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  • File: 1334804680.jpg-(734 KB, 870x1236, 001.jpg)
    734 KB Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:04 No.64519827  
    New chapter, /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:05 No.64519864
         File: 1334804729.jpg-(552 KB, 870x1236, 002.jpg)
    552 KB

    Looks like she's going somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:06 No.64519888
         File: 1334804771.jpg-(586 KB, 870x1236, 003.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:06 No.64519898
    Handshaking activity for VAs?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:06 No.64519921
         File: 1334804808.jpg-(495 KB, 870x1236, 004.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:07 No.64519956
         File: 1334804849.jpg-(501 KB, 870x1236, 005.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:08 No.64519984
         File: 1334804897.jpg-(611 KB, 870x1236, 006.jpg)
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    Also if anyone wants to redraw this page, I'll love you forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:08 No.64519985
    >touching hands with a guy

    fucking disgusting
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:08 No.64520020
         File: 1334804938.jpg-(587 KB, 870x1236, 007.jpg)
    587 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:09 No.64520041
    Is she masturbating?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:09 No.64520061
         File: 1334804997.jpg-(528 KB, 870x1236, 008.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:10 No.64520077
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:10 No.64520083
         File: 1334805035.jpg-(458 KB, 870x1236, 009.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:11 No.64520112
         File: 1334805084.jpg-(567 KB, 870x1236, 010.jpg)
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    What am I going to do on the bed?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:12 No.64520150
         File: 1334805141.jpg-(587 KB, 870x1236, 011.jpg)
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    >> Monsieur Pomf !!AHUgWpLIX/u 04/18/12(Wed)23:13 No.64520176
         File: 1334805182.png-(99 KB, 259x291, money template.png)
    99 KB
    I'm glad I learned japanese symboles. I can almost read all of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:13 No.64520191
         File: 1334805194.jpg-(495 KB, 870x1236, 012.jpg)
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    >using WMA
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:13 No.64520214
         File: 1334805230.jpg-(513 KB, 870x1236, 013.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:14 No.64520223
    Oh my god this is even sadder and more pathetic than last chapter.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:14 No.64520234
    She's masturbating right
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:14 No.64520255
    She's right though. The voice things are addictive as fuck.

    You start off at drama CD's, then the ones where seiyuu just breathe simulating sleep, and then the ones where you get different girls sucking you off and fucking you.

    It's creepy, but I can't stop.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:14 No.64520263
         File: 1334805291.jpg-(454 KB, 870x1236, 014.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:15 No.64520302
         File: 1334805344.jpg-(426 KB, 870x1236, 015.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:15 No.64520317
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:16 No.64520319
    Ultimate suffering.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:16 No.64520349
    >that feeling when your daughter is a failure at life
    Where did it all go wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:16 No.64520357
    I would probably give them a listen if I could fucking understand them. Just listening to moans and slobbering doesn't do it for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:17 No.64520363
    Where can I download these chapters in english?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:17 No.64520382
    Are you fucking kidding me
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:18 No.64520403
         File: 1334805487.jpg-(532 KB, 870x1236, 016.jpg)
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    And that's all for this week. TL is about to being translating, and well, I will begin suffering through redraws.

    If there's anyone bored out there can wants to try to redraw >>64519984 and >>64520112, that'd be pretty cool and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:18 No.64520405
    The old switcheroo. It always works.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:18 No.64520415
    Summer is here!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:18 No.64520434
    If you know basic moon, it isn't that hard. You can decipher it more or less.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:19 No.64520454

    Autism how does it work?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:19 No.64520486
    What does redrawing mean? [/noob]
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:19 No.64520490
    What headphones is she using? I want to get them so I can be just like my hero, Tomoko.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:20 No.64520524
    Sorry. I had the link earlier but then some shit happened with my computer and etc etc and now I need it again.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:20 No.64520531
    Prepare for hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:20 No.64520534
         File: 1334805657.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1333862976954s.jpg)
    3 KB

    At first I HNNG'd, bet then I'm sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:20 No.64520538
         File: 1334805659.jpg-(32 KB, 500x500, 1326313332247.jpg)
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    >> Monsieur Pomf !!AHUgWpLIX/u 04/18/12(Wed)23:21 No.64520568
    I'll redraw >>64520112
    but in my doujin. She's so horny.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:21 No.64520571
    >had the link
    >the link

    I've seen some serious bullshit in my time, but, really, come on now.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:22 No.64520574

    I've been dabbling in some encoding/timing lately, and have subbed a track from a Drama CD as a test. We could potentially do some, I don't know.


    You, uh, redraw the panel. To make all the words disappear so it looks like nothing was there before.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:22 No.64520598
    Don't shitpost anon, that's not cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:23 No.64520646
    >You, uh, redraw the panel. To make all the words disappear so it looks like nothing was there before.

    It's to make space for the translation right?

    I don't have to get rid of the word balloons?

    I'm from /v/ and only here because I love Tomoko and am trying to help
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:24 No.64520680
    Go back to your Neopets general threads
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:24 No.64520695
         File: 1334805893.jpg-(991 KB, 1000x1000, 26655439.jpg)
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    Fresh off of Pixiv.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:27 No.64520772
         File: 1334806025.jpg-(216 KB, 726x379, 001.jpg)
    216 KB
    >It's to make space for the translation right?

    Err, yeah. More or less. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:27 No.64520802

    Leave it to the proffessionals fagget, it will be translated in a couple of hours.
    >> Drill Remover !!dRt2Zp69xa+ 04/18/12(Wed)23:31 No.64520949
    Speaking of which, ou est trois, bro
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:32 No.64520996
         File: 1334806365.jpg-(17 KB, 182x190, 1334805141848 (1).jpg)
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    I like this face.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:33 No.64521028
    how much, well, popular this manga has become on Japan?
    im asking because i've started to see a lot of new fanart
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)23:33 No.64521047
    It's like I don't even need to know the dialogue, I just read the pages and my memory fills in the rest. The feels, /a/.

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