    J-Jiroemon... be gentle with me, ok?

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