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  • File: 1335570371.jpg-(72 KB, 457x349, 1335373601794.jpg)
    72 KB Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)19:46 No.64970390  
    Upotte!! Thread

    Make sure your raifuru is always clean and ready for action.

    Unless she's an AK. Bitches be crazy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:47 No.64970453
         File: 1335570471.jpg-(1.06 MB, 837x4339, 1335548016531.jpg)
    1.06 MB
    Here's the FAQ
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:47 No.64970455
    Well, I could let the argument die with the thread, but fuck that.

    >Actually, FNC comments several times that 16 is "always busy". And zero effort? You just haven't been paying attention at all.

    Yeah, busy doing photoshoots, posing for magazine covers, basking in the praise of her adoring fans. So much hard work.

    When do we see her practice her shooting? The only thing that shows that she puts forth any effort to learning is the fact that she knows a few tricks that she picked up from soldiers. Half a century ago.
    >> Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)19:48 No.64970469
    I knew I was forgetting something

    Thanks a bunch.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:49 No.64970514
    That still needs a fix in no.12. It should be "No, it's a Deagle"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:50 No.64970544
         File: 1335570648.png-(1.7 MB, 1138x1283, 1335557376201.png)
    1.7 MB

    16 HOURS REMAIN (until HorribleSubs rips the subs from Crunchyroll)
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:53 No.64970624
         File: 1335570789.png-(Spoiler Image, 228 KB, 472x593, 1335555163261.png)
    Spoiler Image, 228 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:54 No.64970654
    After reading the manga and watching the anime... Now I want a version for pistol-girls!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:54 No.64970672
         File: 1335570881.png-(123 KB, 230x272, 1335565279576.png)
    123 KB
    The BF3 platoon in case anyone missed it and would like to join.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:54 No.64970678
         File: 1335570886.png-(66 KB, 336x297, wwwwwwww.png)
    66 KB

    Poor L
    >> Smoked Cheese~ !Nyoron4t6M 04/27/12(Fri)19:54 No.64970685

    My goodness, how informative.

    Kudos to whoever that made it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:55 No.64970698
    This is the ugliest FAQ I've seen in quite a while.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:55 No.64970713
         File: 1335570955.png-(81 KB, 221x280, 1335155376161.png)
    81 KB
    I just picked up this today, i really liked it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:56 No.64970748
    >M-16 is a bitch thread: Game of the Year Edition


    But seriously she really isn't a very likable girl.

    Then again, I don't remember the last time an anime had an American character that was unequivocally sympathetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:58 No.64970812
         File: 1335571123.jpg-(288 KB, 835x1200, 1334881547813.jpg)
    288 KB
    c-could this be PTSD-moe?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:00 No.64970859
    Isn't she the M16A4? Since when was that used in Viet Nam?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:00 No.64970860
    >people hting on 16
    Is this because the next few couple of episodes have her being a bitch, or I'm missing something?
    She's not particularly bad in the manga, tourney arc excluded.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:00 No.64970879
    Every time I play Killing Floor and whip out the M-10, I will have a good giggle.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:01 No.64970887
         File: 1335571270.png-(54 KB, 759x609, GunsOnHijack.png)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:01 No.64970888
         File: 1335571270.jpg-(58 KB, 412x390, sako_2.jpg)
    58 KB
    Why not upload an image for the emblem?
    Anyway, I would prefer Arma 2 since most of the girls are there (even if you need addons).
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:01 No.64970895

    It could be under the right conditions. However, she doesn't act like she has a trauma, she acts like her pride has been insulted. Like a silver medal hockey team eager for a rematch.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:02 No.64970932
         File: 1335571356.png-(444 KB, 589x720, 1335221889555.png)
    444 KB
    That's exactly it!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:02 No.64970938
    ITT: We discuss slutty SOARS
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.64970954
    She represents all the variants. Going from the original to the A4 was the equivalent of growing up.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.64970955
    Is H&K P11 an elementary student always dressed in a school swimsuit?
    >> Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.64970961
         File: 1335571407.png-(58 KB, 262x202, GalilINV-17.png)
    58 KB
    ArmA 2 would be nicer, I guess, but I don't mind BF3 either
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.64970963

    M16 is all versions of the M16.


