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04/24/12(Tue)15:48 No.64809276 File: 1335296884.png-(1.06 MB, 888x1966, Archer_extra.png)
 >>64808992 That's okay, when you're attempting to write for /a/ you must first be ready to get shot down again and again.
I'll just present a paragraph in spoilers, tell me if it seems good so far.
slowly open the door to the rickety looking house. Old musty air fills
my lungs as I breath in, it almost makes me want to cough but I control
that urge by filling my sights with the old library styled floor plan in
front of me. Books stacked upon books are filling up the entirety of my
vision with a barely visible door behind three big stacks far off to
the left. Stepping inside slowly and quietly like a burglar even though
my intent isn’t to steal anything, I turn and close the door as natural
and as quietly as possible so no one suspects this isn’t my house,
methinks I’m starting to get used to the air because I can finally
breath normally again. My heart is beating pretty hard, I can feel it
knocking against my ribcage as I try to gather my thoughts. Hastily
reaching into my pocket to pull out an envelope to reaffirm what I had
originally read, on the front of it listed the name ‘Jeremias Theofilus
Kaspersen’. |