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04/17/12(Tue)15:33 No.64449661 File: 1334691209.gif-(518 KB, 320x176, 1315150904137.gif)
really liked it actually, the characters were mostly endearing, I liked
the style of switching between segments(reminded me in a way like older
western cartoons like Rocky & Bullwinkle), the animation was great,
and the voice actor things at the end were just nice homages to some
older VAs. Only thing I didn't really like was Hakase, but I feel
like she actually acted like a real little kid rather than some
idealized HNNG-inducing cute character or something. To put it simply,
she was a fucking cunt.
My favorite gag was probably the Yukko at
the coffee shop one and later her bringing Mio there. To put it in
perspective, some of my favorite anime comedies are Sunred, Arakawa,
DMC, Azazel-san, Gintama when it's not full poop jokes, Golden Boy,
Cromartie, and Pugyuru. I also like what I've seen of Gag Manga Byori.
Some of my favorite non-Japanese comedies are Futurama, Arrested
Development, Community, and Scrubs early seasons. Not sure if there's
any sort of correlation there. >>64446823 >Little character development I
didn't feel like that was the case. Over time you see Hakase stop being
as much of a cunt, Mai and Yukko make up, Mio grows past her crush,
Nano starts to accept herself more, and a bit of other stuff. I admit
there wasn't a whole lot of development, but they were stretched pretty
thin across a large cast with the main ones getting development. Also, I
found Ika Musume to be painfully unfunny and boring outside of a few
scenes/characters. She's small and helpless... but she thinks she can
take over the world! It's hilarious! |