    If she had trauma, she would be afraid of the AKs. She's not, she's furious at them (goes berserk at just hearing a recording of the voice) but she's not afraid.

    No moe here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.64970971
    >When do we see her practice her shooting?
    We don't see the m16 which went with her friends to the hill practice. We do see that in the test results, she places 5 times in the marksmanship trials and as M16A4 she places above SIG. There's 5 versions of her attending the school at the same time. One instance of her didn't practice with her friends, the others did.

    Do you understand what that means? At any given moment, m16 is practicing, relaxing, studying and going to photoshoots at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.64970978

    Yeah, but the anime is about to cover the tournament, and we only just recently got raws from the manga chapters covering it.

    Peopl are upset that despite doing nothing wrong, FNC, L, and Sig all got their shit wrecked by Sako, while 16, who spends the whole arc acting like a bitch and insisting she can do everything on her own, has nothing bad happen to her.
    >> Weabro !!H5+hjQdDZNP 04/27/12(Fri)20:04 No.64971003
         File: 1335571456.jpg-(500 KB, 2000x2000, M16.jpg)
    500 KB
    Pick your favorite.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:05 No.64971042
         File: 1335571512.jpg-(997 KB, 1280x1294, 1335536763672.jpg)
    997 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:05 No.64971043
    Shit, when does this air again?
    I had a site that had countdowns to when everything this season aired but then chromed exploded and I lost the link
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:05 No.64971056

    The manga confirms that M16 is all versions of the M16. Also in the manga, that chart is completely unreadable.

    /a/ collectively agreed as soon as that episode came out that the chart wasn't canon, nor was it reliable, it was just more Wikipedia copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:06 No.64971085
    Dunno how to do it!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:06 No.64971096
    Because best raifuru is best raifuru.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:07 No.64971129
         File: 1335571632.jpg-(99 KB, 460x365, Rape_Deployment _Force.jpg)
    99 KB
    Time for some sleep. I think that this thread'll be here when i get back from work at around 18:30 GMT+2. These threads always get me to stay up this late and it's not good to work when you're tired.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:07 No.64971130
         File: 1335571634.png-(457 KB, 577x435, 1335556530668.png)
    457 KB

    >No SR16

    >No REC7

    I am not okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:07 No.64971133

    I assume you're joking there because that argument is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:07 No.64971150
         File: 1335571671.png-(615 KB, 554x480, 1330339088069.png)
    615 KB
    >no BCM
    >> Weabro !!H5+hjQdDZNP 04/27/12(Fri)20:09 No.64971197
         File: 1335571750.gif-(586 KB, 434x532, 1335476290360.gif)
    586 KB
    >chromed exploded and I lost the link
    Use xmarks (or similar) from now on.
    I think you need to install bblog first.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:09 No.64971228
    >Dlack arms
    I read that as dick arms when I first saw it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:10 No.64971254
         File: 1335571818.jpg-(106 KB, 554x439, 1268496627543.jpg)
    106 KB
    I almost have a tear in my eye here. It really was a necessary step towards maturity for the Upotte threads to begin their first waifu wars. We've come a long way.

    PS: M16 is shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:10 No.64971260
         File: 1335571825.jpg-(62 KB, 666x1024, 1334506645960.jpg)
    62 KB
    >That feel when my gun to old to ever make an appearance.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:11 No.64971309
    >in the army
    >slept while spooning my rifle
    >guard duty
    >watch strike witches from psp
    good times
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:11 No.64971316
         File: 1335571906.jpg-(16 KB, 282x388, 1335029015043.jpg)
    16 KB
    I think it's less waifu wars and more "M16 is a bitch to L who can't help it and never gets any comeuppance for it." It's unsatisfying to see someone act like that and get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.64971321
         File: 1335571927.jpg-(129 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Upotte!! - 03 [(...).jpg)
    129 KB
    I agree, but I still like her.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.64971388
    We're not at waifu wars yet. We're discussing whether or not 16 gets her comeuppance for picking on L or whether she even deserves it
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.64971395
    At least M16 has a REASON for giving L a hard time, and I've seen a lot worse. I don't think people should hate on M16 just for that. And I'm speaking as an L-fag
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.64971404
    You act like they aren't friends and shit. M16 goes out of her way to make the teacher apologize for smacking L. You just mad L is a useless piece.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:15 No.64971447
    >You act like they aren't friends and shit.

    During the tournament arc they sure as fuck aren't.
    >> Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)20:15 No.64971455
         File: 1335572132.png-(22 KB, 144x180, GalilINV-20.png)
    22 KB
    It's more like "Raifu Wars". Both the girl and gun aspect comes into discussion when that happens.

    M16 is a bit annoying, yes, but I like her
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.64971511
    >because good friends NEVER fight ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.64971541
         File: 1335572254.png-(408 KB, 897x720, 1335038353992.png)
    408 KB
    I ain't even mad
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:18 No.64971576
         File: 1335572318.png-(96 KB, 209x287, 1335391241974.png)
    96 KB
    I changed the platoon emblem, hope you like it. If you got a better image please share it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:18 No.64971585

    That's from Nano and takes place post-tournament.

    Also, in the manga there's no indication that it was because 16 told him. He may have simply figured it out for himself.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:20 No.64971646
         File: 1335572421.jpg-(213 KB, 720x1460, 1334888498708.jpg)
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    needs more 14
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:21 No.64971680

    Let's not turn this into continuity wank here, the anime puts the events in a certain order and it's a valid order.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.64971714
    haven't read nano that far yet, only up to #3. You got a souce for moar?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.64971719
    I've yet to read the manga, but I heard that most of the slav (Russian) guns are like the bad guys.

    Why the lack of love for delicious AKs?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.64971730
         File: 1335572547.jpg-(391 KB, 533x2700, Pvt Lawrence gets tired of Ich(...).jpg)
    391 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.64971800
    Dunno man, I'd love to have a nice battle worn m14.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.64971807

    Theory: did they add 16 dragging the teacher dude to L to the anime so that she would come across as less of a bitch?

    Come to think of it, we don't really even know how the discord will begin in the anime continuity. It may be different, and this is the sort of thing where pretty small differences can change a lot. In the manga she hurls a stream of insults at L for something that hardly even matters, then tears her down at every turn. It may go differently in the animoo.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.64971808
    Because it needs antagonists, and what better than rivalry between a school of NATO guns and a school of WP guns?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.64971810
         File: 1335572637.jpg-(271 KB, 728x1027, jupotte_nano_01_0007.jpg)
    271 KB

    It's in chapter 1
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.64971884
         File: 1335572730.jpg-(586 KB, 1920x1280, 1334437012565.jpg)
    586 KB
    They aren't necessarily evil but they do attend a Russian school that ends up declaring war against the NATO school.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.64971905
    hmm so it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.64971924

    'Cause somebody needs to be the antagonist and they can't go the Strike Witches route and introduce alien rayguns for enemies (that would be silly, unlike perfectly reasonable anthropomorphic guns).

    Besides, it seems the AKs are a lesser evil and the real opposing force are the Russian officers running Red Steel High - and the true conflict is a philosophical disagreement between should guns have free will or should they be mindbroken sex slaves.

    Wait, that sounded pretty evil.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.64972012
    >Theory: did they add 16 dragging the teacher dude to L to the anime so that she would come across as less of a bitch?
    No. It's in the original manga. I don't think you care either way though since you've already decided that 16 is a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.64972045
         File: 1335572949.jpg-(719 KB, 1506x1198, 1334808610762.jpg)
    719 KB
    16 does end up being a bit harsh and then they both end up getting stubborn. SIG pretty much saves it by going after Elle.
    >> Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.64972070
    Yeah. The AKs are just the tools. They are treated like tools there, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.64972071

    Well she is a bitch, one incident won't change it. But I'm curious about the adaptation differences whenever present.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:30 No.64972092
         File: 1335573019.png-(342 KB, 710x2536, Upotte_03.png)
    342 KB
    Less ugly and hopefully less typos.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:30 No.64972094
         File: 1335573021.jpg-(403 KB, 1302x470, 1335451383894.jpg)
    403 KB
    >mindbroken sex slaves

    poor AN94
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.64972179
         File: 1335573143.jpg-(107 KB, 1280x720, upotte.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:33 No.64972229
    Funco's mad expressions are so adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.64972242
         File: 1335573252.jpg-(1.24 MB, 710x2972, faq.jpg)
    1.24 MB
    extra fixed
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.64972264
    >Well she isn't a bitch, one incident doesn't make her one.
    The problem is L delivered the worst insult possible to 16 and since L is a moeblob many viewers are rallying to her defense after 16 reacted to it.
    >> walw6pK4Alo !!Dad2zlG9Cj3 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.64972266

    Upotte licensed. Now we can bring them to NRA conventions and gun shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.64972279
    Cool artifacts.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:35 No.64972316
    I know, I know, but the "only tools" thing is a bit, I don't know, hurtful.
    I'm being hurt by weapons being used, Jesus, I need to get my priorities straight.
    I just want to cuddle with an AN94.
    >> Weabro !!H5+hjQdDZNP 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.64972353
         File: 1335573384.jpg-(53 KB, 800x450, 1326942809796.jpg)
    53 KB
    >Now we can bring them to NRA conventions and gun shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.64972372
         File: 1335573408.png-(600 KB, 710x2972, faq.png)
    600 KB
    wow be a baby about it GOSH
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.64972413
         File: 1335573466.jpg-(162 KB, 1280x1312, UpotteFLheadpet.jpg)
    162 KB
    I think I like the anime FNC design better than the manga. So cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.64972417
    It doesn't make any sense to save a file as a JPG with loads of compression when it generates a bigger image than the lossless PNG.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:38 No.64972450
    Why am I imagining a display case of cosplayers at a gun show?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.64972479
         File: 1335573547.jpg-(44 KB, 252x379, m16.jpg)
    44 KB
    This right here. 16 is "a nice person"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.64972505
    >The problem is L delivered the worst insult possible to 16

    The fuck? You mean the other way around. 16 insulted L in the worst way.

    16 started calling L a worthless pile of shit over something that doesn't even fucking matter. The notes don't matter. 16 rated them at 100 yen's worth. And even if they did matter, it's not L's fault she keeps breaking down.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:40 No.64972518
    >L delivered the worst insult possible to 16
    L couldn't take notes because she broke.
    Yeah WORST insult there.
    This is L we're talking about, 16 should of known not to rely on her. And she ends up going apeshit about it.
    16 overreacted big time.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:40 No.64972532
    >Now we can bring them to NRA conventions and gun shows.
    Why... is it so easy for me to see this and make me smile so wide?
    Also, figures
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:40 No.64972548
         File: 1335573643.jpg-(93 KB, 338x445, 1335074146150.jpg)
    93 KB
    I know I just made a mistake please stop being mean to me!
    >> 3D is pig disgusting !7D.MvwOtec!!owjOya5BslS 04/27/12(Fri)20:42 No.64972603
         File: 1335573724.jpg-(78 KB, 1280x720, upotte-3ds.jpg)
    78 KB
    うぽって!! devs confirmed as Sony fans.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:42 No.64972609
         File: 1335573730.jpg-(72 KB, 800x532, Soar and operator.jpg)
    72 KB
    Thing of beauty
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:42 No.64972624
    Breaking down, at a bad time and letting people down is a terrible insult to m16.
    >> Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.64972676
    It can't be helped though. It's not like L85 picks when to break down

    She has all the right to be mad, but she went a bit over the line
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:44 No.64972716
    Well, at least you're not L85A1 and can actually do better in the future.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.64972758
    >The notes don't matter.
    Exactly, the notes never mattered. The money didn't matter. It was the promise. Keeping promises and expectations is central to 16's character. It's how 16 and L make up in chapter 18 too. 16 asked L to do something and L followed through.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.64972776
    Is anyone else starting to actually feel kind of bad about these jokes? They're so easy to make and they really do have an edge to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.64972809
         File: 1335574014.jpg-(6 KB, 216x234, jizzed.jpg)
    6 KB
    >mfw if R Lee Ermey dubs Garand
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.64972815
    More like L made no effort to try to take the notes and keep her promise. In the mock battle she jams again, but then she continues trying.

    But eh.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.64972819

    Now you're just clutching at straws. It's like a batshit crazy criminal explaining to the judge why he had to start a bar fight that out five people in the hospital: "but your honor, the faggot looked at me wrong!"

    L did nothing wrong. Not on purpose, and nothing that would remotely warrant the shit tsunami 16 poured on her.
    >> oh shi- ZETmang !iyDVyxBJ/Q!!6nr+OG4rUgE 04/27/12(Fri)20:49 No.64972905
         File: 1335574153.jpg-(178 KB, 1280x720, pisshhh.jpg)
    178 KB
    #2dlol = WE 7D NOW!
    >> Griz 04/27/12(Fri)20:49 No.64972933
    Is everybody on the anticipation train station for Galil already?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:51 No.64972984
         File: 1335574272.jpg-(887 KB, 1600x900, pso20120427_194541_000.jpg)
    887 KB
    made a Funco

    I'd rather make an M16 since the rifles are burst fire only anyway but the character creator doesn't have the right hair for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:51 No.64972985
    Im more pumped for the Sako rape train.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:51 No.64973002
         File: 1335574287.gif-(979 KB, 400x225, my body is ready.gif)
    979 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:51 No.64973008
    You know it, broski.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:51 No.64973015
    It's been irking me ever since somebody made that FAQ, but...sorry to have to ask to you to fix it again, for weeaboocity:

    The Warsaw girls' school is "Akagane-kou," so yeah, "Red Steel School" is correct. But it technically doesn't SOUND closely like "AK ga neko." It's pronounced "akagane koh" (the aka is red, the gane is steel, the kou is school). It's when you break up how it's spelled in Japanese (more or less by the syllables), you get something that's spelled THEN sounds like "the AK's are cats/AK ga neko."

    赤鋼校(?) = あか がね こう = Aka gane kou
    あか が ねこ = AKが猫 = AK ga neko = AK's are cats.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:52 No.64973041
    Not really. She'll come and I'll probably love it, but I'm not anticipating anything.
    But THIS, this I want badly.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:54 No.64973119
    >is that a FAMAS
    oh god i was not expecting that at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:55 No.64973177
    Wow. Yeah, getting mad at someone breaking a promise is totally like bigoted homophobic murderer. Exactly. I'm surprised you didn't say she was 10 million hitlers.

    L simply showed she was entirely unwilling to do even the slightest effort to keep a promise. Might not be on purpose but that's who she is, or at least was at that point in the story.
    >> Griz 04/27/12(Fri)20:55 No.64973185

    I just want to see how the bunny screams when shes getting shot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:57 No.64973279

    This. Imagine a battlefield situation (with real people, not living rifles). If your partner gets shot when he was supposed to be covering you, do you get mad at him for getting shot, or do you man up and deal with it, even if manning up means backing down and making a tactical retreat?
    >> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!R/52MaMCG2y 04/27/12(Fri)20:58 No.64973311
    Do they poop brass?
    >> Galilbro 04/27/12(Fri)20:58 No.64973327
         File: 1335574712.png-(107 KB, 360x347, GalilINV-16.png)
    107 KB
    I believe my body is ready. I'll probably have a heart attack though
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:58 No.64973332
    Jesus Christ I just want the tournament arc to end soon so that we get over this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:58 No.64973348
    No I don't get mad, because he was there trying to cover me. But I'd be fucking pissed if he was MIA.

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